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Author Index

Sabóia, Luiz Alberto

AW4City'16: SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation

Sabra, Susan

OD4LS'16: Semantic Enrichment for Local Search Engine using Linked Open Data

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Sack, Harald

LILE'16: Linked Learning 2016 - Learning and Education with the Web of Data

Sadeh, Norman

Research Paper: Crowdsourcing Annotations for Websites' Privacy Policies: Can It Really Work?

Sadoghi, Mohammad

Demo: Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Through Similarity-Based Link Prediction Over Web Data

Sagi, Tomer

Research Paper: From Diversity-based Prediction to Better Ontology & Schema Matching

Sakr, Sherif

Demo: DREAM in Action: A Distributed and Adaptive RDF System on the Cloud

Sakurai, Yasushi

Research Paper: Non-Linear Mining of Competing Local Activities

Tutorial: Mining Big Time-series Data on the Web

Sala, Alessandra

Research Paper: What Links Alice and Bob? Matching and Ranking Semantic Patterns in Heterogeneous Networks

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Saltzman, MIchael

Demo: How Powerful are You? gSPIN: Bringing Power Analysis to Your Finger Tips

Sambra, Andrei

Developers Track: DevDay 2016 Welcome Message: A forum for developers by developers

Tutorial: Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web

Demo: A Demonstration of the Solid Platform for Social Web Applications

Sampson, Justin

Poster: Can One Tamper with the Sample API?: - Toward Neutralizing Bias from Spam and Bot Content

Samvara, Rev. Ashin

SOCM'16: Towards a Ubiquitous Model of an Individual in Social Machines.

Sandor, Agnes

Q4APS'16: Identifying User Issues and Request Types in Forum Question Posts Based on Discourse Analysis

WI&C'16: Enriching How-to Guides by Linking Actionable Phrases

Sandvig, Christian

Research Paper: MapWatch: Detecting and Monitoring International Border Personalization on Online Maps

Santos, Aécio

TempWeb'16: A First Study on Temporal Dynamics of Topics on the Web

Sar Shalom, Oren

Research Paper: Beyond Collaborative Filtering: The List Recommendation Problem

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Sarawagi, Sunita

Research Paper: Discovering Structure in the Universe of Attribute Names

Sarlós, Tamás

Research Paper: On Sampling Nodes in a Network

Sasson, Roy

SNOW'16: For Your Eyes Only: Consuming vs. Sharing Content

Sastry, Nishanth

Research Paper: Strengthening Weak Identities Through Inter-Domain Trust Transfer

Sathiaseelan, Arjuna

Research Paper: Pushing the Frontier: Exploring the African Web Ecosystem

Sattler, Kai-Uwe

Demo: Piglet - Interactive and Platform Transparent Analytics for RDF & Dynamic Data

Saul, Sherwyn

WEBED'16: BBookX: Design of an Automated Web-based Recommender System for the Creation of Open Learning Content

Saunier, Julien

WI&C'16: Detection of Multiple Identity Manipulation in Collaborative Projects

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Saveski, Martin

Demo: Human Atlas: A Tool for Mapping Social Networks

Savla, Jaikit

Poster: Travel the World: Analyzing and Predicting Booking Behavior using E-mail Travel Receipts

Sawant, Anup

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies

Schaffert, Sebastian

Industry Paper: From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration

Schaub, Florian

Research Paper: Crowdsourcing Annotations for Websites' Privacy Policies: Can It Really Work?

Schedl, Markus

Poster: Fusing Social Media Cues: Personality Prediction from Twitter and Instagram

MSM'16: Personality Traits and the Relationship with (Non-) Disclosure Behavior on Facebook

Schifferes, Stephen

SNOW'16: Technological Transformations of News: A Long Term Perspective

Schmidt, Andreas

MSM'16: DASHTrails: An Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Distribution-Adapted Sequential Hypotheses and Trails

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Schmidt, Sebastian

MSM'16: Perceived Task Similarities for Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Systems

Schmiedecker, Martin

ERMIS'16: TLScompare: Crowdsourcing Rules for HTTPS Everywhere

Schnabel, Tobias

Research Paper: Using Shortlists to Support Decision Making and Improve Recommender System Performance

Schnitzer, Steffen

MSM'16: Perceived Task Similarities for Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Systems

Schrittwieser, Sebastian

ERMIS'16: Empirical Malware Research through Observation of System Behaviour

Schütze, Hinrich

Research Paper: A Piggyback System for Joint Entity Mention Detection and Linking in Web Queries

Schwartz, Evan

Developers Track: A Payment Protocol of the Web, for the Web: Or, Finally Enabling Web Micropayments with the Interledger Protocol

Sebe, Nicu

Research Paper: The Death and Life of Great Italian Cities: A Mobile Phone Data Perspective

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Sedhai, Surendra

Poster: Effect of Spam on Hashtag Recommendation for Tweets

Seixas, Júlia

AW4City'16: Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools

Selamat, Ali

Poster: Analytical Framework of Relations among Nations using News Articles

Seneviratne, Oshani

Developers Track: DevDay 2016 Welcome Message: A forum for developers by developers

Serdyukov, Pavel

Research Paper: A Neural Click Model for Web Search

Research Paper: Using Metafeatures to Increase the Effectiveness of Latent Semantic Models in Web Search

Setty, Vinay

TempWeb'16: Temponym Tagging: Temporal Scopes for Textual Phrases

Research Paper: As Time Goes By: Comprehensive Tagging of Textual Phrases with Temporal Scopes

Seufert, Stephan

Demo: Instant Espresso: Interactive Analysis of Relationships in Knowledge Graphs

Shadbolt, Nigel

Poster: More than an Edit: Using Transcendental Information Cascades to Capture Hidden Structure in Wikipedia

SOCM'16: SOCM2016 Chairs' Welcome

SOCM'16: Privacy Languages: Are we there yet to enable user controls?

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Shafqat, Wafa

Poster: The Language of Deceivers: Linguistic Features of Crowdfunding Scams

Shah, Kushal

Demo: VERA: A Platform for Veracity Estimation over Web Data

Shahriari, Mohsen

TempWeb'16: Predictive Analysis of Temporal and Overlapping Community Structures in Social Media

Shajarisales, Naji

Poster: Incorporating Side Information in Tensor Completion

Shang, Jingbo

Research Paper: Representing Documents via Latent Keyphrase Inference

Shanmugam, Karthikeyan

Research Paper: Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

Shao, Chengcheng

SNOW'16: Hoaxy: A Platform for Tracking Online Misinformation

Sharma, Amit

Research Paper: Exploring Limits to Prediction in Complex Social Systems

Research Paper: Averaging Gone Wrong: Using Time-Aware Analyses to Better Understand Behavior

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Sharma, Aneesh

Research Paper: The Effect of Recommendations on Network Structure

Sharp, Doug

Poster: Travel the World: Analyzing and Predicting Booking Behavior using E-mail Travel Receipts

Shekarpour, Saeedeh

Q4APS'16: Question Answering on Linked Data: Challenges and Future Directions

Shen, Chih-Ya

Research Paper: Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders

Shen, Huawei

Poster: Modeling and Predicting Retweeting Dynamics via a Mixture Process

Shen, Jialie

Poster: What Makes a Music Track Popular in Online Social Networks?

Shen, Jiaming

BigScholar'16: AceMap: A Novel Approach towards Displaying Relationship among Academic Literatures

Shen, Zhihong

Industry Paper: User Fatigue in Online News Recommendation

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Shi, Baoxu

Poster: Fact Checking in Heterogeneous Information Networks

Shi, Bichen

Research Paper: Learning-to-Rank for Real-Time High-Precision Hashtag Recommendation for Streaming News

Shi, Elaine

Research Paper: Characterizing Long-tail SEO Spam on Cloud Web Hosting Services

Shi, Hui

BigScholar'16: Backward Chaining Ontology Reasoning Systems with Custom Rules

Shi, Wenchang

Research Paper: Cracking Classifiers for Evasion: A Case Study on the Google's Phishing Pages Filter

Shimizu, Nobuyuki

Poster: Weighted Micro-Clustering: Application to Community Detection in Large-Scale Co-Purchasing Networks with User Attributes

Shin, Kijung

Poster: Incorporating Side Information in Tensor Completion

Shishkin, Alexander

Poster: Selective Exploration of Commercial Documents in Web Search

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Shmueli, Oded

Poster: Concept Evolution Modeling Using Semantic Vectors

Shokouhi, Milad

Research Paper: Did You Say U2 or YouTube? Inferring Implicit Transcripts from Voice Search Logs

Shuai, Hong-Han

Research Paper: Mining Online Social Data for Detecting Social Network Mental Disorders

Siersdorfer, Stefan

Research Paper: Just in Time: Controlling Temporal Performance in Crowdsourcing Competitions

Silvestri, Fabrizio

Research Paper: Improving Post-Click User Engagement on Native Ads via Survival Analysis

Simperl, Elena

Q4APS'16: Using Semantics to Search Answers for Unanswered Questions in Q&A Forums

SOCM'16: SOCM2016 Chairs' Welcome

Singer, Philipp

Poster: Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia

LocWeb'16: Discovering and Characterizing Mobility Patterns in Urban Spaces: A Study of Manhattan Taxi Data

Tutorial: Analyzing Sequential User Behavior on the Web

Singh, Jaspreet

Demo: The Knowledge Awakens: Keeping Knowledge Bases Fresh with Emerging Entities

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Singh, Kuldeep

Q4APS'16: Question Answering on Linked Data: Challenges and Future Directions

Singh, Munindar P.

Research Paper: From Social Machines to Social Protocols: Software Engineering Foundations for Sociotechnical Systems

Singh, Navjyoti

SOCM'16: The Use of Trust in Social Machines

SOCM'16: Towards a Ubiquitous Model of an Individual in Social Machines.

Singh, Priyanka

Q4APS'16: Using Semantics to Search Answers for Unanswered Questions in Q&A Forums

Singh, Rina

Poster: Complex Patterns in Dynamic Attributed Graphs

Sinha, Shakti

Demo: Search by Ideal Candidates: Next Generation of Talent Search at LinkedIn

Sivakumar, Narendran

Wiki Workshop'16: Automatic Discovery of Emerging Trends using Cluster Name Synthesis on User Consumption Data: Extended Abstract

Skowron, Marcin

Poster: Fusing Social Media Cues: Personality Prediction from Twitter and Instagram

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Slonim, Noam

Wiki Workshop'16: On the Retrieval of Wikipedia Articles Containing Claims on Controversial Topics

Smith, Noah A.

Research Paper: Crowdsourcing Annotations for Websites' Privacy Policies: Can It Really Work?

Smith-Clarke, Christopher

Research Paper: Beyond the Baseline: Establishing the Value in Mobile Phone Based Poverty Estimates

Smola, Alexander J.

Poster: Explaining Reviews and Ratings with PACO: Poisson Additive Co-Clustering

Soares, Livio B.

Demo: Watson Concept Insights: A Conceptual Association Framework

Soeller, Gary

Research Paper: MapWatch: Detecting and Monitoring International Border Personalization on Online Maps

Sřgaard, Anders

NLPIT'16: A Test Suite for Evaluating POS Taggers across Varieties of English

Song, Kaisong

Demo: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users

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Song, Yang

Research Paper: Query-Less: Predicting Task Repetition for NextGen Proactive Search and Recommendation Engines

Soundarajan, Sucheta

Poster: Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data

Souza, Hugo A.

WEBED'16: A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment

Spaniol, Marc

TempWeb'16: TempWeb 2016 Chairs' Welcome Message

Srinivasa, Srinath

SOCM'16: Observlets: Empowering Analytical Observations on Web Observatory

Srivastava, Ajitesh

Poster: Mining Large Dense Subgraphs

Staiano, Jacopo

Research Paper: The Death and Life of Great Italian Cities: A Mobile Phone Data Perspective

Starov, Oleksii

Research Paper: No Honor Among Thieves: A Large-Scale Analysis of Malicious Web Shells

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Steinbauer, Matthias

TempWeb'16: DynamoGraph: A Distributed System for Large-scale, Temporal Graph Processing, its Implementation and First Observations

Steiner, Thomas

Wiki Workshop'16: Wikipedia Tools for Google Spreadsheets

Industry Paper: From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration

Stoyanovich, Julia

TempWeb'16: Towards a Distributed Infrastructure for Evolving Graph Analytics

Stringhini, Gianluca

Poster: WWW 2016 Poster Track Chairs Welcome & Organization

Strohmaier, Markus

Poster: SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails

Poster: Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia

Poster: Inferring Gender from Names on the Web: A Comparative Evaluation of Gender Detection Methods

LocWeb'16: Discovering and Characterizing Mobility Patterns in Urban Spaces: A Study of Manhattan Taxi Data

Research Paper: The QWERTY Effect on the Web: How Typing Shapes the Meaning of Words in Online Human-Computer Interaction

Tutorial: Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web (CSSW3)

Strötgen, Jannik

TempWeb'16: Temponym Tagging: Temporal Scopes for Textual Phrases

Research Paper: As Time Goes By: Comprehensive Tagging of Textual Phrases with Temporal Scopes

Su, Jessica

Research Paper: The Effect of Recommendations on Network Structure

Su, Miaoqiang

Research Paper: Cracking Classifiers for Evasion: A Case Study on the Google's Phishing Pages Filter

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Su, Yu

Research Paper: Table Cell Search for Question Answering

Suarez, Fernando

Research Paper: Foundations of JSON Schema

Sun, Aixin

Poster: Effect of Spam on Hashtag Recommendation for Tweets

Research Paper: Joint Recognition and Linking of Fine-Grained Locations from Tweets

Sun, Huan

Research Paper: Table Cell Search for Question Answering

Research Paper: Entity Disambiguation with Linkless Knowledge Bases

Sun, Yizhou

Research Paper: Learning Global Term Weights for Content-based Recommender Systems

Sun, Yu

Industry Paper: Collaborative Nowcasting for Contextual Recommendation

Sural, Shamik

Poster: Look Before You Shame: A Study on Shaming Activities on Twitter

Suri, Siddharth

Research Paper: The Communication Network Within the Crowd

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Suzuki, Yu

Wiki Workshop'16: Assessing the Quality of Wikipedia Editors through Crowdsourcing

Sznajder, Benjamin

Wiki Workshop'16: On the Retrieval of Wikipedia Articles Containing Claims on Controversial Topics

Szpektor, Idan

Research Paper: Identifying Web Queries with Question Intent

Taank, Sumit

Research Paper: Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram

Tagami, Yukihiro

Poster: Article De-duplication Using Distributed Representations

Poster: Multimodal Content-Aware Image Thumbnailing

Taibi, Davide

LILE'16: Towards Embedded Markup of Learning Resources on the Web: An Initial Quantitative Analysis of LRMI Terms Usage

Tajima, Akira

Poster: Article De-duplication Using Distributed Representations

Talbert, Douglas A.

Poster: Complex Patterns in Dynamic Attributed Graphs

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Tamersoy, Acar

Poster: Generating Graph Snapshots from Streaming Edge Data

Tan, Chenhao

Research Paper: Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions

Research Paper: Internet Collaboration on Extremely Difficult Problems: Research versus Olympiad Questions on the Polymath Site

Tan, Shulong

Research Paper: Entity Disambiguation with Linkless Knowledge Bases

Tan, Zhaowei

BigScholar'16: AceMap: A Novel Approach towards Displaying Relationship among Academic Literatures

Tanaka, Katsumi

Research Paper: Detecting Evolution of Concepts based on Cause-Effect Relationships in Online Reviews

Tang, Jian

Research Paper: Visualizing Large-scale and High-dimensional Data

Industry Paper: Voting with Their Feet: Inferring User Preferences from App Management Activities

Tang, Jie

Research Paper: The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

BigScholar'16: AMiner: Mining Deep Knowledge from Big Scholar Data

Tang, Jiliang

Research Paper: Recommendations in Signed Social Networks

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Tanis, Craig

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies

Taraborelli, Dario

Wiki Workshop'16: Wiki Workshop 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Tardy, Camille

OD4LS'16: A Simple Tags Categorization Framework Using Spatial Coverage to Discover Geospatial Semantics

Taxidou, Io

Poster: Information Diffusion and Provenance of Interactions in Twitter: Is it only about Retweets?

Terdjimi, Mehdi

Demo: HyLAR+: Improving Hybrid Location-Agnostic Reasoning with Incremental Rule-based Update

Tetreault, Joel

Research Paper: Abusive Language Detection in Online User Content

Thakkar, Harsh

Q4APS'16: Question Answering on Linked Data: Challenges and Future Directions

Thanassis, Tiropanis

SOCM'16: Observlets: Empowering Analytical Observations on Web Observatory

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Thomas, Achint

Research Paper: Abusive Language Detection in Online User Content

Thomas, Kurt

Research Paper: Remedying Web Hijacking: Notification Effectiveness and Webmaster Comprehension

Thomas, Stefan

Developers Track: Interledger: Creating a Standard for Payments

Tinati, Ramine

Poster: More than an Edit: Using Transcendental Information Cascades to Capture Hidden Structure in Wikipedia

Wiki Workshop'16: Finding Structure in Wikipedia Edit Activity: An Information Cascade Approach

Tiropanis, Thanassis

SOCM'16: SOCM 2016 Chairs' Welcome

Tutorial: WWW 2016 Tutorial Chairs' Welcome

Tiwari, Mitul

Poster: Importance of First Steps in a Community for Growth, Diversity, and Engagement

Tkalcic, Marko

MSM'16: Personality Traits and the Relationship with (Non-) Disclosure Behavior on Facebook

Poster: Fusing Social Media Cues: Personality Prediction from Twitter and Instagram

Tomkins, Andrew

Research Paper: Modeling User Consumption Sequences

Research Paper: On the Relevance of Irrelevant Alternatives

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Tonellotto, Nicola

Research Paper: Exploiting Green Energy to Reduce the Operational Costs of Multi-Center Web Search Engines

Toriumi, Fujio

Poster: Real-time Tweet Classification in Disaster Situation

Toroslu, Ismail Hakki

Poster: Finding All Maximal Paths In Web User Sessions

Totti, Luam C.

BigScholar'16: A Query-oriented Approach for Relevance in Citation Networks

Trattner, Christoph

MSM'16: 7th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media - Behavioral Analytics in Social Media, Big Data and the Web (MSM 2016) - Chairs' Welcome

MSM'16: Recommending Sellers to Buyers in Virtual Marketplaces Leveraging Social Information

Traverso, Stefano

Research Paper: Understanding the Detection of View Fraud in Video Content Portals

Troncy, Raphaël

NLPIT'16: Linking Entities for Enriching and Structuring Social Media Content

Truvé, Staffan

TempWeb'16: Temporal Analytics for Predictive Cyber Threat Intelligence

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Tsai, Chun-Hua

BigScholar'16: Tracing and Predicting Collaboration for Junior Scholars

Tsai, Tsung-Han

BigScholar'16: H-index Sequences across Fields: A Comparative Analysis

Tsur, Gilad

Research Paper: Identifying Web Queries with Question Intent

Turk, Žiga

TeachWeb'16: Ubiquitous Learning and Digital Literacy Practices Connecting Teacher and Learner

Tylenda, Tomasz

Industry Paper: Automatic Discovery of Attribute Synonyms Using Query Logs and Table Corpora

Tyson, Gareth

Research Paper: Pushing the Frontier: Exploring the African Web Ecosystem

Uflacker, Matthias

Demo: Incremental, Per-Query Ontology Matching with RepMine

Ugarte, Martín

Research Paper: Foundations of JSON Schema

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Upadhyaya, Shambhu

ERMIS'16: Ettu: Analyzing Query Intents in Corporate Databases

Uzzi, Brian

Research Paper: Social Networks Under Stress

BigScholar'16: Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies