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WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


Ikawa, Yohei

SWDM'13 ~ Location-Based Insights from the Social Web  (Page 1013)

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Ilarri, Sergio

Demo Abstract ~ SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments Using Semantics  (Page 301)

Illarramendi, Arantza

Demo Abstract ~ SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments Using Semantics  (Page 301)

Imran, Muhammad

SWDM'13 ~ Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media  (Page 1021)

Inagaki, Yoshiyuki

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective General Framework for Localized Content Optimization  (Page 65)

Indyk, Piotr

Full Research Paper ~ Real-Time Recommendation of Diverse Related Articles  (Page 1)

Ingvaldsen, Jon Espen

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

Jackson, Collin

Full Research Paper ~ Accountable Key Infrastructure (AKI): A Proposal for a Public-Key Validation Infrastructure  (Page 679)

Jacovi, Michal

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Expertise and Interests from Social Media  (Page 515)

Jain, Paridhi

WOLE'13 ~ @I seek '': Identifying Users Across Multiple Online Social Networks  (Page 1259)

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Jain, Prateek

Full Research Paper ~ Ad Impression Forecasting for Sponsored Search  (Page 943)

Jain, Ramesh

SWDM'13 ~ Disasters Response Using Social Life Networks  (Page 997)

WOW'13 ~ EventShop: Recognizing Situations in Web Data Streams  (Page 1359)

WOW'13 ~ From Health-Persona to Societal Health  (Page 1329)

Jain, Vidit

Poster Abstract ~ Topical Organization of User Comments and Application to Content Recommendation  (Page 61)

Jalali, Laleh

WOW'13 ~ From Health-Persona to Societal Health  (Page 1329)

Jamali, Mohsen

Full Research Paper ~ HeteroMF: Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks Using Context Dependent Factor Models  (Page 643)

Jankowski-Lorek, Michał

WebQuality'13 ~ On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web Content Credibility Evaluations  (Page 1131)

Jatowt, Adam

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Temporal Web Search Experience  (Page 1101)

WebQuality'13 ~ Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1109)

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Jean-Louis, Ludovic

WOLE'13 ~ Can We use Linked Data Semantic Annotators for the Extraction of Domain-Relevant Expressions?  (Page 1239)

Jelassi, Mohamed Nader

WI&C'13 ~ A Personalized Recommender System Based on Users' Information in Folksonomies  (Page 1215)

Jenders, Maximilian

MSND'13 ~ Analyzing and Predicting Viral Tweets  (Page 657)

Jentzsch, LaDawn

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Ji, Heng

Poster Abstract ~ Harnessing Web Page Directories for Large-Scale Classification of Tweets  (Page 225)

Jia, Yan

RAMSS'13 ~ Detecting Real-Time Burst Topics in Microblog Streams: How Sentiment can Help  (Page 781)

Jia, Yantao

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Jianchen, Li

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

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Jiang, Shengyi

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective Class-Centroid-Based Dimension Reduction Method for Text Classification  (Page 223)

Jiang, Yu

Poster Abstract ~ TCRec: Product Recommendation via Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category Information  (Page 233)

Jin, Huidong

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective Class-Centroid-Based Dimension Reduction Method for Text Classification  (Page 223)

Jin, Xiaoming

Poster Abstract ~ Cross-Region Collaborative Filtering for New Point-of-Interest Recommendation  (Page 45)

Poster Abstract ~ Discovering Multilingual Concepts from Unaligned Web Documents by Exploring Associated Images  (Page 173)

Jin, Xiaoran

Full Research Paper ~ Interactive Exploratory Search for Multi Page Search Results  (Page 655)

Jingyuan, Li

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Johansen, Richard Duchatsch

Developer's Track ~ CSS Browser Selector Plus: A JavaScript Library to Support Cross-Browser Responsive Design  (Page 27)

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Johansson, Michael

PHDA'13 ~ Participatory Disease Surveillance in Latin America  (Page 695)

John, Ajita

Poster Abstract ~ Power Dynamics in Spoken Interactions: A Case Study on 2012 Republican Primary Debates  (Page 99)

Joho, Hideo

TempWeb'13 ~ A Survey of Temporal Web Search Experience  (Page 1101)

Jones, Gareth J. F.

LiME'13 ~ Linking Inside a Video Collection - What and How to Measure?  (Page 457)

Jones, Rosie

Poster Abstract ~ A Joint Optimization of Incrementality and Revenue to Satisfy both Advertiser and Publisher  (Page 123)

Joosen, Wouter

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

Jose, Joemon M.

Full Research Paper ~ On Cognition, Emotion, and Interaction Aspects of Search Tasks with Different Search Intentions  (Page 931)

Full Research Paper ~ Which Vertical Search Engines Are Relevant? Understanding Vertical Relevance Assessments for Web Queries  (Page 1557)

Poster Abstract ~ On Using Inter-document Relations in Microblog Retrieval  (Page 75)

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Joshi, Anupam

PSOM'13 ~ Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter During Hurricane Sandy  (Page 729)

WOLE'13 ~ @I seek '': Identifying Users Across Multiple Online Social Networks  (Page 1259)

Joshi, Sachindra

Poster Abstract ~ Incorporating Author Preference in Sentiment Rating Prediction of Reviews  (Page 47)

Joshi, Salil

Poster Abstract ~ Offering Language Based Services on Social Media by Identifying User's Preferred Language(s) from Romanized Text  (Page 71)

Josifovski, Vanja

Full Research Paper ~ Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization  (Page 37)

Full Research Paper ~ Towards a Robust Modeling of Temporal Interest Change Patterns for Behavioral Targeting  (Page 71)

Joung, Jinoo

Full Research Paper ~ Modeling/Predicting the Evolution Trend of OSN-Based Applications  (Page 771)

Joy, Mike

Poster Abstract ~ A Hybrid Approach for Spotting, Disambiguating and Annotating Places in User-Generated Text  (Page 83)

Joy, Mike S.

Poster Abstract ~ Zero-cost Labelling with Web Feeds for Weblog Data Extraction  (Page 73)

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Ju, Jeongin

MSND'13 ~ Resolving Homonymy with Correlation Clustering in Scholarly Digital Libraries  (Page 665)

Jung, Woosung

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction Based on Greedy Filtering  (Page 227)

Jurafsky, Dan

Full Research Paper ~ No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities  (Page 307)

Kai, Feng

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Kaiser, Gail

WI&C'13 ~ A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Study of User Profiles in World of Warcraft  (Page 1175)

Kakhki, Arash Molavi

Full Research Paper ~ Iolaus: Securing Online Content Rating Systems  (Page 919)

Kąkol, Michał

WebQuality'13 ~ On the Subjectivity and Bias of Web Content Credibility Evaluations  (Page 1131)

Kamath, Krishna Y.

Full Research Paper ~ Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Online Memes: A Study of Geo-Tagged Tweets  (Page 667)

Poster Abstract ~ Board Coherence in Pinterest: Non-visual Aspects of a Visual Site  (Page 49)

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Kang, U

Poster Abstract ~ Fast Anomaly Detection Despite the Duplicates  (Page 195)

Kanhabua, Nattiya

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

WOW'13 ~ Understanding the Diversity of Tweets in the Time of Outbreaks  (Page 1335)

Kantarcioglu, Murat

Poster Abstract ~ REDACT: A Framework for Sanitizing RDF Data  (Page 157)

Karahalios, Karrie

Poster Abstract ~ Unsupervised Approach to Generate Informative Structured Snippets for Job Search Engines  (Page 203)

Karger, David R.

Full Research Paper ~ Cascading Tree Sheets and Recombinant HTML: Better Encapsulation and Retargeting of Web Content  (Page 107)

Karimi, Sarvnaz

SWDM'13 ~ Location Extraction from Disaster-Related Microblogs  (Page 1017)

Karlapalem, Kamalakar

MSM'13 ~ ET: Events from Tweets  (Page 613)

Karnstedt, Marcel

Demo Abstract ~ Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere  (Page 257)

Poster Abstract ~ The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data  (Page 133)

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Karras, Panagiotis

PSOM'13 ~ How to Hack into Facebook without Being a Hacker  (Page 751)

Karstens, Eric

SNOW'13 ~ Who Broke the News? An Analysis on First Reports of News Events  (Page 855)

Kasneci, Gjergji

MSND'13 ~ Analyzing and Predicting Viral Tweets  (Page 657)

Katzir, Liran

Full Research Paper ~ Estimating Clustering Coefficients and Size of Social Networks via Random Walk  (Page 539)

Kawase, Ricardo

LILE'13 ~ Finding Relevant Missing References in Learning Courses  (Page 425)

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Kaya, Kamer

Full Research Paper ~ Diversified Recommendation on Graphs: Pitfalls, Measures, and Algorithms  (Page 715)

Kazama, Kazuhiro

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

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Keegan, Brian

Full Research Paper ~ Voices of Victory: A Computational Focus Group Framework for Tracking Opinion Shift in Real Time  (Page 737)

Keller, Matthias

WOLE'13 ~ Search Result Presentation: Supporting Post-Search Navigation by Integration of Taxonomy Data  (Page 1269)

Kennedy, Lyndon

Poster Abstract ~ Framework for Evaluation of Text Captchas  (Page 159)

Kenthapadi, Krishnaram

Full Research Paper ~ Group Chats on Twitter  (Page 225)

Khadilkar, Vaibhav

Poster Abstract ~ REDACT: A Framework for Sanitizing RDF Data  (Page 157)

Khapra, Mitesh M.

Poster Abstract ~ Offering Language Based Services on Social Media by Identifying User's Preferred Language(s) from Romanized Text  (Page 71)

Khelghati, Mohamamdreza

Doctoral Consortium ~ Deep Web Entity Monitoring  (Page 377)

Kholoussi, Ramin

PSOM'13 ~ How to Hack into Facebook without Being a Hacker  (Page 751)

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Khropov, Andrei

Poster Abstract ~ Introducing Search Behavior into Browsing Based Models of Page's Importance  (Page 129)

Kim, Dongug

Poster Abstract ~ A Click Model for Time-Sensitive Queries  (Page 147)

Kim, HyeongSik

Demo Abstract ~ Optimizing RDF(S) Queries on Cloud Platforms  (Page 261)

Kim, Jin-Woo

Poster Abstract ~ A Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message Passing  (Page 161)

Kim, John

Poster Abstract ~ Hidden View Game: Designing Human Computation Games to Update Maps and Street Views  (Page 207)

Kim, Jong

Full Research Paper ~ I Know the Shortened URLs You Clicked on Twitter: Inference Attack Using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata  (Page 1191)

Kim, Sang-Wook

Poster Abstract ~ A Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message Passing  (Page 161)

Kim, Tiffany Hyun-Jin

Full Research Paper ~ Accountable Key Infrastructure (AKI): A Proposal for a Public-Key Validation Infrastructure  (Page 679)

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Kim, Younghoon

Full Research Paper ~ DIGTOBI: A Recommendation System for Digg Articles Using Probabilistic Modeling  (Page 691)

King, Irwin

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Kiseleva, Julia

Doctoral Consortium ~ Context Mining and Integration into Predictive Web Analytics  (Page 383)

TempWeb'13 ~ Discovering Temporal Hidden Contexts in Web Sessions for User Trail Prediction  (Page 1067)

Kiss, Tamás

WebQuality'13 ~ Cross-Lingual Web Spam Classification  (Page 1149)

Klein, Martin

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

Kleinberg, Jon

Full Research Paper ~ Steering User Behavior with Badges  (Page 95)

Full Research Paper ~ Subgraph Frequencies: Mapping the Empirical and Extremal Geography of Large Graph Collections  (Page 1307)

Kliman-Silver, Chloe

Full Research Paper ~ Iolaus: Securing Online Content Rating Systems  (Page 919)

Koenigstein, Noam

Full Research Paper ~ One-Class Collaborative Filtering with Random Graphs  (Page 999)

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Kohno, Tadayoshi

Full Research Paper ~ Lightweight Server Support for Browser-Based CSRF Protection  (Page 273)

Kolar, Sumanth

Full Research Paper ~ Timespent Based Models for Predicting User Retention  (Page 331)

Kondreddi, Sarath Kumar

Poster Abstract ~ HIGGINS: Knowledge Acquisition Meets the Crowds  (Page 85)

Konopnicki, David

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

Kosinski, Michal

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring the Demographics of Search Users: Social Data Meets Search Queries  (Page 131)

Kostkova, Patty

PHDA'13 ~ 1st International Workshop on Public Health in the Digital Age: Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 677)

PHDA'13 ~ A Roadmap to Integrated Digital Public Health Surveillance: The Vision and the Challenges  (Page 687)

Kotov, Alexander

Poster Abstract ~ Leveraging Geographical Metadata to Improve Search Over Social Media  (Page 151)

Koutra, Danai

Poster Abstract ~ Fast Anomaly Detection Despite the Duplicates  (Page 195)

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Krasnoshtan, Dmytro

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

Krause, Andreas

Full Research Paper ~ Truthful Incentives in Crowdsourcing Tasks Using Regret Minimization Mechanisms  (Page 1167)

Krishnamurthy, Balachander

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Kroemker, Doerthe

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

Kröll, Mark

MSM'13 ~ Towards Linking Buyers and Sellers: Detecting Commercial Intent on Twitter  (Page 629)

Kruegel, Christopher

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

Krug, Michael

LiME'13 ~ The Chrooma+ Approach to Enrich Video Content using HTML5  (Page 479)

Krushevskaja, Darja

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding Latency Variations of Black Box Services  (Page 703)

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Küçüktunç, Onur

Full Research Paper ~ Diversified Recommendation on Graphs: Pitfalls, Measures, and Algorithms  (Page 715)

Kugele, Stefan

WS-REST'13 ~ Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013)  (Page 1391)

Kumar, Ravi

Full Research Paper ~ Aggregating Crowdsourced Binary Ratings  (Page 285)

Kumara, Soundar

SWDM'13 ~ SWDM 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page )

Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam

Demo Abstract ~ uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media  (Page 273)

MSND'13 ~ Detection of Spam Tipping Behaviour on Foursquare  (Page 641)

PSOM'13 ~ Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter During Hurricane Sandy  (Page 729)

PSOM'13 ~ Second International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM) Chairs' Welcome  (Page 719)

WOLE'13 ~ @I seek '': Identifying Users Across Multiple Online Social Networks  (Page 1259)

Kunegis, Jérôme

Full Research Paper ~ What Is the Added Value of Negative Links in Online Social Networks?  (Page 727)

WOW'13 ~ KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection  (Page 1343)

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Kung, Perng-Hwa

Poster Abstract ~ Semantically Sampling in Heterogeneous Social Networks  (Page 181)

Kuribayashi, Taku

Poster Abstract ~ Ranking Method Specialized for Content Descriptions of Classical Music  (Page 141)

Kurihara, Satoshi

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

Kuzey, Erdal

Demo Abstract ~ Inside YAGO2s: A Transparent Information Extraction Architecture  (Page 325)

Kuzmanovic, Aleksandar

WOW'13 ~ A Glance at an Overlooked Part of the World Wide Web  (Page 1379)

Kwak, Haewoon

MABSDA'13 ~ Tower of Babel: A Crowdsourcing Game Building Sentiment Lexicons for Resource-scarce Languages  (Page 549)

Kwok, Kenneth

MABSDA'13 ~ A Graph-Based Approach to Commonsense Concept Extraction and Semantic Similarity Detection  (Page 565)

Kwon, Jaimie

Poster Abstract ~ Dynamic Evaluation of Online Display Advertising with Randomized Experiments: An Aggregated Approach  (Page 115)

Lacerda, Anisio

SRS'13 ~ Weighted Slope One Predictors Revisited  (Page 967)

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Laender, Alberto H. F.

MSM'13 ~ FS-NER: A Lightweight Filter-Stream Approach to Named Entity Recognition on Twitter Data  (Page 597)

MSND'13 ~ The Role of Research Leaders on the Evolution of Scientific Communities  (Page 649)

TempWeb'13 ~ Characterizing Video Access Patterns in Mainstream Media Portals  (Page 1085)

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Lagoze, Carl

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

Poster Abstract ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 81)

WOLE'13 ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 1275)

Lahaie, Sébastien

Full Research Paper ~ A Predictive Model for Advertiser Value-Per-Click in Sponsored Search  (Page 1179)

Lai, Siwei

Poster Abstract ~ Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction  (Page 95)

Lakshmanan, Laks V. S.

Full Research Paper ~ HeteroMF: Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks Using Context Dependent Factor Models  (Page 643)

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Lalmas, Mounia

Full Research Paper ~ Which Vertical Search Engines Are Relevant? Understanding Vertical Relevance Assessments for Web Queries  (Page 1557)

Poster Abstract ~ Searching for Interestingness in Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers  (Page 145)

SNOW'13 ~ Finding News Curators in Twitter  (Page 863)

Lam, Monica S.

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Lamba, Hemank

PSOM'13 ~ Faking Sandy: Characterizing and Identifying Fake Images on Twitter During Hurricane Sandy  (Page 729)

Lan, Yanyan

Full Research Paper ~ A Biterm Topic Model for Short Texts  (Page 1445)

Langhans, Philipp

Demo Abstract ~ Crowdsourcing MapReduce: JSMapReduce  (Page 253)

Lanthaler, Markus

Developer's Track ~ Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with Hydra  (Page 35)

WS-REST'13 ~ Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures  (Page 1415)

Lathia, Neal

Full Research Paper ~ Probabilistic Group Recommendation via Information Matching  (Page 495)

Laxman, Srivatsan

Full Research Paper ~ Ad Impression Forecasting for Sponsored Search  (Page 943)

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Layaïda, Nabil

Poster Abstract ~ XML Validation: Looking Backward - Strongly Typed and Flexible XML Processing are not Incompatible  (Page 219)

Lazer, David

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Full Research Paper ~ Voices of Victory: A Computational Focus Group Framework for Tracking Opinion Shift in Real Time  (Page 737)

Le Breton, Gabriel

Demo Abstract ~ Automated Exploration and Analysis of Ajax Web Applications with WebMole  (Page 245)

Le Hors, Arnaud J.

Developer's Track ~ The Linked Data Platform (LDP)  (Page 1)

Lebo, Tim

WOW'13 ~ SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web Observatory  (Page 1369)

Lecocq, Dan

Poster Abstract ~ Content Extraction Using Diverse Feature Sets  (Page 89)

Lécuyer, Mathias

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Lee, Jay Yoon

Poster Abstract ~ Fast Anomaly Detection Despite the Duplicates  (Page 195)

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Lee, Jongin

Poster Abstract ~ Hidden View Game: Designing Human Computation Games to Update Maps and Street Views  (Page 207)

Lee, Jongwuk

Poster Abstract ~ Fria: Fast and Robust Instance Alignment  (Page 175)

Lee, Kichun

Poster Abstract ~ A Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message Passing  (Page 161)

Lee, KwanHong

Poster Abstract ~ Hidden View Game: Designing Human Computation Games to Update Maps and Street Views  (Page 207)

Lee, Kyumin

Full Research Paper ~ Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Online Memes: A Study of Geo-Tagged Tweets  (Page 667)

Lee, Sang-goo

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction Based on Greedy Filtering  (Page 227)

Lee, Sangho

Full Research Paper ~ I Know the Shortened URLs You Clicked on Twitter: Inference Attack Using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata  (Page 1191)

Lee, Sanghoon

Poster Abstract ~ Fria: Fast and Robust Instance Alignment  (Page 175)

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Lee, Seung Eun

Poster Abstract ~ A Click Model for Time-Sensitive Queries  (Page 147)

Lehmann, Franz

Demo Abstract ~ Analyzing the Suitability of Web Applications for a Single-User to Multi-User Transformation  (Page 249)

Lehmann, Janette

SNOW'13 ~ Finding News Curators in Twitter  (Page 863)

Lehmann, Jens

Full Research Paper ~ Sorry, I Don't Speak SPARQL - Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language  (Page 977)

Demo Abstract ~ SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL Queries  (Page 329)

Lei, Chin-Laung

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

Lei, Howard

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Leon, Pedro Giovanni

PSOM'13 ~ Privacy Nudges for Social Media: An Exploratory Facebook Study  (Page 763)

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Leroy, Julien

LiME'13 ~ Second Screen Interaction: An Approach to Infer TV Watcher's Interest Using 3D Head Pose Estimation  (Page 465)

Leskovec, Jure

Full Research Paper ~ From Amateurs to Connoisseurs: Modeling the Evolution of User Expertise Through Online Reviews  (Page 897)

Full Research Paper ~ NIFTY: A System for Large Scale Information Flow Tracking and Clustering  (Page 1237)

Full Research Paper ~ No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities  (Page 307)

Full Research Paper ~ Steering User Behavior with Badges  (Page 95)

SRS'13 ~ How Status and Reputation Shape Human Evaluations: Consequences for Recommender Systems  (Page 937)

Levine, Brian Neil

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Lewis, James

PSOM'13 ~ A Pilot Study of Cyber Security and Privacy Related Behavior and Personality Traits  (Page 737)

Li, Dong

Poster Abstract ~ Link Prediction in Social Networks Based on Hypergraph  (Page 41)

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

Li, Fangtao

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

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Li, Jianchen

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Li, Jingyuan

Poster Abstract ~ Structural-Interaction Link Prediction in Microblogs  (Page 193)

Li, Lianghao

Poster Abstract ~ Cross-Region Collaborative Filtering for New Point-of-Interest Recommendation  (Page 45)

Poster Abstract ~ Discovering Multilingual Concepts from Unaligned Web Documents by Exploring Associated Images  (Page 173)

Li, Sheng

Poster Abstract ~ Link Prediction in Social Networks Based on Hypergraph  (Page 41)

Poster Abstract ~ Link Recommendation for Promoting Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 185)

Li, Xiaojing

Poster Abstract ~ A Joint Optimization of Incrementality and Revenue to Satisfy both Advertiser and Publisher  (Page 123)

Li, Yunjia

LiME'13 ~ Enriching Media Fragments with Named Entities for Video Classification  (Page 469)

Li, Zechao

Poster Abstract ~ TCRec: Product Recommendation via Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category Information  (Page 233)

Lian, Defu

Poster Abstract ~ Collaborative Filtering Meets Next Check-in Location Prediction  (Page 231)

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Liang, Guangtai

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

Liang, Yuan

SWDM'13 ~ Text vs. Images: On the Viability of Social Media to Assess Earthquake Damage  (Page 1003)

Liberatore, Marc

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Lima, Fernanda

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

Lin, Chin-Yew

Poster Abstract ~ An Error Driven Approach to Query Segmentation  (Page 127)

Lin, Elmer Weijie

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Lin, Jimmy

Full Research Paper ~ WTF: The Who to Follow Service at Twitter  (Page 505)

Lin, Shou-De

Poster Abstract ~ Semantically Sampling in Heterogeneous Social Networks  (Page 181)

Lin, Yu-Chieh

Poster Abstract ~ Recommendation for Online Social Feeds by Exploiting User Response Behavior  (Page 197)

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Lin, Yu-Ru

Full Research Paper ~ Voices of Victory: A Computational Focus Group Framework for Tracking Opinion Shift in Real Time  (Page 737)

Lindley, Siân E.

Full Research Paper ~ Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive  (Page 749)

Lingad, John

SWDM'13 ~ Location Extraction from Disaster-Related Microblogs  (Page 1017)

Linge, Jens P.

PHDA'13 ~ Combining Twitter and Media Reports on Public Health Events in MedISys  (Page 703)

Liptchinsky, Vitaliy

Full Research Paper ~ Expressive Languages for Selecting Groups from Graph-Structured Data  (Page 761)

Liu, Han

Full Research Paper ~ Modeling/Predicting the Evolution Trend of OSN-Based Applications  (Page 771)

Liu, Huan

Full Research Paper ~ Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis with Emotional Signals  (Page 607)

Liu, Jing

Poster Abstract ~ TCRec: Product Recommendation via Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category Information  (Page 233)

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Liu, Juan

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Group Stability in Online Social Networks  (Page 1021)

Liu, Jun

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

Liu, Kang

Poster Abstract ~ Walk and Learn: A Two-Stage Approach for Opinion Words and Opinion Targets Co-Extraction  (Page 95)

Liu, Peilei

Poster Abstract ~ Information Current in Twitter: Which Brings Hot Events to the World  (Page 111)

Liu, Shenghua

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

Liu, Tie-Yan

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Advertiser Bidding Behaviors in Sponsored Search by Rationality Modeling  (Page 1433)

Liu, Xin

Full Research Paper ~ SoCo: A Social Network Aided Context-Aware Recommender System  (Page 781)

Poster Abstract ~ Extracting the Multilevel Communities Based on Network Structural and Nonstructural Information  (Page 191)

WebQuality'13 ~ Defending Imitating Attacks in Web Credibility Evaluation Systems  (Page 1115)

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Liu, Yefeng

Full Research Paper ~ Using Stranger as Sensors: Temporal and Geo-Sensitive Question Answering via Social Media  (Page 803)

Liu, Yi

Poster Abstract ~ Numeric Query Ranking Approach  (Page 229)

Liu, Yiqun

Full Research Paper ~ Localized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Based on Matrix Block Diagonal Forms  (Page 1511)

Liu, Yuan

Full Research Paper ~ Unified Entity Search in Social Media Community  (Page 1457)

Liu, Yue

Poster Abstract ~ Co-training and Visualizing Sentiment Evolvement for Tweet Events  (Page 105)

Lo, James

Full Research Paper ~ Imagen: Runtime Migration of Browser Sessions for JavaScript Web Applications  (Page 815)

Demo Abstract ~ Live Migration of JavaScript Web Apps  (Page 241)

Lopes, Giseli Rabello

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Using Link Semantics to Recommend Collaborations in Academic Social Networks  (Page 833)

López, D.

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

Lóscio, Bernadette F.

WWW'13 ~ WWW 2013 Companion Volume Chairs' Welcome Message

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Lou, Jing-Kai

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

Lou, Tiancheng

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Structural Hole Spanners Through Information Diffusion in Social Networks  (Page 837)

Loureiro, Antonio A. F.

Full Research Paper ~ The Self-Feeding Process: A Unifying Model for Communication Dynamics in the Web  (Page 1319)

Lu, Alan

Poster Abstract ~ Traffic Quality Based Pricing in Paid Search Using Two-Stage Regression  (Page 113)

Lu, Hanqing

Full Research Paper ~ TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation Through Community Topic Mining in Social Network  (Page 1501)

Poster Abstract ~ TCRec: Product Recommendation via Exploiting Social-Trust Network and Product Category Information  (Page 233)

Lu, Jian

Full Research Paper ~ MATRI: A Multi-Aspect and Transitive Trust Inference Model  (Page 1467)

Lu, Yao

SRS'13 ~ A Recommender System for Job Seeking and Recruiting Website  (Page 963)

Luciano, Joanne S.

WOW'13 ~ Exploration in Web Science: Instruments for Web Observatories  (Page 1325)

Lucier, Brendan

Full Research Paper ~ Strategyproof Mechanisms for Competitive Influence in Networks  (Page 141)

Lui, John C. S.

Full Research Paper ~ On the Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem  (Page 849)

Lynn, Brian

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

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