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Author Index

WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


Taibi, Davide

LILE'13 ~ Towards Integration of Web Data into a Coherent Educational Data Graph  (Page 419)

Tan, Chew-Lim

Poster Abstract ~ An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation  (Page 127)

Tanaka, Katsumi

WebQuality'13 ~ Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1109)

Tanev, Hristo

PHDA'13 ~ Combining Twitter and Media Reports on Public Health Events in MedISys  (Page 703)

Taneva, Bilyana

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Acronym Expansions and Their Meanings Using Query Click Log  (Page 1261)

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Tang, Jie

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Structural Hole Spanners Through Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 837)

Tang, Jiliang

Full Research Paper ~ Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis with Emotional Signals  (Page 607)

Tang, Jintao

Poster Abstract ~ Information Current in Twitter: Which Brings Hot Events to the World  (Page 111)

Tang, Lei

Poster Abstract ~ Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness  (Page 39)

Tao, Ke

Full Research Paper ~ Groundhog Day: Near-Duplicate Detection on Twitter  (Page 1273)

Tarte, Ségolène

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

Tavakolifard, Mozhgan

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

SRS'13 ~ Does Social Contact Matter? Modelling the Hidden Web of Trust Underlying Twitter  (Page 981)

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Teflioudi, Christina

Full Research Paper ~ AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases  (Page 413)

Teixeira, Renata

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Teng, Chun-yuen

SRS'13 ~ Understanding User Spatial Behaviors for Location-Based Recommendations  (Page 989)

Thanh Lam, Hoang

TempWeb'13 ~ Discovering Temporal Hidden Contexts in Web Sessions for User Trail Prediction  (Page 1067)

Thomas, Achint

Poster Abstract ~ Framework for Evaluation of Text Captchas  (Page 159)

Thomee, Bart

Full Research Paper ~ Uncovering Locally Characterizing Regions within Geotagged Data  (Page 1285)

Thuraisingham, Bhavani

Poster Abstract ~ REDACT: A Framework for Sanitizing RDF Data  (Page 157)

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Tian, Yuanyuan

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

Tinati, Ramine

SOCM'13 ~ The HTP Model: Understanding the Development of Social Machines  (Page 921)

WOW'13 ~ An Approach for Using Wikipedia to Measure the Flow of Trends Across Countries  (Page 1373)

Tiropanis, Thanassis

LILE'13 ~ Exploring Student Predictive Model that Relies on Institutional Databases and Open Data Instead of Traditional Questionnaires  (Page 413)

SOCM'13 ~ Crime Applications and Social Machines: Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data  (Page 891)

WOW'13 ~ An Approach for Using Wikipedia to Measure the Flow of Trends Across Countries  (Page 1373)

Tiwari, Mitul

Full Research Paper ~ Organizational Overlap on Social Networks and Its Applications  (Page 571)

SRS'13 ~ Large-Scale Social Recommender Systems: Challenges and Opportunities  (Page 939)

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Toda, Hiroyuki

WebQuality'13 ~ Automatically Generated Spam Detection Based on Sentence-Level Topic Information  (Page 1157)

Tolomei, Gabriele

WOLE'13 ~ SEED: A Framework for Extracting Social Events from Press News  (Page 1285)

Tong, Hanghang

Full Research Paper ~ MATRI: A Multi-Aspect and Transitive Trust Inference Model  (Page 1467)

Tong, Hanghang

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

Topinsky, Valery A.

Poster Abstract ~ Optimization of Ads Allocation in Sponsored Search  (Page 121)

Toriumi, Fujio

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

Toshniwal, Durga

RAMSS'13 ~ Sub-Event Detection During Natural Hazards Using Features of Social Media Data  (Page 783)

Toth, Attila-Peter

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

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Towsley, Donald

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Characterizing Branching Processes from Sampled Data  (Page 805)

Traina, Agma J. M.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

Traina Jr., Caetano

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

Trestian, Ionut

WOW'13 ~ A Glance at an Overlooked Part of the World Wide Web  (Page 1379)

Triantafillou, Peter

Poster Abstract ~ HIGGINS: Knowledge Acquisition Meets the Crowds  (Page 85)

Triglianos, Vasileios

Poster Abstract ~ ASQ: Interactive Web Presentations for Hybrid MOOCs  (Page 209)

Trofimov, Ilya

Poster Abstract ~ New Features for Query Dependent Sponsored Search Click Prediction  (Page 117)

Troncy, Raphaël

Demo Abstract ~ Live Topic Generation from Event Streams  (Page 285)

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

LiME'13 ~ First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2013) Chairs' Welcome  (Page 451)

RAMSS'13 ~ MediaFinder: Collect, Enrich and Visualize Media Memes Shared by the Crowd  (Page 789)

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Tseng, Belle

Poster Abstract ~ Framework for Evaluation of Text Captchas  (Page 159)

Tsiatas, Alexander

Full Research Paper ~ Spectral Analysis of Communication Networks Using Dirichlet Eigenvalues  (Page 1297)

Tzouvaras, Vassilis

LiME'13 ~ Linking and Visualizing Television Heritage: The EUscreen Virtual Exhibitions and the Linked Open Data Pilot  (Page 481)

Ugander, Johan

Full Research Paper ~ Subgraph Frequencies: Mapping the Empirical and Extremal Geography of Large Graph Collections  (Page 1307)

LSNA'13 ~ Scaling Graph Computations at Facebook  (Page 499)

Umbrich, Jürgen

Poster Abstract ~ The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data  (Page 133)

Unger, Christina

Full Research Paper ~ Sorry, I Don't Speak SPARQL - Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language  (Page 977)

Demo Abstract ~ SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL Queries  (Page 329)

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Ur, Blase

PSOM'13 ~ A Cross-Cultural Framework for Protecting User Privacy in Online Social Media  (Page 755)

Ur, Sigalit

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

Uren, Victoria

MSM'13 ~ Nerding Out on Twitter: Fun, Patriotism and #Curiosity  (Page 605)

Ureña-López, L. Alfonso

MABSDA'13 ~ Spanish Knowledge Base Generation for Polarity Classification from Masses  (Page 571)

Vaingankar, Vishal

Full Research Paper ~ Timespent Based Models for Predicting User Retention  (Page 331)

Vakali, Athena

MSND'13 ~ Mining Social Networks Dynamics 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome and Preface  (Page 637)

Vallentin, Matthias

Full Research Paper ~ Here's My Cert, So Trust Me, Maybe? Understanding TLS Errors on the Web  (Page 59)

Van Acker, Steven

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

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Van de Sompel, Herbert

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

TempWeb'13 ~ Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval Policies  (Page 1051)

Van de Walle, Rik

MSM'13 ~ Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation  (Page 593)

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Uncertain Provenance and Provenance of Uncertainty in W3c Prov  (Page 167)

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

WS-REST'13 ~ Distributed Affordance: An Open-World Assumption for Hypermedia  (Page 1399)

van der Goot, Erik

PHDA'13 ~ Combining Twitter and Media Reports on Public Health Events in MedISys  (Page 703)

van Hooland, Seth

RAMSS'13 ~ MJ no more: Using Concurrent Wikipedia Edit Spikes with Social Network Plausibility Checks for Breaking News Detection  (Page 791)

van Keulen, Maurice

Doctoral Consortium ~ Deep Web Entity Monitoring  (Page 377)

Van Kleek, Max

SOCM'13 ~ "The Crowd Keeps Me in Shape": Social Psychology and the Present and Future of Health Social Machines  (Page 927)

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

Vandic, Damir

Poster Abstract ~ A Case-Based Analysis of the Effect of Offline Media on Online Conversion Actions  (Page 125)

Vanin, Aline A.

MSM'13 ~ Some Clues on Irony Detection in Tweets  (Page 635)

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Varma, Manik

Full Research Paper ~ Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Labels: Recommending Advertiser Bid Phrases for Web Pages  (Page 13)

Varma, Vasudeva

Full Research Paper ~ Timespent Based Models for Predicting User Retention  (Page 331)

Vaz de Melo, Pedro O. S.

Full Research Paper ~ The Self-Feeding Process: A Unifying Model for Communication Dynamics in the Web  (Page 1319)

Velichety, Srikar

MSND'13 ~ Examining Lists on Twitter to Uncover Relationships Between Following, Membership and Subscription  (Page 673)

Veloso, Adriano

MSM'13 ~ FS-NER: A Lightweight Filter-Stream Approach to Named Entity Recognition on Twitter Data  (Page 597)

SRS'13 ~ Weighted Slope One Predictors Revisited  (Page 967)

Venkataramani, Rahul

Poster Abstract ~ Discovery of Technical Expertise from Open Source Code Repositories  (Page 97)

Venzhega, Andrei

WebQuality'13 ~ Graph-Based Malware Distributors Detection  (Page 1141)

Verborgh, Ruben

WS-REST'13 ~ Distributed Affordance: An Open-World Assumption for Hypermedia  (Page 1399)

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Vercouter, Laurent

WI&C'13 ~ WI&C Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1161)

Verma, Ashish

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Poster Abstract ~ Intent Classification of Voice Queries on Mobile Devices  (Page 149)

Verma, Pramod

Demo Abstract ~ Serefind: A Social Networking Website for Classifieds  (Page 289)

Vidalis, Aristides

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Viégas, Fernanda

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Vieira, Alex B.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Fast Centrality-Driven Diffusion in Dynamic Networks  (Page 821)

Vieira, Renata

Doctoral Consortium ~ Ontology-based Feature Level Opinion Mining for Portuguese Reviews  (Page 367)

MSM'13 ~ Some Clues on Irony Detection in Tweets  (Page 635)

Vigna, Giovanni

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

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Visweswariah, Karthik

Poster Abstract ~ Offering Language Based Services on Social Media by Identifying User's Preferred Language(s) from Romanized Text  (Page 71)

Volkov, Sergey

WebQuality'13 ~ Russian Web Spam Evolution: Yandex Experience  (Page 1137)

Vrandeèiæ, Denny

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Vukovic, Maja

SWDM'13 ~ Location-Based Insights from the Social Web  (Page 1013)

SWDM'13 ~ SWDM 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 993)

Wagner, Claudia

MSM'13 ~ Meaning as Collective Use: Predicting Semantic Hashtag Categories on Twitter  (Page 621)

Wakita, Ken

Poster Abstract ~ Extracting the Multilevel Communities Based on Network Structural and Nonstructural Information  (Page 191)

Wald, Mike

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

Walls, Robert J.

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

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Wang, Beidou

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Wang, Can

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Wang, Chaokun

Demo Abstract ~ G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on Large Graphs  (Page 333)

Wang, Dayong

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Wang, Dong

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Wang, Gang

Full Research Paper ~ Wisdom in the Social Crowd: An Analysis of Quora  (Page 1341)

Wang, Hao

Demo Abstract ~ G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on Large Graphs  (Page 333)

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Wang, Helen J.

Full Research Paper ~ Lightweight Server Support for Browser-Based CSRF Protection  (Page 273)

Wang, Hongning

Full Research Paper ~ Content-Aware Click Modeling  (Page 1365)

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

Full Research Paper ~ Exploring and Exploiting User Search Behavior on Mobile and Tablet Devices to Improve Search Relevance  (Page 1201)

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

Wang, Jian

Full Research Paper ~ Is It Time for a Career Switch?  (Page 1377)

Wang, Jianyong

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Annotate Tweets with Crowd Wisdom  (Page 57)

Wang, Jun

Full Research Paper ~ Interactive Exploratory Search for Multi Page Search Results  (Page 655)

Full Research Paper ~ Probabilistic Group Recommendation via Information Matching  (Page 495)

Wang, Kuansan

Full Research Paper ~ Exploring and Exploiting User Search Behavior on Mobile and Tablet Devices to Improve Search Relevance  (Page 1201)

Wang, Qianxiang

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

Wang, Ting

Poster Abstract ~ Information Current in Twitter: Which Brings Hot Events to the World  (Page 111)

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Wang, Xiao

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

Wang, Yang

PSOM'13 ~ A Cross-Cultural Framework for Protecting User Privacy in Online Social Media  (Page 755)

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

Wang, Yu

Poster Abstract ~ Leveraging Geographical Metadata to Improve Search Over Social Media  (Page 151)

Wang, Yuanzhuo

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

Wang, Yuanzhuo

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Warner, Simeon

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

Watanabe, Masaru

LSNA'13 ~ How Social Network is Evolving? - A Preliminary Study on Billion-Scale Twitter Network  (Page 531)

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Wattenberg, Martin

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Webber, Craig

SOCM'13 ~ Crime Applications and Social Machines: Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data  (Page 891)

Weber, Ingmar

Poster Abstract ~ Inferring Audience Partisanship for YouTube Videos  (Page 43)

Poster Abstract ~ Political Hashtag Hijacking in the U.S.  (Page 55)

Wei, Bifan

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

Wei, Dongchen

Full Research Paper ~ Security Implications of Password Discretization for Click-Based Graphical Passwords  (Page 1581)

Weichselbraun, Albert

MABSDA'13 ~ Rule-based Opinion Target and Aspect Extraction to Acquire Affective Knowledge  (Page 557)

Weikum, Gerhard

Poster Abstract ~ HIGGINS: Knowledge Acquisition Meets the Crowds  (Page 85)

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Wen, Ji-Rong

Poster Abstract ~ Numeric Query Ranking Approach  (Page 229)

Werthner, Hannes

WI&C'13 ~ Ranking Factors of Team Success  (Page 1185)

West, Robert

Full Research Paper ~ From Cookies to Cooks: Insights on Dietary Patterns via Analysis of Web Usage Logs  (Page 1399)

Full Research Paper ~ No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities  (Page 307)

White, Bebo

MABSDA'13 ~ The Web as a Laboratory  (Page 539)

White, Ryen W.

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

Full Research Paper ~ From Cookies to Cooks: Insights on Dietary Patterns via Analysis of Web Usage Logs  (Page 1399)

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

Wiedemann, Fabian

LiME'13 ~ The Chrooma+ Approach to Enrich Video Content using HTML5  (Page 479)

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Wierzbicki, Adam

WebQuality'13 ~ Defending Imitating Attacks in Web Credibility Evaluation Systems  (Page 1115)

WebQuality'13 ~ On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web Content Credibility Evaluations  (Page 1131)

Wieser, Christoph

Demo Abstract ~ Crowdsourcing MapReduce: JSMapReduce  (Page 253)

Wilde, Erik

WS-REST'13 ~ Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013)  (Page 1387)

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Wills, Gary

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

Wilson, Christo

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Wise, Catherine

SWDM'13 ~ Comparing Web Feeds and Tweets for Emergency Management  (Page 1007)

Wohlstadter, Eric

Full Research Paper ~ Imagen: Runtime Migration of Browser Sessions for JavaScript Web Applications  (Page 815)

Demo Abstract ~ Live Migration of JavaScript Web Apps  (Page 241)

Wojcik, Oktawia

PHDA'13 ~ Participatory Disease Surveillance in Latin America  (Page 695)

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Wolak, Janis

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Wood, Stephen G.

Full Research Paper ~ A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services  (Page 1111)

Wren, Christopher R.

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

Wu, Hanzhao

Demo Abstract ~ G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on Large Graphs  (Page 333)

Wu, Jie

Poster Abstract ~ Numeric Query Ranking Approach  (Page 229)

Wu, Ling

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

Wu, Qian

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

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Wu, Wensheng

Poster Abstract ~ Searching the Deep Web Using Proactive Phrase Queries  (Page 137)

Wu, Zhe

Full Research Paper ~ Making the Most of Your Triple Store: Query Answering in OWL 2 Using an RL Reasoner  (Page 1569)

Wytock, Matt

WOLE'13 ~ Course-Specific Search Engines: Semi-Automated Methods for Identifying High Quality Topic-Specific Corpora  (Page 1247)

Xavier Parreira, Josiane

Poster Abstract ~ The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data  (Page 133)

Xia, Yunqing

MABSDA'13 ~ WWW MABSDA Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 535)

Xiao, Chunjing

WOW'13 ~ A Glance at an Overlooked Part of the World Wide Web  (Page 1379)

Xie, Tao

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

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Xie, Xing

Poster Abstract ~ Collaborative Filtering Meets Next Check-in Location Prediction  (Page 231)

Xu, Feng

Full Research Paper ~ MATRI: A Multi-Aspect and Transitive Trust Inference Model  (Page 1467)

Xu, Guandong

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

Xu, Haifeng

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Advertiser Bidding Behaviors in Sponsored Search by Rationality Modeling  (Page 1433)

Xu, Heng

Full Research Paper ~ Is This App Safe for Children? A Comparison Study of Maturity Ratings on Android and IOS Applications  (Page 201)

Xu, Liheng

Poster Abstract ~ Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction  (Page 95)

Xu, Ning

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

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Xu, Wanhong

Full Research Paper ~ CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in Social Networks  (Page 119)

Xu, Yingzhong

Poster Abstract ~ QMapper: A Tool for SQL Optimization on Hive using Query Rewriting  (Page 211)

Xu, Zhiming

Poster Abstract ~ Link Prediction in Social Networks Based on Hypergraph  (Page 41)

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

Xue, Jilong

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

Xueqi, Cheng

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

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Yan, Jeff

Full Research Paper ~ Security Implications of Password Discretization for Click-Based Graphical Passwords  (Page 1581)

Yan, Tak W.

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Click and Relevance Relationship for Sponsored Search  (Page 119)

Poster Abstract ~ Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid Search Using Two-Stage Regression  (Page 113)

Yan, Xiaohui

Full Research Paper ~ A Biterm Topic Model for Short Texts  (Page 1445)

Yan, Xifeng

Full Research Paper ~ MATRI: A Multi-Aspect and Transitive Trust Inference Model  (Page 1467)

Poster Abstract ~ Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense  (Page 155)

Yanardag Delul, Pinar

Doctoral Consortium ~ Understanding and Analysing Microblogs  (Page 401)

Yang, Cheng-Lun

Poster Abstract ~ Semantically Sampling in Heterogeneous Social Networks  (Page 181)

Yang, Diyi

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Advertiser Bidding Behaviors in Sponsored Search by Rationality Modeling  (Page 1433)

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Yang, Maowei

Full Research Paper ~ Security Implications of Password Discretization for Click-Based Graphical Passwords  (Page 1581)

Yang, Xiaokang

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

Yang, Yang

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

Yang, Zhi

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

Yantao, Jia

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Yao, Lina

Poster Abstract ~ Correlation Discovery in Web of Things  (Page 215)

Yao, Ting

Full Research Paper ~ Unified Entity Search in Social Media Community  (Page 1457)

Yao, Yuan

Full Research Paper ~ MATRI: A Multi-Aspect and Transitive Trust Inference Model  (Page 1467)

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Yates, Andrew

Poster Abstract ~ Graded Relevance Ranking for Synonym Discovery  (Page 139)

Ye, Jihang

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Signed Social Networks by Transfer Learning  (Page 1477)

Yin, Jie

SWDM'13 ~ Location Extraction from Disaster-Related Microblogs  (Page 1017)

Yin, Liangzhong

Poster Abstract ~ Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid Search Using Two-Stage Regression  (Page 113)

Yoshikawa, Masatoshi

Poster Abstract ~ Ranking Method Specialized for Content Descriptions of Classical Music  (Page 141)

Yu, Hao

Poster Abstract ~ Domain-sensitive Opinion Leader Mining from Online Review Communities  (Page 187)

Yu, Philip S.

Full Research Paper ~ Anatomy of a Web-Scale Resale Market: A Data Mining Approach  (Page 1533)

Yuan, Ting

Full Research Paper ~ TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation Through Community Topic Mining in Social Network  (Page 1501)

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Yuanzhuo, Wang

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Yus, Roberto

Demo Abstract ~ SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments Using Semantics  (Page 301)

Zabala, Paula

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

Zabolotnyi, Rostyslav

Full Research Paper ~ Expressive Languages for Selecting Groups from Graph-Structured Data  (Page 761)

Zadeh, Reza

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Zanero, Stefano

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

Zerr, Sergej

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

Zha, Hongyuan

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

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Zhai, ChengXiang

Full Research Paper ~ Content-Aware Click Modeling  (Page 1365)

Zhang, Aonan

Full Research Paper ~ Sparse Online Topic Models  (Page 1489)

Zhang, Bo

Full Research Paper ~ Sparse Online Topic Models  (Page 1489)

Zhang, Jun

Full Research Paper ~ Trade Area Analysis Using User Generated Mobile Location Data  (Page 1053)

SRS'13 ~ Understanding User Spatial Behaviors for Location-Based Recommendations  (Page 989)

Zhang, Lumin

RAMSS'13 ~ Detecting Real-Time Burst Topics in Microblog Streams: How Sentiment can Help  (Page 781)

Zhang, Min

Full Research Paper ~ Localized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Based on Matrix Block Diagonal Forms  (Page 1511)

Zhang, Qingpeng

WOW'13 ~ Exploration in Web Science: Instruments for Web Observatories  (Page 1325)

Zhang, Shu

Poster Abstract ~ Domain-sensitive Opinion Leader Mining from Online Review Communities  (Page 187)

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Zhang, Wei Vivian

Full Research Paper ~ Whom to Mention: Expand the Diffusion of Tweets by @ Recommendation on Micro-Blogging Systems  (Page 1331)

Zhang, Wei

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

Poster Abstract ~ An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation  (Page 127)

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Click and Relevance Relationship for Sponsored Search  (Page 119)

Zhang, Xi

Full Research Paper ~ TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation Through Community Topic Mining in Social Network  (Page 1501)

Poster Abstract ~ TCRec: Product Recommendation via Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category Information  (Page 233)

Zhang, Xiaochen

Poster Abstract ~ Discovering Multilingual Concepts from Unaligned Web Documents by Exploring Associated Images  (Page 173)

Zhang, Yi

Full Research Paper ~ Is It Time for a Career Switch?  (Page 1377)

Zhang, Yongfeng

Full Research Paper ~ Localized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Based on Matrix Block Diagonal Forms  (Page 1511)

Zhang, Yongzheng

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Purchase Behaviors from Social Media  (Page 1521)

Zhang, Yu

Poster Abstract ~ Extracting Implicit Features in Online Customer Reviews for Opinion Mining  (Page 103)

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Zhao, Ben Y.

Full Research Paper ~ Wisdom in the Social Crowd: An Analysis of Quora  (Page 1341)

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

Zhao, Jun

Poster Abstract ~ Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction  (Page 95)

Zhao, Xiaohan

Poster Abstract ~ Unfolding Dynamics in a Social Network: Co-evolution Of Link Formation and User Interaction  (Page 67)

Zhao, Yuchen

Full Research Paper ~ Anatomy of a Web-Scale Resale Market: A Data Mining Approach  (Page 1533)

Zhao, Zhe

Full Research Paper ~ Questions about Questions: An Empirical Analysis of Information Needs on Twitter  (Page 1545)

Zheng, Haitao

Full Research Paper ~ Wisdom in the Social Crowd: An Analysis of Quora  (Page 1341)

Zheng, Ning

Poster Abstract ~ Cross-Region Collaborative Filtering for New Point-of-Interest Recommendation  (Page 45)

Zheng, Qinghua

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

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Zheng, Vincent W.

Poster Abstract ~ Collaborative Filtering Meets Next Check-in Location Prediction  (Page 231)

Zhinalieva, Polina

WebQuality'13 ~ Graph-Based Malware Distributors Detection  (Page 1141)

WebQuality'13 ~ Quality-Biased Ranking for Queries with Commercial Intent  (Page 1145)

Zhong, Tingting

Poster Abstract ~ Searching the Deep Web Using Proactive Phrase Queries  (Page 137)

Zhou, Bin

RAMSS'13 ~ Detecting Real-Time Burst Topics in Microblog Streams: How Sentiment can Help  (Page 781)

Zhou, Ke

Full Research Paper ~ Which Vertical Search Engines Are Relevant? Understanding Vertical Relevance Assessments for Web Queries  (Page 1557)

Zhou, Michelle X.

SRS'13 ~ Welcome from the SRS 2013 Workshop Chairs  (Page 933)

(Return to Top)

Zhou, Yi

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

Zhou, Yilu

Full Research Paper ~ Is This App Safe for Children? A Comparison Study of Maturity Ratings on Android and IOS Applications  (Page 201)

Zhou, Yujiao

Full Research Paper ~ Making the Most of Your Triple Store: Query Answering in OWL 2 Using an RL Reasoner  (Page 1569)

Zhu, Bin B.

Full Research Paper ~ Security Implications of Password Discretization for Click-Based Graphical Passwords  (Page 1581)

Zhu, Can

Full Research Paper ~ Personalized Recommendation Via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization  (Page 595)

Zhu, Jianke

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Zhu, Jun

Full Research Paper ~ Sparse Online Topic Models  (Page 1489)

(Return to Top)

Zhu, Sencun

Full Research Paper ~ Is This App Safe for Children? A Comparison Study of Maturity Ratings on Android and IOS Applications  (Page 201)

Zhu, Weixiang

Poster Abstract ~ Extracting Implicit Features in Online Customer Reviews for Opinion Mining  (Page 103)

Zhu, Wenjun

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

Zhu, Yanan

Poster Abstract ~ To Follow or Not to Follow: A Feature Evaluation  (Page 59)

Zhu, Zhe

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Signed Social Networks by Transfer Learning  (Page 1477)

Zhukovskiy, Maxim

Poster Abstract ~ Introducing Search Behavior into Browsing Based Models of Page's Importance  (Page 129)

Ziviani, Artur

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Fast Centrality-Driven Diffusion in Dynamic Networks  (Page 821)

Ziviani, Nivio

SRS'13 ~ Weighted Slope One Predictors Revisited  (Page 967)

Zouaq, Amal

WOLE'13 ~ Can We use Linked Data Semantic Annotators for the Extraction of Domain-Relevant Expressions?  (Page 1239)

Zubiaga, Arkaitz

Poster Abstract ~ Harnessing Web Page Directories for Large-Scale Classification of Tweets  (Page 225)

RAMSS'13 ~ RAMSS'13 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 771)

SNOW'13 ~ Newspaper Editors vs the Crowd: On the Appropriateness of Front Page News Selection  (Page 879)

Zuckerman, Ethan

SNOW'13 ~ Finding News Curators in Twitter  (Page 863)

Zurko, Mary Ellen

WWW'13 ~ Message from the Chair of IW3C2