WWW 2013 Companion Publication Leslie Car, Alberto H. F. Laender, Bernadette F. Lóscio, Irwin King, Marcus Fontoura, Denny Vrandeèiæ, Lora Aroyo, José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, Fernanda Lima, Erik Wilde (editors), Companion Publication of the IW3C2 WWW 2013 Conference, May 13–17, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. IW3C2 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2038-2. Table of Contents
General Chairs' Welcome
Programme Chairs’ Welcome
Message from the Chair of IW3C2: In
the beached margent of the sea …
WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs’
Welcome Message WWW 2013 Organization Listing (Chairs, Committees, & Reviewers) WWW 2013 Sponsors & Supporters |
(Return to Top) |
Linked Data Platform (LDP) (Page 1)
Quill: A Collaborative Design Assistant
for Cross Platform Web Application User
Interfaces (Page 3)
Linked Services Infrastructure: A Single
Entry Point for Online Media Related to Any Linked Data
Concept (Page 7)
ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for
Resource Synchronization (Page 11)
Static Typing & JavaScript
Libraries: Towards a More Considerate
Relationship (Page 15)
Client-Server Web Applications
Widgets (Page 19)
Effective Web Scraping with
OXPath (Page 23)
Browser Selector Plus: A JavaScript Library to Support
Cross-Browser Responsive Design (Page 27)
Meteoroid on Steroids: Ranking Media Items Stemming from
Multiple Social Networks (Page 31)
Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with
Hydra (Page 35) |
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(Return to Top) |
Posters: Behavioral Analysis and Personalization
Scaling Matrix Factorization for
Recommendation with Randomness (Page 39)
Link Prediction in Social Networks Based
on Hypergraph (Page 41)
Inferring Audience Partisanship for
YouTube Videos (Page 43)
Cross-Region Collaborative Filtering for
New Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 45)
Incorporating Author Preference in
Sentiment Rating Prediction of Reviews (Page 47)
Board Coherence in Pinterest: Non-visual
Aspects of a Visual Site (Page 49)
Fragmented Social Media: A Look into
Selective Exposure to Political News (Page 51)
Utility Discounting Explains
Informational Website Traffic Patterns Before a
Hurricane (Page 53)
Political Hashtag Hijacking in the
U.S. (Page 55)
Learning to Annotate Tweets with Crowd
Wisdom (Page 57)
Follow or Not to Follow: A Feature Evaluation (Page
Topical Organization of User Comments
and Application to Content Recommendation (Page
History-Aware Critiquing-Based
Conversational Recommendation (Page 63)
Effective General Framework for Localized Content
Optimization (Page 65)
Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network:
Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User
Interaction (Page 67)
Mining Emotions in Short Films: User
Comments or Crowdsourcing? (Page 69)
Offering Language Based Services on
Social Media by Identifying User's Preferred Language(s) from
Romanized Text (Page 71) |
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Posters: Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data
Zero-cost Labelling with Web Feeds for
Weblog Data Extraction (Page 73)
Using Inter-document Relations in Microblog
Retrieval (Page 75)
Towards Focused Knowledge Extraction:
Query-Based Extraction of Structured Summaries (Page
Complexity and Algorithms for Composite
Retrieval (Page 79)
RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to
Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text (Page
Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating
Places in User-Generated Text (Page 83)
HIGGINS: Knowledge Acquisition Meets the
Crowds (Page 85)
AELA: An Adaptive Entity Linking
Approach (Page 87) |
(Return to Top) |
Content Extraction Using Diverse Feature
Sets (Page 89)
Predicting Relevant News Events for
Timeline Summaries (Page 91)
Collective Matrix Factorization for
Co-clustering (Page 93)
Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for
Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction (Page
Discovery of Technical Expertise from
Open Source Code Repositories (Page 97)
Power Dynamics in Spoken Interactions: A
Case Study on 2012 Republican Primary Debates (Page
Non-Learning Approach to Spelling Correction in Web
Queries (Page 101)
Extracting Implicit Features in Online
Customer Reviews for Opinion Mining (Page 103)
Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment
Evolvement for Tweet Events (Page 105)
Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for
Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo
Microblogging (Page 107)
Solving Electrical Networks to
Incorporate Supervision in Random Walks (Page 109)
Information Current in Twitter: Which
Brings Hot Events to the World (Page 111) |
(Return to Top) |
Posters: Internet Monetization and Incentives
Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid
Search Using Two-Stage Regression (Page 113)
Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display
Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated
Approach (Page 115)
New Features for Query Dependent
Sponsored Search Click Prediction (Page 117)
Modeling Click and Relevance
Relationship for Sponsored Search (Page 119)
Optimization of Ads Allocation in
Sponsored Search (Page 121)
Joint Optimization of Incrementality and Revenue to Satisfy
both Advertiser and Publisher (Page 123)
Case-Based Analysis of the Effect of Offline Media on Online
Conversion Actions (Page 125) |
(Return to Top) |
Posters: Search Systems and Applications
Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation (Page
Introducing Search Behavior into
Browsing Based Models of Page's Importance (Page
Learning to Shorten Query
Sessions (Page 131)
The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of
Data (Page 133)
Towards Leveraging Closed Captions for
News Retrieval (Page 135)
Searching the Deep Web Using Proactive
Phrase Queries (Page 137)
Graded Relevance Ranking for Synonym
Discovery (Page 139)
Ranking Method Specialized for Content
Descriptions of Classical Music (Page 141)
Towards a Development Process for
Geospatial Information Retrieval and Search (Page
Searching for Interestingness in
Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers (Page 145)
Click Model for Time-Sensitive Queries (Page 147)
Intent Classification of Voice Queries
on Mobile Devices (Page 149)
Leveraging Geographical Metadata to
Improve Search Over Social Media (Page 151)
Place Value: Word Position Shifts Vital
to Search Dynamics (Page 153) |
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Posters: Security, Privacy, Trust, and Abuse
Synthetic Review Spamming and
Defense (Page 155)
REDACT: A Framework for Sanitizing RDF
Data (Page 157)
Framework for Evaluation of Text
Captchas (Page 159)
Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message
Passing (Page 161)
RepRank: Reputation in a Peer-to-Peer
Online System (Page 163)
The STAC (Security Toolbox: Attacks
& Countermeasures) Ontology (Page 165) |
(Return to Top) |
Modeling Uncertain Provenance and
Provenance of Uncertainty in W3c Prov (Page 167)
Scalable Processing of Flexible Graph
Pattern Queries on the Cloud (Page 169)
Computing Semantic Relatedness from
Human Navigational Paths on Wikipedia (Page 171)
Discovering Multilingual Concepts from
Unaligned Web Documents by Exploring Associated
Images (Page 173)
Fria: Fast and Robust Instance
Alignment (Page 175) |
(Return to Top) |
Posters: Social Networks and Graph Analysis
Popularity Prediction in Microblogging
Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo (Page 177)
The Power of Local Information in
PageRank (Page 179)
Semantically Sampling in Heterogeneous
Social Networks (Page 181)
Sampling Bias in User Attribute
Estimation of OSNs (Page 183)
Link Recommendation for Promoting
Information Diffusion in Social Networks (Page
Domain-sensitive Opinion Leader Mining
from Online Review Communities (Page 187)
Understanding Election Candidate
Approval Ratings Using Social Media Data (Page
Extracting the Multilevel Communities
Based on Network Structural and Nonstructural
Information (Page 191)
Structural-Interaction Link Prediction
in Microblogs (Page 193)
Fast Anomaly Detection Despite the
Duplicates (Page 195)
Recommendation for Online Social Feeds
by Exploiting User Response Behavior (Page 197) |
(Return to Top) |
Posters: User Interfaces, Human Factors, and Smart Devices
Lists as Coping Strategy for Information
Overload on Twitter (Page 199)
Crop, Or Not to Crop: Compiling Online Media
Galleries (Page 201)
Unsupervised Approach to Generate
Informative Structured Snippets for Job Search
Engines (Page 203)
Learning to Recommend with Multi-Faceted
Trust in Social Networks (Page 205)
Hidden View Game: Designing Human
Computation Games to Update Maps and Street
Views (Page 207)
ASQ: Interactive Web Presentations for
Hybrid MOOCs (Page 209) |
(Return to Top) |
QMapper: A Tool for SQL Optimization on
Hive using Query Rewriting (Page 211)
Partitioning RDF Exploiting Workload
Information (Page 213)
Correlation Discovery in Web of
Things (Page 215)
The Atomic Web Browser (Page
XML Validation: Looking Backward -
Strongly Typed and Flexible XML Processing are not
Incompatible (Page 219)
Co-operative Content Adaptation
Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource
Constrained Browsing (Page 221) |
(Return to Top) |
Effective Class-Centroid-Based Dimension Reduction Method for
Text Classification (Page 223)
Harnessing Web Page Directories for
Large-Scale Classification of Tweets (Page 225)
Scalable K-Nearest Neighbor Graph
Construction Based on Greedy Filtering (Page 227)
Numeric Query Ranking
Approach (Page 229)
Collaborative Filtering Meets Next
Check-in Location Prediction (Page 231)
TCRec: Product Recommendation via
Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category
Information (Page 233)
Regional Analysis of User Interactions
on Social Media in Times of Disaster (Page 235)
Improving Consensus Clustering of Texts
using Interactive Feature Selection (Page 237) |
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Big Data & Web Applications Demonstrations
Live Migration of JavaScript Web
Apps (Page 241)
Automated Exploration and Analysis of
Ajax Web Applications with WebMole (Page 245)
Analyzing the Suitability of Web
Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User
Transformation (Page 249)
Crowdsourcing MapReduce:
JSMapReduce (Page 253)
Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on
Stratosphere (Page 257)
Optimizing RDF(S) Queries on Cloud
Platforms (Page 261)
TagVisor: Extending Web Pages with
Interaction Events to Support Presentation in Digital
Signage (Page 265)
Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for
End User Mashup Composition (Page 269) |
(Return to Top) |
Social Media, Crowdsourcing & Services Demonstrations
uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring
Information on Online Social Media (Page 273)
DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract
Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from
Wikipedia (Page 277)
Temporal Summarization of Event-Related
Updates in Wikipedia (Page 281)
Live Topic Generation from Event
Streams (Page 285)
Serefind: A Social Networking
Website for Classifieds (Page 289)
MASFA: Mass-Collaborative Faceted Search
for Online Communities (Page 293)
ALFRED: Crowd Assisted Data
Extraction (Page 297)
SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based
Services in Wireless Environments Using
Semantics (Page 301) |
(Return to Top) |
Rich Media, Information Extraction, & Search Demonstrations
Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND:
A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News
Recommendation (Page 305)
Connected Media Experiences: Web Based
Interactive Video Using Linked Data (Page 309)
Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening
Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station
Programs (Page 313)
FANS: Face Annotation by Searching
Large-Scale Web Facial Images (Page 317)
Search the Past with the Portuguese Web
Archive (Page 321)
Inside YAGO2s: A Transparent Information
Extraction Architecture (Page 325)
SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL
Queries (Page 329)
G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on
Large Graphs (Page 333) |
(Return to Top) |
Mockup Driven Web
Development (Page 337)
Structured Summarization for News
Events (Page 343)
Multimedia Information Retrieval on the
Social Web (Page 349)
Effective Analysis, Characterization,
and Detection of Malicious Web Pages (Page 355)
Identifying, Understanding and Detecting
Recurring, Harmful Behavior Patterns in Collaborative Wikipedia
Editing - Doctoral Proposal - (Page 361)
Ontology-based Feature Level Opinion
Mining for Portuguese Reviews (Page 367)
Machine-to-Machine Architecture to Merge Semantic Sensor
Measurements (Page 371)
Deep Web Entity
Monitoring (Page 377)
Context Mining and Integration into
Predictive Web Analytics (Page 383)
Proximity-Based Fallback Model for Hybrid Web Recommender
Systems (Page 389)
Analyzing Linguistic Structure of Web
Search Queries (Page 395)
Understanding and Analysing
Microblogs (Page 401) |
(Return to Top) |
LILE2013 Chairs' Welcome (Page
LILE2013 Organization (Page
409) |
LILE'13 Keynote Talk
Linking Data In and Outside a Scientific
Publishing House (Page 411) |
(Return to Top) |
LILE'13 Session 1
Exploring Student Predictive Model that
Relies on Institutional Databases and Open Data Instead of
Traditional Questionnaires (Page 413)
Towards Integration of Web Data into a
Coherent Educational Data Graph (Page 419)
Finding Relevant Missing References in
Learning Courses (Page 425) |
(Return to Top) |
LILE'13 Session 2
Interactive Learning Resources and
Linked Data for Online Scientific
Experimentation (Page 431)
Learning from Quizzes Using Intelligent
Learning Companions (Page 435)
Linked Data Selectors (Page
OpenScout: Harvesting Business and
Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data (Page
445) |
(Return to Top) |
First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked
Media (LiME 2013) Chairs' Welcome (Page 451)
First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked
Media (LiME 2013) (Page 453) |
LiME'13 Keynote Talk
The Importance of Linked Media to the
Future Web: LIME 2013 Keynote Talk - A Proposal for the Linked
Media Research Agenda (Page 455) |
(Return to Top) |
LiME'13 Technical Presentations
Linking Inside a Video Collection - What
and How to Measure? (Page 457)
Using Explicit Discourse Rules to Guide
Video Enrichment (Page 461)
Second Screen Interaction: An Approach
to Infer TV Watcher's Interest Using 3D Head Pose
Estimation (Page 465)
Enriching Media Fragments with Named
Entities for Video Classification (Page 469) |
(Return to Top) |
LiME'13 Demonstrations
DataConf: Enriching Conference
Publications with a Mobile Mashup Application (Page
The Chrooma+ Approach to Enrich Video
Content using HTML5 (Page 479)
Linking and Visualizing Television
Heritage: The EUscreen Virtual Exhibitions and the Linked Open
Data Pilot (Page 481) |
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Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop
Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 485)
Large Scale Network Analysis (LSNA) 2013
Workshop Organization (Page 487) |
(Return to Top) |
LSNA'13 Keynote Talks
Online Social Networks: Beyond
Popularity (Page 489)
Aggregating Information from the Crowd
and the Network (Page 491)
The Social Meanings of Social Networks:
Integrating SNA and Ethnography of Social
Networking (Page 493)
Detecting Malware with Graph-Based
Methods: Traffic Classification, Botnets, and Facebook
Scams (Page 495)
Mining and Analyzing the Enterprise
Knowledge Graph (Page 497)
Scaling Graph Computations at
Facebook (Page 499) |
(Return to Top) |
LSNA'13 Technical Presentations
Towards Highly Scalable Pregel-based
Graph Processing Platform with X10 (Page 501)
First View of Exedra: A Domain-Specific Language for Large
Graph Analytics Workflows (Page 509)
Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data:
How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor
Networks Agree? (Page 517)
Model of Complex Networks Based on
Citation Dynamics (Page 527)
How Social Network is Evolving? - A
Preliminary Study on Billion-Scale Twitter
Network (Page 531) |
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WWW MABSDA Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 535)
2013 MABSDA Workshop
Organization (Page 537) |
(Return to Top) |
MABSDA'13 Technical Presentations
The Web as a Laboratory (Page
Like Prediction: Modeling Like Counts by
Bridging Facebook Pages with Linked Data (Page
Tower of Babel: A Crowdsourcing Game
Building Sentiment Lexicons for Resource-scarce
Languages (Page 549)
Rule-based Opinion Target and Aspect
Extraction to Acquire Affective Knowledge (Page
Graph-Based Approach to Commonsense Concept Extraction and
Semantic Similarity Detection (Page 565)
Spanish Knowledge Base Generation for
Polarity Classification from Masses (Page 571)
Revised Mutual Information Approach for
German Text Sentiment Classification (Page 579) |
(Return to Top) |
#MSM2013 Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 587)
#MSM2013 Workshop
Organization (Page 589) |
MSM'13 Keynote Talk
Urban*: Crowdsourcing for the Good of
London (Page 591) |
(Return to Top) |
MSM'13 Machine Learning & Statistical
Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag
Recommendation (Page 593)
FS-NER: A Lightweight Filter-Stream
Approach to Named Entity Recognition on Twitter
Data (Page 597) |
MSM'13 Trend & Topic Detection in
Nerding Out on Twitter: Fun, Patriotism
and #Curiosity (Page 605)
ET: Events from Tweets (Page
613) |
(Return to Top) |
MSM'13 Filtering & Classification of
Meaning as Collective Use: Predicting
Semantic Hashtag Categories on Twitter (Page 621)
Towards Linking Buyers and Sellers:
Detecting Commercial Intent on Twitter (Page 629) |
MSM'13 Posters & Demonstrations
MicroFilter: Real Time Filtering of
Microblogging Content (Page 633)
Some Clues on Irony Detection in
Tweets (Page 635) |
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Mining Social Networks Dynamics 2013
Workshop Chairs' Welcome and Preface (Page 637)
Mining Social Networks Dynamics 2013
Workshop Organization (Page 639) |
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MSND'13 Technical Presentations
Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on
Foursquare (Page 641)
The Role of Research Leaders on the
Evolution of Scientific Communities (Page 649)
Analyzing and Predicting Viral
Tweets (Page 657)
Resolving Homonymy with Correlation
Clustering in Scholarly Digital Libraries (Page
Examining Lists on Twitter to Uncover
Relationships Between Following, Membership and
Subscription (Page 673) |
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Workshop Chairs' Welcome (Page
Organization (Page 679) |
(Return to Top) |
PHDA'13 Technical Presentations
Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria (Page
Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using
Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated
Corpus (Page 683)
Roadmap to Integrated Digital Public Health Surveillance: The
Vision and the Challenges (Page 687)
Participatory Disease Surveillance in
Latin America (Page 695)
Crowdsourced Risk Factors of
Influenza-Like-Illness in Mexico (Page 697)
Validating Models for Disease Detection
Using Twitter (Page 699)
Combining Twitter and Media Reports on
Public Health Events in MedISys (Page 703) |
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Chairs' Welcome (Page 719)
Organization (Page 721) |
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PSOM'13 Technical Presentations
Preserving User Privacy from Third-Party
Applications in Online Social Networks (Page 723)
Faking Sandy: Characterizing and
Identifying Fake Images on Twitter During Hurricane
Sandy (Page 729)
Pilot Study of Cyber Security and Privacy Related Behavior and
Personality Traits (Page 737)
Twitter (R)evolution: Privacy, Free
Speech and Disclosure (Page 745)
How to Hack into Facebook without Being
a Hacker (Page 751)
Cross-Cultural Framework for Protecting User Privacy in Online
Social Media (Page 755)
Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An
Exploratory Facebook Study (Page 763) |
(Return to Top) |
RAMSS'13 Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 771)
RAMSS 2013 Workshop
Organization (Page 773) |
RAMSS'13 Keynote Talks
Real-Time User Modeling and Prediction:
Examples from YouTube (Page 775)
SAMOA: A Platform for Mining Big Data
Streams (Page 777) |
(Return to Top) |
RAMSS'13 Session 1
Towards Real-Time Collaborative
Filtering for Big Fast Data (Page 779)
Detecting Real-Time Burst Topics in
Microblog Streams: How Sentiment can Help (Page
Sub-Event Detection During Natural
Hazards Using Features of Social Media Data (Page
783) |
RAMSS'13 Session 2
MediaFinder: Collect, Enrich and
Visualize Media Memes Shared by the Crowd (Page
no more: Using Concurrent Wikipedia Edit Spikes with Social
Network Plausibility Checks for Breaking News
Detection (Page 791)
Real Time Discussion Retrieval from
Twitter (Page 795) |
(Return to Top) |
SIMPLEX 2013 Chairs' Welcome
Message (Page 801)
SIMPLEX'13 Workshop
Organization (Page 803) |
(Return to Top) |
SIMPLEX'13 Technical Session 1
Characterizing Branching Processes from
Sampled Data (Page 805)
Resilience of Dynamic Overlays through
Local Interactions (Page 813)
Fast Centrality-Driven Diffusion in
Dynamic Networks (Page 821)
Unveiling Zeus: Automated Classification
of Malware Samples (Page 829) |
SIMPLEX'13 Technical Session 2
Using Link Semantics to Recommend
Collaborations in Academic Social Networks (Page
Addressing the Privacy Management Crisis
in Online Social Networks (Page 841) |
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SNOW Chairs' Welcome (Page
SNOW 2013 Workshop
Organization (Page 845) |
(Return to Top) |
SNOW'13 Opening
Social Media, Journalism and the
Public (Page 847)
Weaving a Safe Web of
News (Page 849) |
SNOW'13 Breaking the News
Traffic Prediction and Discovery of News
via News Crowds (Page 853)
Who Broke the News? An Analysis on First
Reports of News Events (Page 855) |
(Return to Top) |
SNOW'13 Social News
Finding News Curators in
Twitter (Page 863)
Towards Automatic Assessment of the
Social Media Impact of News Content (Page 871)
Verifying News on the Social Web:
Challenges and Prospects (Page 875)
Newspaper Editors vs the Crowd: On the
Appropriateness of Front Page News Selection (Page
879) |
(Return to Top) |
SOCM 2013 Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 881)
SOCM 2013 Workshop Organization: The
Theory and Practice of Social Machines (WWW2013) (Page
883) |
(Return to Top) |
SOCM'13 Technical Presentations
Social Machines: A Unified Paradigm to
Describe Social Web-Oriented Systems (Page 885)
Crime Applications and Social Machines:
Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data (Page 891)
Pseudonymity in Social
Machines (Page 897)
Observing Social Machines Part 1: What
to Observe? (Page 901)
Towards a Classification Framework for
Social Machines (Page 905)
Linked Data in Crowdsourcing Purposive
Social Network (Page 913)
Few Thoughts on Engineering Social Machines: Extended
Abstract (Page 919)
The HTP Model: Understanding the
Development of Social Machines (Page 921)
"The Crowd Keeps Me in Shape": Social
Psychology and the Present and Future of Health Social
Machines (Page 927) |
(Return to Top) |
Welcome from the SRS 2013 Workshop
Chairs (Page 933)
SRS 2013 Workshop
Organization (Page 935) |
SRS'13 Keynote Talks
How Status and Reputation Shape Human
Evaluations: Consequences for Recommender
Systems (Page 937)
Large-Scale Social Recommender Systems:
Challenges and Opportunities (Page 939) |
(Return to Top) |
SRS'13 Technical Presentations
Signal-Based User Recommendation on
Twitter (Page 941)
Generation of Coalition Structures to
Provide Proper Groups' Formation in Group Recommender
Systems (Page 945)
Users' Satisfaction in Recommendation
Systems for Groups: An Approach Based on Noncooperative
Games (Page 951)
Recommending Collaborators Using
Keywords (Page 959)
Recommender System for Job Seeking and Recruiting
Website (Page 963)
Weighted Slope One Predictors
Revisited (Page 967)
Profile Diversity in Search and
Recommendation (Page 973)
Does Social Contact Matter? Modelling
the Hidden Web of Trust Underlying Twitter (Page
Understanding User Spatial Behaviors for
Location-Based Recommendations (Page 989) |
(Return to Top) |
SWDM 2013 Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 993)
SWDM 2013 Workshop
Organization (Page 995) |
SWDM'13 Keynote
Disasters Response Using Social Life
Networks (Page 997) |
(Return to Top) |
SWDM'13 Twitter in Action
Sensitive Twitter Earthquake Detector (Page 999)
Text vs. Images: On the Viability of
Social Media to Assess Earthquake Damage (Page
Comparing Web Feeds and Tweets for
Emergency Management (Page 1007) |
SWDM'13 Keynote 2
Leveraging on Social Media to Support
the Global Building Resilient Cities Campaign (Page
1011) |
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SWDM'13 Insights from Social Web
Location-Based Insights from the Social
Web (Page 1013)
Location Extraction from
Disaster-Related Microblogs (Page 1017)
Practical Extraction of
Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media (Page
Information Sharing on Twitter During
the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake (Page 1025)
Information Verification During Natural
Disasters (Page 1029) |
(Return to Top) |
Preface (Page 1033) The 3rd Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb 2013) (Page 1035) |
TempWeb'13 Keynote Talk
Timelines as Summaries of Popular
Scheduled Events (Page 1037) |
(Return to Top) |
TempWeb'13 Web Archiving
Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures (Page
Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval
Policies (Page 1051)
Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web
Archive (Page 1059) |
TempWeb'13 Identifying and Leveraging Time Information
Discovering Temporal Hidden Contexts in
Web Sessions for User Trail Prediction (Page 1067)
Carbon Dating the Web: Estimating the
Age of Web Resources (Page 1075)
Stuff Happens Continuously: Exploring
Web Contents with Temporal Information (Page 1083) |
(Return to Top) |
TempWeb'13 Studies and Experience Sharing
Characterizing Video Access Patterns in
Mainstream Media Portals (Page 1085)
Adaptive Crowdsourcing for Temporal
Crowds (Page 1093)
Survey of Temporal Web Search Experience (Page
1101) |
Workshop Chairs' Welcome (Page
1109) WebQuality 2013 Workshop Organization (Page 1111) |
WebQuality'13 Keynote Talk
Measuring Web Quality (Page
1113) |
(Return to Top) |
WebQuality'13 Web Content Quality Session
Defending Imitating Attacks in Web
Credibility Evaluation Systems (Page 1115)
Trustworthiness Criteria for Supporting
Users to Assess the Credibility of Web
Information (Page 1123)
On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web
Content Credibility Evaluations (Page 1131) |
WebQuality'13 Industry Experience Session
Russian Web Spam Evolution: Yandex
Experience (Page 1137)
Graph-Based Malware Distributors
Detection (Page 1141)
Quality-Biased Ranking for Queries with
Commercial Intent (Page 1145) |
(Return to Top) |
WebQuality'13 Web Spam Detection Session
Cross-Lingual Web Spam
Classification (Page 1149)
Automatically Generated Spam Detection
Based on Sentence-Level Topic Information (Page
1157) |
WI&C Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 1161)
Organization (Page
1163) |
WI&C'13 Keynote Talk
Exploring Very Large Data Sets from
Online Social Networks (Page 1165) |
(Return to Top) |
WI&C'13 Session 1
Animated CAPTCHAs and Games for
Advertising (Page 1167)
Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of
Warcraft (Page 1175)
Ranking Factors of Team
Success (Page 1185) |
(Return to Top) |
WI&C'13 Session 2
Autonomously Reviewing and Validating
the Knowledge base of a Never-Ending Learning
System (Page 1195)
End-User Creation of Social Apps by
Utilizing Web-Based Social Components and Visual App
Composition (Page 1205)
Personalized Recommender System Based on Users' Information in
Folksonomies (Page 1215) |
WoLE2013 Workshop Chairs'
Welcome (Page 1225) WoLE2013 Workshop Organization (Page 1227) |
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WOLE'13 Keynote Talk
Entity Search on the Web (Page
1231) |
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WOLE'13 Technical Presentations
Visually Extracting Data Records From
the Deep Web (Page 1233)
Can We use Linked Data Semantic
Annotators for the Extraction of Domain-Relevant
Expressions? (Page 1239)
Course-Specific Search Engines:
Semi-Automated Methods for Identifying High Quality
Topic-Specific Corpora (Page 1247)
Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving
Web Search (Page 1253)
@I seek 'fb.me': Identifying Users
Across Multiple Online Social Networks (Page 1259)
Search Result Presentation: Supporting
Post-Search Navigation by Integration of Taxonomy
Data (Page 1269)
RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to
Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text (Page
SEED: A Framework for Extracting Social
Events from Press News (Page 1285)
Classifying YouTube Channels: A
Practical System (Page 1295) |
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1st International Web Observatory
Workshop - WOW2013 Chairs' Welcome (Page 1305) WOW2013 Workshop Organization (Page 1307) |
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WOW'13 Technical Presentations
The Economics of Data: Quality, Value
& Exchange in Web Observatories (Page 1309)
From Search to
Observation (Page 1317)
Living Analytics Methods for the Web
Observatory (Page 1321)
Exploration in Web Science: Instruments
for Web Observatories (Page 1325)
From Health-Persona to Societal
Health (Page 1329)
Understanding the Diversity of Tweets in
the Time of Outbreaks (Page 1335)
KONECT - The Koblenz Network
Collection (Page 1343)
Design and Prototyping of a Social Media
Observatory (Page 1351)
EventShop: Recognizing Situations in Web
Data Streams (Page 1359)
SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web
Observatory (Page 1369)
An Approach for Using Wikipedia to
Measure the Flow of Trends Across Countries (Page
Glance at an Overlooked Part of the World Wide
Web (Page 1379) |
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Fourth International Workshop on RESTful
Design (WS-REST 2013) (Page 1387) WS-REST 2013 Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design (Page 1389) |
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WS-REST'13 Technical Presentations
Concept for Generating Simplified RESTful
Interfaces (Page 1391)
Distributed Affordance: An Open-World
Assumption for Hypermedia (Page 1399)
Framework for Self-Descriptive RESTful Services (Page
Model Your Application Domain, Not Your
JSON Structures (Page 1415) |