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Author Index

Author Index

Abdessalem, Talel

Demo: SoMap: Dynamic Clustering and Ranking of Geotagged Posts

Abdollahi, Behnoush

Poster: Explainable Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering

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Abele, Andrejs

PhD Symposium: Linked Data Profiling: Identifying the Domain of Datasets Based on Data Content and Metadata

Aboulnaga, Ashraf

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Absar, Rafa

LILE'16: Linking Online Identities and Content in Connectivist MOOCs across Multiple Social Media Platforms

Adamic, Lada A.

Research Paper: Do Cascades Recur?

Adegbola, Tunde

NLPIT'16: Pattern-based Unsupervised Induction Of Yorůbá Morphology

Aggarwal, Anupama

PhD Symposium: Detecting and Mitigating the Effect of Manipulated Reputation on Online Social Networks

Aggarwal, Charu

Research Paper: Recommendations in Signed Social Networks

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Aharoni, Ehud

Wiki Workshop'16: On the Retrieval of Wikipedia Articles Containing Claims on Controversial Topics

Ahlers, Dirk

LocWeb'16: LocWeb 2016 Chairs' Welcome

SOCM'16: Understanding Smart Cities as Social Machines

Ahmad, Syed Sharique

Research Paper: No Honor Among Thieves: A Large-Scale Analysis of Malicious Web Shells

Ahmed, Amr

Poster: Explaining Reviews and Ratings with PACO: Poisson Additive Co-Clustering

Ahmed, Mohamed

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Ai, Wei

Industry Paper: Voting with Their Feet: Inferring User Preferences from App Management Activities

Aiello, Luca Maria

LocWeb'16: The Sensorial Map of the City

SNOW'16: SNOW 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Tutorial: Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web (CSSW3)

Ajwani, Deepak

Research Paper: What Links Alice and Bob? Matching and Ranking Semantic Patterns in Heterogeneous Networks

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Akerkar, Rajendra

WI&C'16: WI&C'16 Chairs' Welcome: WI&C'16

WI&C'16: Web Communities in Big Data Era. Editorial

Akiyama, Toyokazu

Demo: Analyzing Global and Pairwise Collective Spatial Attention for Geo-social Event Detection in Microblogs

Alani, Harith

Q4APS'16: Structural Normalisation Methods for Improving Best Answer Identification in Question Answering Communities

Alfeld, Scott

Research Paper: An Empirical Study of Web Cookies

Al-Ghossein, Marie

Demo: SoMap: Dynamic Clustering and Ranking of Geotagged Posts

Al-Masri, Eyhab

PhD Symposium: WWW2016 PhD Symposium Chairs' Welcome Message

Almeida, Joăo Paulo A.

Wiki Workshop'16: Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess Taxonomic Hierarchies in Wikidata

Almeida, Jussara M.

Research Paper: TribeFlow: Mining & Predicting User Trajectories

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Almeida, Mario

Poster: Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis

AlObaidi, Mazen

OD4LS'16: Semantic Enrichment for Local Search Engine using Linked Open Data

Alonso, Omar

TempWeb'16: Time to Ship: Some Examples from the Real-World

Alrasheed, Hend

PhD Symposium: Structural Properties in δ-Hyperbolic Networks: Algorithmic Analysis and Implications

Alrawi, Omar

ERMIS'16: Chains of Distrust: Towards Understanding Certificates Used for Signing Malicious Applications

Amatriain, Xavier

Q4APS'16: Machine Learning for Q&A Sites: State of the Art and Research Directions

An, Chuankai

OD4LS'16: Improving Local Search with Open Geographic Data

Anand, Avishek

Demo: The Knowledge Awakens: Keeping Knowledge Bases Fresh with Emerging Entities

Demo: Tempas: Temporal Archive Search Based on Tags

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Anderson, Ashton

Research Paper: Exploring Limits to Prediction in Complex Social Systems

Anderst-Kotsis, Gabriele

TempWeb'16: DynamoGraph: A Distributed System for Large-scale, Temporal Graph Processing, its Implementation and First Observations

Andrade, Bruna D.

Demo: Destiny - A Cognitive Mobile Guide for the Olympics

Anthopoulos, Leonidas

AW4City'16: AW4City'16 Chairs' Welcome

AW4City'16: Smart City and Smart Government: Synonymous or Complementary?

AW4City'16: Smart Service Portfolios: Do the Cities Follow Standards?

Appel, Ana Paula

Demo: Destiny - A Cognitive Mobile Guide for the Olympics

Demo: GraPhys: Understanding Health Care Insurance Data through Graph Analytics.

WI&C'16: Ontological Networks: Mapping Ontological Knowledge Bases into Graphs

Applin, Sally A.

SOCM'16: Exploring Cooperation with Social Machines

Arenas, Marcelo

Research Paper: Reverse Engineering SPARQL Queries

Argyriou, Iraklis

AW4City'16: Planning the Smart City in China: Key Policy Issues and the Case of Dream Town in the City of Hangzhou

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Arpinar, I. Budak

Poster: Leveraging Crowdsourcing for the Thematic Annotation of the Qur'an

Atre, Medha

Poster: For the DISTINCT Clause of SPARQL Queries

Atzmueller, Martin

MSM'16: 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media - Behavioral Analytics in Social Media, Big Data and the Web (MSM 2016) - Chairs' Welcome

MSM'16: DASHTrails: An Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Distribution-Adapted Sequential Hypotheses and Trails

Auer, Sören

Demo: FuhSen: A Platform for Federated, RDF-based Hybrid Search

Workshop Summary: LDOW2016: 9th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web

Awadallah, Ahmed Hassan

Research Paper: Detecting Good Abandonment in Mobile Search

Azcorra, Arturo

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Ba, Mouhamadou Lamine

Demo: VERA: A Platform for Veracity Estimation over Web Data

Baba, Seigo

Poster: Real-time Tweet Classification in Disaster Situation

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Bachand, Felix-Herve

OD4LS'16: Address Geocoding using Street Profiles for Local Search

Bachrach, Yoram

Research Paper: Mechanism Design for Mixed Bidders

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

TempWeb'16: TempWeb 2016 Chairs' Welcome Message

Bagci, Hakan

LocWeb'16: Context-Aware Friend Recommendation for Location Based Social Networks using Random Walk

Bai, Xiaomei

Poster: PNCOIRank: Evaluating the Impact of Scholarly Articles with Positive and Negative Citations

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Bailey, Michael

Research Paper: People and Cookies: Imperfect Treatment Assignment in Online Experiments

Balasubramanian, Aruna

Research Paper: An In-depth Study of Mobile Browser Performance

Balduzzi, Marco

Research Paper: Automatic Extraction of Indicators of Compromise for Web Applications

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Balkanski, Eric

Research Paper: Bayesian Budget Feasibility with Posted Pricing

Ballard, Lucas

Research Paper: Remedying Web Hijacking: Notification Effectiveness and Webmaster Comprehension

Balzarotti, Davide

Research Paper: Automatic Extraction of Indicators of Compromise for Web Applications

Banchs, Albert

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Barbieri, Nicola

Research Paper: Improving Post-Click User Engagement on Native Ads via Survival Analysis

Barbosa, Samuel

Research Paper: Averaging Gone Wrong: Using Time-Aware Analyses to Better Understand Behavior

Barford, Paul

Research Paper: An Empirical Study of Web Cookies

Baron Neto, Ciro

Demo: LODVader: An Interface to LOD Visualization, Analyticsand DiscovERy in Real-time

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Basak, Rajesh

Poster: Look Before You Shame: A Study on Shaming Activities on Twitter

Basharat, Amna

Poster: Leveraging Crowdsourcing for the Thematic Annotation of the Qur'an

Bauer, Sandro

Research Paper: Where Can I Buy a Boulder? Searching for Offline Retail Locations

Bayir, Murat Ali

Poster: Finding All Maximal Paths In Web User Sessions

Bazan, Stéphane B.

TeachWeb'16: Web Education / Digital Literacy Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Beaudry, Eric

OD4LS'16: Lookupia: An Intelligent Real Estate Search Engine for Finding Houses Optimally Geolocated to Reach Points of Interest

Becker, Martin

Poster: SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails

Bedathur, Srikanta J.

Demo: Instant Espresso: Interactive Analysis of Relationships in Knowledge Graphs

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Bekele, Teshome Megersa

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Belacel, Nabil

LILE'16: Competency Based Learning in the Web of Learning Data

ben Othmane, Lotfi

ERMIS'16: Empirical Research Methods in Information Security

Bennett, Paul N.

Research Paper: Using Shortlists to Support Decision Making and Improve Recommender System Performance

Benomar, Omar

OD4LS'16: Address Geocoding using Street Profiles for Local Search

Benson, Austin R.

Research Paper: Modeling User Consumption Sequences

Research Paper: On the Relevance of Irrelevant Alternatives

Berberich, Klaus

Poster: Cluster Hypothesis in Low-Cost IR Evaluation with Different Document Representations

Demo: Instant Espresso: Interactive Analysis of Relationships in Knowledge Graphs

Berendt, Bettina

USEWOD'16: USEWOD 2016 Chairs' Welcome

USEWOD'16: Current directions for Usage Analysis and the Web of Data: The diverse ecosystem of Web of Data access mechanisms: A Message from the USEWOD Chairs

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Berners-Lee, Tim

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Workshop Summary: LDOW2016: 9th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web

Berti-Equille, Laure

Demo: VERA: A Platform for Veracity Estimation over Web Data

Beutel, Alex

Poster: Explaining Reviews and Ratings with PACO: Poisson Additive Co-Clustering

Beyah, Raheem

Research Paper: Characterizing Long-tail SEO Spam on Cloud Web Hosting Services

Bhadury, Arnab

Research Paper: Scaling up Dynamic Topic Models

Bhagwan, Varun

Poster: Travel the World: Analyzing and Predicting Booking Behavior using E-mail Travel Receipts

Bhamidipati, Narayan

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Bhatotia, Pramod

Research Paper: IncApprox: A Data Analytics System for Incremental Approximate Computing

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Bhattacharya, Devipsita

SNOW'16: Understanding the Competitive Landscape of News Providers on Social Media

Bi, Bin

Research Paper: Modeling a Retweet Network via an Adaptive Bayesian Approach

Binns, Reuben

SOCM'16: Privacy Languages: Are we there yet to enable user controls?

Bittencourt, Ig Ibert

WEBED'16: A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment

Bizer, Christian

Poster: A Large Public Corpus of Web Tables containing Time and Context Metadata

Research Paper: Profiling the Potential of Web Tables for Augmenting Cross-domain Knowledge Bases

Workshop Summary: LDOW2016: 9th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web

Blanco, Roi

Research Paper: Exploiting Green Energy to Reduce the Operational Costs of Multi-Center Web Search Engines

Blei, David M.

Research Paper: Modeling User Exposure in Recommendation

Research Paper: Objective Variables for Probabilistic Revenue Maximization in Second-Price Auctions with Reserve

Bochmann, Gregor V.

Demo: D-ForenRIA: Distributed Reconstruction of User-Interactions for Rich Internet Applications

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Boldi, Paolo

Wiki Workshop'16: Cleansing Wikipedia Categories using Centrality

Bonchi, Francesco

Tutorial: Centrality Measures on Big Graphs: Exact, Approximated, and Distributed Algorithms

Borisov, Alexey

Research Paper: A Neural Click Model for Web Search

Research Paper: Using Metafeatures to Increase the Effectiveness of Latent Semantic Models in Web Search

Borokhovich, Michael

Research Paper: Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

Boudaer, Glenn

Q4APS'16: Enriching Topic Modelling with Users' Histories for Improving Tag Prediction in Q&A Systems

Bourdeau, Guillaume

OD4LS'16: Lookupia: An Intelligent Real Estate Search Engine for Finding Houses Optimally Geolocated to Reach Points of Interest

Bourdeau, Jacqueline

WEBED'16: Chairs' Welcome - WWW2016 Workshop on Web Science and Technology for Education (WebED2016)

WEBED'16: STI-DICO : a Web-Based System for Intelligent Tutoring of Dictionary Skills

WWW 2016: WWW 2016 General Chairs' Welcome

Bowen, Kyle

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

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Brasileiro, Freddy

Wiki Workshop'16: Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess Taxonomic Hierarchies in Wikidata

Brautigam, Benjamin

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Brümmer, Martin

Demo: LODVader: An Interface to LOD Visualization, Analyticsand DiscovERy in Real-time

Brun, Caroline

Q4APS'16: Identifying User Issues and Request Types in Forum Question Posts Based on Discourse Analysis

Bu, Jiajun

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Burel, Grégoire

Q4APS'16: Structural Normalisation Methods for Improving Best Answer Identification in Question Answering Communities

Bursztein, Elie

Research Paper: Remedying Web Hijacking: Notification Effectiveness and Webmaster Comprehension

Cahn, Aaron

Research Paper: An Empirical Study of Web Cookies

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Cai, Deng

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Candello, Heloisa

Demo: Destiny - A Cognitive Mobile Guide for the Olympics

Cano, Amparo E.

Workshop Summary: #Microposts2016 -- 6th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages

Capadisli, Sarven

Tutorial: Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Capra, Licia

Research Paper: Beyond the Baseline: Establishing the Value in Mobile Phone Based Poverty Estimates

Industry Paper: Who Benefits from the "Sharing" Economy of Airbnb?

Capuzzi, Stefano

WEBED'16: Scalable Monitoring of Student Interaction Indicators in Exploratory Learning Environments

Carley, Kathleen M.

Research Paper: Exploring Patterns of Identity Usage in Tweets: A New Problem, Solution and Case Study

Carmel, David

Research Paper: Identifying Web Queries with Question Intent

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Carr, Leslie

SOCM'16: Using the SPENCE Model of Online/Offline Community to Analyse Sociality of Social Machines

Carrillo, Rubiela

WEBED'16: Towards Qualitative Insights for Visualizing Student Engagement in Web-based Learning Environments

Caruana, Rich

Poster: Improving Document Ranking with Dual Word Embeddings

Carvalho, Victorio A.

Wiki Workshop'16: Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess Taxonomic Hierarchies in Wikidata

Casemajor, Nathalie

USEWOD'16: Embedded Metadata and the Digital Lifecycle of Images: Methodological Challenges

Cassidy, Taylor

Research Paper: Representing Documents via Latent Keyphrase Inference

Catakoglu, Onur

Research Paper: Automatic Extraction of Indicators of Compromise for Web Applications

Catena, Matteo

Research Paper: Exploiting Green Energy to Reduce the Operational Costs of Multi-Center Web Search Engines

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Çelikten, Emre

Demo: "What Is The City but the People?" Exploring Urban Activity Using Social Web Traces

Ceppi, Sofia

Research Paper: Mechanism Design for Mixed Bidders

Cerón-Guzmán, Jhon Adrián

NLPIT'16: Lexical Normalization of Spanish Tweets

Cesar-Jr, Roberto M.

Research Paper: Averaging Gone Wrong: Using Time-Aware Analyses to Better Understand Behavior

Chae, Dong-Kyu

Poster: Accurate Path-based Methods for Influence Maximization in Social Networks

Chaintreau, Augustin

Demo: FindYou: A Personal Location Privacy Auditing Tool

Research Paper: Linking Users Across Domains with Location Data: Theory and Validation

Chakrabarti, Deepayan

Research Paper: Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram

Chakrabarti, Kaushik

Industry Paper: Automatic Discovery of Attribute Synonyms Using Query Logs and Table Corpora

Chakraborty, Tanmoy

Poster: On the Discovery of Success Trajectories of Authors

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Chan, Hou Pong

WEBED'16: Trust-aware Peer Assessment using Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms

Chandola, Varun

ERMIS'16: Ettu: Analyzing Query Intents in Corporate Databases

Chang, Keng-hao

Poster: Attention Based Recurrent Neural Networks for Online Advertising

Chang, Yi

Research Paper: Abusive Language Detection in Online User Content

Research Paper: Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Charlin, Laurent

Research Paper: Modeling User Exposure in Recommendation

Charton, Eric

OD4LS'16: OD4LS 2016 Chairs' Welcome

OD4LS'16: Open Data for Local Search: Challenges and Perspectives

Chatterji, Sourav

Research Paper: Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram

Chattopadhyay, T.

Wiki Workshop'16: Automatic Discovery of Emerging Trends using Cluster Name Synthesis on User Consumption Data: Extended Abstract

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Chau, Duen Horng

Poster: Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data

Chaudhury, Atef

Poster: Importance of First Steps in a Community for Growth, Diversity, and Engagement

Chechik, Dmitry

Poster: Power of Human Curation in Recommendation System

Chelmis, Charalampos

Poster: Mining Large Dense Subgraphs

Chen, Bo

Research Paper: The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

Chen, Hsin-Hsi

Poster: Less is More: Filtering Abnormal Dimensions in GloVe

Poster: Combining Word Embedding and Lexical Database for Semantic Relatedness Measurement

Chen, Jianfei

Research Paper: Scaling up Dynamic Topic Models

Chen, Junliang

Poster: Design and Implementation: the End User Development Ecosystem for Cross-platform Mobile Applications

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Chen, Keke

Research Paper: Tweet Properly: Analyzing Deleted Tweets to Understand and Identify Regrettable Ones

Chen, Kuan-Ta

BigScholar'16: H-index Sequences across Fields: A Comparative Analysis

Chen, Le

Research Paper: An Empirical Analysis of Algorithmic Pricing on Amazon Marketplace

Chen, Liang

Poster: PGRank: Personalized Geographical Ranking for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

Chen, Ling

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

Chen, Ming-Syan

Research Paper: Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders

Chen, Peiji

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Chen, Ping

ERMIS'16: Longitudinal Study of the Use of Client-side Security Mechanisms on the European Web

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Chen, Songqing

Research Paper: GoCAD: GPU-Assisted Online Content-Adaptive Display Power Saving for Mobile Devices in Internet Streaming

Chen, Xing

Research Paper: In a World That Counts: Clustering and Detecting Fake Social Engagement at Scale

Chen, Xu

Poster: HLBPR:A Hybrid Local Bayesian Personal Ranking Method

Chen, Zhiyuan

Research Paper: Mining Aspect-Specific Opinion using a Holistic Lifelong Topic Model

Cheng, Bo

Poster: Design and Implementation: the End User Development Ecosystem for Cross-platform Mobile Applications

Cheng, Justin

Research Paper: Do Cascades Recur?

Cheng, Tao

Industry Paper: Automatic Discovery of Attribute Synonyms Using Query Logs and Table Corpora

Cheng, Xueqi

Poster: Aspect-Specific Sentimental Word Embedding for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews

Poster: Modeling and Predicting Retweeting Dynamics via a Mixture Process

Poster: Hierarchy-Based Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs

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Chernov, Alexandr

WI&C'16: Enriching How-to Guides by Linking Actionable Phrases

Chiericetti, Flavio

Research Paper: On Sampling Nodes in a Network

Chin, Alvin

MSM'16: 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media - Behavioral Analytics in Social Media, Big Data and the Web (MSM 2016) - Chairs' Welcome

Chiu, Dah Ming

BigScholar'16: Get To the Top and Stay There: A Study of Citation Rank Dynamics in Academia

Cho, Junghoo

Poster: Power of Human Curation in Recommendation System

Research Paper: Modeling a Retweet Network via an Adaptive Bayesian Approach

Cho, Yoon-Sik

Research Paper: Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

Choi, Yonghwa

Demo: SEMO: Searching Majority Opinions on Movies using SNS QA Threads

Chong, Dazhi

BigScholar'16: Backward Chaining Ontology Reasoning Systems with Custom Rules

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Chopra, Amit K.

Research Paper: From Social Machines to Social Protocols: Software Engineering Foundations for Sociotechnical Systems

Chu, Eric

Demo: Human Atlas: A Tool for Mapping Social Networks

Chua, Alvin

USEWOD'16: What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows

Chuda, Daniela

Poster: Estimating Gender and Age of Web Page Visitors from the Way They Use Their Mouse

Ciampaglia, Giovanni Luca

SNOW'16: Hoaxy: A Platform for Tracking Online Misinformation

Ciaramita, Massimiliano

Research Paper: A Piggyback System for Joint Entity Mention Detection and Linking in Web Queries

Cimiano, Philipp

Q4APS'16: Workshop Q4APS 2016 Chairs' Welcome: 1st Workshop on Question Answering And Activity Analysis in Participatory Sites (Q4APS) associated with WWW 2016

Clauset, Aaron

Research Paper: Gender, Productivity, and Prestige in Computer Science Faculty Hiring Networks

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Coey, Dominic

Research Paper: People and Cookies: Imperfect Treatment Assignment in Online Experiments

Coleman, Beth A.

AW4City'16: Generative Mappings of New Data Publics

Collarana, Diego

Demo: FuhSen: A Platform for Federated, RDF-based Hybrid Search

Colpaert, Pieter

USEWOD'16: What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows

Cong, Gao

Research Paper: Joint Recognition and Linking of Fine-Grained Locations from Tweets

Connolly, Randy

TeachWeb'16: The Garden of Earthly Delights: Constructing and Revising a Web Development Textbook

Contractor, Noshir

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies

Coonan, Patrick

ERMIS'16: Ettu: Analyzing Query Intents in Corporate Databases

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Córdova-Sánchez, Mariheida

WEBED'16: Turning Down the Noise in Classrooms

Cornolti, Marco

Research Paper: A Piggyback System for Joint Entity Mention Detection and Linking in Web Queries

Coskun, Elisabeth

TeachWeb'16: Emerging a Web Science Curriculum

Cosley, Dan

Research Paper: Averaging Gone Wrong: Using Time-Aware Analyses to Better Understand Behavior

Coulombe, Claude

WEBED'16: STI-DICO : a Web-Based System for Intelligent Tutoring of Dictionary Skills

Couturier, Russ

Demo: D-ForenRIA: Distributed Reconstruction of User-Interactions for Rich Internet Applications

Craswell, Nick

Poster: Improving Document Ranking with Dual Word Embeddings

Research Paper: Did You Say U2 or YouTube? Inferring Implicit Transcripts from Voice Search Logs

Crook, Aidan C.

Research Paper: Detecting Good Abandonment in Mobile Search

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Crowcroft, Jon

Poster: Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis

Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

Research Paper: Scheduling Human Intelligence Tasks in Multi-Tenant Crowd-Powered Systems

Cuenca Grau, Bernardo

Research Paper: Semantics and Expressive Power of Subqueries and Aggregates in SPARQL 1.1

Cuevas, Rubén

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Cui, Hai

Poster: PNCOIRank: Evaluating the Impact of Scholarly Articles with Positive and Negative Citations

Cummins, Ronan

Research Paper: A Study of Retrieval Models for Long Documents and Queries in Information Retrieval

Currim, Faiz

AW4City'16: SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation

Cuzzocrea, Alfredo

WWW 2016 Demo Track Chairs Welcome

Demo: RECAP: Building Relatedness Explanations on the Web