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Author Index

Dadzie, Aba-Sah

Workshop Summary: #Microposts2016 -- 6th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages

Dahse, Johannes

Research Paper: No Honor Among Thieves: A Large-Scale Analysis of Malicious Web Shells

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Dalle, Jean-Michel

Q4APS'16: Workshop Q4APS 2016 Chairs' Welcome: 1st Workshop on Question Answering And Activity Analysis in Participatory Sites (Q4APS) associated with WWW 2016

Q4APS'16: Online Knowledge Triage: Searching, Detecting, Labelling and Orienting User Generated Content: Project OCKTOPUS

Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian

Research Paper: Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions

Dang, Jiankai

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Dani, Harsh

Poster: Can One Tamper with the Sample API?: - Toward Neutralizing Bias from Spam and Bot Content

Dantas, Ezequiel

AW4City'16: SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation

d'Aquin, Mathieu

LILE'16: Linked Learning 2016 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data

Dasgupta, Anirban

Research Paper: On Sampling Nodes in a Network

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Davis, Clayton A.

Developers Track: BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots

Davoust, Alan

WI&C'16: Distributed Wikis and Social Networks: a Good Fit

De Francisci Morales, Gianmarco

SNOW'16: SNOW 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Tutorial: Centrality Measures on Big Graphs: Exact, Approximated, and Distributed Algorithms

De Nadai, Marco

Research Paper: The Death and Life of Great Italian Cities: A Mobile Phone Data Perspective

De Nies, Tom

Poster: Information Diffusion and Provenance of Interactions in Twitter: Is it only about Retweets?

de Ribaupierre, Hélène

Poster: Combining NLP and Semantics for Mining Software Technologies from Research Publications

de Rijke, Maarten

Research Paper: A Neural Click Model for Web Search

Research Paper: Unsupervised, Efficient and Semantic Expertise Retrieval

Research Paper: Using Metafeatures to Increase the Effectiveness of Latent Semantic Models in Web Search

de Santana, Sivaldo J.

WEBED'16: A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment

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de Santana, Vagner

Demo: GraPhys: Understanding Health Care Insurance Data through Graph Analytics.

de Souza, Beatriz S. R.

Demo: Destiny - A Cognitive Mobile Guide for the Olympics

Demartini, Gianluca

Research Paper: Scheduling Human Intelligence Tasks in Multi-Tenant Crowd-Powered Systems

Deng, Hongbo

Research Paper: Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Deng, Shuiguang

Poster: Improving Music Recommendation Using Distributed Representation

Desmet, Lieven

ERMIS'16: Longitudinal Study of the Use of Client-side Security Mechanisms on the European Web

Dhekne, Ashutosh

Research Paper: The Case for Robotic Wireless Networks

Di Iorio, Angelo

Poster: It ROCS! The RASH Online Conversion Service

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Diakopoulos, Nicholas

SNOW'16: CommentIQ: Enhancing Journalistic Curation of Online News Comments

Dialani, Vijay

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Dias Cardoso, Pedro Miguel

NLPIT'16: Language Identification for Social Media: Short Messages and Transliteration

Diaz, Gonzalo I.

Research Paper: Reverse Engineering SPARQL Queries

Dietze, Stefan

LILE'16: Linked Learning 2016 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data

LILE'16: Towards Embedded Markup of Learning Resources on the Web: An Initial Quantitative Analysis of LRMI Terms Usage

Difallah, Djellel Eddine

Research Paper: Scheduling Human Intelligence Tasks in Multi-Tenant Crowd-Powered Systems

Dimakis, Alexandros G.

Research Paper: Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

Dimitrov, Dimitar

Poster: SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails

Poster: Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia

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Djuric, Nemanja

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Domarus, Marven von

TempWeb'16: Predictive Analysis of Temporal and Overlapping Community Structures in Social Media

Dong, Anlei

Research Paper: Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification

Dong, Fan

AW4City'16: SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation

Dong, Mian

Research Paper: GoCAD: GPU-Assisted Online Content-Adaptive Display Power Saving for Mobile Devices in Internet Streaming

dos Santo, Thiago D.

Demo: GraPhys: Understanding Health Care Insurance Data through Graph Analytics.

Doyle, Gabriel

Research Paper: A Robust Framework for Estimating Linguistic Alignment in Twitter Conversations

Driscoll, Patrick

SOCM'16: Understanding Smart Cities as Social Machines

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Du, Hui

Poster: Aspect-Specific Sentimental Word Embedding for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews

Du, Nan

Industry Paper: Mining User Intentions from Medical Queries: A Neural Network Based Heterogeneous Jointly Modeling Approach

Dumais, Susan T.

Research Paper: Using Shortlists to Support Decision Making and Improve Recommender System Performance

Durand, Guillaume

LILE'16: Competency Based Learning in the Web of Learning Data

Duric, Nemanja

Poster: Travel the World: Analyzing and Predicting Booking Behavior using E-mail Travel Receipts

Eberhard, Lukas

MSM'16: Recommending Sellers to Buyers in Virtual Marketplaces Leveraging Social Information

Echickson, Daniel

Demo: FindYou: A Personal Location Privacy Auditing Tool

Effendy, Suhendry

BigScholar'16: Investigations on Rating Computer Sciences Conferences: An Experiment with the Microsoft Academic Graph Dataset

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Eichmann, David

BigScholar'16: Research Collaborations in Multidisciplinary Institutions -- a Case Study of iSchools

Eickhoff, Carsten

Research Paper: Probabilistic Bag-of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb

Demo: WWW 2016 Demo Track Chairs Welcome

Elenberg, Ethan R.

Research Paper: Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

Eliassi-Rad, Tina

Poster: Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data

El-Kishky, Ahmed

Tutorial: Automatic Entity Recognition and Typing in Massive Text Corpora

Ellis, Joseph G.

Research Paper: Objective Variables for Probabilistic Revenue Maximization in Second-Price Auctions with Reserve

Endris, Kemele M.

Q4APS'16: Question Answering on Linked Data: Challenges and Future Directions

Ernala, Sindhu Kiranmai

SOCM'16: Towards a Ubiquitous Model of an Individual in Social Machines.

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Ernst, Patrick

Demo: Instant Espresso: Interactive Analysis of Relationships in Knowledge Graphs

Esfandiari, Babak

WI&C'16: Distributed Wikis and Social Networks: a Good Fit

Espín Noboa, Lisette

LocWeb'16: Discovering and Characterizing Mobility Patterns in Urban Spaces: A Study of Manhattan Taxi Data

Ester, Martin

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Estrin, Deborah

Research Paper: Immersive Recommendation: News and Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

Fabien, Gandon L.

Q4APS'16: Workshop Q4APS 2016 Chairs' Welcome: 1st Workshop on Question Answering And Activity Analysis in Participatory Sites (Q4APS) associated with WWW 2016

Faheem, Muhammad

Demo: D-ForenRIA: Distributed Reconstruction of User-Interactions for Rich Internet Applications

Fair, Nicholas S. R.

TeachWeb'16: Collaborative Social Learning: Rewards and Challenges in Mainstream Higher Education

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Faloutsos, Christos

Research Paper: TribeFlow: Mining & Predicting User Trajectories

Research Paper: Non-Linear Mining of Competing Local Activities

Tutorial: Mining Big Time-series Data on the Web

Falquet, Gilles

OD4LS'16: A Simple Tags Categorization Framework Using Spatial Coverage to Discover Geospatial Semantics

Fan, Wei

Industry Paper: Mining User Intentions from Medical Queries: A Neural Network Based Heterogeneous Jointly Modeling Approach

Fang, Zhijia

Demo: KCF.js: A Javascript Library for Knowledge Cards Fusion

Fanou, Rodérick

Research Paper: Pushing the Frontier: Exploring the African Web Ecosystem

Farahbakhsh, Reza

Poster: Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis

Faron-Zucker, Catherine

Q4APS'16: Online Knowledge Triage: Searching, Detecting, Labelling and Orienting User Generated Content: Project OCKTOPUS

Feng, Feng

Industry Paper: Voting with Their Feet: Inferring User Preferences from App Management Activities

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Feng, Shi

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

Ferragina, Paolo

Research Paper: A Piggyback System for Joint Entity Mention Detection and Linking in Web Queries

Ferrara, Emilio

Developers Track: BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots

Research Paper: Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

Ferwerda, Bruce

Poster: Fusing Social Media Cues: Personality Prediction from Twitter and Instagram

MSM'16: Personality Traits and the Relationship with (Non-) Disclosure Behavior on Facebook

Fetzer, Christof

Research Paper: IncApprox: A Data Analytics System for Incremental Approximate Computing

Figueiredo, Flavio

Research Paper: TribeFlow: Mining & Predicting User Trajectories

Fischer, Michael D.

SOCM'16: Exploring Cooperation with Social Machines

Fischer, Peter M.

Poster: Information Diffusion and Provenance of Interactions in Twitter: Is it only about Retweets?

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Flammini, Alessandro

Developers Track: BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots

SNOW'16: Hoaxy: A Platform for Tracking Online Misinformation

Florentin, Victor A. F.

WEBED'16: A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment

Fokoue, Achille

Demo: Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Through Similarity-Based Link Prediction Over Web Data

Fox, Martha Lane

Keynote Talk: Dot Everyone!! Power, the Internet and You

Franceschini, Michele M.

Demo: Watson Concept Insights: A Conceptual Association Framework

Francois, Pierre

Research Paper: Pushing the Frontier: Exploring the African Web Ecosystem

Frank, Michael C.

Research Paper: A Robust Framework for Estimating Linguistic Alignment in Twitter Conversations

Frazier, Peter I.

Research Paper: Mean Field Equilibria for Competitive Exploration in Resource Sharing Settings

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Freire, Juliana

TempWeb'16: A First Study on Temporal Dynamics of Topics on the Web

Friedman, Daniel

Research Paper: Economic Recommendation with Surplus Maximization

Fukuchi, Masato

Poster: Analytical Framework of Relations among Nations using News Articles

Gagnon, Michel

Poster: A Machine learning Filter for Relation Extraction

Gaito, Sabrina

Poster: Predicting the Link Strength of "Newborn" Links

Gal, Avigdor

Research Paper: From Diversity-based Prediction to Better Ontology & Schema Matching

Gallagher, Brian

Poster: Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data

Gallé, Matthias

WI&C'16: Enriching How-to Guides by Linking Actionable Phrases

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Gallegos, Luciano

MSM'16: Geography of Emotion: Where in a City are People Happier?

Gallidabino, Andrea

Demo: The Liquid.js Framework for Migrating and Cloning Stateful Web Components across Multiple Devices

Galstyan, Aram

Research Paper: Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

Gandon, Fabien

Q4APS'16: Online Knowledge Triage: Searching, Detecting, Labelling and Orienting User Generated Content: Project OCKTOPUS

Ganea, Marina

Research Paper: Probabilistic Bag-of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

Ganea, Octavian-Eugen

Research Paper: Probabilistic Bag-of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

Ganguly, Niloy

Poster: Look Before You Shame: A Study on Shaming Activities on Twitter

Ganguly, Soumyajit

Poster: Author2Vec: Learning Author Representations by Combining Content and Link Information

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Gao, Jiale

TeachWeb'16: The Practice of Web Product Design and Development Course Design

Gao, Jinhua

Poster: Modeling and Predicting Retweeting Dynamics via a Mixture Process

Gao, Wei

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

Garcia, David

MSM'16: Geography of Emotion: Where in a City are People Happier?

Research Paper: The QWERTY Effect on the Web: How Typing Shapes the Meaning of Words in Online Human-Computer Interaction

García-Recuero, Álvaro

PhD Symposium: Discouraging Abusive Behavior in Privacy-Preserving Online Social Networking Applications

Gasevic, Dragan

LILE'16: Linked Learning 2016 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data

Geiß, Johanna

Wiki Workshop'16: With a Little Help from my Neighbors: Person Name Linking Using the Wikipedia Social Network

Gelernter, Nethanel

Research Paper: Tell Me About Yourself: The Malicious CAPTCHA Attack

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Gertz, Michael

Wiki Workshop'16: With a Little Help from my Neighbors: Person Name Linking Using the Wikipedia Social Network

Ghanem, Abdurrahman

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Ghose, Avik

Wiki Workshop'16: Automatic Discovery of Emerging Trends using Cluster Name Synthesis on User Consumption Data: Extended Abstract

Ghosh, Shreya

Poster: THUMP: Semantic Analysis on Trajectory Traces to Explore Human Movement Pattern

Ghosh, Soumya K.

Poster: Look Before You Shame: A Study on Shaming Activities on Twitter

Poster: THUMP: Semantic Analysis on Trajectory Traces to Explore Human Movement Pattern

Ghoula, Nizar

OD4LS'16: OD4LS 2016 Chairs' Welcome

OD4LS'16: Open Data for Local Search: Challenges and Perspectives

Giannakidis, George

AW4City'16: Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools

Gilani, Zafar

Poster: Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis

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Giles, C. Lee

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

BigScholar'16: Scholarly Big Data Knowledge and Semantics

Gladkikh, Ekaterina

Poster: Selective Exploration of Commercial Documents in Web Search

Gloria, Kristine

TeachWeb'16: Web Education / Digital Literacy Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Goel, Sharad

Research Paper: The Effect of Recommendations on Network Structure

Goga, Oana

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Goncalves, Bruno

NLPIT'16: Topical Differences between Chinese Language Twitter and Sina Weibo

González, Roberto

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra

Poster: It ROCS! The RASH Online Conversion Service

Workshop Summary: SAVE-SD 2016 - Second Workshop on Semantics, Analytics and Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data

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Goutte, Cyril

LILE'16: Competency Based Learning in the Web of Learning Data

Gouveia, João Pedro

AW4City'16: Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools

Gowda, Mahanth

Research Paper: The Case for Robotic Wireless Networks

Goyal, Amit

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Graves, Jeffrey A.

Poster: Complex Patterns in Dynamic Attributed Graphs

Gray, Mary L.

Research Paper: The Communication Network Within the Crowd

Grbovic, Mihajlo

Poster: Travel the World: Analyzing and Predicting Booking Behavior using E-mail Travel Receipts

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Greco, Nicola

Tutorial: Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web

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Grondin, Francois

OD4LS'16: Lookupia: An Intelligent Real Estate Search Engine for Finding Houses Optimally Geolocated to Reach Points of Interest

Gross-Amblard, David

Research Paper: Using Hierarchical Skills for Optimized Task Assignment in Knowledge-Intensive Crowdsourcing

Gruzd, Anatoliy

LILE'16: Linking Online Identities and Content in Connectivist MOOCs across Multiple Social Media Platforms

MSM'16: Who are We Modelling: Bots or Humans?

Gu, Yupeng

Research Paper: Learning Global Term Weights for Content-based Recommender Systems

Guan, Ziyu

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Guizzardi, Giancarlo

Wiki Workshop'16: Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess Taxonomic Hierarchies in Wikidata

Gummadi, Krishna P.

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Gunashekar, Stephen

TempWeb'16: Predictive Analysis of Temporal and Overlapping Community Structures in Social Media

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Gunter, Carl A.

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Guo, Qi

Research Paper: Query-Less: Predicting Task Repetition for NextGen Proactive Search and Recommendation Engines

Guo, Songtao

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

Guo, Yunqi

BigScholar'16: AceMap: A Novel Approach towards Displaying Relationship among Academic Literatures

Gupta, Abhishek

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Gupta, Manish

Poster: Author2Vec: Learning Author Representations by Combining Content and Link Information

Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio

WEBED'16: Scalable Monitoring of Student Interaction Indicators in Exploratory Learning Environments

Guy, Amy

Tutorial: Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web

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Habib, Mena

NLPIT'16: NLPIT 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Hagedorn, Stefan

Demo: Piglet - Interactive and Platform Transparent Analytics for RDF & Dynamic Data

Haines, Andrew

Research Paper: Predicting Pre-click Quality for Native Advertisements

Halcrow, Caroline A.

SOCM'16: Using the SPENCE Model of Online/Offline Community to Analyse Sociality of Social Machines

Halevy, Alon

Research Paper: Discovering Structure in the Universe of Attribute Names

Halford, Susan

SOCM'16: Using the SPENCE Model of Online/Offline Community to Analyse Sociality of Social Machines

Hall, Wendy

Poster: More than an Edit: Using Transcendental Information Cascades to Capture Hidden Structure in Wikipedia

SOCM'16: Observlets: Empowering Analytical Observations on Web Observatory

WEBED'16: Web Science, Social Media and Education

Wiki Workshop'16: Finding Structure in Wikipedia Edit Activity: An Information Cascade Approach

Hammady, Hossam M.

Demo: VERA: A Platform for Veracity Estimation over Web Data

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Hammoud, Mohammad

Demo: DREAM in Action: A Distributed and Adaptive RDF System on the Cloud

Han, Jialong

Research Paper: Joint Recognition and Linking of Fine-Grained Locations from Tweets

Han, Jianhua

Poster: Label Aggregation with Instance Grouping Model

Han, Jiawei

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Tutorial: Automatic Entity Recognition and Typing in Massive Text Corpora

Research Paper: Representing Documents via Latent Keyphrase Inference

Research Paper: Entity Disambiguation with Linkless Knowledge Bases

Hao, Shuang

Research Paper: Characterizing Long-tail SEO Spam on Cloud Web Hosting Services

Hardtke, David

Research Paper: Learning Global Term Weights for Content-based Recommender Systems

Harris, Lisa J.

TeachWeb'16: Collaborative Social Learning: Rewards and Challenges in Mainstream Higher Education

Hartline, Jason D.

Research Paper: Bayesian Budget Feasibility with Posted Pricing

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Hasan, Aisha

Demo: DREAM in Action: A Distributed and Adaptive RDF System on the Cloud

Hassanzadeh, Oktie

Demo: Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Through Similarity-Based Link Prediction Over Web Data

Ha-Thuc, Viet

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Hawke, Sandro

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Haythornthwaite, Caroline

LILE'16: Linking Online Identities and Content in Connectivist MOOCs across Multiple Social Media Platforms

He, Ruining

Demo: Fashionista: A Fashion-aware Graphical System for Exploring Visually Similar Items

Research Paper: Ups and Downs: Modeling the Visual Evolution of Fashion Trends with One-Class Collaborative Filtering

He, Tingting

Industry Paper: Socialized Language Model Smoothing via Bi-directional Influence Propagation on Social Networks

He, Wu

BigScholar'16: Backward Chaining Ontology Reasoning Systems with Custom Rules

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He, Xiaodong

Research Paper: Table Cell Search for Question Answering

He, Xiaofeng

Poster: NERank: Ranking Named Entities in Document Collections

He, Yeye

Industry Paper: Automatic Discovery of Attribute Synonyms Using Query Logs and Table Corpora

He, Yunlong

Research Paper: Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification

Heath, Tom

Workshop Summary: LDOW2016: 9th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web

Hellmann, Sebastian

Demo: LODVader: An Interface to LOD Visualization, Analyticsand DiscovERy in Real-time

Hendler, Jim

WWW 2016: WWW 2016 General Chairs' Welcome

Héon, Michel

Poster: Toward G-OWL: A Graphical, Polymorphic And Typed Syntax For Building Formal OWL2 Ontologies

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Herbelot, Aurélie

Poster: PeARS: a Peer-to-peer Agent for Reciprocated Search

Herdağdelen, Amaç

Research Paper: Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram

Herder, Eelco

LILE'16: Linked Learning 2016 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data

Hertzmann, Aaron

MSM'16: A Joint Model for Who-to-Follow and What-to-View Recommendations on Behance

Herzberg, Amir

Research Paper: Tell Me About Yourself: The Malicious CAPTCHA Attack

Hewitt, Sarah

TeachWeb'16: Collaborative Social Learning: Rewards and Challenges in Mainstream Higher Education

Hmimida, Manel

Poster: A Graph-Coarsening Approach for Tag Recommendation

Ho, Grant

Research Paper: Remedying Web Hijacking: Notification Effectiveness and Webmaster Comprehension

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Ho, Tin Kam

Poster: Concept Evolution Modeling Using Semantic Vectors

Hoar, Ricardo

TeachWeb'16: The Garden of Earthly Delights: Constructing and Revising a Web Development Textbook

Hoffart, Johannes

Demo: The Knowledge Awakens: Keeping Knowledge Bases Fresh with Emerging Entities

Hoffman, Matthew

MSM'16: A Joint Model for Who-to-Follow and What-to-View Recommendations on Behance

Hofman, Jake M.

Research Paper: Exploring Limits to Prediction in Complex Social Systems

Hofmann, Thomas

Research Paper: Probabilistic Bag-of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

Hollink, Laura

USEWOD'16: USEWOD 2016 Chairs' Welcome

USEWOD'16: Current directions for Usage Analysis and the Web of Data: The diverse ecosystem of Web of Data access mechanisms: A Message from the USEWOD Chairs

Holz, Thorsten

Research Paper: No Honor Among Thieves: A Large-Scale Analysis of Malicious Web Shells

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Holzmann, Helge

Demo: Tempas: Temporal Archive Search Based on Tags

Hong, Jason

Research Paper: Understanding User Economic Behavior in the City Using Large-scale Geotagged and Crowdsourced Data

Hooshmand, Salman

Demo: D-ForenRIA: Distributed Reconstruction of User-Interactions for Rich Internet Applications

Hopcroft, John E.

Research Paper: In a World That Counts: Clustering and Detecting Fake Social Engagement at Scale

Research Paper: The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

Hope-Bailie, Adrian

Developers Track: Interledger: Creating a Standard for Payments

Horrocks, Ian

WWW 2016: WWW 2016 PC Chairs' Welcome

Hosanagar, Kartik

Research Paper: When do Recommender Systems Work the Best? The Moderating Effects of Product Attributes and Consumer Reviews on Recommender Performance

Hotho, Andreas

Poster: SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails

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Howe, Bill

BigScholar'16: VizioMetrix: A Platform for Analyzing the Visual Information in Big Scholarly Data

Hristova, Desislava

Research Paper: Measuring Urban Social Diversity Using Interconnected Geo-Social Networks

Hruschka Jr, Estevam Rafael

WI&C'16: Ontological Networks: Mapping Ontological Knowledge Bases into Graphs

Hsieh, Cheng-Kang

Research Paper: Immersive Recommendation: News and Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

Hsieh, Hsun-Ping

Industry Paper: Socialized Language Model Smoothing via Bi-directional Influence Propagation on Social Networks

Hsu, Meichun

USEWOD'16: Modeling Complex Clickstream Data by Stochastic Models: Theory and Methods

Hsu, William H.

NLPIT'16: HDPauthor: A New Hybrid Author-Topic Model using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes

Hu, Po

Industry Paper: Socialized Language Model Smoothing via Bi-directional Influence Propagation on Social Networks

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Hu, Qingbo

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

Hu, Xiaohua

Industry Paper: Socialized Language Model Smoothing via Bi-directional Influence Propagation on Social Networks

Huang, Arhur

MSM'16: Geography of Emotion: Where in a City are People Happier?

Huang, Gang

Industry Paper: Voting with Their Feet: Inferring User Preferences from App Management Activities

Huang, Haiying

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

Huang, Hen-Hsen

Poster: Less is More: Filtering Abnormal Dimensions in GloVe

Poster: Combining Word Embedding and Lexical Database for Semantic Relatedness Measurement

Huang, Stephanie

Demo: FindYou: A Personal Location Privacy Auditing Tool

Huang, Yun

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies

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Hui, Kai

Poster: Cluster Hypothesis in Low-Cost IR Evaluation with Different Document Representations

Hummel, Shay

Wiki Workshop'16: On the Retrieval of Wikipedia Articles Containing Claims on Controversial Topics

Hurley, Neil

Research Paper: Learning-to-Rank for Real-Time High-Precision Hashtag Recommendation for Streaming News

Huth, Michae

ERMIS'16: Empirical Research Methods in Information Security

Huygens, Christophe

ERMIS'16: Longitudinal Study of the Use of Client-side Security Mechanisms on the European Web

Hwang, Seung-won

Poster: Browsing2purchase: Online Customer Model for Sales Forecasting in an E-Commerce Site