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Author Index

Author Index

Valcke, Peggy

SNOW'16: Employing Robot Journalists: Legal Implications, Considerations and Recommendations

Van de Sompel, Herbert

Poster: Persistent URIs Must Be Used To Be Persistent

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Van de Walle, Rik

Poster: Information Diffusion and Provenance of Interactions in Twitter: Is it only about Retweets?

USEWOD'16: What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows

Van Gysel, Christophe

Research Paper: Unsupervised, Efficient and Semantic Expertise Retrieval

van Keulen, Maurice

NLPIT'16: NLPIT 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Van Kleek, Max

SOCM'16: Privacy Languages: Are we there yet to enable user controls?

Vanchinathan, Hastagiri P.

Research Paper: Beyond Collaborative Filtering: The List Recommendation Problem

Vande Moere, Andrew

USEWOD'16: What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows

Varma, Vasudeva

Poster: Author2Vec: Learning Author Representations by Combining Content and Link Information

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Varol, Onur

Developers Track: BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots

Vassilvitskii, Sergei

Research Paper: A Field Guide to Personalized Reserve Prices

Vaughan, Jennifer Wortman

Research Paper: The Communication Network Within the Crowd

Vega, Julio

PhD Symposium: Monitoring Parkinson's Disease Progression Using Behavioural Inferences, Mobile Devices and Web Technologies

Venkat, Srini

BigScholar'16: Get To the Top and Stay There: A Study of Citation Rank Dynamics in Academia

Venkatadri, Giridhari

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Ver Steeg, Greg

Research Paper: Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

Verborgh, Ruben

USEWOD'16: What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows

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Vercouter, Laurent

WI&C'16: WI&C'16 Chairs' Welcome: WI&C'16

WI&C'16: Web Communities in Big Data Era. Editorial

WI&C'16: Detection of Multiple Identity Manipulation in Collaborative Projects

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Viswanathan, Shanky

Wiki Workshop'16: Automatic Discovery of Emerging Trends using Cluster Name Synthesis on User Consumption Data: Extended Abstract

Vitali, Fabio

Poster: It ROCS! The RASH Online Conversion Service

Vo, Ngoc-Phuoc-An

Q4APS'16: Identifying User Issues and Request Types in Forum Question Posts Based on Discourse Analysis

Volchek, Dmitry

LILE'16: Metadata Extraction from Open edX Online Courses Using Dynamic Mapping of NoSQL Queries

von Seggern, Jan Eike

Developers Track: Context-based A/B Test Validation

Vorobev, Aleksandr

Poster: Selective Exploration of Commercial Documents in Web Search

Vosoughi, Soroush

Demo: Human Atlas: A Tool for Mapping Social Networks

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Voss, Clare R.

Research Paper: Representing Documents via Latent Keyphrase Inference

Vrandecic, Denny

Industry Paper: From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration

Vrgoč, Domagoj

Research Paper: Foundations of JSON Schema

Vucetic, Slobodan

Poster: Sampling Bias in LinkedIn: A Case Study

Wagner, Claudia

Poster: Inferring Gender from Names on the Web: A Comparative Evaluation of Gender Detection Methods

Tutorial: Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web (CSSW3)

Wakamiya, Shoko

Demo: Analyzing Global and Pairwise Collective Spatial Attention for Geo-social Event Detection in Microblogs

Wang, Beidou

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Wang, Bo

Poster: Investigation of the Subjective Asymmetry of Social Interrelationship with Interactive Language

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Wang, Chengyu

Poster: NERank: Ranking Named Entities in Document Collections

Wang, Chi

Tutorial: Automatic Entity Recognition and Typing in Massive Text Corpora

Wang, Daling

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

Wang, Dongjing

Poster: Improving Music Recommendation Using Distributed Representation

Wang, Feng

WI&C'16: StarrySky: A Practical System to Track Millions of High-Precision Query Intents

Wang, Haofen

Demo: KCF.js: A Javascript Library for Knowledge Cards Fusion

Wang, Hongning

Research Paper: Hidden Topic Sentiment Model

Wang, Jack

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

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Wang, Kuansan

BigScholar'16: BigScholar 2016 Chairs' Welcome and Organization

Wang, Liang

Poster: Stweeler: A Framework for Twitter Bot Analysis

Wang, Ning

MSM'16: Wikipedia and Stock Return: Wikipedia Usage Pattern Helps to Predict the Individual Stock Movement

Wang, Pengfei

Poster: HLBPR:A Hybrid Local Bayesian Personal Ranking Method

Wang, Shuai

Research Paper: Mining Aspect-Specific Opinion using a Holistic Lifelong Topic Model

Wang, Shuting

LILE'16: Prerequisite Concept Maps Extraction for AutomaticAssessment

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Wang, Wei

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Wang, Wenbo

Research Paper: Tweet Properly: Analyzing Deleted Tweets to Understand and Identify Regrettable Ones

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Wang, Xi

BigScholar'16: Research Collaborations in Multidisciplinary Institutions -- a Case Study of iSchools

Wang, Xiaoxuan

TeachWeb'16: The Practice of Web Product Design and Development Course Design

Wang, Xinbing

BigScholar'16: AceMap: A Novel Approach towards Displaying Relationship among Academic Literatures

Wang, Yuanzhuo

Poster: Hierarchy-Based Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs

Wang, Yun

AW4City'16: SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation

Wang, Zhaoning

Poster: Design and Implementation: the End User Development Ecosystem for Cross-platform Mobile Applications

Watts, Duncan J.

Research Paper: Exploring Limits to Prediction in Complex Social Systems

Way, Samuel F.

Research Paper: Gender, Productivity, and Prestige in Computer Science Faculty Hiring Networks

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Weber, Ingmar

Tutorial: Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web (CSSW3)

Weber, Matthew

Tutorial: WWW 2016 Tutorial Chairs' Welcome

Weerakkody, Vishanth

AW4City'16: AW4City'16 Chairs' Welcome

AW4City'16: Smart Service Portfolios: Do the Cities Follow Standards?

Wei, Honghao

Research Paper: Immersive Recommendation: News and Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

Wei, Pengyu

MSM'16: Wikipedia and Stock Return: Wikipedia Usage Pattern Helps to Predict the Individual Stock Movement

Wei, Wei

Research Paper: Exploring Patterns of Identity Usage in Tweets: A New Problem, Solution and Case Study

Weikum, Gerhard

Demo: The Knowledge Awakens: Keeping Knowledge Bases Fresh with Emerging Entities

Demo: Instant Espresso: Interactive Analysis of Relationships in Knowledge Graphs

TempWeb'16: Temponym Tagging: Temporal Scopes for Textual Phrases

Research Paper: As Time Goes By: Comprehensive Tagging of Textual Phrases with Temporal Scopes

Weippl, Edgar

ERMIS'16: Empirical Research Methods in Information Security

Tutorial: Cryptographic Currencies Crash Course (C4): Tutorial

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Weller, Katrin

Workshop Summary: #Microposts2016 -- 6th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages

Weller, Tobias

Developers Track: Capturing and Annotating Processes using a Collaborative Platform

Weninger, Tim

Poster: Fact Checking in Heterogeneous Information Networks

Wesley-Smith, Ian

BigScholar'16: Babel: A Platform for Facilitating Research in Scholarly Article Discovery

West, Jevin D.

BigScholar'16: Babel: A Platform for Facilitating Research in Scholarly Article Discovery

BigScholar'16: VizioMetrix: A Platform for Analyzing the Visual Information in Big Scholarly Data

West, Robert

Research Paper: Disinformation on the Web: Impact, Characteristics, and Detection of Wikipedia Hoaxes

Wiki Workshop'16: Wiki Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Research Paper: Growing Wikipedia Across Languages via Recommendation

Whalen, Ryan

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies

Whang, Steven Euijong

Research Paper: Discovering Structure in the Universe of Attribute Names

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White, Bebo

WEBED'16: Chairs' Welcome - WWW2016 Workshop on Web Science and Technology for Education (WebED2016)

White, Ryen W.

Research Paper: Where Can I Buy a Boulder? Searching for Offline Retail Locations

White, Su

TeachWeb'16: Web Education / Digital Literacy Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

TeachWeb'16: Emerging a Web Science Curriculum

Wiegand, Stefanie

SNOW'16: Veracity and Velocity of Social Media Content during Breaking News: Analysis of November 2015 Paris Shootings

Wilde, Erik

LocWeb'16: LocWeb 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Williams, Hannah

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Williams, Kyle

Research Paper: Detecting Good Abandonment in Mobile Search

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Williams, Matthew J.

Research Paper: Measuring Urban Social Diversity Using Interconnected Geo-Social Networks

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Williamson, Carey

LILE'16: Workload Study of a Media-Rich Educational Web Site

Wilson, Christo

Research Paper: MapWatch: Detecting and Monitoring International Border Personalization on Online Maps

Research Paper: An Empirical Analysis of Algorithmic Pricing on Amazon Marketplace

Wilson, Shomir

Research Paper: Crowdsourcing Annotations for Websites' Privacy Policies: Can It Really Work?

Wirth, Anthony

Research Paper: Effective Construction of Relative Lempel-Ziv Dictionaries

Worring, Marcel

Research Paper: Unsupervised, Efficient and Semantic Expertise Retrieval

Wu, Chao-Yuan

Poster: Explaining Reviews and Ratings with PACO: Poisson Additive Co-Clustering

Wu, Dayong

Poster: Aspect-Specific Sentimental Word Embedding for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews

Wu, Jian

Poster: PGRank: Personalized Geographical Ranking for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

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Wu, Xianren

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Wu, Yan

BigScholar'16: Get To the Top and Stay There: A Study of Citation Rank Dynamics in Academia

Wu, Zhaohui

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Wulczyn, Ellery

Research Paper: Growing Wikipedia Across Languages via Recommendation

Wyckmans, Annemie

SOCM'16: Understanding Smart Cities as Social Machines

Xia, Feng

Poster: PNCOIRank: Evaluating the Impact of Scholarly Articles with Positive and Negative Citations

BigScholar'16: BigScholar 2016 Chairs' Welcome and Organization

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Xiao, Lu

MSM'16: Privacy Behaviour and Profile Configuration in Twitter

Xiao, Mengbai

Research Paper: GoCAD: GPU-Assisted Online Content-Adaptive Display Power Saving for Mobile Devices in Internet Streaming

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Xie, Sihong

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

Xie, Ting

ERMIS'16: Ettu: Analyzing Query Intents in Corporate Databases

Xie, Xing

Research Paper: Exploiting Dining Preference for Restaurant Recommendation

Industry Paper: Collaborative Nowcasting for Contextual Recommendation

Xing, Xinyu

Research Paper: TrackMeOrNot: Enabling Flexible Control on Web Tracking

Xiong, Yuwen

Poster: PGRank: Personalized Geographical Ranking for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

Xu, Guandong

Poster: Improving Music Recommendation Using Distributed Representation

Xu, Xueke

Poster: Aspect-Specific Sentimental Word Embedding for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews

Xu, Ye

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

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Yadav, Vikrant

Wiki Workshop'16: Learning Web Queries for Retrieval of Relevant Information about an Entity in a Wikipedia Category

Yamak, Zaher

WI&C'16: Detection of Multiple Identity Manipulation in Collaborative Projects

Yamamoto, Kohei

Poster: Multimodal Content-Aware Image Thumbnailing

Yamauchi, Satoshi

Poster: Weighted Micro-Clustering: Application to Community Detection in Large-Scale Co-Purchasing Networks with User Attributes

Yamazaki, Tomoya

Poster: Weighted Micro-Clustering: Application to Community Detection in Large-Scale Co-Purchasing Networks with User Attributes

Yan, Gongjun

BigScholar'16: Backward Chaining Ontology Reasoning Systems with Custom Rules

Yan, Rui

Industry Paper: Socialized Language Model Smoothing via Bi-directional Influence Propagation on Social Networks

Yan, Xifeng

Research Paper: Table Cell Search for Question Answering

Research Paper: Entity Disambiguation with Linkless Knowledge Bases

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Yan, Yan

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Yanai, Keiji

Poster: Visual Event Mining from the Twitter Stream

Yanardag, Pinar

WEBED'16: Turning Down the Noise in Classrooms

Yang, Alex

Research Paper: Addressing Complex and Subjective Product-Related Queries with Customer Reviews

Yang, De-Nian

Research Paper: Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders

Yang, Gang

Research Paper: Cracking Classifiers for Evasion: A Case Study on the Google's Phishing Pages Filter

Yang, Longqi

Research Paper: Immersive Recommendation: News and Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

Yang, Ming

NLPIT'16: HDPauthor: A New Hybrid Author-Topic Model using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes

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Yang, Pu

Research Paper: Mean Field Equilibria for Competitive Exploration in Resource Sharing Settings

Yang, Qiang

Research Paper: The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

Yap, Roland H. C.

BigScholar'16: Investigations on Rating Computer Sciences Conferences: An Experiment with the Microsoft Academic Graph Dataset

Ye, Hao

Research Paper: The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

Ye, Qi

WI&C'16: StarrySky: A Practical System to Track Millions of High-Precision Query Intents

Yeo, Jinyoung

Poster: Purchase Influence Mining: Identifying Top-k Items Attracting Purchase of Target Item

Poster: Browsing2purchase: Online Customer Model for Sales Forecasting in an E-Commerce Site

Yih, Wen-tau

Research Paper: Table Cell Search for Question Answering

Yin, Li'ang

Poster: Label Aggregation with Instance Grouping Model

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Yin, Ming

Research Paper: The Communication Network Within the Crowd

Ying, Haochao

Poster: PGRank: Personalized Geographical Ranking for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

Yokoi, Takeru

Poster: Analytical Framework of Relations among Nations using News Articles

You, Wei

Research Paper: Cracking Classifiers for Evasion: A Case Study on the Google's Phishing Pages Filter

Yu, Hwanjo

Poster: TRecSo: Enhancing Top-k Recommendation With Social Information

Yu, Philip S.

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

Research Paper: Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders

Research Paper: PCT: Partial Co-Alignment of Social Networks

Industry Paper: Mining User Intentions from Medical Queries: A Neural Network Based Heterogeneous Jointly Modeling Approach

Yu, Shuo

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Yu, Xiao

Research Paper: Discovering Structure in the Universe of Attribute Names

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Yu, Yanshu

Poster: Investigation of the Subjective Asymmetry of Social Interrelationship with Interactive Language

Yu, Yong

Poster: Label Aggregation with Instance Grouping Model

Yu, Zhihua

Poster: Aspect-Specific Sentimental Word Embedding for Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews

Yu, Zhonghao

Research Paper: Tracking the Trackers

Yuan, Nicholas Jing

Industry Paper: Collaborative Nowcasting for Contextual Recommendation

Research Paper: Exploiting Dining Preference for Restaurant Recommendation

Yurovsky, Dan

Research Paper: A Robust Framework for Estimating Linguistic Alignment in Twitter Conversations

Zaki, Mohammed J.

BigScholar'16: A Query-oriented Approach for Relevance in Citation Networks

Zereba, Maged

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

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Zerr, Sergej

Research Paper: Just in Time: Controlling Temporal Performance in Crowdsourcing Competitions

Zha, Hongyuan

Research Paper: Behavior Driven Topic Transition for Search Task Identification

Zhai, Shuangfei

Poster: Attention Based Recurrent Neural Networks for Online Advertising

Zhai, Zhongyi

Poster: Design and Implementation: the End User Development Ecosystem for Cross-platform Mobile Applications

Zhang, Aston

Research Paper: Towards Mobile Query Auto-Completion: An Efficient Mobile Application-Aware Approach

Zhang, Chengqi

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

Zhang, Chenwei

Industry Paper: Mining User Intentions from Medical Queries: A Neural Network Based Heterogeneous Jointly Modeling Approach

Zhang, Daneo

Poster: Smartphone App Categorization for Interest Targeting in Advertising Marketplace

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Zhang, Fuzheng

Research Paper: Exploiting Dining Preference for Restaurant Recommendation

Zhang, Jiawei

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

Research Paper: PCT: Partial Co-Alignment of Social Networks

Zhang, Jun

Poster: PNCOIRank: Evaluating the Impact of Scholarly Articles with Positive and Negative Citations

BigScholar'16: CocaRank: A Collaboration Caliber-based Method for Finding Academic Rising Stars

Zhang, Min

Research Paper: Economic Recommendation with Surplus Maximization

Zhang, Ming

Research Paper: Visualizing Large-scale and High-dimensional Data

Research Paper: GoCAD: GPU-Assisted Online Content-Adaptive Display Power Saving for Mobile Devices in Internet Streaming

Zhang, Peng

Poster: Investigation of the Subjective Asymmetry of Social Interrelationship with Interactive Language

Zhang, Ping

Demo: Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Through Similarity-Based Link Prediction Over Web Data

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Zhang, Qian

NLPIT'16: Topical Differences between Chinese Language Twitter and Sina Weibo

Zhang, Rong

Poster: NERank: Ranking Named Entities in Document Collections

Zhang, Rui

Industry Paper: Collaborative Nowcasting for Contextual Recommendation

Zhang, Ruofei

Poster: Attention Based Recurrent Neural Networks for Online Advertising

Zhang, Shanshan

Poster: Sampling Bias in LinkedIn: A Case Study

Zhang, Yating

Research Paper: Detecting Evolution of Concepts based on Cause-Effect Relationships in Online Reviews

Zhang, Yi

Research Paper: Economic Recommendation with Surplus Maximization

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Zhang, Yingjie

Research Paper: Understanding User Economic Behavior in the City Using Large-scale Geotagged and Crowdsourced Data

Zhang, Yongfeng

Poster: HLBPR:A Hybrid Local Bayesian Personal Ranking Method

Research Paper: Economic Recommendation with Surplus Maximization

Zhang, Zhongfei

Poster: Attention Based Recurrent Neural Networks for Online Advertising

Zhao, Ben Y.

WWW 2016: WWW 2016 PC Chairs' Welcome

Zhao, Bo

Research Paper: Learning Global Term Weights for Content-based Recommender Systems

Zhao, Jun

SOCM'16: Privacy Languages: Are we there yet to enable user controls?

Zhao, Kang

BigScholar'16: Research Collaborations in Multidisciplinary Institutions -- A Case Study of iSchools

Zhao, Qi

Research Paper: Economic Recommendation with Surplus Maximization

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Zhao, Tong

WEBED'16: Trust-aware Peer Assessment using Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms

Zheng, Kai

Research Paper: Exploiting Dining Preference for Restaurant Recommendation

Zhong, Changtao

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Zhou, Aoying

Poster: NERank: Ranking Named Entities in Document Collections

Zhou, Ke

Research Paper: Predicting Pre-click Quality for Native Advertisements

Zhou, Lu

Research Paper: Tweet Properly: Analyzing Deleted Tweets to Understand and Identify Regrettable Ones

Zhu, Jun

Research Paper: Scaling up Dynamic Topic Models

Zhu, Qiang

Research Paper: HeteroSales: Utilizing Heterogeneous Social Networks to Identify the Next Enterprise Customer

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Zhu, Yu

Research Paper: Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails

Zia, Leila

Wiki Workshop'16: Wiki Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Research Paper: Growing Wikipedia Across Languages via Recommendation

Zignani, Matteo

Poster: Predicting the Link Strength of "Newborn" Links

Zitouni, Imed

Research Paper: Detecting Good Abandonment in Mobile Search

Zouaq, Amal

Poster: A Machine learning Filter for Relation Extraction

Zuo, Zhiya

BigScholar'16: Research Collaborations in Multidisciplinary Institutions -- A Case Study of iSchools

Zurko, Mary Ellen

Keynote Talk: La Sécurité Ouverte How We Doin' So Far?