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Author Index

WWW 2013 Compilation Author Index


Ma, Hao

Full Research Paper ~ Exploring and Exploiting User Search Behavior on Mobile and Tablet Devices to Improve Search Relevance  (Page 1201)

Ma, Jian

Demo Abstract ~ DFT-Extractor: A System to Extract Domain-specific Faceted Taxonomies from Wikipedia  (Page 277)

Ma, Jun

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Recommend with Multi-Faceted Trust in Social Networks  (Page 205)

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Ma, Richard T. B.

Full Research Paper ~ On the Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem  (Page 849)

Ma, Shaoping

Full Research Paper ~ Localized Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Based on Matrix Block Diagonal Forms  (Page 1511)

Maarek, Yoelle

Full Research Paper ~ From Query to Question in One Click: Suggesting Synthetic Questions to Searchers  (Page 391)

Full Research Paper ~ When Relevance Is Not Enough: Promoting Diversity and Freshness in Personalized Question Recommendation  (Page 1249)

Macedo, Hendrik T.

SRS'13 ~ Generation of Coalition Structures to Provide Proper Groups' Formation in Group Recommender Systems  (Page 945)

SRS'13 ~ Users' Satisfaction in Recommendation Systems for Groups: An Approach Based on Noncooperative Games  (Page 951)

Madhyastha, Harsha V.

Full Research Paper ~ An Analysis of Socware Cascades in Online Social Networks  (Page 619)

Magalhães, João

WOLE'13 ~ Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving Web Search  (Page 1253)

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Maggi, Federico

Full Research Paper ~ Two Years of Short URLs Internet Measurement: Security Threats and Countermeasures  (Page 861)

Mahabadi, Sepideh

Full Research Paper ~ Real-Time Recommendation of Diverse Related Articles  (Page 1)

Majumder, Anirban

Full Research Paper ~ Know Your Personalization: Learning Topic Level Personalization in Online Services  (Page 873)

Mancas, Matei

LiME'13 ~ Second Screen Interaction: An Approach to Infer TV Watcher's Interest Using 3D Head Pose Estimation  (Page 465)

Mander, John

SWDM'13 ~ Text vs. Images: On the Viability of Social Media to Assess Earthquake Damage  (Page 1003)

Mannens, Erik

Poster Abstract ~ Modeling Uncertain Provenance and Provenance of Uncertainty in W3c Prov  (Page 167)

SNOW'13 ~ Towards Automatic Assessment of the Social Media Impact of News Content  (Page 871)

WS-REST'13 ~ Distributed Affordance: An Open-World Assumption for Hypermedia  (Page 1399)

Mantilla-Beniers, Natalia Barbara

PHDA'13 ~ Crowdsourced Risk Factors of Influenza-Like-Illness in Mexico  (Page 697)

Marcacini, Ricardo M.

Poster Abstract ~ Improving Consensus Clustering of Texts using Interactive Feature Selection  (Page 237)

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Maret, Pierre

WI&C'13 ~ WI&C Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1161)

Margolin, Drew

Full Research Paper ~ Voices of Victory: A Computational Focus Group Framework for Tracking Opinion Shift in Real Time  (Page 737)

Markl, Volker

Demo Abstract ~ Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere  (Page 257)

Maronnaud, Fabien

Demo Abstract ~ Automated Exploration and Analysis of Ajax Web Applications with WebMole  (Page 245)

Marshall, Catherine C.

Full Research Paper ~ Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive  (Page 749)

Full Research Paper ~ Saving, Reusing, and Remixing Web Video: Using Attitudes and Practices to Reveal Social Norms  (Page 885)

Martins, Flávio

WOLE'13 ~ Using SKOS Vocabularies for Improving Web Search  (Page 1253)

Masanès, Julien

TempWeb'13 ~ Preface  (Page 1033)

Mathiak, Brigitte

MABSDA'13 ~ Revised Mutual Information Approach for German Text Sentiment Classification  (Page 579)

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Matsuo, Yutaka

MABSDA'13 ~ Like Prediction: Modeling Like Counts by Bridging Facebook Pages with Linked Data  (Page 541)

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

Matwyshyn, Andrea

PSOM'13 ~ Twitter (R)evolution: Privacy, Free Speech and Disclosure  (Page 745)

Mauri, Andrea

Full Research Paper ~ Reactive Crowdsourcing  (Page 153)

McAfee, R. Preston

Full Research Paper ~ The Cost of Annoying Ads  (Page 459)

McAuley, Julian

Full Research Paper ~ From Amateurs to Connoisseurs: Modeling the Evolution of User Expertise Through Online Reviews  (Page 897)

McCusker, Jim

WOW'13 ~ SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web Observatory  (Page 1369)

McGregor, Susan E.

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

McGuinness, Deborah L.

WOW'13 ~ Exploration in Web Science: Instruments for Web Observatories  (Page 1325)

WOW'13 ~ SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web Observatory  (Page 1369)

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McKelvey, Karissa

WOW'13 ~ Design and Prototyping of a Social Media Observatory  (Page 1351)

McPherson, John

LSNA'13 ~ Large Scale Network Analysis -Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 485)

Médini, Lionel

LiME'13 ~ DataConf: Enriching Conference Publications with a Mobile Mashup Application  (Page 477)

Meert, Wannes

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

Mei, Hong

Full Research Paper ~ Inferring Dependency Constraints on Parameters for Web Services  (Page 1421)

Mei, Qiaozhu

Full Research Paper ~ Questions about Questions: An Empirical Analysis of Information Needs on Twitter  (Page 1545)

Mei, Tao

Full Research Paper ~ Unified Entity Search in Social Media Community  (Page 1457)

Meier, Patrick

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

SWDM'13 ~ Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media  (Page 1021)

SWDM'13 ~ SWDM 2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page )

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Meira, Silvio

SOCM'13 ~ Social Machines: A Unified Paradigm to Describe Social Web-Oriented Systems  (Page 885)

Mejer, Avihai

Full Research Paper ~ From Query to Question in One Click: Suggesting Synthetic Questions to Searchers  (Page 391)

Mejova, Yelena

Poster Abstract ~ Searching for Interestingness in Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers  (Page 145)

Melo, Felipe Martins

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Memon, Nasir

PSOM'13 ~ A Pilot Study of Cyber Security and Privacy Related Behavior and Personality Traits  (Page 737)

Mena, Eduardo

Demo Abstract ~ SHERLOCK: A System for Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments Using Semantics  (Page 301)

Menczer, Filippo

WOW'13 ~ Design and Prototyping of a Social Media Observatory  (Page 1351)

Mendes, Pablo

WOLE'13 ~ WoLE2013 Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1225)

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Méndez-Díaz, Isabel

Poster Abstract ~ Complexity and Algorithms for Composite Retrieval  (Page 79)

Mendonça, Paulo H. C.

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Menezes, Danilo

SRS'13 ~ Weighted Slope One Predictors Revisited  (Page 967)

Meng, Yao

Poster Abstract ~ Domain-sensitive Opinion Leader Mining from Online Review Communities  (Page 187)

Mephu Nguifo, Engelbert

WI&C'13 ~ A Personalized Recommender System Based on Users' Information in Folksonomies  (Page 1215)

Meredith-Lobay, Megan

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

Merialdo, Paolo

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Learning Web Wrappers from the Crowd  (Page 261)

Demo Abstract ~ ALFRED: Crowd Assisted Data Extraction  (Page 297)

Mesbah, Ali

Full Research Paper ~ Imagen: Runtime Migration of Browser Sessions for JavaScript Web Applications  (Page 815)

Demo Abstract ~ Live Migration of JavaScript Web Apps  (Page 241)

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Mezaris, Vasileios

LiME'13 ~ First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2013) Chairs' Welcome  (Page 451)

Miao, Chunyan

Demo Abstract ~ FANS: Face Annotation by Searching Large-Scale Web Facial Images  (Page 317)

Miao, Qingliang

Poster Abstract ~ Domain-sensitive Opinion Leader Mining from Online Review Communities  (Page 187)

Micarelli, Alessandro

SRS'13 ~ Signal-Based User Recommendation on Twitter  (Page 941)

Mika, Peter

Full Research Paper ~ Web Usage Mining with Semantic Analysis  (Page 561)

WOLE'13 ~ Entity Search on the Web  (Page 1231)

Mikroyannidis, Alexander

LILE'13 ~ Interactive Learning Resources and Linked Data for Online Scientific Experimentation  (Page 431)

Milajevs, Dmitrijs

RAMSS'13 ~ Real Time Discussion Retrieval from Twitter  (Page 795)

Milicic, Vuk

Demo Abstract ~ Live Topic Generation from Event Streams  (Page 285)

RAMSS'13 ~ MediaFinder: Collect, Enrich and Visualize Media Memes Shared by the Crowd  (Page 789)

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Miller, David

LILE'13 ~ Learning from Quizzes Using Intelligent Learning Companions  (Page 435)

Minardi, Raquel Melo

Demo Abstract ~ uTrack: Track Yourself! Monitoring Information on Online Social Media  (Page 273)

Miranda, João

Demo Abstract ~ Search the Past with the Portuguese Web Archive  (Page 321)

TempWeb'13 ~ Creating a Billion-Scale Searchable Web Archive  (Page 1059)

Miranda, Lucas C. O.

TempWeb'13 ~ Characterizing Video Access Patterns in Mainstream Media Portals  (Page 1085)

Mishra, Nina

Full Research Paper ~ Group Chats on Twitter  (Page 225)

Mislove, Alan

Full Research Paper ~ Iolaus: Securing Online Content Rating Systems  (Page 919)

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Misra, Vishal

Full Research Paper ~ On the Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem  (Page 849)

Mitra, Prasenjit

Full Research Paper ~ Researcher Homepage Classification Using Unlabeled Data  (Page 471)

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Mittal, Manas

Full Research Paper ~ Pricing Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing Markets  (Page 1157)

Mittal, Sumit

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

Moghaddam, Samaneh

Full Research Paper ~ The FLDA Model for Aspect-Based Opinion Mining: Addressing the Cold Start Problem  (Page 909)

Mohaisen, Abedelaziz

SIMPLEX'13 ~ SIMPLEX 2013 Chairs' Welcome Message  (Page 801)

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Unveiling Zeus: Automated Classification of Malware Samples  (Page 829)

Mohanlal, Manish

Full Research Paper ~ Wisdom in the Social Crowd: An Analysis of Quora  (Page 1341)

Molavi Kakhki, Arash

Full Research Paper ~ Measuring Personalization of Web Search  (Page 527)

Mondor, Luke

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

Montejo-Ráez, Arturo

MABSDA'13 ~ Spanish Knowledge Base Generation for Polarity Classification from Masses  (Page 571)

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Moon, Sue

WWW'13 ~ Programme Chairs' Welcome

MABSDA'13 ~ Tower of Babel: A Crowdsourcing Game Building Sentiment Lexicons for Resource-scarce Languages  (Page 549)

MSND'13 ~ Resolving Homonymy with Correlation Clustering in Scholarly Digital Libraries  (Page 665)

Poster Abstract ~ Sampling Bias in User Attribute Estimation of OSNs  (Page 183)

Morales, Alex

Poster Abstract ~ Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense  (Page 155)

Moro, Mirella M.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Using Link Semantics to Recommend Collaborations in Academic Social Networks  (Page 833)

Morshed, Sarwar

WI&C'13 ~ End-User Creation of Social Apps by Utilizing Web-Based Social Components and Visual App Composition  (Page 1205)

Moshchuk, Alexander

Full Research Paper ~ Lightweight Server Support for Browser-Based CSRF Protection  (Page 273)

Moshfeghi, Yashar

Full Research Paper ~ On Cognition, Emotion, and Interaction Aspects of Search Tasks with Different Search Intentions  (Page 931)

Poster Abstract ~ On Using Inter-document Relations in Microblog Retrieval  (Page 75)

Motamedi, Reza

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ or Google-? Dissecting the Evolution of the New OSN in its First Year  (Page 483)

Motti, Vivian Genaro

Developer's Track ~ Quill: A Collaborative Design Assistant for Cross Platform Web Application User Interfaces  (Page 3)

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Muddu, Basavaraju

Poster Abstract ~ Discovery of Technical Expertise from Open Source Code Repositories  (Page 97)

Mühlhäuser, Max

LILE'13 ~ Linked Data Selectors  (Page 439)

Mühlschlegel, Patrick

WOLE'13 ~ Search Result Presentation: Supporting Post-Search Navigation by Integration of Taxonomy Data  (Page 1269)

Mukherjea, Sougata

Poster Abstract ~ Co-operative Content Adaptation Framework - Satisfying Consumer and Content Creator in Resource Constrained Browsing  (Page 221)

Mukherjee, Shibnath

Full Research Paper ~ Ad Impression Forecasting for Sponsored Search  (Page 943)

Mukherjee, Subhabrata

Poster Abstract ~ Incorporating Author Preference in Sentiment Rating Prediction of Reviews  (Page 47)

Poster Abstract ~ Intent Classification of Voice Queries on Mobile Devices  (Page 149)

Muntean, Cristina Ioana

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Shorten Query Sessions  (Page 131)

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Murai, Fabricio

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Characterizing Branching Processes from Sampled Data  (Page 805)

Murakami, Akiko

SWDM'13 ~ Location-Based Insights from the Social Web  (Page 1013)

Murata, Tsuyoshi

Poster Abstract ~ Extracting the Multilevel Communities Based on Network Structural and Nonstructural Information  (Page 191)

Murnane, Elizabeth L.

Poster Abstract ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 81)

WOLE'13 ~ RESLVE: Leveraging User Interest to Improve Entity Disambiguation on Short Text  (Page 1275)

Myung, Jaeseok

Doctoral Consortium ~ A Proximity-Based Fallback Model for Hybrid Web Recommender Systems  (Page 389)

Naderi, Nona

PHDA'13 ~ Vaccine Attitude Surveillance Using Semantic Analysis: Constructing a Semantically Annotated Corpus  (Page 683)

Nagarajan, Meena

Full Research Paper ~ A CRM System for Social Media: Challenges and Experiences  (Page 49)

Nakajima, Tatsuo

Full Research Paper ~ Using Stranger as Sensors: Temporal and Geo-Sensitive Question Answering via Social Media  (Page 803)

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Narayan, Onuttom

Full Research Paper ~ Spectral Analysis of Communication Networks Using Dirichlet Eigenvalues  (Page 1297)

Narayanamurthy, Shravan

Full Research Paper ~ Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization  (Page 37)

Nardini, Franco Maria

Poster Abstract ~ Learning to Shorten Query Sessions  (Page 131)

Naroditskiy, Victor

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

Nath, Abhirup

Full Research Paper ~ Ad Impression Forecasting for Sponsored Search  (Page 943)

Naumann, Felix

MSND'13 ~ Analyzing and Predicting Viral Tweets  (Page 657)

Navalpakkam, Vidhya

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Modeling of Eye-Mouse Behavior in the Presence of Nonlinear Page Layouts  (Page 953)

Nazir, Atif

Full Research Paper ~ Modeling/Predicting the Evolution Trend of OSN-Based Applications  (Page 771)

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Neidhardt, Julia

WI&C'13 ~ Ranking Factors of Team Success  (Page 1185)

Nejdl, Wolfgang

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

Poster Abstract ~ Mining Emotions in Short Films: User Comments or Crowdsourcing?  (Page 69)

RAMSS'13 ~ Towards Real-Time Collaborative Filtering for Big Fast Data  (Page 779)

WOW'13 ~ 1st International Web Observatory Workshop - WOW2013 Chairs' Welcome  (Page 1305)

WOW'13 ~ Understanding the Diversity of Tweets in the Time of Outbreaks  (Page 1335)

Nelson, Michael L.

Developer's Track ~ ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization  (Page 11)

TempWeb'13 ~ Archival HTTP Redirection Retrieval Policies  (Page 1051)

Nelson, Michael L.

TempWeb'13 ~ Carbon Dating the Web: Estimating the Age of Web Resources  (Page 1075)

Nencioni, Gianfranco

Full Research Paper ~ Understanding and Decreasing the Network Footprint of Catch-up TV  (Page 965)

Neveu, Pascal

SRS'13 ~ Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation  (Page 973)

Newman, Nic

SNOW'13 ~ Verifying News on the Social Web: Challenges and Prospects  (Page 875)

Ngo, Chong-Wah

Full Research Paper ~ Unified Entity Search in Social Media Community  (Page 1457)

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Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille

Full Research Paper ~ Question Answering on Interlinked Data  (Page 1145)

Full Research Paper ~ Sorry, I Don't Speak SPARQL - Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language  (Page 977)

Demo Abstract ~ SPARQL2NL -- Verbalizing SPARQL Queries  (Page 329)

Nguyen, Hoang Duy Tan

LiME'13 ~ DataConf: Enriching Conference Publications with a Mobile Mashup Application  (Page 477)

Nibbering, Didier

Poster Abstract ~ A Case-Based Analysis of the Effect of Offline Media on Online Conversion Actions  (Page 125)

Niebler, Thomas

Poster Abstract ~ Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths on Wikipedia  (Page 171)

Niederhausen, Matthias

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

Nielek, Radoslaw

WebQuality'13 ~ Defending Imitating Attacks in Web Credibility Evaluation Systems  (Page 1115)

Niemann, Katja

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Nikiforakis, Nick

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

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Nikolaev, Kirill

WebQuality'13 ~ Quality-Biased Ranking for Queries with Commercial Intent  (Page 1145)

Ning, Yuanchi

Demo Abstract ~ G-Path: Flexible Path Pattern Query on Large Graphs  (Page 333)

Nishioka, Shuichi

WebQuality'13 ~ Automatically Generated Spam Detection Based on Sentence-Level Topic Information  (Page 1157)

Niu, Biao

Full Research Paper ~ TopRec: Domain-Specific Recommendation Through Community Topic Mining in Social Network  (Page 1501)

Nixon, Lyndon

Demo Abstract ~ Connected Media Experiences: Web Based Interactive Video Using Linked Data  (Page 309)

Developer's Track ~ Linked Services Infrastructure: A Single Entry Point for Online Media related to any Linked Data Concept  (Page 7)

LiME'13 ~ The Importance of Linked Media to the Future Web: LIME 2013 Keynote Talk - A Proposal for the Linked Media Research Agenda  (Page 455)

Noda, Itsuki

Poster Abstract ~ Regional Analysis of User Interactions on Social Media in Times of Disaster  (Page 235)

SWDM'13 ~ Information Sharing on Twitter During the 2011 Catastrophic Earthquake  (Page 1025)

Nunes, Bernardo

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Nunes, Santiago A.

LSNA'13 ~ Analysis of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models and Data from Real Sensor Networks Agree?  (Page 517)

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Nygreen, Gaute

Demo Abstract ~ Tailored News in the Palm of Your HAND: A Multi-Perspective Transparent Approach to News Recommendation  (Page 305)

Oehme, Philipp

LiME'13 ~ The Chrooma+ Approach to Enrich Video Content using HTML5  (Page 479)

Oh, Hyun-Kyo

Poster Abstract ~ A Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message Passing  (Page 161)

O'Hara, Kieron

SOCM'13 ~ Crime Applications and Social Machines: Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data  (Page 891)

WebQuality'13 ~ Trustworthiness Criteria for Supporting Users to Assess the Credibility of Web Information  (Page 1123)

Ohsawa, Shohei

MABSDA'13 ~ Like Prediction: Modeling Like Counts by Bridging Facebook Pages with Linked Data  (Page 541)

Oliveira, Allisson D.

PHDA'13 ~ A Proposal for Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria  (Page 681)

Oliveira, José P. M.

SIMPLEX'13 ~ Using Link Semantics to Recommend Collaborations in Academic Social Networks  (Page 833)

Olsher, Daniel

MABSDA'13 ~ A Graph-Based Approach to Commonsense Concept Extraction and Semantic Similarity Detection  (Page 565)

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Oomen, Johan

LiME'13 ~ First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2013) Chairs' Welcome  (Page 451)

LiME'13 ~ Linking and Visualizing Television Heritage: The EUscreen Virtual Exhibitions and the Linked Open Data Pilot  (Page 481)

Ordelman, Roeland J. F.

LiME'13 ~ Linking Inside a Video Collection - What and How to Measure?  (Page 457)

Orellana-Rodriguez, Claudia

Poster Abstract ~ Mining Emotions in Short Films: User Comments or Crowdsourcing?  (Page 69)

Oren, Joel

Full Research Paper ~ Strategyproof Mechanisms for Competitive Influence in Networks  (Page 141)

Orlando, Salvatore

WOLE'13 ~ SEED: A Framework for Extracting Social Events from Press News  (Page 1285)

Orwant, Jon

Full Research Paper ~ Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow  (Page 1389)

O'Sullivan, Daniel

LILE'13 ~ Learning from Quizzes Using Intelligent Learning Companions  (Page 435)

Ottaviano, Giuseppe

Full Research Paper ~ Space-Efficient Data Structures for Top-k Completion  (Page 583)

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Pacitti, Esther

SRS'13 ~ Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation  (Page 973)

Page, Kevin

SOCM'13 ~ Observing Social Machines Part 1: What to Observe?  (Page 901)

Palow, Christopher

Full Research Paper ~ CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in Social Networks  (Page 119)

Pandey, Sandeep

Full Research Paper ~ Towards a Robust Modeling of Temporal Interest Change Patterns for Behavioral Targeting  (Page 71)

Pang, Guansong

Poster Abstract ~ An Effective Class-Centroid-Based Dimension Reduction Method for Text Classification  (Page 223)

Panziera, Luca

WS-REST'13 ~ A Framework for Self-Descriptive RESTful Services  (Page 1407)

Paolotti, Daniela

PHDA'13 ~ 1st International Workshop on Public Health in the Digital Age: Workshop Chairs' Welcome  (Page 677)

Paquet, Ulrich

Full Research Paper ~ One-Class Collaborative Filtering with Random Graphs  (Page 999)

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Parikh, Ruchi

MSM'13 ~ ET: Events from Tweets  (Page 613)

Park, Hosung

MSND'13 ~ Resolving Homonymy with Correlation Clustering in Scholarly Digital Libraries  (Page 665)

Park, Hosung

Poster Abstract ~ Sampling Bias in User Attribute Estimation of OSNs  (Page 183)

Park, Jaehong

PSOM'13 ~ Preserving User Privacy from Third-Party Applications in Online Social Networks  (Page 723)

Park, Juyong

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

Park, Kunwoo

Full Research Paper ~ Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games  (Page 827)

Park, Sungchan

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction Based on Greedy Filtering  (Page 227)

Park, Yoonjae

Full Research Paper ~ DIGTOBI: A Recommendation System for Digg Articles Using Probabilistic Modeling  (Page 691)

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Park, Youngki

Poster Abstract ~ Scalable K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction Based on Greedy Filtering  (Page 227)

Parthasarathi, Sree Hari Krishnan

Full Research Paper ~ Exploiting Innocuous Activity for Correlating Users Across Sites  (Page 447)

Parthasarathy, Srinivasan

Full Research Paper ~ Efficient Community Detection in Large Networks Using Content and Links  (Page 1089)

Parwani, Tarun

PSOM'13 ~ How to Hack into Facebook without Being a Hacker  (Page 751)

Pasternack, Jeff

Full Research Paper ~ Latent Credibility Analysis  (Page 1009)

Patil, Akshay

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Group Stability in Online Social Networks  (Page 1021)

Pattanaphanchai, Jarutas

WebQuality'13 ~ Trustworthiness Criteria for Supporting Users to Assess the Credibility of Web Information  (Page 1123)

Patton, Evan W.

WOW'13 ~ SemantEco: A Next-Generation Web Observatory  (Page 1369)

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Pautasso, Cesare

Poster Abstract ~ ASQ: Interactive Web Presentations for Hybrid MOOCs  (Page 209)

Poster Abstract ~ The Atomic Web Browser  (Page 217)

WS-REST'13 ~ Fourth International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013)  (Page 1387)

Pechenizkiy, Mykola

TempWeb'13 ~ Discovering Temporal Hidden Contexts in Web Sessions for User Trail Prediction  (Page 1067)

Pechyony, Dmitry

Poster Abstract ~ A Joint Optimization of Incrementality and Revenue to Satisfy both Advertiser and Publisher  (Page 123)

Pedro, Saulo D.S.

WI&C'13 ~ Autonomously Reviewing and Validating the Knowledge base of a Never-Ending Learning System  (Page 1195)

Pelleg, Dan

Full Research Paper ~ When Relevance Is Not Enough: Promoting Diversity and Freshness in Personalized Question Recommendation  (Page 1249)

Pennacchiotti, Marco

Full Research Paper ~ Predicting Purchase Behaviors from Social Media  (Page 1521)

Penteado, Raqueline

Poster Abstract ~ Partitioning RDF Exploiting Workload Information  (Page 213)

Perea-Ortega, José M.

MABSDA'13 ~ Spanish Knowledge Base Generation for Polarity Classification from Masses  (Page 571)

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Pereira, Bianca

Poster Abstract ~ AELA: An Adaptive Entity Linking Approach  (Page 87)

Pereira Jr., Álvaro R.

Demo Abstract ~ Radialize: A Tool for Social Listening Experience on the Web Based on Radio Station Programs  (Page 313)

Pereira Nunes, Bernardo

Poster Abstract ~ Towards Focused Knowledge Extraction: Query-Based Extraction of Structured Summaries  (Page 77)

Perrig, Adrian

Full Research Paper ~ Accountable Key Infrastructure (AKI): A Proposal for a Public-Key Validation Infrastructure  (Page 679)

Pesce, João Paulo

Full Research Paper ~ Psychological Maps 2.0: A Web Engagement Enterprise Starting in London  (Page 1065)

Peserico, Enoch

Poster Abstract ~ The Power of Local Information in PageRank  (Page 179)

Peters, Matthew E.

Poster Abstract ~ Content Extraction Using Diverse Feature Sets  (Page 89)

Pevtsov, Sergey

WebQuality'13 ~ Russian Web Spam Evolution: Yandex Experience  (Page 1137)

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Pham, Dang Duc

Demo Abstract ~ Temporal Summarization of Event-Related Updates in Wikipedia  (Page 281)

Piessens, Frank

Full Research Paper ~ Bitsquatting: Exploiting Bit-flips for Fun, or Profit?  (Page 989)

Pietschmann, Stefan

Demo Abstract ~ Complementary Assistance Mechanisms for End User Mashup Composition  (Page 269)

Pitsilis, Vassilis

LILE'13 ~ OpenScout: Harvesting Business and Management Learning Objects from the Web of Data  (Page 445)

Pizzolon, Francesco

WOLE'13 ~ SEED: A Framework for Extracting Social Events from Press News  (Page 1285)

Pobiedina, Nataliia

WI&C'13 ~ Ranking Factors of Team Success  (Page 1185)

Pongpaichet, Siripen

WOW'13 ~ EventShop: Recognizing Situations in Web Data Streams  (Page 1359)

Pope, Catherine

SOCM'13 ~ The HTP Model: Understanding the Development of Social Machines  (Page 921)

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Popescu, Ana-Maria

Poster Abstract ~ Board Coherence in Pinterest: Non-visual Aspects of a Visual Site  (Page 49)

Popoola, Abdulfatai

SWDM'13 ~ Information Verification During Natural Disasters  (Page 1029)

Posch, Lisa

MSM'13 ~ Meaning as Collective Use: Predicting Semantic Hashtag Categories on Twitter  (Page 621)

Posse, Christian

Full Research Paper ~ Is It Time for a Career Switch?  (Page 1377)

Potts, Christopher

Full Research Paper ~ No Country for Old Members: User Lifecycle and Linguistic Change in Online Communities  (Page 307)

Power, Robert

SWDM'13 ~ A Sensitive Twitter Earthquake Detector  (Page 999)

SWDM'13 ~ Comparing Web Feeds and Tweets for Emergency Management  (Page 1007)

Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar

Poster Abstract ~ Power Dynamics in Spoken Interactions: A Case Study on 2012 Republican Primary Debates  (Page 99)

Prabhu, Yashoteja

Full Research Paper ~ Multi-Label Learning with Millions of Labels: Recommending Advertiser Bid Phrases for Web Pages  (Page 13)

Preist, Chris

Full Research Paper ~ A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services  (Page 1111)

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Pretto, Luca

Poster Abstract ~ The Power of Local Information in PageRank  (Page 179)

Preusse, Julia

Full Research Paper ~ What Is the Added Value of Negative Links in Online Social Networks?  (Page 727)

Priest, Ben

Poster Abstract ~ Utility Discounting Explains Informational Website Traffic Patterns Before a Hurricane  (Page 53)

Prusty, Swagatika

Full Research Paper ~ Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks  (Page 631)

Punera, Kunal

Full Research Paper ~ Towards a Robust Modeling of Temporal Interest Change Patterns for Behavioral Targeting  (Page 71)

Poster Abstract ~ Framework for Evaluation of Text Captchas  (Page 159)

Purtell, T. J.

SNOW'13 ~ Weaving a Safe Web of News  (Page 849)

Puzis, Rami

Full Research Paper ~ Predictive Web Automation Assistant for People with Vision Impairments  (Page 1019)

Puzis, Yury

Full Research Paper ~ Predictive Web Automation Assistant for People with Vision Impairments  (Page 1031)

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Qi, Guo-Jun

Full Research Paper ~ Mining Collective Intelligence in Diverse Groups  (Page 1041)

Qiu, Disheng

Full Research Paper ~ A Framework for Learning Web Wrappers from the Crowd  (Page 261)

Demo Abstract ~ ALFRED: Crowd Assisted Data Extraction  (Page 297)

Qu, Yan

Full Research Paper ~ Trade Area Analysis Using User Generated Mobile Location Data  (Page 1053)

SRS'13 ~ Understanding User Spatial Behaviors for Location-Based Recommendations  (Page 989)

Quercia, Daniele

Full Research Paper ~ Psychological Maps 2.0: A Web Engagement Enterprise Starting in London  (Page 1065)

MSM'13 ~ Urban*: Crowdsourcing for the Good of London  (Page 591)

Poster Abstract ~ Fragmented Social Media: A Look into Selective Exposure to Political News  (Page 51)

Quoc Nguyen, Dat

Poster Abstract ~ Predicting Relevant News Events for Timeline Summaries  (Page 91)