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WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


da Silva, Altigran S.

MSM'13 ~ FS-NER: A Lightweight Filter-Stream Approach to Named Entity Recognition on Twitter Data  (Page 597)

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Dadzie, Aba-Sah

MSM'13 ~ #MSM2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 587)

MSM'13 ~ Nerding Out on Twitter: Fun, Patriotism and #Curiosity  (Page 605)

MSM'13 ~ Session: MSM'13 Keynote Talk  (Page )

MSM'13 ~ Session: MSM'13 Machine Learning & Statistical Analysis  (Page )

MSM'13 ~ Session: MSM'13 Filtering & Classification of Microposts  (Page )

MSM'13 ~ Session: MSM'13 Posters & Demonstrations  (Page )

MSM'13 ~ Session: MSM'13 Trend & Topic Detection in Microposts  (Page )

Dahimene, Ryadh

MSM'13 ~ MicroFilter: Real Time Filtering of Microblogging Content  (Page 633)

Dai, Yafei

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

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Dalton, Ben

SOCM'13 ~ Pseudonymity in Social Machines  (Page 897)

Dalvi, Nilesh

Full Research Paper ~ Aggregating Crowdsourced Binary Ratings  (Page 285)

Full Research Paper ~ Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching  (Page 295)

Damljanovic, Danica

LILE'13 ~ Learning from Quizzes Using Intelligent Learning Companions  (Page 435)

Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian

Full Research Paper ~ No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities  (Page 307)

Daniel, Florian

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

d'Aquin, Mathieu

LILE'13 ~ Linked Learning 2013 (LILE2013): 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data  (Page 407)

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Daróczy, Bálint

WebQuality'13 ~ Cross-Lingual Web Spam Classification  (Page 1149)

Das Sarma, Anish

Full Research Paper ~ Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching  (Page 295)

Dasgupta, Anirban

Full Research Paper ~ Aggregating Crowdsourced Binary Ratings  (Page 285)

Full Research Paper ~ Crowdsourced Judgement Elicitation with Endogenous Proficiency  (Page 319)

Full Research Paper ~ Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching  (Page 295)

LSNA'13 ~ Aggregating Information from the Crowd and the Network  (Page 491)

Dasgupta, Koustuv

TempWeb'13 ~ Adaptive Crowdsourcing for Temporal Crowds  (Page 1093)

Dave, Kushal

Full Research Paper ~ Timespent Based Models for Predicting User Retention  (Page 331)

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Davis, Hugh C

LILE'13 ~ Exploring Student Predictive Model that Relies on Institutional Databases and Open Data Instead of Traditional Questionnaires  (Page 413)

Dayarathna, Miyuru

LSNA'13 ~ A First View of Exedra: A Domain-Specific Language for Large Graph Analytics Workflows  (Page 509)

De, Pradipta

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

de Alfaro, Luca

Full Research Paper ~ Attributing Authorship of Revisioned Content  (Page 343)

De Francisci Morales, Gianmarco

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Leveraging Closed Captions for News Retrieval  (Page 135)

RAMSS'13 ~ SAMOA: A Platform for Mining Big Data Streams  (Page 777)

SNOW'13 ~ SNOW Chairs' Welcome  (Page 843)

de Freitas, Larissa A.

Doctoral Consortium ~ Ontology-based Feature Level Opinion Mining for Portuguese Reviews  (Page 367)

MSM'13 ~ Some Clues on Irony Detection in Tweets  (Page 635)

de Jesus, Ângelo Magno

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

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de la Rouviere, Simon

Poster Abstract ~ Lists as Coping Strategy for Information Overload on Twitter  (Page 199)

De Neve, Wesley

MSM'13 ~ Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation  (Page 593)

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

De Nies, Tom

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Uncertain Provenance and Provenance of Uncertainty in W3c Prov  (Page 167)

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

de Oliveira, Diego Marinho

MSM'13 ~ FS-NER: A Lightweight Filter-Stream Approach to Named Entity Recognition on Twitter Data  (Page 597)

de Oliveira, José Palazzo M.

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

de Oliveira, Rodrigo

Full Research Paper ~ Your Browsing Behavior for a Big Mac: Economics of Personal Information Online  (Page 189)

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De Paoli, Flavio

WS-REST'13 ~ A Framework for Self-Descriptive RESTful Services  (Page 1407)

de Paula, Rogério

LSNA'13 ~ The Social Meanings of Social Networks: Integrating SNA and Ethnography of Social Networking  (Page 493)

de Rijke, Maarten

RAMSS'13 ~ RAMSS'13 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 771)

De Roure, Catherine

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

De Roure, David

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

SOCM'13 ~ SOCM 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 881)

WOW'13 ~ 1st International Web Observatory Workshop - WOW2013 Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1305)

de Sousa, Elaine P. M.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

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Del Corro, Luciano

Full Research Paper ~ ClausIE: Clause-Based Open Information Extraction  (Page 355)

Demartini, Gianluca

Full Research Paper ~ Pick-A-Crowd: Tell Me What You Like, and I'll Tell You What to Do - A Crowdsourcing Platform for Personalized Human Intelligence Task Assignment Based on Social Networks  (Page 367)

Denesuk, Matthew

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Desmet, Lieven

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

Dewan, Prateek

Demo Abstract ~ uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media  (Page 273)

Dey, Kuntal

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

Diaz, Fernando

SWDM'13 ~ Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media  (Page 1021)

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Diaz-Aviles, Ernesto

Poster Abstract ~ Mining Emotions in Short Films: User Comments or Crowdsourcing?  (Page 69)

Diaz-Aviles, Ernesto

RAMSS'13 ~ Towards Real-Time Collaborative Filtering for Big Fast Data  (Page 779)

WOW'13 ~ Living Analytics Methods for the Web Observatory  (Page 1321)

Díaz-Galiano, Manuel C.

MABSDA'13 ~ Spanish Knowledge Base Generation for Polarity Classification from Masses  (Page 571)

Dietze, Stefan

LILE'13 ~ Linked Learning 2013 (LILE2013): 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data  (Page 407)

LILE'13 ~ Towards Integration of Web Data into a Coherent Educational Data Graph  (Page 419)

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Focused Knowledge Extraction: Query-Based Extraction of Structured Summaries  (Page 77)

Difallah, Djellel Eddine

Full Research Paper ~ Pick-A-Crowd: Tell Me What You Like, and I'll Tell You What to Do - A Crowdsourcing Platform for Personalized Human Intelligence Task Assignment Based on Social Networks  (Page 367)

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Dill, Stephen

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Domingue, John

LILE'13 ~ Interactive Learning Resources and Linked Data for Online Scientific Experimentation  (Page 431)

Domingues, Marcos A.

Poster Abstract ~ Improving Consensus Clustering of Texts using Interactive Feature Selection  (Page 237)

Dong, Anlei

Full Research Paper ~ Content-Aware Click Modeling  (Page 1365)

Dong, Xin Luna

Full Research Paper ~ Compact Explanation of Data Fusion Decisions  (Page 379)

dos Santos, Eduardo Pezutti Beletato

Demo Abstract ~ TagVisor: Extending Web Pages with Interaction Events to Support Presentation in Digital Signage  (Page 265)

Dror, Gideon

Full Research Paper ~ From Query to Question in One Click: Suggesting Synthetic Questions to Searchers  (Page 391)

Drumond, Lucas

RAMSS'13 ~ Towards Real-Time Collaborative Filtering for Big Fast Data  (Page 779)

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du Mouza, Cédric

MSM'13 ~ MicroFilter: Real Time Filtering of Microblogging Content  (Page 633)

Dubey, Ayush

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

Dustdar, Schahram

Full Research Paper ~ Expressive Languages for Selecting Groups from Graph-Structured Data  (Page 761)

Dutra, Alex Amorim

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Dutra, Diego

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Ebel, Lior

SRS'13 ~ Recommending Collaborators Using Keywords  (Page 959)

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Edwards, Lilian

PSOM'13 ~ Twitter (R)evolution: Privacy, Free Speech and Disclosure  (Page 745)

Ehlers, Kobus

Poster Abstract ~ Lists as Coping Strategy for Information Overload on Twitter  (Page 199)

Eksombatchai, Chantat

Full Research Paper ~ NIFTY: A System for Large Scale Information Flow Tracking and Clustering  (Page 1237)

El Helou, Sandy

SRS'13 ~ A Recommender System for Job Seeking and Recruiting Website  (Page 963)

Elbassuoni, Shady

SWDM'13 ~ Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media  (Page 1021)

Erramilli, Vijay

Full Research Paper ~ Your Browsing Behavior for a Big Mac: Economics of Personal Information Online  (Page 189)

Eshete, Birhanu

Doctoral Consortium ~ Effective Analysis, Characterization, and Detection of Malicious Web Pages  (Page 355)

Eskevich, Maria

LiME'13 ~ Linking Inside a Video Collection - What and How to Measure?  (Page 457)

Ester, Martin

Full Research Paper ~ The FLDA Model for Aspect-Based Opinion Mining: Addressing the Cold Start Problem  (Page 909)

Fabrikant, Alex

Full Research Paper ~ How to Grow More Pairs: Suggesting Review Targets for Comparison-Friendly Review Ecosystems  (Page 237)

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Faloutsos, Christos

Full Research Paper ~ CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in Social Networks  (Page 119)

Full Research Paper ~ The Self-Feeding Process: A Unifying Model for Communication Dynamics in the Web  (Page 1319)

Poster Abstract ~ Fast Anomaly Detection Despite the Duplicates  (Page 195)

Faloutsos, Michalis

Full Research Paper ~ An Analysis of Socware Cascades in Online Social Networks  (Page 619)

LSNA'13 ~ Detecting Malware with Graph-Based Methods: Traffic Classification, Botnets, and Facebook Scams  (Page 495)

Fan, Mingming

WOW'13 ~ From Health-Persona to Societal Health  (Page 1329)

Faruquie, Tanveer A.

Poster Abstract ~ Understanding Election Candidate Approval Ratings Using Social Media Data  (Page 189)

Feinberg, Jonathan

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Feltoni Gurini, Davide

SRS'13 ~ Signal-Based User Recommendation on Twitter  (Page 941)

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Feng, Boqin

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

Feng, Kai

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Feng, Shi

Full Research Paper ~ Localized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Based on Matrix Block Diagonal Forms  (Page 1511)

Feng, Wei

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Annotate Tweets with Crowd Wisdom  (Page 57)

Fernades Almeida, Virgilio

WWW'13 ~ General Chairs' Welcome Message

Fernandez, Miriam

Demo Abstract ~ Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere  (Page 257)

Fernquist, Jennifer

Full Research Paper ~ Perception and Understanding of Social Annotations in Web Search  (Page 403)

Ferragina, Paolo

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Benchmarking Entity-Annotation Systems  (Page 249)

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Ferreira, Kledilson

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Ferretti, Stefano

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Resilience of Dynamic Overlays through Local Interactions  (Page 813)

SIMPLEX'13 ~ SIMPLEX 2013 Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 801)

Fetahu, Besnik

LILE'13 ~ Towards Integration of Web Data into a Coherent Educational Data Graph  (Page 419)

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Focused Knowledge Extraction: Query-Based Extraction of Structured Summaries  (Page 77)

Feuerstein, Esteban

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

Firmo, Caetano

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

Fisichella, Marco

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Flöck, Fabian

Doctoral Consortium ~ Identifying, Understanding and Detecting Recurring, Harmful Behavior Patterns in Collaborative Wikipedia Editing - Doctoral Proposal -  (Page 361)

Flores, Aaron

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

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Fontes, Simão

Demo Abstract ~ Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive  (Page 321)

Fontes, Simão

TempWeb'13 ~ Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive  (Page 1059)

Fontoura, Marcus

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Francillon, Aurélien

Full Research Paper ~ The Role of Web Hosting Providers in Detecting Compromised Websites  (Page 177)

Frasincar, Flavius

Poster Abstract ~ A Case-Based Analysis of the Effect of Offline Media on Online Conversion Actions  (Page 125)

Frieder, Ophir

Poster Abstract ~ Graded Relevance Ranking for Synonym Discovery  (Page 139)

Friedland, Gerald

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Frossi, Alessandro

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

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Fu, Xin

Full Research Paper ~ Evaluating and Predicting User Engagement Change with Degraded Search Relevance  (Page 1213)

Fuhry, David

Full Research Paper ~ Efficient Community Detection in Large Networks Using Content and Links  (Page 1089)

Furche, Tim

Developer's Track ~ Effective Web Scraping with OXPath  (Page 23)

Gadiraju, Ujwal

Full Research Paper ~ Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter  (Page 1273)

Gaedke, Martin

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Annotations for the Rapid Development of Collaborative Web Applications  (Page 551)

Demo Abstract ~ Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation  (Page 249)

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

LiME'13 ~ The Chrooma+ Approach to Enrich Video Content using HTML5  (Page 479)

Gagnon, Michel

WOLE'13 ~ Can We use Linked Data Semantic Annotators for the Extraction of Domain-Relevant Expressions?  (Page 1239)

Galárraga, Luis

Full Research Paper ~ AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases  (Page 413)

Galbrun, Esther

Poster Abstract ~ Topical Organization of User Comments and Application to Content Recommendation  (Page 61)

Gallé, Matthias

SNOW'13 ~ Who Broke the News? An Analysis on First Reports of News Events  (Page 855)

Galli, Marcio dos Santos

Demo Abstract ~ TagVisor: Extending Web Pages with Interaction Events to Support Presentation in Digital Signage  (Page 265)

Ganguly, Niloy

Poster Abstract ~ Place Value: Word Position Shifts Vital to Search Dynamics  (Page 153)

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Gao, Bin

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Advertiser Bidding Behaviors in Sponsored Search by Rationality Modeling  (Page 1433)

Gao, Byron J.

Demo Abstract ~ MASFA: Mass-Collaborative Faceted Search for Online Communities  (Page 293)

Gao, Huiji

Full Research Paper ~ Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis with Emotional Signals  (Page 607)

Gao, Jie

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Group Stability in Online Social Networks  (Page 1021)

Gao, Mingyan

WOW'13 ~ EventShop: Recognizing Situations in Web Data Streams  (Page 1359)

Gao, Sidan

Full Research Paper ~ PrefixSolve: Efficiently Solving Multi-Source Multi-Destination Path Queries on RDF Graphs by Sharing Suffix Computations  (Page 423)

García, José Luis Redondo

RAMSS'13 ~ MediaFinder: Collect, Enrich and Visualize Media Memes Shared by the Crowd  (Page 789)

Garimella, Kiran

Poster Abstract ~ Political Hashtag Hijacking in the U.S.  (Page 55)

Garimella, Venkata Rama Kiran

Poster Abstract ~ Inferring Audience Partisanship for YouTube Videos  (Page 43)

Garzó, András

WebQuality'13 ~ Cross-Lingual Web Spam Classification  (Page 1149)

Gasevic, Dragan

LILE'13 ~ Linked Learning 2013 (LILE2013): 3rd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data  (Page 407)

Gaskell, Paul

WOW'13 ~ The Economics of Data: Quality, Value & Exchange in Web Observatories  (Page 1309)

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Gasparetti, Fabio

SRS'13 ~ Signal-Based User Recommendation on Twitter  (Page 941)

Gemulla, Rainer

Full Research Paper ~ ClausIE: Clause-Based Open Information Extraction  (Page 355)

Genevés, Pierre

Poster Abstract ~ XML Validation: Looking Backward - Strongly Typed and Flexible XML Processing are not Incompatible  (Page 219)

Georgescu, Mihai

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

Gerber, Daniel

Full Research Paper ~ Sorry, I Don't Speak SPARQL - Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language  (Page 977)

Demo Abstract ~ SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL Queries  (Page 329)

Ghosh, Arpita

Full Research Paper ~ Crowdsourced Judgement Elicitation with Endogenous Proficiency  (Page 319)

Gilad, Yossi

Full Research Paper ~ When Tolerance Causes Weakness: The Case of Injection-Friendly Browsers  (Page 435)

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Gile, Krista

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Characterizing Branching Processes from Sampled Data  (Page 805)

Giles, C. Lee

Full Research Paper ~ Researcher Homepage Classification Using Unlabeled Data  (Page 471)

Gill, Konark

Full Research Paper ~ Wisdom in the Social Crowd: An Analysis of Quora  (Page 1341)

Gillet, Denis

SRS'13 ~ A Recommender System for Job Seeking and Recruiting Website  (Page 963)

Gindl, Stefan

MABSDA'13 ~ Rule-based Opinion Target and Aspect Extraction to Acquire Affective Knowledge  (Page 557)

Gionis, Aristides

Poster Abstract ~ Searching for Interestingness in Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers  (Page 145)

SNOW'13 ~ SNOW Chairs' Welcome  (Page 843)

Gkotsis, George

Poster Abstract ~ A Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating Places in User-Generated Text  (Page 83)

Poster Abstract ~ Zero-cost Labelling with Web Feeds for Weblog Data Extraction  (Page 73)

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Glaser, Hartmut

WWW'13 ~ General Chairs' Welcome Message

Gligor, Virgil

Full Research Paper ~ Accountable Key Infrastructure (AKI): A Proposal for a Public-Key Validation Infrastructure  (Page 679)

Gloria, Marie Joan Kristine

WOW'13 ~ Exploration in Web Science: Instruments for Web Observatories  (Page 1325)

Godin, Fréderic

MSM'13 ~ Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation  (Page 593)

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

Goel, Ashish

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Goga, Oana

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Goharian, Nazli

Poster Abstract ~ Graded Relevance Ranking for Synonym Discovery  (Page 139)

Poster Abstract ~ To Follow or Not to Follow: A Feature Evaluation  (Page 59)

Gold, Kevin

Poster Abstract ~ Utility Discounting Explains Informational Website Traffic Patterns Before a Hurricane  (Page 53)

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Goldstein, Daniel G.

Full Research Paper ~ The Cost of Annoying Ads  (Page 459)

Gollapalli, Sujatha Das

Full Research Paper ~ Researcher Homepage Classification Using Unlabeled Data  (Page 471)

Gomes, Daniel

Demo Abstract ~ Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive  (Page 321)

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures  (Page 1045)

TempWeb'13 ~ Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive  (Page 1059)

Gonzalez, Roberto

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ or Google-? Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year  (Page 483)

Gorla, Jagadeesh

Full Research Paper ~ Probabilistic Group Recommendation via Information Matching  (Page 495)

Gosselin, Bernard

LiME'13 ~ Second Screen Interaction: An Approach to Infer TV Watcher's Interest Using 3D Head Pose Estimation  (Page 465)

Goyal, Navin

Full Research Paper ~ Ad Impression Forecasting for Sponsored Search  (Page 943)

Graepel, Thore

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring the Demographics of Search Users: Social Data Meets Search Queries  (Page 131)

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Grasso, Giovanni

Developer's Track ~ Effective Web Scraping with OXPath  (Page 23)

Grau, Bernardo Cuenca

Full Research Paper ~ Making the Most of Your Triple Store: Query Answering in OWL 2 Using an RL Reasoner  (Page 1569)

Grüneberger, Franz Josef

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Annotations for the Rapid Development of Collaborative Web Applications  (Page 551)

Demo Abstract ~ Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation  (Page 249)

Gu, Zhiping

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

Guha, Neel

WOLE'13 ~ Course-Specific Search Engines: Semi-Automated Methods for Identifying High Quality Topic-Specific Corpora  (Page 1247)

Guimarães, Abraão

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Fast Centrality-Driven Diffusion in Dynamic Networks  (Page 821)

Gulden, Markus

WS-REST'13 ~ A Concept for Generating Simplified RESTful Interfaces  (Page 1391)

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Gulla, Jon Atle

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

SRS'13 ~ Does Social Contact Matter? Modelling the Hidden Web of Trust Underlying Twitter  (Page 981)

Gummadi, Krishna P.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Addressing the Privacy Management Crisis in Online Social Networks  (Page 841)

Guo, Jiafeng

Full Research Paper ~ A Biterm Topic Model for Short Texts  (Page 1445)

Guo, Lei

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Recommend with Multi-Faceted Trust in Social Networks  (Page 205)

Guo, Shengbo

MSND'13 ~ Mining Social Networks Dynamics 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome and Preface  (Page 637)

Gupta, Aditi

PSOM'13 ~ Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter During Hurricane Sandy  (Page 729)

Gupta, Anika

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

Gupta, Archit

Full Research Paper ~ Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Labels: Recommending Advertiser Bid Phrases for Web Pages  (Page 13)

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Gupta, Atul

Poster Abstract ~ Discovery of Technical Expertise from Open Source Code Repositories  (Page 97)

Gupta, Mitali

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Click and Relevance Relationship for Sponsored Search  (Page 119)

Gupta, Pankaj

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Guruswami, Venkatesan

Full Research Paper ~ CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in Social Networks  (Page 119)

Gusev, Gleb

Poster Abstract ~ Introducing Search Behavior into Browsing Based Models of Page's Importance  (Page 129)

Gutierrez, Claudio

Poster Abstract ~ The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data  (Page 133)

Gütl, Christian

WS-REST'13 ~ A Framework for Self-Descriptive RESTful Services  (Page 1415)

Guy, Ido

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

LSNA'13 ~ Mining and Analyzing the Enterprise Knowledge Graph  (Page 497)

SRS'13 ~ Welcome from the SRS 2013 Workshop Chairs  (Page 933)

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Gyongyi, Zoltan

WebQuality'13 ~ Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1109)

Gyrard, Amelie

Doctoral Consortium ~ A Machine-to-Machine Architecture to Merge Semantic Sensor Measurements  (Page 371)

Poster Abstract ~ The STAC (Security Toolbox: Attacks & Countermeasures) Ontology  (Page 165)

Hacid, Hakim

MSND'13 ~ Mining Social Networks Dynamics 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome and Preface  (Page 637)

Hadgu, Asmelash Teka

LILE'13 ~ Finding Relevant Missing References in Learning Courses  (Page 425)

Poster Abstract ~ Political Hashtag Hijacking in the U.S.  (Page 55)

Haesendonck, Gerald

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

Halevi, Tzipora

PSOM'13 ~ A Pilot Study of Cyber Security and Privacy Related Behavior and Personality Traits  (Page 737)

Halford, Susan

SOCM'13 ~ The HTP Model: Understanding the Development of Social Machines  (Page 921)

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Hall, Wendy

SOCM'13 ~ "The Crowd Keeps Me in Shape": Social Psychology and the Present and Future of Health Social Machines  (Page 927)

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

WebQuality'13 ~ Trustworthiness Criteria for Supporting Users to Assess the Credibility of Web Information  (Page 1123)

WOW'13 ~ From Search to Observation  (Page 1317)

Hallé, Sylvain

Demo Abstract ~ Automated Exploration and Analysis of Ajax Web Applications with WebMole  (Page 245)

Han, Jiawei

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Collective Intelligence in Diverse Groups  (Page 1041)

Han, Yi

RAMSS'13 ~ Detecting Real-Time Burst Topics in Microblog Streams: How Sentiment can Help  (Page 781)

Hannak, Aniko

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Hara, Carmem S.

Poster Abstract ~ Partitioning RDF Exploiting Workload Information  (Page 213)

Hardiman, Stephen J.

Full Research Paper ~ Estimating Clustering Coefficients and Size of Social Networks via Random Walk  (Page 539)

Hardman, Lynda

LiME'13 ~ Using Explicit Discourse Rules to Guide Video Enrichment  (Page 461)

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Harrington, Patrick

Poster Abstract ~ Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness  (Page 39)

Harris, Lisa

WOW'13 ~ From Search to Observation  (Page 1317)

Hartenstein, Hannes

WOLE'13 ~ Search Result Presentation: Supporting Post-Search Navigation by Integration of Taxonomy Data  (Page 1269)

Harth, Andreas

Full Research Paper ~ Data-Fu: A Language and an Interpreter for Interaction with Read/Write Linked Data  (Page 1225)

Haseman, Chris

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Haslhofer, Bernhard

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

Poster Abstract ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 81)

WOLE'13 ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 1275)

WOLE'13 ~ Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving Web Search  (Page 1253)

Hassan, Ahmed

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

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Hassidim, Avinatan

Full Research Paper ~ How to Grow More Pairs: Suggesting Review Targets for Comparison-Friendly Review Ecosystems  (Page 237)

Hauff, Claudia

Full Research Paper ~ Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter  (Page 1273)

Hausenblas, Michael

WS-REST'13 ~ Distributed Affordance: An Open-World Assumption for Hypermedia  (Page 1399)

He, Jianhua

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

He, Qi

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

He, Xiaodong

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

He, Xiaofei

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

He, Yeye

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Acronym Expansions and Their Meanings Using Query Click Log  (Page 1261)

He, Ying

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

(Return to Top)

Hebert, Jack

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Hein, Matthias

Full Research Paper ~ Towards Realistic Team Formation in Social Networks Based on Densest Subgraphs  (Page 1077)

Heinrich, Matthias

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Annotations for the Rapid Development of Collaborative Web Applications  (Page 551)

Demo Abstract ~ Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation  (Page 249)

Herder, Eelco

LILE'13 ~ Finding Relevant Missing References in Learning Courses  (Page 425)

Herzberg, Amir

Full Research Paper ~ When Tolerance Causes Weakness: The Case of Injection-Friendly Browsers  (Page 435)

Hiemstra, Djoerd

Doctoral Consortium ~ Deep Web Entity Monitoring  (Page 377)

Hildebrand, Michiel

LiME'13 ~ Using Explicit Discourse Rules to Guide Video Enrichment  (Page 461)

Hillard, Dustin

Full Research Paper ~ A Predictive Model for Advertiser Value-Per-Click in Sponsored Search  (Page 1179)

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Hogan, Aidan

Poster Abstract ~ The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data  (Page 133)

Hoi, Steven C. H.

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Hollerit, Bernd

MSM'13 ~ Towards Linking Buyers and Sellers: Detecting Commercial Intent on Twitter  (Page 629)

Hollink, Laura

Full Research Paper ~ Web Usage Mining with Semantic Analysis  (Page 561)

Holtan, Marius

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

Holtkamp, Philipp

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Hong, Jun

Poster Abstract ~ History-Aware Critiquing-Based Conversational Recommendation  (Page 63)

WOLE'13 ~ Visually Extracting Data Records From the Deep Web  (Page 1233)

Hong, Liangjie

Full Research Paper ~ Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User Locations from Social Media Posts  (Page 25)

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Hong, Yoonsung

MABSDA'13 ~ Tower of Babel: A Crowdsourcing Game Building Sentiment Lexicons for Resource-scarce Languages  (Page 549)

Hooper, Clare

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

Horrocks, Ian

Full Research Paper ~ Making the Most of Your Triple Store: Query Answering in OWL 2 Using an RL Reasoner  (Page 1569)

Horvitz, Eric

Full Research Paper ~ From Cookies to Cooks: Insights on Dietary Patterns via Analysis of Web Usage Logs  (Page 1399)

Hose, Katja

Full Research Paper ~ AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases  (Page 413)

Hotho, Andreas

Poster Abstract ~ Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths on Wikipedia  (Page 171)

Houben, Geert-Jan

Full Research Paper ~ Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter  (Page 1273)

Höver, Kai Michael

LILE'13 ~ Linked Data Selectors  (Page 439)

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Hovy, Dirk

Poster Abstract ~ Solving Electrical Networks to Incorporate Supervision in Random Walks  (Page 109)

Hovy, Eduard

Poster Abstract ~ Solving Electrical Networks to Incorporate Supervision in Random Walks  (Page 109)

Howard, Newton

MABSDA'13 ~ WWW MABSDA Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 535)

Hruschka Jr., Estevam R.

WI&C'13 ~ Autonomously Reviewing and Validating the Knowledge base of a Never-Ending Learning System  (Page 1195)

Hsieh, Cho-Jui

Full Research Paper ~ Organizational Overlap on Social Networks and Its Applications  (Page 571)

Hsu, Bo-June (Paul)

Full Research Paper ~ Space-Efficient Data Structures for Top-k Completion  (Page 583)

Hu, Liang

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

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Hu, Songlin

Poster Abstract ~ QMapper: A Tool for SQL Optimization on Hive using Query Rewriting  (Page 211)

Hu, Xia

Full Research Paper ~ Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis with Emotional Signals  (Page 607)

Huang, Junming

Poster Abstract ~ Popularity Prediction in Microblogging Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo  (Page 177)

Huang, Lin-Shung

Full Research Paper ~ Accountable Key Infrastructure (AKI): A Proposal for a Public-Key Validation Infrastructure  (Page 679)

Huang, Sandy

Full Research Paper ~ NIFTY: A System for Large Scale Information Flow Tracking and Clustering  (Page 1237)

Huang, Thomas

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Collective Intelligence in Diverse Groups  (Page 1041)

Huang, Ting-Kai

Full Research Paper ~ An Analysis of Socware Cascades in Online Social Networks  (Page 619)

Huang, Xinyi (Lisa)

Full Research Paper ~ Organizational Overlap on Social Networks and Its Applications  (Page 571)

Hughes, Chris

WOW'13 ~ The Economics of Data: Quality, Value & Exchange in Web Observatories  (Page 1309)

Hurley, Ryan

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Huttenlocher, Daniel

Full Research Paper ~ Steering User Behavior with Badges  (Page 95)

Hwang, Seung-won

Poster Abstract ~ Fria: Fast and Robust Instance Alignment  (Page 175)

Hyyppä, Kati

LiME'13 ~ Linking and Visualizing Television Heritage: The EUscreen Virtual Exhibitions and the Linked Open Data Pilot  (Page 481)

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