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WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


Rabinovich, Michael

Full Research Paper ~ The Anatomy of LDNS Clusters: Findings and Implications for Web Content Delivery  (Page 83)

Rachapalli, Jyothsna

Poster Abstract ~ REDACT: A Framework for Sanitizing RDF Data  (Page 157)

Rae, Adam

Full Research Paper ~ Uncovering Locally Characterizing Regions within Geotagged Data  (Page 1285)

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Raggett, Dave

Developer's Track ~ Quill: A Collaborative Design Assistant for Cross Platform Web Application User Interfaces  (Page 3)

Rahman, Md Sazzadur

Full Research Paper ~ An Analysis of Socware Cascades in Online Social Networks  (Page 619)

Rahwan, Iyad

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

Rajagopal, Dheeraj

MABSDA'13 ~ A Graph-Based Approach to Commonsense Concept Extraction and Semantic Similarity Detection  (Page 565)

Rajan, Vaibhav

TempWeb'13 ~ Adaptive Crowdsourcing for Temporal Crowds  (Page 1093)

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Ram, Sudha

MSND'13 ~ Examining Lists on Twitter to Uncover Relationships Between Following, Membership and Subscription  (Page 673)

Ramakrishnan, I.V.

Full Research Paper ~ Predictive Web Automation Assistant for People with Vision Impairments  (Page 1019)

Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan

Poster Abstract ~ Offering Language Based Services on Social Media by Identifying User's Preferred Language(s) from Romanized Text  (Page 71)

Rana, Juwel

WI&C'13 ~ End-User Creation of Social Apps by Utilizing Web-Based Social Components and Visual App Composition  (Page 1205)

Rangapuram, Syama

Full Research Paper ~ Towards Realistic Team Formation in Social Networks Based on Densest Subgraphs  (Page 1077)

Rastogi, Vibhor

Full Research Paper ~ Aggregating Crowdsourced Binary Ratings  (Page 285)

Full Research Paper ~ Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching  (Page 295)

Ravi, Sujith

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Ravindra, Padmashree

Demo Abstract ~ Optimizing RDF(S) Queries on Cloud Platforms  (Page 261)

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable Processing of Flexible Graph Pattern Queries on the Cloud  (Page 169)

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Redondo García, José Luis

Demo Abstract ~ Live Topic Generation from Event Streams  (Page 285)

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

Regan, Tim

Full Research Paper ~ Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive  (Page 749)

Rejaie, Reza

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ or Google-? Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year  (Page 483)

Renders, Jean-Michel

SNOW'13 ~ Who Broke the News? An Analysis on First Reports of News Events  (Page 855)

Rezende, Solange O.

Poster Abstract ~ Improving Consensus Clustering of Texts using Interactive Feature Selection  (Page 237)

Ribeiro, Bruno

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Characterizing Branching Processes from Sampled Data  (Page 805)

Riederer, Christopher

Full Research Paper ~ Your Browsing Behavior for a Big Mac: Economics of Personal Information Online  (Page 189)

Rizzo, Giuseppe

Demo Abstract ~ Live Topic Generation from Event Streams  (Page 285)

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

RAMSS'13 ~ MediaFinder: Collect, Enrich and Visualize Media Memes Shared by the Crowd  (Page 789)

WOLE'13 ~ WoLE2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1225)

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Robertson, Stephen

Full Research Paper ~ Probabilistic Group Recommendation via Information Matching  (Page 495)

Robinson, Bella

SWDM'13 ~ A Sensitive Twitter Earthquake Detector  (Page 999)

SWDM'13 ~ Comparing Web Feeds and Tweets for Emergency Management  (Page 1007)

Rocca, François

LiME'13 ~ Second Screen Interaction: An Approach to Infer TV Watcher's Interest Using 3D Head Pose Estimation  (Page 465)

Rodrigues, Tiago

Demo Abstract ~ uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media  (Page 273)

Rodriguez Perez, Jesus A.

Poster Abstract ~ On Using Inter-document Relations in Microblog Retrieval  (Page 75)

Rodriguez-Ramirez, Rocio

PHDA'13 ~ Crowdsourced Risk Factors of Influenza-Like-Illness in Mexico  (Page 697)

Roffel, Sweitze

LILE'13 ~ Linking Data In and Outside a Scientific Publishing House  (Page 411)

Rogstadius, Jakob

SWDM'13 ~ Location-Based Insights from the Social Web  (Page 1013)

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Roi, Blanco

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Temporal Web Search Experience  (Page 1101)

Romani, Luciana A. S.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

Ronen, Inbal

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

Rosa, Nelson

SOCM'13 ~ Social Machines: A Unified Paradigm to Describe Social Web-Oriented Systems  (Page 885)

Ross, Madeline K. B.

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Roth, Dan

Full Research Paper ~ Latent Credibility Analysis  (Page 1009)

Rowe, Matthew

MSM'13 ~ #MSM2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 587)

Roy Chowdhury, Soudip

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

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Ruan, Yiye

Full Research Paper ~ Efficient Community Detection in Large Networks Using Content and Links  (Page 1089)

Saad, Farag

MABSDA'13 ~ Revised Mutual Information Approach for German Text Sentiment Classification  (Page 579)

Sachan, Mrinmaya

Poster Abstract ~ Collective Matrix Factorization for Co-clustering  (Page 93)

Poster Abstract ~ Solving Electrical Networks to Incorporate Supervision in Random Walks  (Page 109)

Saez-Trumper, Diego

LSNA'13 ~ Online Social Networks: Beyond Popularity  (Page 489)

Saha Roy, Rishiraj

Doctoral Consortium ~ Analyzing Linguistic Structure of Web Search Queries  (Page 395)

Poster Abstract ~ Place Value: Word Position Shifts Vital to Search Dynamics  (Page 153)

Sakaki, Takeshi

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

SalahEldeen, Hany M.

TempWeb'13 ~ Carbon Dating the Web: Estimating the Age of Web Resources  (Page 1075)

Salathé, Marcel

PHDA'13 ~ Validating Models for Disease Detection Using Twitter  (Page 699)

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Salem, Yasser

Poster Abstract ~ History-Aware Critiquing-Based Conversational Recommendation  (Page 63)

Sanderson, Robert

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

TempWeb'13 ~ Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval Policies  (Page 1051)

Sandhu, Ravi

PSOM'13 ~ Preserving User Privacy from Third-Party Applications in Online Social Networks  (Page 723)

Sandler, Mark

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding Latency Variations of Black Box Services  (Page 697)

Saniee, Iraj

Full Research Paper ~ Spectral Analysis of Communication Networks Using Dirichlet Eigenvalues  (Page 1297)

Sansonetti, Giuseppe

SRS'13 ~ Signal-Based User Recommendation on Twitter  (Page 941)

Santos, Rodrygo L. T.

TempWeb'13 ~ Characterizing Video Access Patterns in Mainstream Media Portals  (Page 1085)

Sapieżyński, Piotr

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Sarker, Farhana

LILE'13 ~ Exploring Student Predictive Model that Relies on Institutional Databases and Open Data Instead of Traditional Questionnaires  (Page 413)

Sarlós, Tamás

Full Research Paper ~ Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching  (Page 295)

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Sarukkai, Ramesh R.

RAMSS'13 ~ Real-Time User Modeling and Prediction: Examples from YouTube  (Page 775)

Sastry, Nishanth

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding and Decreasing the Network Footprint of Catch-up TV  (Page 965)

Satzger, Benjamin

Full Research Paper ~ Expressive Languages for Selecting Groups from Graph-Structured Data  (Page 761)

Saule, Erik

Full Research Paper ~ Diversified Recommendation on Graphs: Pitfalls, Measures, and Algorithms  (Page 715)

Sawant, Uma

Full Research Paper ~ Learning Joint Query Interpretation and Response Ranking  (Page 1099)

Sayres, Rory

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Schallhart, Christian

Developer's Track ~ Effective Web Scraping with OXPath  (Page 23)

Scharl, Arno

MABSDA'13 ~ Rule-based Opinion Target and Aspect Extraction to Acquire Affective Knowledge  (Page 557)

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Schien, Daniel

Full Research Paper ~ A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services  (Page 1111)

Schifferes, Steve

SNOW'13 ~ Social Media, Journalism and the Public  (Page 847)

SNOW'13 ~ Verifying News on the Social Web: Challenges and Prospects  (Page 875)

Schmidt-Thieme, Lars

RAMSS'13 ~ Towards Real-Time Collaborative Filtering for Big Fast Data  (Page 779)

Schoenebeck, Grant

Full Research Paper ~ Potential Networks, Contagious Communities, and Understanding Social Network Structure  (Page 1123)

Schrauwen, Benjamin

MSM'13 ~ Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation  (Page 593)

Schroeder, Rebeca

Poster Abstract ~ Partitioning RDF Exploiting Workload Information  (Page 213)

Schwabe, Daniel

WWW'13 ~ General Chairs' Welcome Message

Schwagereit, Felix

Full Research Paper ~ What Is the Added Value of Negative Links in Online Social Networks?  (Page 727)

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Scott, Kevin

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

Seligmann, Dorée D.

Poster Abstract ~ Power Dynamics in Spoken Interactions: A Case Study on 2012 Republican Primary Debates  (Page 99)

Sellen, Abigail

Full Research Paper ~ Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive  (Page 749)

Serdyukov, Pavel

Poster Abstract ~ Introducing Search Behavior into Browsing Based Models of Page's Importance  (Page )

Serrat, F. Zarzuela

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

Servajean, Maximilien

SRS'13 ~ Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation  (Page 973)

Sett, Swaraj

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Click and Relevance Relationship for Sponsored Search  (Page 119)

Seyed, A. Patrice

WOW'13 ~ SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web Observatory  (Page 1369)

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Shabajee, Paul

Full Research Paper ~ A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services  (Page 1111)

Shaban-Nejad, Arash

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

Shadbolt, Nigel R.

SOCM'13 ~ "The Crowd Keeps Me in Shape": Social Psychology and the Present and Future of Health Social Machines  (Page 927)

SOCM'13 ~ Linked Data in Crowdsourcing Purposive Social Network  (Page 913)

SOCM'13 ~ SOCM 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 881)

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

Shah, Sam

Full Research Paper ~ Organizational Overlap on Social Networks and Its Applications  (Page 571)

Sharma, Amit

Full Research Paper ~ Do Social Explanations Work? Studying and Modeling the Effects of Social Explanations in Recommender Systems  (Page 1133)

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Sharma, Aneesh

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Sharples, Paul

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

Shavlovsky, Michael

Full Research Paper ~ Attributing Authorship of Revisioned Content  (Page 343)

Shekarpour, Saeedeh

Full Research Paper ~ Question Answering on Interlinked Data  (Page 1145)

Shen, Dou

Poster Abstract ~ Discovering Multilingual Concepts from Unaligned Web Documents by Exploring Associated Images  (Page 173)

Shen, Hua-Wei

Poster Abstract ~ Popularity Prediction in Microblogging Network: A Case Study on Sina Weibo  (Page 177)

Shen, Pei

Poster Abstract ~ Cost-Effective Node Monitoring for Online Hot Event Detection in Sina Weibo Microblogging  (Page 107)

Shen, Zeqian

Full Research Paper ~ Anatomy of a Web-Scale Resale Market: A Data Mining Approach  (Page 1533)

Poster Abstract ~ RepRank: Reputation in a Peer-to-Peer Online System  (Page 163)

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Sheng, Quan Z

Poster Abstract ~ Correlation Discovery in Web of Things  (Page 215)

Shervashidze, Nino

Full Research Paper ~ Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization  (Page 37)

Sheth, Swapneel

WI&C'13 ~ A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of Warcraft  (Page 1175)

Shi, Xiaolin

Full Research Paper ~ Evaluating and Predicting User Engagement Change with Degraded Search Relevance  (Page 1213)

Shiells, Kyle

TempWeb'13 ~ Timelines as Summaries of Popular Scheduled Events  (Page 1037)

Shim, Kyuseok

Full Research Paper ~ DIGTOBI: A Recommendation System for Digg Articles Using Probabilistic Modeling  (Page 691)

Shinoda, Kosuke

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

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Shipman, Frank M.

Full Research Paper ~ Saving, Reusing, and Remixing Web Video: Using Attitudes and Practices to Reveal Social Norms  (Page 885)

Shishkin, Alexander

WebQuality'13 ~ Quality-Biased Ranking for Queries with Commercial Intent  (Page 1145)

Shokouhi, Milad

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring the Demographics of Search Users: Social Data Meets Search Queries  (Page 131)

Shrivastava, Nisheeth

Full Research Paper ~ Know Your Personalization: Learning Topic Level Personalization in Online Services  (Page 873)

Siehndel, Patrick

LILE'13 ~ Finding Relevant Missing References in Learning Courses  (Page 425)

Siersdorfer, Stefan

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

Siklósi, Dávid

WebQuality'13 ~ Cross-Lingual Web Spam Classification  (Page 1149)

Silva, Ana Paula C.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Fast Centrality-Driven Diffusion in Dynamic Networks  (Page 821)

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Silva, Leila

SRS'13 ~ Weighted Slope One Predictors Revisited  (Page 967)

Silva, Mário J.

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures  (Page 1045)

Silvestri, Fabrizio

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Shorten Query Sessions  (Page 131)

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Leveraging Closed Captions for News Retrieval  (Page 135)

SNOW'13 ~ SNOW Chairs' Welcome  (Page 843)

Simonet, Vincent

WOLE'13 ~ Classifying YouTube Channels: A Practical System  (Page 1295)

Simperl, Elena

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

Singer, Philipp

MSM'13 ~ Meaning as Collective Use: Predicting Semantic Hashtag Categories on Twitter  (Page 621)

Poster Abstract ~ Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths on Wikipedia  (Page 171)

Singer, Yaron

Full Research Paper ~ Pricing Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing Markets  (Page 1157)

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Singh, Priyanka

SOCM'13 ~ Linked Data in Crowdsourcing Purposive Social Network  (Page 913)

Singh, Vivek K.

WOW'13 ~ EventShop: Recognizing Situations in Web Data Streams  (Page 1359)

Singla, Adish

Full Research Paper ~ Truthful Incentives in Crowdsourcing Tasks Using Regret Minimization Mechanisms  (Page 1167)

Slavkovikj, Viktor

MSM'13 ~ Using Topic Models for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation  (Page 593)

Sloan, Marc

Full Research Paper ~ Interactive Exploratory Search for Multi Page Search Results  (Page 655)

Smith, Daniel A.

SOCM'13 ~ "The Crowd Keeps Me in Shape": Social Psychology and the Present and Future of Health Social Machines  (Page 927)

SOCM'13 ~ Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines  (Page 905)

Smola, Alex

Full Research Paper ~ Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User Locations from Social Media Posts  (Page 25)

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Smola, Alexander J.

Full Research Paper ~ Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization  (Page 37)

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Smolinski, Mark

PHDA'13 ~ Participatory Disease Surveillance in Latin America  (Page 695)

Sodomka, Eric

Full Research Paper ~ A Predictive Model for Advertiser Value-Per-Click in Sponsored Search  (Page 1179)

Soh, Ping-Han

Poster Abstract ~ Recommendation for Online Social Feeds by Exploiting User Response Behavior  (Page 197)

Sommer, Robin

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Full Research Paper ~ Here's My Cert, So Trust Me, Maybe? Understanding TLS Errors on the Web  (Page 59)

Song, Jonghyuk

Full Research Paper ~ I Know the Shortened URLs You Clicked on Twitter: Inference Attack Using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata  (Page 1191)

Song, Yang

Full Research Paper ~ Enhancing Personalized Search by Mining and Modeling Task Behavior  (Page 1411)

Full Research Paper ~ Evaluating and Predicting User Engagement Change with Degraded Search Relevance  (Page 1213)

Full Research Paper ~ Exploring and Exploiting User Search Behavior on Mobile and Tablet Devices to Improve Search Relevance  (Page 1201)

Full Research Paper ~ Learning to Extract Cross-Session Search Tasks  (Page 1353)

Soo, Jason

Poster Abstract ~ A Non-Learning Approach to Spelling Correction in Web Queries  (Page 101)

Sorokina, Anna

Poster Abstract ~ Optimization of Ads Allocation in Sponsored Search  (Page 121)

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Soroush, Hamed

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Sosič, Rok

Full Research Paper ~ NIFTY: A System for Large Scale Information Flow Tracking and Clustering  (Page 1237)

Spaniol, Marc

TempWeb'13 ~ Preface  (Page 1033)

Spatscheck, Oliver

Full Research Paper ~ The Anatomy of LDNS Clusters: Findings and Implications for Web Content Delivery  (Page 83)

Speicher, Steve

Developer's Track ~ The Linked Data Platform (LDP)  (Page 1)

Speiser, Sebastian

Full Research Paper ~ Data-Fu: A Language and an Interpreter for Interaction with Read/Write Linked Data  (Page 1225)

Spina, Damiano

RAMSS'13 ~ RAMSS'13 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 771)

Spirin, Nikita

Poster Abstract ~ Unsupervised Approach to Generate Informative Structured Snippets for Job Search Engines  (Page 203)

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Springer, Thomas

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Annotations for the Rapid Development of Collaborative Web Applications  (Page 551)

Demo Abstract ~ Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation  (Page 249)

Srivastava, Divesh

Full Research Paper ~ Compact Explanation of Data Fusion Decisions  (Page 379)

Srivastava, Shashank

Poster Abstract ~ Collective Matrix Factorization for Co-clustering  (Page 93)

Stadtmüller, Steffen

Full Research Paper ~ Data-Fu: A Language and an Interpreter for Interaction with Read/Write Linked Data  (Page 1225)

Stankovic, Milan

MSM'13 ~ #MSM2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 587)

Steiner, Thomas

Demo Abstract ~ Live Topic Generation from Event Streams  (Page 285)

Developer's Track ~ A Meteoroid on Steroids: Ranking Media Items Stemming from Multiple Social Networks  (Page 31)

Poster Abstract ~ To Crop, Or Not to Crop: Compiling Online Media Galleries  (Page 201)

RAMSS'13 ~ MJ no more: Using Concurrent Wikipedia Edit Spikes with Social Network Plausibility Checks for Breaking News Detection  (Page 791)

WS-REST'13 ~ Distributed Affordance: An Open-World Assumption for Hypermedia  (Page 1399)

Stepanyan, Karen

Poster Abstract ~ A Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating Places in User-Generated Text  (Page 83)

Poster Abstract ~ Zero-cost Labelling with Web Feeds for Weblog Data Extraction  (Page 73)

Stephens, Christopher Rhodes

PHDA'13 ~ Crowdsourced Risk Factors of Influenza-Like-Illness in Mexico  (Page 697)

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Stevens, David

SWDM'13 ~ Leveraging on Social Media to Support the Global Building Resilient Cities Campaign  (Page 1011)

Stiilpen Jr., Milton

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Stone-Gross, Brett

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

Stringhini, Gianluca

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

Strohmaier, Markus

MSM'13 ~ Meaning as Collective Use: Predicting Semantic Hashtag Categories on Twitter  (Page 621)

MSM'13 ~ Towards Linking Buyers and Sellers: Detecting Commercial Intent on Twitter  (Page 629)

Poster Abstract ~ Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths on Wikipedia  (Page 171)

RAMSS'13 ~ RAMSS'13 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 771)

SOCM'13 ~ A Few Thoughts on Engineering Social Machines: Extended Abstract  (Page 919)

Studer, Rudi

Full Research Paper ~ Data-Fu: A Language and an Interpreter for Interaction with Read/Write Linked Data  (Page 1225)

Su, Jian

Poster Abstract ~ An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation  (Page 127)

Šubelj, Lovro

LSNA'13 ~ Model of Complex Networks Based on Citation Dynamics  (Page 527)

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Suboch, Nikolay

WebQuality'13 ~ Graph-Based Malware Distributors Detection  (Page 1141)

Suchanek, Fabian

Full Research Paper ~ AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases  (Page 413)

Demo Abstract ~ Inside YAGO2s: A Transparent Information Extraction Architecture  (Page 325)

Suen, Caroline

Full Research Paper ~ NIFTY: A System for Large Scale Information Flow Tracking and Clustering  (Page 1237)

Suhara, Yoshihiko

WebQuality'13 ~ Automatically Generated Spam Detection Based on Sentence-Level Topic Information  (Page 1157)

Summers, Ed

RAMSS'13 ~ MJ no more: Using Concurrent Wikipedia Edit Spikes with Social Network Plausibility Checks for Breaking News Detection  (Page 791)

Sun, Huan

Poster Abstract ~ Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense  (Page 155)

Sun, Jimeng

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

Sun, Xin

Poster Abstract ~ Link Prediction in Social Networks Based on Hypergraph  (Page 41)

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

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Sundaresan, Neel

Full Research Paper ~ Anatomy of a Web-Scale Resale Market: A Data Mining Approach  (Page 1533)

Poster Abstract ~ RepRank: Reputation in a Peer-to-Peer Online System  (Page 163)

Suresh, Anusha

Poster Abstract ~ Place Value: Word Position Shifts Vital to Search Dynamics  (Page 153)

Suri, Siddharth

Full Research Paper ~ The Cost of Annoying Ads  (Page 459)

Susaki, Seiji

WebQuality'13 ~ Automatically Generated Spam Detection Based on Sentence-Level Topic Information  (Page 1157)

Suzumura, Toyotaro

LSNA'13 ~ A First View of Exedra: A Domain-Specific Language for Large Graph Analytics Workflows  (Page 509)

LSNA'13 ~ How Social Network is Evolving? - A Preliminary Study on Billion-Scale Twitter Network  (Page 531)

LSNA'13 ~ Towards Highly Scalable Pregel-based Graph Processing Platform with X10  (Page 501)

Sycara, Katia

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

Sydow, Marcin

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Shorten Query Sessions  (Page 131)

Synnes, Kåre

WI&C'13 ~ End-User Creation of Social Apps by Utilizing Web-Based Social Components and Visual App Composition  (Page 1205)


Szpektor, Idan

Full Research Paper ~ From Query to Question in One Click: Suggesting Synthetic Questions to Searchers  (Page 391)

Full Research Paper ~ When Relevance Is Not Enough: Promoting Diversity and Freshness in Personalized Question Recommendation  (Page 1249)