Abbar, Sofiane

Full Research Paper ~ Real-Time Recommendation of Diverse Related Articles  (Page 1)


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WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


Abbar, Sofiane

Full Research Paper ~ Real-Time Recommendation of Diverse Related Articles  (Page 1)

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Abel, Fabian

Full Research Paper ~ Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter  (Page 1273)

Aberer, Karl

Full Research Paper ~ SoCo: A Social Network Aided Context-Aware Recommender System  (Page 781)

WebQuality'13 ~ Defending Imitating Attacks in Web Credibility Evaluation Systems  (Page 1115)

Abhik, Dhekar

RAMSS'13 ~ Sub-Event Detection During Natural Hazards Using Features of Social Media Data  (Page 783)

Abramczuk, Katarzyna

WebQuality'13 ~ On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web Content Credibility Evaluations  (Page 1131)

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Acquisti, Alessandro

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

Agarwal, Deepak

Full Research Paper ~ Organizational Overlap on Social Networks and Its Applications  (Page 571)

Agarwal, Vikas

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

Aggarwal, Anupama

MSND'13 ~ Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare  (Page 641)

Aggarwal, Charu C.

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Collective Intelligence in Diverse Groups  (Page 1041)

Aggarwal, Nitish

Poster Abstract ~ AELA: An Adaptive Entity Linking Approach  (Page 87)

Aggarwal, Suhas

WI&C'13 ~ Animated CAPTCHAs and Games for Advertising  (Page 1167)

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Agichtein, Eugene

Poster Abstract ~ Leveraging Geographical Metadata to Improve Search Over Social Media  (Page 151)

Agrawal, Rahul

Full Research Paper ~ Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Labels: Recommending Advertiser Bid Phrases for Web Pages  (Page 13)

Agrawal, Rakesh

Full Research Paper ~ On Participation in Group Chats on Twitter  (Page 165)

Ahlers, Dirk

Poster Abstract ~ Towards a Development Process for Geospatial Information Retrieval and Search  (Page 143)

Ahmed, Amr

Full Research Paper ~ Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization  (Page 37)

Full Research Paper ~ Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User Locations from Social Media Posts  (Page 25)

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Ahn, Hyung-iL

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

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Ajmera, Jitendra

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Akella, Ram

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

Akerkar, Rajendra

WI&C'13 ~ WI&C Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1161)

Akhawe, Devdatta

Full Research Paper ~ Here's My Cert, So Trust Me, Maybe? Understanding TLS Errors on the Web  (Page 59)

Alarcon, Rosa

WS-REST'13 ~ Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013)  (Page 1387)

Albrecht, Jeannie

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Albuquerque, J.

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

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Alexandrova, Todorka

Full Research Paper ~ Using Stranger as Sensors: Temporal and Geo-Sensitive Question Answering via Social Media  (Page 803)

Almeida, Jussara

MSND'13 ~ Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare  (Page 641)

Almeida, Virgilio

WWW'13 ~ General Chairs' Welcome Message

Full Research Paper ~ Psychological Maps 2.0: A Web Engagement Enterprise Starting in London  (Page 1065)

PSOM'13 ~ Second International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) Chairs' Welcome  (Page 719)

WI&C'13 ~ Exploring Very Large Data Sets from Online Social Networks  (Page 1165)

Demo Abstract ~ uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media  (Page 273)

Almeroth, Kevin C.

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

SRS'13 ~ Does Social Contact Matter? Modelling the Hidden Web of Trust Underlying Twitter  (Page 981)

Alonso, Omar

TempWeb'13 ~ Stuff Happens Continuously: Exploring Web Contents with Temporal Information  (Page 1083)

TempWeb'13 ~ Timelines as Summaries of Popular Scheduled Events  (Page 1037)

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Unveiling Zeus: Automated Classification of Malware Samples  (Page 829)

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Alrifai, Mohammad

Poster Abstract ~ Predicting Relevant News Events for Timeline Summaries  (Page 91)

AlSum, Ahmed

TempWeb'13 ~ Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval Policies  (Page 1051)

Alves, Bruno Leite

MSND'13 ~ The Role of Research Leaders on the Evolution of Scientific Communities  (Page 649)

Aly, Mohamed

Full Research Paper ~ Towards a Robust Modeling of Temporal Interest Change Patterns for Behavioral Targeting  (Page 71)

Aly, Robin

LiME'13 ~ Linking Inside a Video Collection - What and How to Measure?  (Page 457)

Alzoubi, Hussein A.

Full Research Paper ~ The Anatomy of LDNS Clusters: Findings and Implications for Web Content Delivery  (Page 83)

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Amann, Bernhard

Full Research Paper ~ Here's My Cert, So Trust Me, Maybe? Understanding TLS Errors on the Web  (Page 59)

Amer-Yahia, Sih


Full Research Paper ~ Real-Time Recommendation of Diverse Related Articles  (Page 1)

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

SRS'13 ~ Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation  (Page 973)

Amirbekian, Rouben

Poster Abstract ~ Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid Search Using Two-Stage Regression  (Page 113)

An, Jisun

Poster Abstract ~ Fragmented Social Media: A Look into Selective Exposure to Political News  (Page 51)

Anderson, Ashton

Full Research Paper ~ Steering User Behavior with Badges  (Page 95)

Anderson, Neil

WOLE'13 ~ Visually Extracting Data Records From the Deep Web  (Page 1233)

Andrei, Victor

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

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Andrews, Matthew

Full Research Paper ~ Spectral Analysis of Communication Networks Using Dirichlet Eigenvalues  (Page 1297)

Anyanwu, Kemafor

Full Research Paper ~ PrefixSolve: Efficiently Solving Multi-Source Multi-Destination Path Queries on RDF Graphs by Sharing Suffix Computations  (Page 423)

Demo Abstract ~ Optimizing RDF(S) Queries on Cloud Platforms  (Page 261)

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable Processing of Flexible Graph Pattern Queries on the Cloud  (Page 169)

Appel, Ana Paula

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

WI&C'13 ~ Autonomously Reviewing and Validating the Knowledge base of a Never-Ending Learning System  (Page 1195)

Aroyo, Lora

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Arru, Giuliano

SRS'13 ~ Signal-Based User Recommendation on Twitter  (Page 941)

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Asadullah, Allahbaksh

Poster Abstract ~ Discovery of Technical Expertise from Open Source Code Repositories  (Page 97)

Asano, Yasuhito

Poster Abstract ~ Ranking Method Specialized for Content Descriptions of Classical Music  (Page 141)

Assunção, Renato

Full Research Paper ~ The Self-Feeding Process: A Unifying Model for Communication Dynamics in the Web  (Page 1319)

Auer, Sören

Full Research Paper ~ Question Answering on Interlinked Data  (Page 1145)

Avila, Ana M. H.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

Avraham, Uri

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

Babazadeh, Masiar

Poster Abstract ~ The Atomic Web Browser  (Page 217)

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Backstrom, Lars

Full Research Paper ~ Subgraph Frequencies: Mapping the Empirical and Extremal Geography of Large Graph Collections  (Page 1307)

Bâcle, Florian

LiME'13 ~ DataConf: Enriching Conference Publications with a Mobile Mashup Application  (Page 477)

Baek, Youngmin

MABSDA'13 ~ Tower of Babel: A Crowdsourcing Game Building Sentiment Lexicons for Resource-scarce Languages  (Page 549)

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo

WWW'13 ~ Programme Chairs' Welcome

LSNA'13 ~ Online Social Networks: Beyond Popularity  (Page 489)

TempWeb'13 ~ Preface  (Page 1033)

WebQuality'13 ~ Measuring Web Quality  (Page 1113)

Bai, Yiyuan

Demo Abstract ~ G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on Large Graphs  (Page 333)

Bajec, Marko

LSNA'13 ~ Model of Complex Networks Based on Citation Dynamics  (Page 527)

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Balat, Vincent

Developer's Track ~ Client-Server Web Applications Widgets  (Page 19)

Balzarotti, Davide

Full Research Paper ~ The Role of Web Hosting Providers in Detecting Compromised Websites  (Page 177)

Banerjee, Jay

Full Research Paper ~ Making the Most of Your Triple Store: Query Answering in OWL 2 Using an RL Reasoner  (Page 1569)

Banks, Richard

Full Research Paper ~ Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive  (Page 749)

Banos, Vangelis

Poster Abstract ~ A Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating Places in User-Generated Text  (Page 83)

Bao, Nguyen Thien

LSNA'13 ~ Towards Highly Scalable Pregel-based Graph Processing Platform with X10  (Page 501)

Bao, Peng

Poster Abstract ~ Popularity Prediction in Microblogging Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo  (Page 177)

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Bara, Cristian

Demo Abstract ~ Connected Media Experiences: Web Based Interactive Video Using Linked Data  (Page 309)

Barajas, Joel

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

Basu, Gaurab

Poster Abstract ~ Incorporating Author Preference in Sentiment Rating Prediction of Reviews  (Page 47)

Bauer, Matthias

Demo Abstract ~ Connected Media Experiences: Web Based Interactive Video Using Linked Data  (Page 309)

Bell, Jonathan

WI&C'13 ~ A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of Warcraft  (Page 1175)

Ben Yahia, Sadok

WI&C'13 ~ A Personalized Recommender System Based on Users' Information in Folksonomies  (Page 1215)

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Benczúr, András A.

WebQuality'13 ~ Cross-Lingual Web Spam Classification  (Page 1149)

Benevenuto, Fabricio

SIMPLEX'13 ~ SIMPLEX 2013 Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 801)

MSND'13 ~ The Role of Research Leaders on the Evolution of Scientific Communities  (Page 649)

Benson, Edward

Full Research Paper ~ Cascading Tree Sheets and Recombinant HTML: Better Encapsulation and Retargeting of Web Content  (Page 107)

Doctoral Consortium ~ Mockup Driven Web Development  (Page 337)

Berg, Erik

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

Beutel, Alex

Full Research Paper ~ CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in Social Networks  (Page 119)

Bhasin, Anmol

Full Research Paper ~ Is It Time for a Career Switch?  (Page 1377)

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Bhat, Vasudev

Poster Abstract ~ Discovery of Technical Expertise from Open Source Code Repositories  (Page 97)

Bi, Bin

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring the Demographics of Search Users: Social Data Meets Search Queries  (Page 131)

Bian, Jiang

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective General Framework for Localized Content Optimization  (Page 65)

Biega, Joanna

Demo Abstract ~ Inside YAGO2s: A Transparent Information Extraction Architecture  (Page 325)

Binh Tran, Giang

Doctoral Consortium ~ Structured Summarization for News Events  (Page 343)

Poster Abstract ~ Predicting Relevant News Events for Timeline Summaries  (Page 91)

Biscuitwala, Kanak

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Blanco, Roi

Full Research Paper ~ Web Usage Mining with Semantic Analysis  (Page 561)

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Leveraging Closed Captions for News Retrieval  (Page 135)

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Bochernitsan, Marco N.

MSM'13 ~ Some Clues on Irony Detection in Tweets  (Page 635)

Boden, Christoph

Demo Abstract ~ Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere  (Page 257)

Bodnar, Todd

PHDA'13 ~ Validating Models for Disease Detection Using Twitter  (Page 699)

Bonchi, Francesco

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

Bonnet, Christian

Poster Abstract ~ The STAC (Security Toolbox: Attacks & Countermeasures) Ontology  (Page 165)

Booth, Paul

WOW'13 ~ The Economics of Data: Quality, Value & Exchange in Web Observatories  (Page 1309)

Bordino, Ilaria

Poster Abstract ~ Searching for Interestingness in Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers  (Page 145)

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Borggaard, Geoffrey

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Borodin, Allan

Full Research Paper ~ Strategyproof Mechanisms for Competitive Influence in Networks  (Page 141)

Borodin, Yevgen

Full Research Paper ~ Predictive Web Automation Assistant for People with Vision Impairments  (Page 1019)

Borra, Erik

Poster Abstract ~ Inferring Audience Partisanship for YouTube Videos  (Page 43)

Botbol, Vincent

Developer's Track ~ Static Typing & JavaScript Libraries: Towards a More Considerate Relationship  (Page 15)

Boudaoud, Karima

Poster Abstract ~ The STAC (Security Toolbox: Attacks & Countermeasures) Ontology  (Page 165)

Bouma, Gosse

RAMSS'13 ~ Real Time Discussion Retrieval from Twitter  (Page 795)

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Bozzon, Alessandro

Full Research Paper ~ Reactive Crowdsourcing  (Page 153)

Bracamonte, Teresa

Doctoral Consortium ~ Multimedia Information Retrieval on the Social Web  (Page 349)

Brambilla, Marco

Full Research Paper ~ Reactive Crowdsourcing  (Page 153)

Brandão, Michele A.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Using Link Semantics to Recommend Collaborations in Academic Social Networks  (Page 833)

Braverman, Mark

Full Research Paper ~ Strategyproof Mechanisms for Competitive Influence in Networks  (Page 141)

Bressan, Marco

Poster Abstract ~ The Power of Local Information in PageRank  (Page 179)

Brien, Stephanie

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

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Britto, Talita C. Pagani

Developer's Track ~ CSS Browser Selector Plus: A JavaScript Library to Support Cross-Browser Responsive Design  (Page 27)

Brown, Ian

WOW'13 ~ From Search to Observation  (Page 1317)

Brownstein, John

PHDA'13 ~ 1st International Workshop on Public Health in the Digital Age: Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 677)

PHDA'13 ~ Participatory Disease Surveillance in Latin America  (Page 695)

Bry, François

Demo Abstract ~ Crowdsourcing MapReduce: JSMapReduce  (Page 253)

Bu, Jiajun

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Buckeridge, David L.

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

Budak, Ceren

Full Research Paper ~ On Participation in Group Chats on Twitter  (Page 165)

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Bühler, Thomas

Full Research Paper ~ Towards Realistic Team Formation in Social Networks Based on Densest Subgraphs  (Page 1077)

Bühmann, Lorenz

Full Research Paper ~ Sorry, I Don't Speak SPARQL - Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language  (Page 977)

Demo Abstract ~ SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL Queries  (Page 329)

Buitelaar, Paul

Poster Abstract ~ AELA: An Adaptive Entity Linking Approach  (Page 87)

Bult, Willem

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Burégio, Vanilson

SOCM'13 ~ Social Machines: A Unified Paradigm to Describe Social Web-Oriented Systems  (Page 885)

Byrne Evans, Maire

SOCM'13 ~ Crime Applications and Social Machines: Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data  (Page 891)

Cabral, Giordano

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

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Cai, Deng

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Calatrava Moreno, Maria del Carmen

WI&C'13 ~ Ranking Factors of Team Success  (Page 1185)

Calders, Toon

TempWeb'13 ~ Discovering Temporal Hidden Contexts in Web Sessions for User Trail Prediction  (Page 1067)

Cambria, Erik

MABSDA'13 ~ A Graph-Based Approach to Commonsense Concept Extraction and Semantic Similarity Detection  (Page 565)

MABSDA'13 ~ WWW MABSDA Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 535)

Cameron, Mark

SWDM'13 ~ A Sensitive Twitter Earthquake Detector  (Page 999)

Canali, Davide

Full Research Paper ~ The Role of Web Hosting Providers in Detecting Compromised Websites  (Page 177)

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Canou, Benjamin

Developer's Track ~ Static Typing & JavaScript Libraries: Towards a More Considerate Relationship  (Page 15)

Cao, Jian

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

Cao, Longbing

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

Cao, Yunbo

Poster Abstract ~ An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation  (Page 127)

Caragea, Cornelia

Full Research Paper ~ Researcher Homepage Classification Using Unlabeled Data  (Page 471)

Carmel, David

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

Carr, Lesie

WOW'13 ~ An Approach for Using Wikipedia to Measure the Flow of Trends Across Countries  (Page 1373)

SOCM'13 ~ The HTP Model: Understanding the Development of Social Machines  (Page 921)

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

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Carrascal, Juan Pablo

Full Research Paper ~ Your Browsing Behavior for a Big Mac: Economics of Personal Information Online  (Page 189)

Carvalho, Lucas Augusto Montalvão Costa

SRS'13 ~ Generation of Coalition Structures to Provide Proper Groups' Formation in Group Recommender Systems  (Page 945)

SRS'13 ~ Users' Satisfaction in Recommendation Systems for Groups: An Approach Based on Noncooperative Games  (Page 951)

Castillo, Carlos

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

SNOW'13 ~ Finding News Curators in Twitter  (Page 863)

SNOW'13 ~ Traffic Prediction and Discovery of News via News Crowds  (Page 853)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

SWDM'13 ~ Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media  (Page 1021)

WebQuality'13 ~ Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1109)

Çatalyürek, Ümit V.

Full Research Paper ~ Diversified Recommendation on Graphs: Pitfalls, Measures, and Algorithms  (Page 715)

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Catasta, Michele

WebQuality'13 ~ On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web Content Credibility Evaluations  (Page 1131)

Caverlee, James

Full Research Paper ~ Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Online Memes: A Study of Geo-Tagged Tweets  (Page 667)

Poster Abstract ~ Board Coherence in Pinterest: Non-visual Aspects of a Visual Site  (Page 49)

SWDM'13 ~ Text vs. Images: On the Viability of Social Media to Assess Earthquake Damage  (Page 1003)

Cecchet, Emmanuel

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Celis, L. Elisa

TempWeb'13 ~ Adaptive Crowdsourcing for Temporal Crowds  (Page 1093)

Ceri, Stefano

Full Research Paper ~ Reactive Crowdsourcing  (Page 153)

Cha, Meeyoung

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

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Chailloux, Emmanuel

Developer's Track ~ Static Typing & JavaScript Libraries: Towards a More Considerate Relationship  (Page 15)

Chaintreau, Augustin

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Chakrabarti, Kaushik

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Acronym Expansions and Their Meanings Using Query Click Log  (Page 1261)

Chakrabarti, Soumen

Full Research Paper ~ Learning Joint Query Interpretation and Response Ranking  (Page 1099)

Chandaria, Jigna

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding and Decreasing the Network Footprint of Catch-up TV  (Page 965)

Chang, Ming-Wei

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

Chang, Yi

Full Research Paper ~ Content-Aware Click Modeling  (Page 1365)

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective General Framework for Localized Content Optimization  (Page 65)

Poster Abstract ~ Framework for Evaluation of Text Captchas  (Page 159)

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Charton, Eric

WOLE'13 ~ WoLE2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1225)

Chedeau, Christopher

Poster Abstract ~ To Crop, Or Not to Crop: Compiling Online Media Galleries  (Page 201)

Chen, Chun

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Chen, Chun-An

Poster Abstract ~ Semantically Sampling in Heterogeneous Social Networks  (Page 181)

Chen, Kai

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

Chen, Kuan-Ta

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

Chen, Li

SRS'13 ~ Welcome from the SRS 2013 Workshop Chairs  (Page 933)

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Chen, Minghua

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Signed Social Networks by Transfer Learning  (Page 1477)

Chen, Ming-Syan

Poster Abstract ~ Recommendation for Online Social Feeds by Exploiting User Response Behavior  (Page 197)

Chen, Shu

LiME'13 ~ Linking Inside a Video Collection - What and How to Measure?  (Page 457)

Chen, Xiaoxuan

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

Chen, Ye

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Click and Relevance Relationship for Sponsored Search  (Page 119)

Poster Abstract ~ Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid Search Using Two-Stage Regression  (Page 113)

Chen, Ying

Full Research Paper ~ Is This App Safe for Children? A Comparison Study of Maturity Ratings on Android and IOS Applications  (Page 201)

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Chen, Yubo

Poster Abstract ~ Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction  (Page 95)

Chen, Zhumin

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Recommend with Multi-Faceted Trust in Social Networks  (Page 205)

Cheng, Hong

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Signed Social Networks by Transfer Learning  (Page 1477)

Cheng, I. Yeu

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Cheng, Jian

Full Research Paper ~ TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation Through Community Topic Mining in Social Network  (Page 1501)

Cheng, Tao

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Acronym Expansions and Their Meanings Using Query Click Log  (Page 1261)

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Cheng, Xueqi

Full Research Paper ~ A Biterm Topic Model for Short Texts  (Page 1445)

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Cheng, Xue-Qi

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

Poster Abstract ~ Popularity Prediction in Microblogging Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo  (Page 177)

Cheng, Yuan

PSOM'13 ~ Preserving User Privacy from Third-Party Applications in Online Social Networks  (Page 723)

Cheng, Zhiyuan

Full Research Paper ~ Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Online Memes: A Study of Geo-Tagged Tweets  (Page 667)

Cherubini, Mauro

Full Research Paper ~ Your Browsing Behavior for a Big Mac: Economics of Personal Information Online  (Page 189)

Chervonenkis, Alexey

Poster Abstract ~ Optimization of Ads Allocation in Sponsored Search  (Page 121)

Chetlur, Malolan

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

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Chi, Ed H.

Full Research Paper ~ Perception and Understanding of Social Annotations in Web Search  (Page 403)

Choudhury, Monojit

Poster Abstract ~ Place Value: Word Position Shifts Vital to Search Dynamics  (Page 153)

Christin, Nicolas

Full Research Paper ~ Traveling the Silk Road: A Measurement Analysis of a Large Anonymous Online Marketplace  (Page 213)

Chu, Wei

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

Chuah, Chen-Nee

Full Research Paper ~ Modeling/Predicting the Evolution Trend of OSN-Based Applications  (Page 771)

Chudnovskyy, Olexiy

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

Chunara, Rumi

PHDA'13 ~ Participatory Disease Surveillance in Latin America  (Page 695)

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Church, Kenneth W.

Poster Abstract ~ Intent Classification of Voice Queries on Mobile Devices  (Page 149)

Ciaramita, Massimiliano

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Benchmarking Entity-Annotation Systems  (Page 249)

Cichowlas, Alison

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Cleveland, Seth B.

Demo Abstract ~ MASFA: Mass-Collaborative Faceted Search for Online Communities  (Page 293)

Cohen, Sara

SRS'13 ~ Recommending Collaborators Using Keywords  (Page 959)

Coltri, Priscila P.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

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Contractor, Danish

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Poster Abstract ~ Understanding Election Candidate Approval Ratings Using Social Media Data  (Page 189)

Cook, James

Full Research Paper ~ Group Chats on Twitter  (Page 225)

Full Research Paper ~ How to Grow More Pairs: Suggesting Review Targets for Comparison-Friendly Review Ecosystems  (Page 237)

Coppens, Sam

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Uncertain Provenance and Provenance of Uncertainty in W3c Prov  (Page 167)

Cordeiro, Robson L. F.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

Cornolti, Marco

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Benchmarking Entity-Annotation Systems  (Page 249)

Cosley, Dan

Full Research Paper ~ Do Social Explanations Work? Studying and Modeling the Effects of Social Explanations in Recommender Systems  (Page 1133)

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Costa, Miguel

Demo Abstract ~ Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive  (Page 321)

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures  (Page 1045)

TempWeb'13 ~ Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive  (Page 1059)

Couto, Francisco M.

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures  (Page 1045)

Cranor, Lorrie Faith

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

Crescenzi, Valter

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Learning Web Wrappers from the Crowd  (Page 261)

Demo Abstract ~ ALFRED: Crowd Assisted Data Extraction  (Page 297)

Cristea, Alexandra I.

Poster Abstract ~ A Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating Places in User-Generated Text  (Page 83)

Poster Abstract ~ Zero-cost Labelling with Web Feeds for Weblog Data Extraction  (Page 73)

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Crowcroft, Jon

Full Research Paper ~ Psychological Maps 2.0: A Web Engagement Enterprise Starting in London  (Page 1065)

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding and Decreasing the Network Footprint of Catch-up TV  (Page 965)

Poster Abstract ~ Fragmented Social Media: A Look into Selective Exposure to Political News  (Page 51)

Cruickshank, Don

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

Cruz, David

Demo Abstract ~ Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive  (Page 321)

TempWeb'13 ~ Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive  (Page 1059)

Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

Full Research Paper ~ Pick-A-Crowd: Tell Me What You Like, and I'll Tell You What to Do - A Crowdsourcing Platform for Personalized Human Intelligence Task Assignment Based on Social Networks  (Page 367)

Cuevas, Angel

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ or Google-? Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year  (Page 483)

Cuevas, Ruben

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ or Google-? Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year  (Page 483)

Cummins, Ronan

Full Research Paper ~ Which Vertical Search Engines Are Relevant? Understanding Vertical Relevance Assessments for Web Queries  (Page 1557)

Cusin, Cesar Augusto

Developer's Track ~ CSS Browser Selector Plus: A JavaScript Library to Support Cross-Browser Responsive Design  (Page 27)

Czeskis, Alexei

Full Research Paper ~ Lightweight Server Support for Browser-Based CSRF Protection  (Page 273)

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