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Companion Volume

Compilation Author Index

WWW 2014 Companion Table of Contents

WWW 2015 General Chairs' Welcome
Aldo Gangemi (National Research Council)

Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza University of Rome)

Alessandro Panconesi (Sapienza University of Rome)

WWW 2015 Program Chairs' Welcome
Krishna Gummadi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)

Chengxiang Zhai (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

WWW 2015 Organization & Committees

WWW 2015 Program Committee Members

Posters LocWeb 2015 SWDM 2015
Demonstrations MSM 2015 TargetAd 2015
WebSci Track Papers & Posters MWA 2015 TempWeb 2015
IndustrialTtrack NewsWWW 2015 WDS4SC 2015
PhD Symposium OOEW 2015 WebET 2015
AW4CITY 2015 RDSM 2015 WebQuality 2015
BigScholar 2015 SAVESD 2015 WIC 2015
DAEN 2015 SIMPLEX 2015 WS-REST 2015
KET 2015 SocialNLP 2015 Tutorials
LiLE 2015 SOCM 2015 Workshop Summaries
LIME 2015  
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Welcome from WWW 2015 Poster Track Co-chairs & Program Committee (Page 1)
Flavio Chierichetti (Sapienza University of Rome)

Niloy Ganguly (IIT Kharagpur)

Alessandra Sala (Bell Laboratories)

Ads Keyword Rewriting Using Search Engine Results (Page 3)
Javad Azimi (Microsoft Inc.)

Adnan Alam (Microsoft Inc.)

Ruofei Zhang (Microsoft Inc.)

Abstractive Meeting Summarization Using Dependency Graph Fusion (Page 5)
Siddhartha Banerjee (The Pennsylvania State University)

Prasenjit Mitra (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Kazunari Sugiyama (National University of Singapore)

Towards Semantic Retrieval of Hashtags in Microblogs (Page 7)
Piyush Bansal (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)

Somay Jain (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)

Vasudeva Varma (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)

Modeling and Predicting Popularity Dynamics of Microblogs Using Self-Excited Hawkes Processes (Page 9)
Peng Bao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Hua-Wei Shen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Xiaolong Jin (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Xue-Qi Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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Evaluating User Targeting Policies: Simulation Based on Randomized Experiment Data (Page 11)
Joel Barajas (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Ram Akella (University of California, Berkeley)

Marius Holtan (AOL Research, Palo Alto)

A Comparison of Supervised Keyphrase Extraction Models (Page 13)
Florin Bulgarov (University of North Texas)

Cornelia Caragea (University of North Texas)

ControVol: Let yesterday's data catch up with today's application code (Page 15)
Thomas Cerqueus (Université de Lyon)

Eduardo Cunha de Almeida (Federal University of Paraná)

Dataset Descriptions for Optimizing Federated Querying (Page 17)
Angelos Charalambidis (Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications & NCSR)

Stasinos Konstantopoulos (Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications & NCSR)

Vangelis Karkaletsis (Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications & NCSR)

Online Learning to Rank: Absolute vs. Relative (Page 19)
Yiwei Chen (University College London)

Katja Hofmann (Microsoft Research)

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Mouse Clicks Can Recognize Web Page Visitors! (Page 21)
Daniela Chudá (Slovak University of Technology)

Peter Krátky (Slovak University of Technology)

Jozef Tvarožek (Slovak University of Technology)

Geo Data Annotator: A Web Framework for Collaborative Annotation of Geographical Datasets (Page 23)
Stefano Cresci (National Research Council)

Davide Gazzè (National Research Council)

Angelica Lo Duca (National Research Council)

Andrea Marchetti (National Research Council)

Maurizio Tesconi (National Research Council)

Online View Maintenance for Continuous Query Evaluation (Page 25)
Soheila Dehghanzadeh (INSIGHT, NUI Galway)

Daniele Dell'Aglio (Politecnico di Milano)

Shen Gao (University of Zurich)

Emanuele Della Valle (Politecnico di Milano)

Alessandra Mileo (INSIGHT, NUI Galway)

Abraham Bernstein (University of Zurich)

FedWeb Greatest Hits: Presenting the New Test Collection for Federated Web Search (Page 27)
Thomas Demeester (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium)

Dolf Trieschnigg (University of Twente)

Ke Zhou (Yahoo Labs London)

Dong Nguyen (University of Twente)

Djoerd Hiemstra (University of Twente)

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Hate Speech Detection with Comment Embeddings (Page 29)
Nemanja Djuric (Yahoo Labs)

Jing Zhou (Yahoo Labs)

Robin Morris (Yahoo Labs)

Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs)

Vladan Radosavljevic (Yahoo Labs)

Narayan Bhamidipati (Yahoo Labs)

What's Hot in the Theme: Query Dependent Emerging Topic Extraction from Social Streams (Page 31)
Yuki Endo (NTT Corporation)

Hiroyuki Toda (NTT Corporation)

Yoshimasa Koike (NTT Corporation)

Fast Search for Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Processes (Page 33)
Weiwei Feng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Peng Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Chuan Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Peng Zhang (University of Technology, Sydney & Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

ASIM: A Scalable Algorithm for Influence Maximization under the Independent Cascade Model (Page 35)
Sainyam Galhotra (Xerox Research Centre India)

Akhil Arora (Xerox Research Centre India)

Srinivas Virinchi (Xerox Research Centre India)

Shourya Roy (Xerox Research Centre India)

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Search Retargeting using Directed Query Embeddings (Page 37)
Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs)

Nemanja Djuric (Yahoo Labs)

Vladan Radosavljevic (Yahoo Labs)

Narayan Bhamidipati (Yahoo Labs)

Identifying Successful Investors in the Startup Ecosystem (Page 39)
Srishti Gupta (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Robert Pienta (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Acar Tamersoy (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Duen Horng Chau (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Rahul C. Basole (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Towards Serving "Delicious" Information within Its Freshness Date (Page 41)
Hao Han (Kanagawa University)

Junxia Guo (Beijing University of Chemical Technology)

Takashi Nakayama (Kanagawa University)

Keizo Oyama (National Institute of Informatics & SOKENDAI)

FluTCHA: Using Fluency to Distinguish Humans from Computers (Page 43)
Kotaro Hara (University of Maryland)

Mohammad T. Hajiaghayi (University of Maryland)

Benjamin B. Bederson (University of Maryland)

Online Event Recommendation for Event-based Social Networks (Page 45)
Xiancai Ji (Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Mingze Xu (Shandong University)

Peng Zhang (University of Technology, Sydney & Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Chuan Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Zhi Qiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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Entity-driven Type Hierarchy Construction for Freebase (Page 47)
Jyun-Yu Jiang (National Taiwan University)

Chin-Yew Lin (Microsoft Research Asia)

Pu-Jen Cheng (National Taiwan University)

Multi-Aspect Collaborative Filtering Based on Linked Data for Personalized Recommendation (Page 49)
Han-Gyu Ko (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Joo-Sik Son (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

In-Young Ko (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Extracting Taxonomies from Bipartite Graphs (Page 51)
Tobias Kötter (Carnegie Mellon University)

Stephan Günnemann (Carnegie Mellon University)

Michael R. Berthold (University of Konstanz)

Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Mellon University)

Tweet-Recommender: Finding Relevant Tweets for News Articles (Page 53)
Ralf Krestel (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Thomas Werkmeister (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Timur Pratama Wiradarma (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Gjergji Kasneci (Schufa Holding AG)

Temporality in Online Food Recipe Consumption and Production (Page 55)
Tomasz Kusmierczyk (NTNU)

Christoph Trattner (NTNU)

Kjetil Nørvåg (NTNU)

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Finding the Differences between the Perceptions of Experts and the Public in the Field of Diabetes (Page 57)
Dahee Lee (Yonsei University)

Won Chul Kim (Yonsei University)

Min Song (Yonsei University)

A Graph-Based Recommendation Framework for Price-Comparison Services (Page 59)
Sang-Chul Lee (Carnegie Mellon University)

Sang-Wook Kim (Hanyang University)

Sunju Park (Yonsei University)

A Descriptive Analysis of A Large-Scale Collection of App Management Activities (Page 61)
Huoran Li (Peking University)

Wei Ai (University of Michigan)

Xuanzhe Liu (Peking University)

Qiaozhu Mei (University of Michigan)

Feng Feng (Wandoujia Lab)

Feature Selection for Sentiment Classification Using Matrix Factorization (Page 63)
Jiguang Liang (Chinese Academy of Science)

Xiaofei Zhou (Chinese Academy of Science)

Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Science)

Shuo Bai (Chinese Academy of Science & Shanghai Stock Exchange)

Inferring and Exploiting Categories for Next Location Prediction (Page 65)
Ankita Likhyani (IIITD-Delhi)

Deepak Padmanabhan (IBM-Research, India)

Srikanta Bedathur (IBM-Research, India)

Sameep Mehta (IBM-Research, India)

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A Word Vector and Matrix Factorization Based Method for Opinion Lexicon Extraction (Page 67)
Zheng Lin (Chinese Academy of Science)

Weiping Wang (Chinese Academy of Science)

Xiaolong Jin (Chinese Academy of Science)

Jiguang Liang (Chinese Academy of Science)

Dan Meng (Chinese Academy of Science)

Collaborative Datasets Retrieval for Interlinking on Web of Data (Page 69)
HaiChi Liu (National University of Defense Technology)

JinTao Tang (National University of Defense Technology, China)

Dengping Wei (National University of Defense Technology)

Peilei Liu (National University of Defense Technology)

Hong Ning (National University of Defense Technology)

Ting Wang (National University of Defense Technology)

Contextual Query Intent Extraction for Paid Search Selection (Page 71)
Pengqi Liu (Microsoft Inc.)

Javad Azimi (Microsoft Inc.)

Ruofei Zhang (Microsoft Inc.)

Towards Hierarchies of Search Tasks & Subtasks (Page 73)
Rishabh Mehrotra (University College London)

Emine Yilmaz (University College London)

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On Topology of Baidu's Association Graph Based on General Recommendation Engine and Users' Behavior (Page 75)
Cong Men (Baidu Inc.)

Wanwan Tang (Baidu Inc.)

Po Zhang (Baidu Inc.)

Junqi Hou (Baidu Inc.)

Join Size Estimation on Boolean Tensors of RDF Data (Page 77)
Saskia Metzler (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)

Pauli Miettinen (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)

Navigation Leads Selection Considering Navigational Value of Keywords (Page 79)
Robert Moro (Slovak University of Technology)

Maria Bielikova (Slovak University of Technology)

A Recommender System for Connecting Patients to the Right Doctors in the HealthNet Social Network (Page 81)
Fedelucio Narducci (University of Bari Aldo Moro & Murex CS srl)

Cataldo Musto (University of Bari Aldo Moro & Murex CS srl)

Marco Polignano (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Marco de Gemmis (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Pasquale Lops (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Giovanni Semeraro (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

The Importance of Pronouns to Sentiment Analysis: Online Cancer Survivor Network Case Study (Page 83)
Nir Ofek (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Cornelia Caragea (University of North Texas)

John Yen (The Pennsylvania State University)

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A Semantic Hybrid Approach for Sound Recommendation (Page 85)
Vito Claudio Ostuni (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Sergio Oramas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Tommaso Di Noia (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Xavier Serra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Eugenio Di Sciascio (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Exploring Communities for Effective Location Prediction (Page 87)
Jun Pang (University of Luxembourg)

Yang Zhang (University of Luxembourg)

Investigating Factors Affecting Personal Data Disclosure (Page 89)
Christos Perentis (Telecom Italia - SKIL & FBK)

Michele Vescovi (Telecom Italia - SKIL)

Bruno Lepri (FBK)

Exact Age Prediction in Social Networks (Page 91)
Bryan Perozzi (Stony Brook University)

Steven Skiena (Stony Brook University)

Aligning Multi-Cultural Knowledge Taxonomies by Combinatorial Optimization (Page 93)
Natalia Prytkova (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)

Marc Spaniol (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie)

Gerhard Weikum (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)

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Exploring Heterogeneity for Multi-Domain Recommendation with Decisive Factors Selection (Page 95)
Shuang Qiu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Jian Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Xi Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Hanqing Lu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Crossing the Boundaries of Communities via Limited Link Injection for Information Diffusion in Social Networks (Page 97)
Dimitrios Rafailidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Alexandros Nanopoulos (Catholic University of Eichstät-Ingolstadt)

Repeat Consumption Recommendation Based on Users Preference Dynamics and Side Information (Page 99)
Dimitrios Rafailidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Alexandros Nanopoulos (Catholic University of Eichstät-Ingolstadt)

Spread It Good, Spread It Fast: Identification of Influential Nodes in Social Networks (Page 101)
Maria-Evgenia G. Rossi (Ecole Polytechnique)

Fragkiskos D. Malliaros (Ecole Polytechnique)

Michalis Vazirgiannis (Ecole Polytechnique)

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Probabilistic Deduplication of Anonymous Web Traffic (Page 103)
Rishiraj Saha Roy (Adobe Research)

Ritwik Sinha (Adobe Research)

Niyati Chhaya (Adobe Research)

Shiv Saini (Adobe Research)

Pushing the Limits of Instance Matching Systems: A Semantics-Aware Benchmark for Linked Data (Page 105)
Tzanina Saveta (ICS - FORTH)

Evangelia Daskalaki (ICS - FORTH)

Giorgos Flouris (ICS - FORTH)

Irini Fundulaki (ICS - FORTH)

Melanie Herschel (University of Stuttgart)

Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo (University of Leipzig)

Propagating Expiration Decisions in a Search Engine Result Cache (Page 107)
Fethi Burak Sazoglu (Bilkent University)

Ismail Sengor Altingovde (Middle East Technical University)

Rifat Ozcan (Turgut Ozal University)

Berkant Barla Cambazoglu (Yahoo Labs)

Özgür Ulusoy (Bilkent University)

Semantics-Driven Implicit Aspect Detection in Consumer Reviews (Page 109)
Kim Schouten (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Nienke de Boer (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Tjian Lam (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Marijtje van Leeuwen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Ruud van Luijk (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Flavius Frasincar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

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AutoRec: Autoencoders Meet Collaborative Filtering (Page 111)
Suvash Sedhain (NICTA & The Australian National University)

Aditya Krishna Menon (NICTA & The Australian National University)

Scott Sanner (NICTA & The Australian National University)

Lexing Xie (Australian National University & NICTA)

Generating Quiz Questions from Knowledge Graphs (Page 113)
Dominic Seyler (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Mohamed Yahya (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Klaus Berberich (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Measuring and Characterizing Nutritional Information of Food and Ingestion Content in Instagram (Page 115)
Sanket S. Sharma (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Munmun De Choudhury (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Helping Users Understand Their Web Footprints (Page 117)
Lisa Singh (Georgetown University)

Hui Yang (Georgetown University)

Micah Sherr (Georgetown University)

Yifang Wei (Georgetown University)

Andrew Hian-Cheong (Georgetown University)

Kevin Tian (Georgetown University)

Janet Zhu (Georgetown University)

Sicong Zhang (Georgetown University)

Tavish Vaidya (Georgetown University)

Elchin Asgarli (Georgetown University)

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Detecting Concept-Level Emotion Cause in Microblogging (Page 119)
Shuangyong Song (Fujitsu R&D Center Co., Ltd.)

Yao Meng (Fujitsu R&D Center Co., Ltd.)

Topical Word Importance for Fast Keyphrase Extraction (Page 121)
Lucas Sterckx (Ghent University)

Thomas Demeester (Ghent University)

Johannes Deleu (Ghent University)

Chris Develder (Ghent University)

When Topic Models Disagree: Keyphrase Extraction with Multiple Topic Models (Page 123)
Lucas Sterckx (Ghent University)

Thomas Demeester (Ghent University)

Johannes Deleu (Ghent University)

Chris Develder (Ghent University)

Modeling User Activities on the Web Using Paragraph Vector (Page 125)
Yukihiro Tagami (Yahoo Japan Corporation)

Hayato Kobayashi (Yahoo Japan Corporation)

Shingo Ono (Yahoo Japan Corporation)

Akira Tajima (Yahoo Japan Corporation)

Lights, Camera, Action: Knowledge Extraction from Movie Scripts (Page 127)
Niket Tandon (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Gerard de Melo (Tsinghua University)

Abir De (IIT Kharagpur)

Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

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Assessing the Reliability of Facebook User Profiling (Page 129)
Thomas Theodoridis (Information Technologies Institute & Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)

Symeon Papadopoulos (Information Technologies Institute & Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)

Yiannis Kompatsiaris (Information Technologies Institute & Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)

Modelling Time-aware Search Tasks for Search Personalisation (Page 131)
Thanh Vu (The Open University)

Alistair Willis (The Open University)

Dawei Song (The Open University)

Rethink Targeting: Detect 'Smart Cheating' in Online Advertising Through Causal Inference (Page 133)
Pengyuan Wang (Yahoo Labs)

Dawei Yin (Yahoo Labs)

Marsha Meytlis (The Weather Channel)

Jian Yang (Yahoo Labs)

Yi Chang (Yahoo Labs)

Questions vs. Queries in Informational Search Tasks (Page 135)
Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)

Matthew Richardson (Microsoft Research)

Wen-tau Yih (Microsoft Research)

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Why Do You Follow Him? Multilinear Analysis on Twitter (Page 137)
Yuto Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba)

Mitsuo Yoshida (Toyohashi University of Technology)

Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie Mellon University)

Hiroyuki Kitagawa (University of Tsukuba)

Topic-aware Social Influence Minimization (Page 139)
Qipeng Yao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Chuan Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Ruisheng Shi (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

Peng Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Topic-aware Source Locating in Social Networks (Page 141)
Wenyu Zang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Peng Zhang (University of Technology, Sydney & Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Chuan Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Li Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Towards Entity Correctness, Completeness and Emergence for Entity Recognition (Page 143)
Lei Zhang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Yunpeng Dong (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Achim Rettinger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Identifying Regrettable Messages from Tweets (Page 145)
Lu Zhou (Wright State University)

Wenbo Wang (Wright State University)

Keke Chen (Wright State University)

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WWW 2015 Demo Track Chairs' Welcome & Demo Track Organization (Page 147)
NIshanth Sastry (King's College, London)

Wagner Meira Jr. (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Who Are the American Vegans Related to Brad Pitt? Exploring Related Entities (Page 151)
Nitish Aggarwal (National University of Ireland)

Kartik Asooja (National University of Ireland)

Housam Ziad (National University of Ireland)

Paul Buitelaar (National University of Ireland)

TeMex: The Web Template Extractor (Page 155)
Julián Alarte (Universitat Politècnica de València)

David Insa (Universitat Politècnica de València)

Josep Silva (Universitat Politècnica de València)

Salvador Tamarit (Universitat Politècnica de Madrid)

Roomba: Automatic Validation, Correction and Generation of Dataset Metadata: Enhancing Dataset Search and Spam Detection (Page 159)
Ahmad Assaf (EURECOM & SAP Labs)

Aline Senart (SAP Labs)

Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM)

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AutoTag 'n Search My Photos: Leveraging the Social Graph for Photo Tagging (Page 163)
Shobana Balakrishnan (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

Vivek Narasayya (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

Two New Gestures to Zoom: Enhancing Online Maps Services (Page 167)
Alessio Bellino (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Champagne: A Web Tool for the Execution of Crowdsourcing Campaigns (Page 171)
Carlo Bernaschina (Politecnico di Milano)

Ilio Catallo (Politecnico di Milano)

Piero Fraternali (Politecnico di Milano)

Davide Martinenghi (Politecnico di Milano)

Marco Tagliasacchi (Politecnico di Milano)

Social Glass: A Platform for Urban Analytics and Decision-Making Through Heterogeneous Social Data (Page 175)
Stefano Bocconi (Delft University of Technology)

Alessandro Bozzon (Delft University of Technology)

Achilleas Psyllidis (Delft University of Technology)

Christiaan Titos Bolivar (Delft University of Technology)

Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology)

Browser Record and Replay as a Building Block for End-User Web Automation Tools (Page 179)
Sarah Chasins (University of California, Berkeley)

Shaon Barman (University of California, Berkeley)

Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft Research)

Rastislav Bodik (University of California, Berkeley)

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DiagramFlyer: A Search Engine for Data-Driven Diagrams (Page 183)
Zhe Chen (University of Michigan)

Michael Cafarella (University of Michigan)

Eytan Adar (University of Michigan)

Smith Search: Opinion-Based Restaurant Search Engine (Page 187)
Jaehoon Choi (Opinion8, Inc.)

Donghyeon Kim (Opinion8, Inc.)

Donghee Choi (Opinion8, Inc.)

Sangrak Lim (Korea University)

Seongsoon Kim (Korea University)

Youngjae Choi (Tgrape, Ltd.)

Jaewoo Kang (Korea University)

whoVIS: Visualizing Editor Interactions and Dynamics in Collaborative Writing Over Time (Page 191)
Fabian Flöck (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

Maribel Acosta (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

VizCurator: A Visual Tool for Curating Open Data (Page 195)
Bahar Ghadiri Bashardoost (University of Toronto)

Christina Christodoulakis (University of Toronto)

Soheil Hassas Yeganeh (University of Toronto)

Oktie Hassanzadeh (IBM Research)

Renée J. Miller (University of Toronto)

Kelly Lyons (University of Toronto)

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queryCategorizr: A Large-Scale Semi-Supervised System for Categorization of Web Search Queries (Page 199)
Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs)

Nemanja Djuric (Yahoo Labs)

Vladan Radosavljevic (Yahoo Labs)

Narayan Bhamidipati (Yahoo Labs)

Jordan Hawker (Yahoo, Inc.)

Caleb Johnson (Yahoo, Inc.)

DIVINA: Discovering Vulnerabilities of Internet Accounts (Page 203)
Ziad Ismail (Télécom ParisTech)

Danai Symeonidou (Télécom ParisTech)

Fabian Suchanek (Télécom ParisTech)

SmartComposition: Enhanced Web Components for a Better Future of Web Development (Page 207)
Michael Krug (Technische Universität Chemnitz)

Martin Gaedke (Technische Universität Chemnitz)

Ajax API Self-adaptive Framework for End-to-End User (Page 211)
Xiang Li (Tianjin University)

Zhiyong Feng (Tianjin University)

Keman Huang (Tianjin University)

Shizhan Chen (Tianjin University)

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GalaxyExplorer: Influence-Driven Visual Exploration of Context-Specific Social Media Interactions (Page 215)
Xiaotong Liu (The Ohio State University)

Srinivasan Parthasarathy (The Ohio State University)

Han-Wei Shen (The Ohio State University)

Yifan Hu (Yahoo Labs)

CubeViz - Exploration and Visualization of Statistical Linked Data (Page 219)
Michael Martin (University of Leipzig)

Konrad Abicht (University of Leipzig)

Claus Stadler (University of Leipzig)

Sören Auer (University of Bonn)

Axel-C. Ngonga Ngomo (University of Leipzig)

Tommaso Soru (University of Leipzig)

EXPOSÉ: Exploring Past News for Seminal Events (Page 223)
Arunav Mishra (Max Planck Institut für Informatik)

Klaus Berberich (Max Planck Institut für Informatik)

A Serious Game Powered by Semantic Web Technologies (Page 227)
Bernardo Pereira Nunes (PUC-Rio)

Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller (Oxford University)

Giseli Rabello Lopes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Chiara Renso (ISTI-CNR)

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Geosocial Search: Finding Places based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts (Page 231)
Barak Pat (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

Yaron Kanza (Cornell University)

Mor Naaman (Cornell University)

Extracting Knowledge from text using SHELDON, a Semantic Holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data (Page 235)
Diego Reforgiato Recupero (National Research Council)

Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese (National Research Council)

Sergio Consoli (National Research Council)

Valentina Presutti (National Research Council)

Silvio Peroni (University of Bologna)

Misael Mongiovì (National Research Council)

Cloud WorkBench: Benchmarking IaaS Providers based on Infrastructure-as-Code (Page 239)
Joel Scheuner (University of Zurich)

Jürgen Cito (University of Zurich)

Philipp Leitner (University of Zurich)

Harald Gall (University of Zurich)

An Overview of Microsoft Academic Service (MAS) and Applications (Page 243)
Arnab Sinha (Microsoft Research)

Zhihong Shen (Microsoft Research)

Yang Song (Microsoft Research)

Hao Ma (Microsoft Research)

Darrin Eide (Microsoft Research)

Bo-june (Paul) Hsu (Microsoft Research)

Kuansan Wang (Microsoft Research)

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Time-travel Translator: Automatically Contextualizing News Articles (Page 247)
Nam Khanh Tran (L3S Research Center)

Andrea Ceroni (L3S Research Center)

Nattiya Kanhabua (L3S Research Center)

Claudia Niederée (L3S Research Center)

Kvasir: Seamless Integration of Latent Semantic Analysis-Based Content Provision into Web Browsing (Page 251)
Liang Wang (University of Helsinki)

Sotiris Tasoulis (University of Helsinki)

Teemu Roos (University of Helsinki)

Jussi Kangasharju (University of Helsinki)

SemMobi: A Semantic Annotation System for Mobility Data (Page 255)
Fei Wu (Pennsylvania State University)

Hongjian Wang (Pennsylvania State University)

Zhenhui Li (Pennsylvania State University)

Wang-Chien Lee (Pennsylvania State University)

Zhuojie Huang (Pennsylvania State University)

Towards an Interactive Keyword Search over Relational Databases (Page 259)
Zhong Zeng (National University of Singapore)

Zhifeng Bao (RMIT University)

Mong Li Lee (National University of Singapore)

Tok Wang Ling (National University of Singapore)

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WebSci Track Papers & Posters

WWW'15 Web Science Track Chairs' Welcome (Page 263)
Lora Aroyo (VU University Amsterdam)

Dame Wendy Hall (University of Southampton)

Brooke Foucault Welles (Northeastern University)

Jim Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

A Study of Distinctiveness in Web Results of Two Search Engines (Page 267)
Rakesh Agrawal (Data Insights Laboratories)

Behzad Golshan (Boston University)

Evangelos Papalexakis (Carnegie Mellon University)

Correlation of Node Importance Measures: An Empirical Study through Graph Robustness (Page 275)
Mirza Basim Baig (Stony Brook University)

Leman Akoglu (Stony Brook University)

Investigating Similarity Between Privacy Policies of Social Networking Sites as a Precursor for Standardization (Page 283)
Emma Cradock (University of Southampton)

David Millard (University of Southampton)

Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon (University of Southampton)

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TopChurn: Maximum Entropy Churn Prediction Using Topic Models Over Heterogeneous Signals (Page 291)
Manirupa Das (The Ohio State University)

Micha Elsner (The Ohio State University)

Arnab Nandi (The Ohio State University)

Rajiv Ramnath (The Ohio State University)

Deep Feelings: A Massive Cross-Lingual Study on the Relation Between Emotions and Virality (Page 299)
Marco Guerini (Trento Rise, Italy)

Jacopo Staiano (UPMC - Sorbonne Universités & FBK MobS Lab)

User Behavior Characterization of a Large-Scale Mobile Live Streaming System (Page 307)
Zhenyu Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Mohamed Ali Kaafar (National ICT)

Kavé Salamatian (Université de Savoie)

Gaogang Xie (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Identity Management and Mental Health Discourse in Social Media (Page 315)
Umashanthi Pavalanathan (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Munmun De Choudhury (Georgia Institute of Technology)

"Roles for the Boys?" Mining Cast Lists for Gender and Role Distributions over Time (Page 323)
Will Radford (Xerox Research Centre Europe)

Matthias Gallé (Xerox Research Centre Europe)

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Improving Productivity in Citizen Science through Controlled Intervention (Page 331)
Avi Segal (Ben-Gurion University)

Robert J. Simpson (University of Oxford)

Ya'akov (Kobi) Gal (Ben-Gurion University)

Victoria Homsy (University of Oxford)

Mark Hartswood (University of Oxford)

Kevin R. Page (University of Oxford)

Marina Jirotka (University of Oxford)

Attention Please! A Hybrid Resource Recommender Mimicking Attention-Interpretation Dynamics (Page 339)
Paul Seitlinger (Graz University of Technology)

Dominik Kowald (Graz University of Technology)

Simone Kopeinik (Graz University of Technology)

Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi (Graz University of Technology)

Tobias Ley (Tallinn University)

Elisabeth Lex (Graz University of Technology)

Crowdsourcing the Annotation of Rumourous Conversations in Social Media (Page 347)
Arkaitz Zubiaga (University of Warwick)

Maria Liakata (University of Warwick)

Rob Procter (University of Warwick)

Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield)

Peter Tolmie (University of Warwick)

Viral Misinformation: The Role of Homophily and Polarization (Page 355)
Alessandro Bessi (IUSS Pavia)

Fabio Petroni (Sapienza University)

Michela Del Vicario (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca)

Fabiana Zollo (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca)

Aris Anagnostopoulos (Sapienza University)

Antonio Scala (ISC-CNR)

Guido Caldarelli (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca)

Walter Quattrociocchi (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca)

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Modelling Question Selection Behaviour in Online Communities (Page 357)
Grégoire Burel (Open University)

Paul Mulholland (Open University)

Yulan He (Aston University)

Harith Alani (The Open University)

Linked Ethnographic Data: From Theory to Practice (Page 359)
Dominic DiFranzo (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Marie Joan Kristine Gloria (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

James Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Social Networking by Proxy: Analysis of Dogster, Catster and Hamsterster (Page 361)
Daniel Dünker (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Jérôme Kunegis (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Web as Corpus Supporting Natural Language Generation for Online River Information Communication (Page 363)
Xiwu Han (University of Aberdeen)

Antonio A. R. Ioris (University of Edinburgh)

Chenghua Lin (University of Aberdeen)

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Modeling the Evolution of User-Generated Content on a Large Video Sharing Platform (Page 365)
Rishabh Mehrotra (University College London)

Prasanta Bhattacharya (National University of Singapore)

Remix in 3D Printing: What Your Sources Say about You (Page 367)
Spiros Papadimitriou (Rutgers University)

Evangelos Papalexakis (Carnegie Mellon University)

Bin Liu (Rutgers University)

Hui Xiong (Rutgers University)

Using WikiProjects to Measure the Health of Wikipedia (Page 369)
Ramine Tinati (University of Southampton)

Markus Luczak-Roesch (University of Southampton)

Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

Wendy Hall (University of Southampton)

Self Curation, Social Partitioning, Escaping from Prejudice and Harassment: The Many Dimensions of Lying Online (Page 371)
Max Van Kleek (University of Southampton)

Daniel A. Smith (University of Southampton)

Nigel R. Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

Dave Murray-Rust (University of Edinburgh)

Amy Guy (University of Edinburgh)

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Industrial Track

Industry Track Welcome (Page 373)
Evelyne Viegas (Microsoft Research)

Chris Welty (Google Research)

Constrained Optimization for Homepage Relevance (Page 375)
Deepak Agarwal (LinkedIn)

Shaunak Chatterjee (LinkedIn)

Yang Yang (LinkedIn)

Liang Zhang (LinkedIn)

The World Conversation: Web Page Metadata Generation from Social Sources (Page 385)
Omar Alonso (Microsoft)

Sushma Bannur (Facebook)

Kartikay Khandelwal (Microsoft)

Shankar Kalyanaraman (Facebook)

Got Many Labels? Deriving Topic Labels from Multiple Sources for Social Media Posts Using Crowdsourcing and Ensemble Learning (Page 397)
Shuo Chang (University of Minnesota)

Peng Dai (Google Research)

Jilin Chen (Google Research)

Ed H. Chi (Google Research)

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Question Classification by Approximating Semantics (Page 407)
Guangyu Feng (University of Waterloo)

Kun Xiong (University of Waterloo)

Yang Tang (University of Waterloo)

Anqi Cui (University of Waterloo)

Jing Bai (Microsoft)

Hang Li (Huawei Technologies)

Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Ming Li (University of Waterloo)

Leveraging Careful Microblog Users for Spammer Detection (Page 419)
Hao Fu (University of Science and Technology of China)

Xing Xie (Microsoft Research)

Yong Rui (Microsoft Research)

Topological Properties and Temporal Dynamics of Place Networks in Urban Environments (Page 431)
Anastasios Noulas (University of Cambridge)

Blake Shaw (Foursquare)

Renaud Lambiotte (University of Namur)

Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge)

Synonym Discovery for Structured Entities on Heterogeneous Graphs (Page 443)
Xiang Ren (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Tao Cheng (Microsoft Research)

Temporal Multi-View Inconsistency Detection for Network Traffic Analysis (Page 455)
Houping Xiao (SUNY at Buffalo)

Jing Gao (SUNY at Buffalo)

Deepak S. Turaga (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Long H. Vu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Alain Biem (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

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PhD Symposium

WWW'15 PhD Symposium Chairs' Welcome (Page 467)
Oana Goga (MPI-SWS)

Anirban Dasgupta (IIT Gandhinagar)

A Hybrid Approach to Perform Efficient and Effective Query Execution Against Public SPARQL Endpoints (Page 469)
Maribel Acosta (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

A Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Campaigns (Page 475)
Majid Ali AlShehry (Masdar Institute)

Bruce Walker Ferguson (Masdar Institute)

Discovering Credible Events in Near Real Time from Social Media Streams (Page 481)
Cody Buntain (University of Maryland)

Ontology Search: Finding the Right Ontologies on the Web (Page 487)
Anila Sahar Butt (The Australian National University)

Make Hay While the Crowd Shines: Towards Efficient Crowdsourcing on the Web (Page 493)
Ujwal Gadiraju (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Mining Scholarly Communication and Interaction on the Social Web (Page 499)
Asmelash Teka Hadgu (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Modeling Cognitive Processes in Social Tagging to Improve Tag Recommendations (Page 505)
Dominik Kowald (Graz University of Technology)

Social Media as Firm's Network and Its Influence on the Corporate Performance (Page 511)
Jeongwoo Oh (ESCP Europe)

A Hybrid Framework for Online Execution of Linked Data Queries (Page 515)
Mohamed M. Sabri (University of Waterloo)

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AW4CITY 2015

AW4City'15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 521)
Leonidas Anthopoulos (Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly)

Marijn Janssen (Delft University of Technology)

Vishanth Weerakkody (Brunel University London)

Comparing Smart Cities with Different Modeling Approaches (Page 525)
Leonidas Anthopoulos (Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly)

Marijn Janssen (Delft University of Technology)

Weerakkody Vishanth (Brunel University London Uxbridge)

Understanding Smart City Business Models: A Comparison (Page 529)
Leonidas G. Anthopoulos (Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly)

Panos Fitsilis (Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly)

An Urban Fault Reporting and Management Platform for Smart Cities (Page 535)
Sergio Consoli (National Research Council)

Diego Reforgiato Recupero (National Research Council)

Misael Mongiovì (National Research Council)

Valentina Presutti (National Research Council)

Gianni Cataldi (Etna Hitech)

Wladimiro Patatu (Etna Hitech, Catania, Italy)

Supporting the Development of Smart Cities Using a Use Case Methodology (Page 541)
Marion Gottschalk (OFFIS - Institute for Information Systems)

Mathias Uslar (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology)

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Innovative IoT-Aware Services for a Smart Museum (Page 547)
Vincenzo Mighali (University of Salento)

Giuseppe Del Fiore (University of Salento)

Luigi Patrono (University of Salento)

Luca Mainetti (University of Salento)

Stefano Alletto (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Giuseppe Serra (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Design of Interactional End-to-End Web Applications for Smart Cities (Page 551)
Erich Ortner (TECHNUM, Germany)

Marco Mevius (HTWG Konstanz)

Peter Wiedmann (AXON IVY AG)

Florian Kurz (HTWG Konstanz)

Smart Cities Governance Informatability? Let's First understand the atoms (Page 557)
Alois Paulin (Vienna University of Technology)

Towards Personalized Smart City Guide Services in Future Internet Environments (Page 563)
Robert Seeliger (Fraunhofer Fokus)

Christopher Krauss (Fraunhofer Fokus)

Annette Wilson (Rundfunc Berlin- Brandenburg)

Miggi Zwicklbauer (Fraunhofer Fokus)

Stefan Arbanowski (Fraunhofer Fokus)

A Universal Design Infrastructure for Multimodal Presentation of Materials in Stem Programs (Page 569)
Leyla Zhuhadar (Western Kentucky University)

Bryan Carson (Western Kentucky University)

Jerry Daday (Western Kentucky University)

Olfa Nasraoui (University of Louisville)

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BigScholar 2015

BigScholar '15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 575)
Feng Xia (Dalian University of Technology)

Huan Liu (Arizona State University)

Irwin King (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The Knowledge Web Meets Big Scholars (Page 577)
Kuansan Wang (Microsoft Research)

AVER: Random Walk Based Academic Venue Recommendation (Page 579)
Zhen Chen (Dalian University of Technology)

Feng Xia (Dalian University of Technology)

Huizhen Jiang (Dalian University of Technology)

Haifeng Liu (Dalian University of Technology)

Jun Zhang (Dalian University of Technology)

Discovering the Rise and Fall of Software Engineering Ideas from Scholarly Publication Data (Page 585)
Subhajit Datta (Singapore University of Technology & Design)

Santonu Sarkar (BITS Pilani Goa Campus)

A.S.M. Sajeev (Melbourne Institute of Technology)

Nishant Kumar (Dartmouth College)

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Science Navigation Map: An Interactive Data Mining Tool for Literature Analysis (Page 591)
Yu Liu (Dalian University of Technology)

Zhen Huang (Dalian University of Technology)

Yizhou Yan (Dalian University of Technology)

Yufeng Chen (Dalian University of Technology)

Big Scholarly Data in CiteSeerX: Information Extraction from the Web (Page 597)
Alexander G. Ororbia II (The Pennsylvania State University)

Jian Wu (The Pennsylvania State University)

Madian Khabsa (The Pennsylvania State University)

Kyle WIlliams (The Pennsylvania State University)

Clyde Lee Giles (The Pennsylvania State University)

Using Reference Groups to Assess Academic Productivity in Computer Science (Page 603)
Sabir Ribas (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & Google Inc.)

Edmundo de Souza e Silva (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Alberto Ueda (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Nivio Ziviani (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Modeling and Analysis of Scholar Mobility on Scientific Landscape (Page 609)
Qiu Fang Ying (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Srinivasan Venkatramanan (Virginia Tech)

Dah Ming Chiu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

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DAEN 2015

DAEN '15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 615)
Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez (MPI for Software Systems)

Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The Dynamics of Micro-Task Crowdsourcing: The Case of Amazon MTurk (Page 617)
Djellel Eddine Difallah (University of Fribourg)

Michele Catasta (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

Gianluca Demartini (University of Sheffield)

Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis (New York University)

Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (University of Fribourg)

Co-evolutionary Dynamics of Information Diffusion and Network Structure (Page 619)
Mehrdad Farajtabar (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)

Yichen Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Shuang Li (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Microscopic Description and Prediction of Information Diffusion in Social Media: Quantifying the Impact of Topical Interests (Page 621)
Przemyslaw Grabowicz (MPI-SWS)

Niloy Ganguly (IIT Kharagpur)

Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS)

Scalable Methods for Adaptively Seeding a Social Network (Page 623)
Thibaut Horel (Harvard University)

Yaron Singer (Harvard University)

Inferring Graphs from Cascades: A Sparse Recovery Framework (Page 625)
Jean Pouget-Abadie (Harvard University)

Thibaut Horel (Harvard University)

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KET 2015

KET 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 627)
Estevam Hruschka (Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos)

Michael Witbrock (Cycorp Inc.)

Marko Grobelnik (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)

Blaz Fortuna (iMinds - Ghent University)

A Hitchhiker'S Guide to Ontology (Page 629)
Fabian M. Suchanek (Télécom ParisTech)

Isaac Bloomberg Meets Michael Bloomberg: Better Entity Disambiguation for the News (Page 631)
Luka Bradesko (Bloomberg L.P. & Jožef Stefan Institute)

Janez Starc (Bloomberg L.P. & Jožef Stefan Institute)

Stefano Pacifico (Bloomberg L.P.)

A Two-Iteration Clustering Method to Reveal Unique and Hidden Characteristics of Items Based on Text Reviews (Page 637)
Alon Dayan (University of Haifa)

Osnat Mokryn (University of Haifa)

Tsvi Kuflik (University of Haifa)

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Knowledge Obtention Combining Information Extraction Techniques with Linked Data (Page 643)
Ángel Luis Garrido (University of Zaragoza)

Pilar Blázquez (University of Zaragoza)

María G. Buey (University of Zaragoza)

Sergio Ilarri (University of Zaragoza)

Topic and Sentiment Unification Maximum Entropy Model for Online Review Analysis (Page 649)
Changlin Ma (Central China Normal University)

Meng Wang (Central China Normal University)

Xuewen Chen (Wayne State University)

Tree Kernel-based Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Considering both Modal Verb Phrases and Appositive Dependency Features (Page 655)
Changlin Ma (Central China Normal University)

Yong Zhang (Central China Normal University)

Maoyuan Zhang (Central China Normal University)

A Rule-Based Approach to Extracting Relations from Music Tidbits (Page 661)
Sergio Oramas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Mohamed Sordo (University of Miami)

Luis Espinosa-Anke (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

An Architecture for Information Extraction from Figures in Digital Libraries (Page 667)
Sagnik Ray Choudhury (The Pennsylvania State University)

C. Lee Giles (The Pennsylvania State University)

Semantic Construction Grammar: Bridging the NL / Logic Divide (Page 673)
Dave Schneider (Cycorp, Inc.)

Michael Witbrock (Cycorp, Inc.)

Linking Stanford Typed Dependencies to Support Text Analytics (Page 679)
Fouad Zablith (American University of Beirut)

Ibrahim H. Osman (American University of Beirut)

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LiLE 2015

Linked Learning 2015 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data & Workshop Organization (Page 685)
Stefan Dietze (Leibniz University Hannover)

Mathieu d'Aquin (The Open University)

Dragan Gasevic (Edinburgh University)

Eelco Herder (Leibniz University Hannover)

LRMI, Learning Resource Metadata on the Web (Page 687)
Phil Barker (Cetis, ICBL & Heriot-Watt University)

Lorna M. Campbell (Cetis)

TinCan2PROV: Exposing Interoperable Provenance of Learning Processes Through Experience API Logs (Page 689)
Tom De Nies (Ghent University)

Frank Salliau (Ghent University)

Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

Erik Mannens (Ghent University)

Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University)

ECOLE: Student Knowledge Assessment in the Education Process (Page 695)
Dmitry Mouromtsev (ITMO University)

Fedor Kozlov (ITMO University)

Liubov Kovriguina (ITMO University)

Olga Parkhimovich (ITMO University)

Linking a Community Platform to the Linked Open Data Cloud (Page 701)
Enayat Rajabi (University of Alcalá)

Ivana Marenzi (University of Hannover)

Towards Analysing the Scope and Coverage of Educational Linked Data on the Web (Page 705)
Davide Taibi (National Research Council)

Giovanni Fulantelli (National Research Council)

Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center)

Besnik Fetahu (L3S Research Center)

Interconnecting and Enriching Higher Education Programs Using Linked Data (Page 711)
Fouad Zablith (American University of Beirut)

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LIME 2015

LIME 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 717)
Lyndon Nixon (MODUL University)

Johan Oomen (Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision)

Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM)

From Script Idea to TV Rerun - The Idea of Linked Production Data in the Media Value Chain (Page 719)
Harald Sack (Hasso-Plattner-Institute)

Enabling Access to Linked Media with SPARQL-MM (Page 721)
Thomas Kurz (Salzburg Research, Austria)

Kai Schlegel (University of Passau)

Harald Kosch (University of Passau)

Defining and Evaluating Video Hyperlinking for Navigating Multimedia Archives (Page 727)
Roeland J. F. Ordelman (University of Twente & Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision)

Maria Eskevich (EURECOM)

Robin Aly (University of Twente)

Benoit Huet (EURECOM)

Gareth J.F. Jones (Dublin City University)

The TIB|AV Portal as a Future Linked Media Ecosystem (Page 733)
Paloma Marín Arraiza (German National Library of Science and Technology)

Sven Strobel (German National Library of Science and Technology)

MICO - Towards Contextual Media Analysis (Page 735)
Sergio Fernández (Salzburg Research)

Sebastian Schaffert (The Apache Software Foundation)

Thomas Kurz (Salzburg Research)

Automating Annotation of Media with Linked Data Workflows (Page 737)
Thomas Wilmering (Queen Mary University of London)

György Fazekas (Queen Mary University of London)

Simon Dixon (Queen Mary University of London)

Sean Bechhofer (University of Manchester)

Kevin Page (University of Oxford)

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LocWeb 2015

LocWeb 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 739)
Dirk Ahlers (NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Erik Wilde (Siemens Research)

Bruno Martins (University of Lisbon)

Chatty, Happy, and Smelly Maps (Page 741)
Daniele Quercia (University of Cambridge)

Verification of POI and Location Pairs via Weakly Labeled Web Data (Page 743)
Hsiu-Min Chuang (National Central University)

Chia-Hui Chang (National Central University)

Reconnecting Digital Publications to the Web Using Their Spatial Information (Page 749)
Ben De Meester (Ghent University)

Tom De Nies (Ghent University)

Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

Erik Mannens (Ghent University)

Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University)

The Role of Geographic Information in News Consumption (Page 755)
Gebrekirstos G. Gebremeskel (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI))

Arjen P. de Vries (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI))

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MSM 2015

6th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media - Behavioral Analytics in Social Media, Big Data and the Web (MSM 2015) - Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 769)
Martin Atzmueller (University of Kassel)

Alvin Chin (Microsoft)

Christoph Trattner (NTNU)

Are We Really Friends? Link Assessment in Social Networks Using Multiple Associated Interaction Networks (Page 771)
Mohammed Abufouda (University of Kaiserslautern)

Katharina A. Zweig (University of Kaiserslautern)

Using Context to Get Novel Recommendation in Internet Message Streams (Page 783)
Doina Alexandra Dumitrescu (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Simone Santini (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Determining Influential Users with Supervised Random Walks (Page 787)
Georgios Katsimpras (NCSR Demokritos)

Dimitrios Vogiatzis (NCSR Demokritos)

Georgios Paliouras (NCSR Demokritos)

Community Change Detection in Dynamic Networks in Noisy Environment (Page 793)
Sadamori Koujaku (Hokkaido University)

Mineichi Kudo (Hokkaido University)

Ichigaku Takigawa (Hokkaido University)

Hideyuki Imai (Hokkaido University)

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Locally Adaptive Density Ratio for Detecting Novelty in Twitter Streams (Page 799)
Yun-Qian Miao (University of Waterloo)

Ahmed K. Farahat (University of Waterloo)

Mohamed S. Kamel (University of Waterloo)

Short-Text Clustering Using Statistical Semantics (Page 805)
Sepideh Seifzadeh (University of Waterloo)

Ahmed K. Farahat (University of Waterloo)

Mohamed S. Kamel (University of Waterloo)

Fakhri Karray (University of Waterloo)

A Novel Agent-Based Rumor Spreading Model in Twitter (Page 811)
Emilio Serrano (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Carlos A. Iglesias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Mercedes Garijo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Popularity and Quality in Social News Aggregators: A Study of Reddit and Hacker News (Page 815)
Greg Stoddard (Northwestern University)

Modeling Information Diffusion in Social Media as Provenance with W3c PROV (Page 819)
Io Taxidou (University of Freiburg)

Tom De Nies (Ghent University)

Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

Peter M. Fischer (University of Freiburg)

Erik Mannens (Ghent University)

Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University)

Study on the Relationship Between Profile Images and User Behaviors on Twitter (Page 825)
Tomu Tominaga (Osaka University)

Yoshinori Hijikata (Osaka University)

PTHMM: Beyond Single Specific Behavior Prediction (Page 829)
Suncong Zheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Hongyun Bao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Guanhua Tian (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Yufang Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Bo Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Hongwei Hao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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MWA 2015

MWA 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 833)
Ben Steichen (University of British Columbia)

Nicola Ferro (University of Padua)

David Lewis (Trinity College Dublin)

Ed H. Chi (Google)

Multilingual Word Sense Induction to Improve Web Search Result Clustering (Page 835)
Lorenzo Albano (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Domenico Beneventano (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Sonia Bergamaschi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Document Categorization Using Multilingual Associative Networks Based on Wikipedia (Page 841)
Niels Bloom (Pagelink B.V.)

Mariët Theune (University of Twente)

Franciska De Jong (University of Twente)

Exceptional Texts on the Multilingual Web (Page 847)
Gavin Brelstaff (CRS4)

Francesca Chessa (University of Sassari)

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"Answer ka type kya he?" Learning to Classify Questions in Code-Mixed Language (Page 853)
Khyathi C. Raghavi (IIIT Hyderabad)

Manoj Chinnakotla (Microsoft)

Manish Shrivastava (IIIT Hyderabad)

A Comparative Study of Online Translation Services for Cross Language Information Retrieval (Page 859)
Ali Hosseinzadeh Vahid (Dublin City University)

Piyush Arora (Dublin City University)

Qun Liu (Dublin City University)

Gareth J. F. Jones (Dublin City University)

Understanding Multilingual Social Networks in Online Immigrant Communities (Page 865)
Evangelos Papalexakis (Carnegie Mellon University)

A. Seza Doğruöz (Tilburg University)

Exploring Current Accessibility Challenges in the Multilingual Web for Visually-Impaired Users (Page 871)
Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez (University of Geneva)

Online Searching in English as a Foreign Language (Page 875)
Gyöngyi Rózsa (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Anita Komlodi (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

Peng Chu (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

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NewsWWW 2015

NewsWWW 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 881)
Marko Grobelnik (Jožef Stefan Institute)

James Hodson (Bloomberg Labs)

Stefano Pacifico (Bloomberg Labs)

Evan Sandhaus (New York Times)

Supply and Demand: Propagation and Absorption of News (Page 883)
Anastassia Fedyk (Harvard Business School)

Scalable Preference Learning from Data Streams (Page 885)
Fabon Dzogang (University of Bristol)

Thomas Lansdall-Welfare (University of Bristol)

Saatviga Sudhahar (University of Bristol)

Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol)

Interpreting News Recommendation Models (Page 891)
Blaž Fortuna (Ghent University)

Pat Moore (Bloomberg L.P.)

Marko Grobelnik (Jožef Stefan Institute)

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Measuring Gender Bias in News Images (Page 893)
Sen Jia (University of Bristol)

Thomas Lansdall-Welfare (University of Bristol)

Nello Cristianini (University of Bristol)

Towards a Complete Event Type Taxonomy (Page 899)
Aljaž Košmerlj (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Evgenia Belyaeva (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Gregor Leban (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Blaž Fortuna (Ghent University - iMinds)

Marko Grobelnik (Jožef Stefan Institute)

The Computable News Project: Research in the Newsroom (Page 903)
Will Radford (Xerox Research Centre Europe)

Daniel Tse (University of Sydney)

Joel Nothman (University of Sydney)

Ben Hachey (University of Sydney)

George Wright (Fairfax Media)

James R. Curran (University of Sydney)

Will Cannings (University of Sydney)

Tim O'Keefe (University of Sydney)

Matt Honnibal (University of Sydney)

David Vadas (University of Sydney)

Candice Loxley (University of Sydney)

(Return to Top)

OOEW 2015

Workshop'15 OOEW Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 909)
Neha Gupta (Adobe)

Eunyee Koh (Adobe Research)

Lihong Li (Microsoft Research)

Adaptive Sequential Experimentation Techniques for A/B Testing and Model Tuning (Page 911)
Scott Clark (SigOpt)

Objective Bayesian Two Sample Hypothesis Testing for Online Controlled Experiments (Page 913)
Alex Deng (Microsoft)

Can I Take a Peek? Continuous Monitoring of Online A/B Tests (Page 915)
Ramesh Johari (Stanford University)

Online Search Evaluation with Interleaving (Page 917)
Filip Radlinski (Microsoft)

Offline Evaluation of Response Prediction in Online Advertising Auctions (Page 919)
Olivier Chapelle (Criteo)

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Objective Bayesian Two Sample Hypothesis Testing for Online Controlled Experiments (Page 923)
Alex Deng (Microsoft)

Counterfactual Estimation and Optimization of Click Metrics in Search Engines: A Case Study (Page 929)
Lihong Li (Microsoft Corp.)

Shunbao Chen (Microsoft Corp.)

Jim Kleban (Facebook Inc.)

Ankur Gupta (Microsoft Corp.)

Unbiased Ranking Evaluation on a Budget (Page 935)
Tobias Schnabel (Cornell University)

Adith Swaminathan (Cornell University)

Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)

Counterfactual Risk Minimization (Page 939)
Adith Swaminathan (Cornell University)

Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)

What Size Should a Mobile Ad Be? (Page 943)
Pengyuan Wang (Yahoo Labs)

Wei Sun (Purdue University)

Dawei Yin (Yahoo Labs)

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RDSM 2015

#RDSM 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 945)
Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield)

Maria Liakata (University of Warwick)

Rob Procter (University of Warwick)

Arno Scharl (MODUL University)

Discriminative Models for Predicting Deception Strategies (Page 947)
Scott Appling (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Erica Briscoe (Georgia Institute of Technology)

C. J. Hutto (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Assessment of Tweet Credibility with LDA Features (Page 953)
Jun Ito (NTT Corporation)

Hiroyuki Toda (NTT Corporation)

Yoshimasa Koike (NTT Corporation)

Jing Song (Hokkaido University)

Satoshi Oyama (Hokkaido University)

Visualization of Trustworthiness Graphs (Page 959)
Stephen Mayhew (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Dan Roth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

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Crowdsourced Rumour Identification During Emergencies (Page 965)
Richard McCreadie (University of Glasgow)

Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow)

Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)

Detecting Singleton Review Spammers Using Semantic Similarity (Page 971)
Vlad Sandulescu (Adform)

Martin Ester (Simon Fraser University)

Fact-Checking Effect on Viral Hoaxes: A Model of Misinformation Spread in Social Networks (Page 977)
Marcella Tambuscio (University of Turin)

Giancarlo Ruffo (Università di Torino)

Alessandro Flammini (Indiana University)

Filippo Menczer (Indiana University)

Real-Time News Certification System on Sina Weibo (Page 983)
Xing Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Juan Cao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Zhiwei Jin (Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Fei Xie (Xinhua News Agency)

Yu Su (Xinhua News Agency)

Junqiang Zhang (Institute of Computing Technology)

Dafeng Chu (Xinhua News Agency)

Xuehui Cao (Xinhua News Agency)

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SAVE-SD 2015

SAVE-SD'15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 989)
Francesco Osborne (KMi, The Open University)

Silvio Peroni (University of Bologna & National Research Council)

Jun Zhao (Lancaster University)

Increasing the Productivity of Scholarship: The Case for Knowledge Graphs (Page 993)
Paul Groth (Elsevier)

It Is Not What But Who You Know: A Time-Sensitive Collaboration Impact Measure of Researchers in Surrounding Communities (Page 995)
Luigi Di Caro (University of Torino)

Mario Cataldi (Université Paris 8)

Myriam Lamolle (Université Paris 8)

Claudio Schifanella (RAI Research Centre)

Exploring Bibliographies for Research-Related Tasks (Page 1001)
Angelo Di Iorio (University of Bologna)

Raffaele Giannella (University of Bologna)

Francesco Poggi (University of Bologna)

Fabio Vitali (University of Bologna)

Conference Live: Accessible and Sociable Conference Semantic Data (Page 1007)
Anna Lisa Gentile (University of Sheffield)

Maribel Acosta (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Luca Costabello (Fujitsu)

Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese (ISTC-CNR)

Valentina Presutti (ISTC-CNR)

Diego Reforgiato Recupero (ISTC-CNR)

(Return to Top)

Period Assertion as Nanopublication: The PeriodO Period Gazetteer (Page 1013)
Patrick Golden (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Ryan Shaw (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

The Paper or the Video: Why Choose? (Page 1019)
Hugo Mougard (Université de Nantes)

Matthieu Riou (Université de Nantes)

Colin de la Higuera (Université de Nantes)

Solen Quiniou (Université de Nantes)

Olivier Aubert (Université de Nantes)

What's in This Paper? Combining Rhetorical Entities with Linked Open Data for Semantic Literature Querying (Page 1023)
Bahar Sateli (Concordia University)

René Witte (Concordia University)

Using Linked Data Traversal to Label Academic Communities (Page 1029)
Ilaria Tiddi (The Open University)

Mathieu d'Aquin (The Open University)

Enrico Motta (The Open University)

(Return to Top)

A Model for Copyright and Licensing: Elsevier's Copyright Model (Page 1035)
Anna Tordai (Elsevier)

Mapping the Evolution of Scientific Community Structures in Time (Page 1039)
Theresa Velden (University of Michigan)

Shiyan Yan (University of Michigan)

Kan Yu (University of Michigan)

Carl Lagoze (University of Michigan)

Research Collaboration and Topic Trends in Computer Science - An Analysis Based on Ucp Authors (Page 1045)
Yan Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Srinivasan Venkatramanan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dah Ming Chiu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Enhanced Publication Management Systems: A Systemic Approach Towards Modern Scientific Communication (Page 1051)
Alessia Bardi (National Research Council)

Paolo Manghi (National Research Council)

Visualizing Collaborations and Online Social Interactions at Scientific Conferences for Scholarly Networking (Page 1053)
Laurens De Vocht (Ghent University)

Selver Softic (Graz University of Technology)

Anastasia Dimou (Ghent University)

Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

Erik Mannens (Ghent University)

Martin Ebner (Graz University of Technology)

Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University)

(Return to Top)

Collaborative Exchange of Systematic Literature Review Results: The Case of Empirical Software Engineering (Page 1055)
Fajar J. Ekaputra (Vienna University of Technology)

Marta Sabou (Vienna University of Technology)

Estefanía Serral (KU Leuven)

Stefan Biffl (Vienna University of Technology)

LDP4ros: Managing Research Objects with the W3C Linked Data Platform (Page 1057)
Daniel Garijo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Visual-Based Classification of Figures from Scientific Literature (Page 1059)
Theodoros Giannakopoulos (University of Athens)

Ioannis Foufoulas (University of Athens)

Eleftherios Stamatogiannakis (University of Athens)

Harry Dimitropoulos (University of Athens)

Natalia Manola (University of Athens)

Yannis Ioannidis (University of Athens)

Science Bots: A Model for the Future of Scientific Computation? (Page 1061)
Tobias Kuhn (ETH Zurich)

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SIMPLEX 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1063)
Aziz Mohaisen (Verisign Labs)

Bruno Goncalves (Aix-Marseille Universite)

Yanhua Li (Verisign Labs)

Predicting Pinterest: Organising the World's Images with Human-Machine Collaboration: Simplex'15 Keynote Abstract (Page 1065)
Nishanth Sastry (King's College London)

Challenges of Forecasting and Measuring a Complex Networked World (Page 1067)
Bruno Ribeiro (Carnegie Mellon University)

Understanding Complex Networks Using Graph Spectrum (Page 1069)
Yanhua Li (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

Zhi-Li Zhang (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

Pivotality of Nodes in Reachability Problems Using Avoidance and Transit Hitting Time Metrics (Page 1073)
Golshan Golnari (University of Minnesota)

Yanhua Li (University of Minnesota)

Zhi-Li Zhang (University of Minnesota)

(Return to Top)

Rise and Fall of Online Game Groups: Common Findings on Two Different Games (Page 1079)
Ah Reum Kang (Korea University)

Juyong Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)

Jina Lee (Daum Kakao Corp.)

Huy Kang Kim (Korea University)

Finding Relevant Indian Judgments Using Dispersion of Citation Network (Page 1085)
Akshay Minocha (IIIT-Hyderabad)

Navjyoti Singh (IIIT-Hyderabad)

Arjit Srivastava (IIIT-Hyderabad)

On Skewed Distributions and Straight Lines: A Case Study on the Wiki Collaboration Network (Page 1089)
Osnat Mokryn (Tel Aviv Yaffo College)

Alexey Reznik (Microsoft)

Distributed Community Detection with the WCC Metric (Page 1095)
Matthew Saltz (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)

Arnau Prat-Pérez (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)

David Dominguez-Sal (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)

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SocialNLP 2015

SocialNLP @ WWW 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1101)
Shou-De Lin (National Taiwan University)

Lun-Wei Ku (Academia Sinica)

Cheng-Te Li (Academia Sinica)

Erik Cambria (Nanyang Technological University)

Mining Social and Urban Big Data (Page 1103)
Nicholas Jing Yuan (Microsoft Research)

Expert-Guided Contrastive Opinion Summarization for Controversial Issues (Page 1105)
Jinlong Guo (University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign)

Yujie Lu (Yokohama National University)

Tatsunori Mori (Yokohama National University)

Catherine Blake (University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign)

ResToRinG CaPitaLiZaTion in #TweeTs (Page 1111)
Kamel Nebhi (LATL-CUI University of Geneva)

Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield)

Genevieve Gorrell (University of Sheffield)

Supervised Prediction of Social Network Links Using Implicit Sources of Information (Page 1117)
Ervin Tasnádi (University of Szeged)

Gábor Berend (University of Szeged)

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SOCM 2015

SOCM'15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1123)
Wendy Hall (University of Southampton)

David de Roure (University of Oxford)

Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

Elena Simperl (University of Southampton)

Thanassis Tiropanis (University of Southampton)

Matthew Weber (Rutgers University)

An Explorative Approach for Crowdsourcing Tasks Design (Page 1125)
Marco Brambilla (Politecnico di Milano)

Stefano Ceri (Politecnico di Milano)

Andrea Mauri (Politecnico di Milano)

Riccardo Volonterio (Politecnico di Milano)

Towards Government as a Social Machine (Page 1131)
Vanilson Burégio (Federal University of Pernambuco & INES)

Kellyton Brito (Federal University of Pernambuco & DEINFO)

Nelson Rosa (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Misael Neto (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Vinícius Garcia (Federal University of Pernambuco & INES)

Silvio Meira (Federal University of Pernambuco & INES)

When Resources Collide: Towards a Theory of Coincidence in Information Spaces (Page 1137)
Markus Luczak-Roesch (University of Southampton)

Ramine Tinati (University of Southampton)

Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

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On Wayfaring in Social Machines (Page 1143)
Dave Murray-Rust (University of Edinburgh)

Ségolène Tarte (University of Oxford)

Mark Hartswood (University of Oxford)

Owen Green (Edinburgh College of Art)

A Streaming Real-Time Web Observatory Architecture for Monitoring the Health of Social Machines (Page 1149)
Ramine Tinati (University Of Southampton)

Xin Wang (University Of Southampton)

Ian Brown (University Of Southampton)

Thanassis Tiropanis (University Of Southampton)

Wendy Hall (University Of Southampton)

Social Personal Data Stores: The Nuclei of Decentralised Social Machines (Page 1155)
Max Van Kleek (University of Southampton)

Daniel A. Smith (University of Southampton)

Dave Murray-Rust (University of Edinburgh)

Amy Guy (University of Edinburgh)

Kieron O'Hara (University of Southampton)

Laura Dragan (University of Southampton)

Nigel R. Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

Revisiting the Three Rs of Social Machines: Reflexivity, Recognition and Responsivity (Page 1161)
Jeff Vass (University of Southampton)

Jo Munson (University of Southampton)

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SWDM 2015

SWDM'15 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1167)
Carlos Castillo (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Fernando Diaz (Microsoft Research)

Jie Yin (CSIRO)

Maja Vukovic (IBM Research)

Towards Next-Generation Software Infrastructure for Crisis Informatics Research (Page 1169)
Kenneth M. Anderson (University of Colorado)

Social Media for Cold Management (Page 1171)
Daniele Quercia (University of Cambridge)

Classification Method for Shared Information on Twitter Without Text Data (Page 1173)
Seigo Baba (The University of Tokyo)

Fujio Toriumi (The University of Tokyo)

Takeshi Sakaki (The University of Tokyo)

Kosuke Shinoda (The University of Electro-Communications)

Satoshi Kurihara (The University of Electro-Communications)

Kazuhiro Kazama (Wakayama University)

Itsuki Noda (The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

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Trust-building through Social Media Communications in Disaster Management (Page 1179)
Maria Grazia Busà (University of Padova)

Maria Teresa Musacchio (University of Padova)

Shane Finan (Trinity College Dublin)

Cilian Fennell (Stillwater Communications - Dublin)

Sentiment Analysis on Microblogs for Natural Disasters Management: A Study on the 2014 Genoa Floodings (Page 1185)
Davide Buscaldi (Université Paris 13)

Irazú Hernández- Farias (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Identifying Relevant Messages in a Twitter-Based Citizen Channel for Natural Disaster Situations (Page 1189)
Alfredo Cobo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Denis Parra (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Jaime Navón (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

A Linguistically-driven Approach to Cross-Event Damage Assessment of Natural Disasters from Social Media Messages (Page 1195)
Stefano Cresci (National Research Council)

Maurizio Tesconi (National Research Council)

Andrea Cimino (National Research Council)

Felice Dell'Orletta (National Research Council)

Disentangling the Lexicons of Disaster Response in Twitter (Page 1201)
Nathan O. Hodas (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Greg Ver Steeg (University of Southern California)

Joshua Harrison (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Satish Chikkagoudar (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Eric Bell (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Courtney D. Corley (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

(Return to Top)

Towards a Data-driven Approach to Identify Crisis-Related Topics in Social Media Streams (Page 1205)
Muhammad Imran (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Carlos Castillo (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Visualizing Social Media Sentiment in Disaster Scenarios (Page 1211)
Yafeng Lu (Arizona State University)

Xia Hu (Arizona State University)

Feng Wang (Arizona State University)

Shamanth Kumar (Arizona State University)

Huan Liu (Arizona State University)

Ross Maciejewski (Arizona State University)

SUPER: Towards the Use of Social Sensors for Security Assessments and Proactive Management of Emergencies (Page 1217)
Richard McCreadie (University of Glasgow)

Karolin Kappler (Barcelona Media)

Magdalini Kardara (National Technical University of Athens)

Andreas Kaltenbrunner (Barcelona Media)

Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow)

John Soldatos (University of Glasgow)

Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)

Thematically Analysing Social Network Content During Disasters Through the Lens of the Disaster Management Lifecycle (Page 1221)
Sophie Parsons (University of Southampton)

Peter M. Atkinson (University of Southampton)

Elena Simperl (University of Southampton)

Mark Weal (University of Southampton)

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D-Sieve: A Novel Data Processing Engine for Efficient Handling of Crises-Related Social Messages (Page 1227)
Soudip Roy Chowdhury (University of Paris-Sud & Inria)

Hemant Purohit (Wright State University)

Muhammad Imran (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Twitter Floods When It Rains: A Case Study of the UK Floods in Early 2014 (Page 1233)
Antonia Saravanou (University of Athens)

George Valkanas (Stevens Institute of Technology)

Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens)

Gennady Andrienko (Fraunhofer Institute IAIS)

Combining Automatic and Manual Approaches: Towards a Framework for Discovering Themes in Disaster-Related Tweets (Page 1239)
Leif Romeritch Syliongka (De La Salle University)

Nathaniel Oco (National University & De La Salle University)

Alron Jan Lam (De La Salle University)

Cheryll Ruth Soriano (De La Salle University)

Ma. Divina Gracia Roldan (De La Salle University)

Francisco Magno (De La Salle University)

Charibeth Cheng (De La Salle University)

The Case for Readability of Crisis Communications in Social Media (Page 1245)
Irina Temnikova (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Sarah Vieweg (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Carlos Castillo (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

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TargetAd 2015

TargetAd2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1251)
Nemanja Djuric (Yahoo Labs)

Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs)

Vladan Radosavljevic (Yahoo Labs)

Olivier Chapelle (Criteo, USA)

Vanja Josifovski (Pinterest & Google)

Large-scale Contextual Query-to-Ad Matching and Retrieval System for Sponsored Search (Page 1253)
Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs)

Nemanja Djuric (Yahoo Labs)

Mihajlo Grbovic (Yahoo Labs)

Vladan Radosavljevic (Yahoo Labs)

Fabrizio Silvestri (Yahoo Labs)

Ads Selection at Twitter (Page 1255)
Yue Lu (Twitter Inc.)

Sandeep Pandey (Twitter Inc.)

Serving Ads to "Yahoo Answers" Occasional Visitors (Page 1257)
Michal Aharon (Yahoo Labs)

Amit Kagian (Yahoo Labs)

Yohay Kaplan (Technion)

Raz Nissim (Yahoo Labs)

Oren Somekh (Yahoo Labs)

(Return to Top)

Fast and Accurate Maximum Inner Product Recommendations on Map-Reduce (Page 1263)
Rob Hall (Etsy Inc.)

Josh Attenberg (Etsy Inc.)

Targeted Content for a Real-Time Activity Feed: For First Time Visitors to Power Users (Page 1269)
Diane Hu (Etsy Inc.)

Tristan Schneiter (Etsy Inc.)

Subjective Similarity: Personalizing Alternative Item Recommendations (Page 1275)
Tolga Könik (eBay Inc.)

Rajyashree Mukherjee (ebay Inc.)

Jayasimha Katukuri (University of Louisiana)

Search Query Categorization at Scale (Page 1281)
Michal Laclavík (Magnetic Media Online)

Marek Ciglan (Magnetic Media Online)

Sam Steingold (Magnetic Media Online)

Martin Šeleng (Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Alex Dorman (Magnetic Media Online)

Stefan Dlugolinský (Slovak Academy of Sciences)

(Return to Top)

Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for More Relevant E-tourism Behavioral Retargeting (Page 1287)
Chun Lu (Sépage & STIH)

Milan Stankovic (Sépage & STIH)

Philippe Laublet (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

People's Perceptions of Personalized Ads (Page 1293)
Katie O'Donnell (Indiana University)

Henriette Cramer (Yahoo!)

AdAlyze Redux: Post-Click and Post-Conversion Text Feature Attribution for Sponsored Search Ads (Page 1299)
Thomas Steiner (Google Germany GmbH)

Ad Recommendation Systems for Life-Time Value Optimization (Page 1305)
Georgios Theocharous (Adobe Research)

Philip S. Thomas (Umass Amherst and Adobe Research)

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (Adobe Research and INRIA)

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TempWeb 2015

TempWeb 2015 Chairs' Welcome Message & Workshop Organization (Page 1311)
Marc Spaniol (Caen University)

Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs)

Julien Masanès (Internet Memory Foundation)

Large-scale Network Analytics: Diffusion-based Computation of Distances and Geometric Centralities (Page 1313)
Paolo Boldi (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Important Events in the Past, Present, and Future (Page 1315)
Abdalghani Abujabal (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Klaus Berberich (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Dicer: A Framework for Controlled, Large-Scale Web Experiments (Page 1321)
Sarah Chasins (University of California, Berkeley)

Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana (University of California, Berkeley)

You Will Get Mail! Predicting the Arrival of Future Email (Page 1327)
Iftah Gamzu (Yahoo Labs, Haifa)

Zohar Karnin (Yahoo Labs, Haifa)

Yoelle Maarek (Yahoo Labs, Haifa)

David Wajc (Carnegie-Mellon University)

(Return to Top)

Learning Temporal Tagging Behaviour (Page 1333)
Toni Gruetze (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Gary Yao (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Ralf Krestel (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Learning to Detect Event-Related Queries for Web Search (Page 1339)
Nattiya Kanhabua (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Tu Ngoc Nguyen (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Wolfgang Nejdl (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Temporal Patterns in Online Food Innovation (Page 1345)
Tomasz Kusmierczyk (NTNU)

Christoph Trattner (NTNU)

Kjetil Nørvåg (NTNU)

Scaling Down Distributed Infrastructure on Wimpy Machines for Personal Web Archiving (Page 1351)
Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland)

Mining Relevant Time for Query Subtopics in Web Archives (Page 1357)
Tu Ngoc Nguyen (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Nattiya Kanhabua (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Wolfgang Nejdl (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Claudia Niederée (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Exploring Supervised Methods for Temporal Link Prediction in Heterogeneous Social Networks (Page 1363)
Nataliia Rümmele (Vienna University of Technology)

Ryutaro Ichise (National Institute of Informatics)

Hannes Werthner (Vienna University of Technology)

Disassortative Degree Mixing and Information Diffusion for Overlapping Community Detection in Social Networks (DMID) (Page 1369)
Mohsen Shahriari (RWTH Aachen University)

Sebastian Krott (RWTH Aachen University)

Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen University)

Terms in Time and Times in Context: A Graph-Based Term-Time Ranking Model (Page 1375)
Andreas Spitz (Heidelberg University)

Jannik Strötgen (Heidelberg University)

Thomas Bögel (Heidelberg University)

Michael Gertz (Heidelberg University)

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WDS4SC 2015

WDS4SC'15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1381)
Huajun Chen (Zhejiang University)

Jeff. Z. Pan (Aberdeen University)

Freddy Lecue (IBM Research Ireland)

Achille Fokoue (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)

Daning Hu (University of Zurich)

Architecture and Implementation Issues, Towards a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System (Page 1383)
George Asimakopoulos (Technical Educational Institute of Western Greece)

Sotiris Christodoulou (Technical Educational Institute of Western Greece)

Andreas Gizas (Technical Educational Institute of Western Greece)

Vassilios Triantafillou (Technical Educational Institute of Western Greece)

Giannis Tzimas (Technical Educational Institute of Western Greece)

John Gialelis (Industrial Systems Institute)

Artemios Voyiatzis (Industrial Systems Institute)

Dimitris Karadimas (Industrial Systems Institute)

Andreas Papalambrou (Industrial Systems Institute)

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An Urban Data Profiler (Page 1389)
Daniel Castellani Ribeiro (New York University)

Huy T. Vo (New York University)

Juliana Freire (New York Univeristy)

Cláudio T. Silva (New York Univeristy)

A Smart City Data Model Based on Semantics Best Practice and Principles (Page 1395)
Sergio Consoli (National Research Council)

Misael Mongiovì (National Research Council)

Andrea G. Nuzzolese (National Research Council)

Silvio Peroni (University of Bologna)

Valentina Presutti (National Research Council)

Diego Reforgiato Recupero (National Research Council)

Daria Spampinato (National Research Council)

Developing Smart Cities Services through Semantic Analysis of Social Streams (Page 1401)
Cataldo Musto (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Giovanni Semeraro (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Marco de Gemmis (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Pasquale Lops (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Smart Urban Planning Support through Web Data Science on Open and Enterprise Data (Page 1407)
Gloria Re Calegari (CEFRIEL - Politecnico di Milano)

Irene Celino (CEFRIEL - Politecnico di Milano)

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WebET 2015

WEBET 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1413)
Jacqueline Bourdeau (Tele-University)

Bebo White (SLAC)

Irwin King (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Web-Based Context-Aware Science Learning (Page 1415)
Jacqueline Bourdeau (Tele-University, Montreal)

Thomas Forissier (Universite des Antilles)

Yves Mazabraud (Universite des Antilles)

Roger Nkambou (UQAM)

Visualisation and Analysis of Students' Interaction Data in Exploratory Earning Environments (Page 1419)
Manolis Mavrikis (UCL Institute of Education)

Zheng Zhu (Birkbeck, University of London)

Sergio Gutierrez-Santos (Birkbeck, University of London)

Alexandra Poulovassilis (Birkbeck, University of London)

A Case Study on the Use of Semantic Web Technologies for Learner Guidance (Page 1425)
Andrea Zielinski (Fraunhofer IOSB)

Jürgen Bock (FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik)

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WebQuality 2015

WebQuality2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1431)
Radoslaw Nielek (Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology)

Adam Wierzbicki (Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology)

Adam Jatowt (Kyoto University)

Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University)

On the Role of Data Quality in Improving Web Information Value (Page 1433)
Cinzia Cappiello (Politecnico di Milano)

Characterizing Credit Card Black Markets on the Web (Page 1435)
Vlad Bulakh (Indiana University)

Minaxi Gupta (Indiana University & Edmodo Inc.)

Text Classification Kernels for Quality Prediction over the C3 Data Set (Page 1441)
Bálint Daróczy (Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI))

Dávid Siklóis (Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI))

Róbert Pálovics (Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI))

András A. Benczúr (Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI))

Identification of Web Spam Through Clustering of Website Structures (Page 1447)
Filippo Geraci (CNR)

Answer Quality Characteristics and Prediction on an Academic Q&A Site: A Case Study on ResearchGate (Page 1453)
Lei Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

Daqing He (University of Pittsburgh)

Wei Jeng (University of Pittsburgh)

Spencer Goodwin (University of Pittsburgh)

Chengzhi Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

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WIC 2015

WI&C'15 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1459)
Pierre Maret (Université Jean Monnet)

Rajendra Akerkar (Western Norway Research Institute)

Laurent Vercouter (Institut National de Sciences Appliquées)

Social Networks and the Semantic Web: A Retrospective of the Past 10 Years (Page 1461)
Peter Mika (Yahoo Labs)

Exploriometer: Leveraging Personality Traits for Coverage and Diversity Aware Recommendations (Page 1463)
Evangelos Chatzicharalampous (Aristotle University)

Christos Zigkolis (Aristotle University)

Athena Vakali (Aristotle University)

Web Intelligence and Communities (Page 1469)
Pierre Maret (Université Jean Monnet)

Rajendra Akerkar (Western Norway Research Institute)

Laurent Vercouter (Institut National de Sciences Appliquées)

A Bi-Dimensional User Profile to Discover Unpopular Web Sources (Page 1471)
Romain Noël (Normandie Université)

Nicolas Malandain (Normandie Université)

Alexandre Pauchet (Normandie Université)

Laurent Vercouter (Normandie Université)

Bruno Grilheres (Airbus Defense & Space)

Stephan Brunessaux (Airbus Defense & Space)

An Evaluation of Simrank and Personalized Pagerank to Build a Recommender System for the Web of Data (Page 1477)
Phuong Nguyen (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Paolo Tomeo (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Tommaso Di Noia (Polytechnic University of Bari)

Eugenio Di Sciascio (Polytechnic University of Bari)

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WS-REST 2015

WS-REST 2015 Chairs' Welcome & Workshop Organization (Page 1483)
Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

Thomas Steiner (Google Germany GmbH)

Carlos Pedrinaci (The Open University)

An Approach to Support Data Integrity for Web Services Using Semantic RESTful Interfaces (Page 1485)
Hermano Albuquerque Lira (SERPRO)

José Renato Villela Dantas (SERPRO)

Bruno de Azevedo Muniz (University of Fortaleza)

Tadeu Matos Nunes (University of Fortaleza)

Pedro Porfirio Muniz Farias (University of Fortaleza)

Browsercloud: A Personal Cloud for Browser Session Migration and Management (Page 1491)
Junjie Feng (The University of Melbourne)

Aaron Harwood (The University of Melbourne)

Model-driven Testing of RESTful APIs (Page 1497)
Tobias Fertig (University of Applied Science Würzburg-Schweinfurt)

Peter Braun (University of Applied Science Würzburg-Schweinfurt)

Towards Optimising the Data Flow in Distributed Applications (Page 1503)
Felix Leif Keppmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Maria Maleshkova (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Andreas Harth (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Rapido: A Sketching Tool for Web API Designers (Page 1509)
Ronnie Mitra (CA Technologies)

Adding Rules on Existing Hypermedia APIs (Page 1515)
Michael Petychakis (National Technical University of Athens)

Fenareti Lampathaki (National Technical University of Athens)

Dimitrios Askounis (National Technical University of Athens)

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Tutorials Chairs' Welcome (Page 1519)
Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs)

Meeyoung Cha (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

An Introduction to Entity Recommendation and Understanding (Page 1521)
Hao Ma (Microsoft)

Yan Ke (Microsoft)

Constructing and Mining Web-Scale Knowledge Graphs (Page 1523)
Antoine Bordes (Facebook)

Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Google)

Deep Learning for the Web (Page 1525)
Kyomin Jung (Seoul National University)

Byoung-Tak Zhang (Seoul National University)

Prasenjit Mitra (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Diffusion in Social and Information Networks: Research Problems, Probabilistic Models & Machine Learning Methods (Page 1527)
Manuel Gomez- Rodriguez (MPI for Software Systems)

Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)

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Diversity and Novelty on the Web: Search, Recommendation, and Data Streaming Aspects (Page 1529)
Rodrygo L. T. Santos (University Federal de Minas Gerais)

Pablo Castells (University Autónoma de Madrid)

Ismail Sengor Altingovde (Middle East Technical University)

Fazli Can (Bilkent University)

From Complex Object Exploration to Complex Crowdsourcing (Page 1531)
Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS/LIG)

Senjuti Basu Roy (University of Washington Tacoma)

Geo-Social Media Analytics (Page 1533)
Cheng-Te Li (Academia Sinica)

Hsun-Ping Hsieh (National Taiwan University)

Knowledge Bases for Web Content Analytics (Page 1535)
Johannes Hoffart (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Nicoleta Preda (University of Versailles)

Fabian M. Suchanek (Télécom ParisTech)

Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Large Scale Network Analytics with SNAP: Tutorial at the World Wide Web 2015 Conference (Page 1537)
Rok Sosič (Stanford University)

Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)

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LIKE and Recommendation in Social Media (Page 1539)
Dongwon Lee (The Pennsylvania State University)

Huan Liu (Arizona State University)

Mining Mobility Data (Page 1541)
Spiros Papadimitriou (Rutgers University)

Tina Eliassi-Rad (Rutgers University)

Online Experiments for Computational Social Science (Page 1543)
Eytan Bakshy (Facebook)

Sean J. Taylor (Facebook)

Processing Large Graphs: Representations, Storage, Systems and Algorithms (Page 1545)
Deepak Ajwani (Bell Laboratories)

Marcel Karnstedt (Bell Laboratories)

Alessandra Sala (Bell Laboratories)

Urban Informatics and the Web (Page 1547)
Konstantinos Pelechrinis (University of Pittsburgh)

Daniele Quercia (University of Cambridge)

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Workshop Summaries

LDOW 2013: The 8th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1549)
Sören Auer (University of Bonn & Fraunhofer IAIS)

Tim Berners-Lee (W3C & MIT)

Christian Bizer (Universität Mannheim)

Tom Heath (Open Data Institute, UK)

#Microposts2015 - 5th Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts': Big Things Come in Small Packages (Page 1551)
Matthew Rowe (University of Lancaster)

Milan Stankovic (Sépage / Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Aba-Sah Dadzie (The University of Birmingham)