13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22




Conference Co-Chair's Message (page message1)
Stuart Feldman, Vice President, Internet Technology, IBM
Michael Uretsky, Director, NYU Center for Advanced Technology

Program Co-Chair's Message
Marc Najork, Microsoft Research
Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Chairs, Committees & Reviewers  

Sponsors, Supporters & Organizers


Session: Search Engineering 1
Chair: Luis Gravano, Columbia University

What's New on the Web? The Evolution of the Web from a Search Engine Perspective (page 1)
A. Ntoulas, J. Cho, University of California at Los Angeles
C. Olston, Carnegie Mellon University

Understanding User Goals in Web Search (page 13)
D. E. Rose, D. Levinson, Yahoo! Inc.

Impact Of Search Engines On Page Popularity (page 20)
J. Cho, S. Roy, University of California at Los Angeles

Session: Security and Privacy
Chair: Patrick MacDaniel, AT&T; Labs – Research

Anti-Aliasing on the Web (page 30)
J. Novak, IBM Research
P. Raghavan, Verity, Inc.
A. Tomkins, IBM Research

Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection (page 40)
Y.-W. Huang, National Taiwan University, Academia Sinica
F. Yu, Academia Sinica
C. Hang, RWTH Aachen
C.-H. Tsai, National Taiwan University
D. T. Lee, National Taiwan University, Academia Sinica
S.-Y. Kuo, National Taiwan University

Trust-Serv: Model-Driven Lifecycle Management of Trust Negotiation Policies for Web Services (page 53)
H. Skogsrud, B. Benatallah, University of New South Wales
F. Casati, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

Session: Usability and Accessibility
Chair: Bay-Wei Chang, Google Inc.

SmartBack: Supporting Users in Back Navigation (page 63)
N. Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research Ltd.
R. Jones, Instrata Ltd.
K. Rodden, Google Inc.
G. Smyth, Microsoft Research Ltd.
A. Blackwell, University of Cambridge
R. Sommerer, Microsoft Research Ltd.

Web Accessibility: A Broader View (page 72)
J. T. Richards, V. L. Hanson, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

HearSay: Enabling Audio Browsing on Hypertext Content (page 80)
I. V. Ramakrishnan, A. Stent, Stony Brook University
G. Yang, University at Buffalo

Session: Information Extraction
Chair: Roberto Bayardo, IBM Almaden Research Center

Unsupervised Learning of Soft Patterns for Generating Definitions from Online News (page 90)
H. Cui, M.-Y. Kan, T.-S. Chua, National University of Singapore

Web-Scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results) (page 100)
O. Etzioni, M. Cafarella, D. Downey, S. Kok, A.-M. Popescu, T. Shaked, S. Soderland, D. S. Weld, A. Yates, University of Washington

Is Question Answering an Acquired Skill? (page 111)
G. Ramakrishnan, S. Chakrabarti, D. Paranjpe, P. Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay

Session: Mobility
Chair: Fred Douglis, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Session Level Techniques for Improving Web Browsing Performance on Wireless Links (page 121)
P. Rodriguez, Microsoft Research
S. Mukherjee, S. Rangarajan, Bell Laboratories

Flexible On-Device Service Object Replication with Replets (page 131)
D. Zhou, N. Islam, A. Ismael, DoCoMo USA Labs

Improving Web Browsing on Wireless PDAs Using Thin-Client Computing (page 143)
A. M. Lai, J. Nieh, B. Bohra, V. Nandikonda, A. P. Surana, S. Varshneya, Columbia University

Session: XML
Chair: Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

XVM: A Bridge between XML Data and Its Behavior (page 155)
Q. Li, University of Arizona, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
M. Y. Kim, E. So, S. Wood, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

SchemaPath, a Minimal Extension to XML Schema for Conditional Constraints (page 164)
P. Marinelli, C. S. Coen, F. Vitali, University of Bologna

Composite Events for XML (page 175)
M. Bernauer, G. Kappel, G. Kramler, Vienna University

Session: Learning Classifers
Chair: Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago

LiveClassifier: Creating Hierarchical Text Classifiers through Web Corpora (page 184)
C.-C. Huang, S.-L. Chuang, Academia Sinica
L.-F. Chien, Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University

Using URLs and Table Layout for Web Classification Tasks (page 193)
L. K. Shih, D. R. Karger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Learning Block Importance Models for Web Pages (page 203)
R. Song, Microsoft Research Asia
H. Liu, University of Toronto
J.-R. Wen, W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia

Session: Web Site Engineering
Chair: Andreas Paepcke, Stanford University

Staging Transformations for Multimodal Web Interaction Management (page 212)
M. Narayan, C. Williams, S. Perugini, N. Ramakrishnan, Virginia Tech

Enforcing Strict Model-View Separation in Template Engines (page 224)
T. Parr, University of San Francisco

A Flexible Framework for Engineering "My" Portals (page 234)
F. Bellas, D. Fernández, A. Muiño, University of A Coruña

Session: Semantic Interfaces and OWL Tools
Chair: Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research

Semantic Email (page 244)
L. McDowell, O. Etzioni, A. Halevy, H. Levy, University of Washington

How to Make a Semantic Web Browser (page 255)
D. Quan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
D. R. Karger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Parsing OWL DL: Trees or Triples? (page 266)
S. Bechhofer, University of Manchester
J. J. Carroll, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

Session: Performance and Scalability
Chair: Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong

A Method for Transparent Admission Control and Request Scheduling in E-Commerce Web Sites (page 276)
S. Elnikety, School of Computer and Communication Sciences
E. Nahum, J. Tracey, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
W. Zwaenepoel, School of Computer and Communication Sciences

A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration (page 287)
B. Xi, University of Michigan
Z. Liu, M. Raghavachari, C. H. Xia, L. Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Challenges and Practices in Deploying Web Acceleration Solutions for Distributed Enterprise Systems (page 297)
W.-S. Li, W.-P. Hsiung, O. Po, K. Hino, K. S. Candan, D. Agrawal, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.

Session: Link Analysis
Chair: Junghoo Cho, University of California at Los Angeles

Ranking the Web Frontier (page 309)
N. Eiron, K. S. McCurley, J. A. Tomlin, IBM Almaden Research Center

Link Fusion: A Unified Link Analysis Framework for Multi-Type Interrelated Data Objects (page 319)
W. Xi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
B. Zhang, Z. Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
Y. Lu, S. Yan, Peking University
W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
E. A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sic Transit Gloria Telae: Towards an Understading of the Web's Decay (page 328)
Z. Bar-Yossef, IBM Almaden Research Center
A. Z. Broder, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
R. Kumar, A. Tomkins, IBM Almaden Research Center

Session: Optimizing Encoding
Chair: Jason Nieh, Columbia University

Using Link Analysis to Improve Layout on Mobile Devices (page 338)
X. Yin, W. S. Lee, National University of Singapore

An Evaluation of Binary XML Encoding Optimizations for Fast Stream Based XML Processing (page 345)
R. J. Bayardo, D. Gruhl, V. Josifovski, J. Myllymaki, IBM Almaden Research Center

Optimization of HTML Automatically Generated by WYSIWYG Programs (page 355)
J. Spiesser, L. Kitchen, The University of Melbourne

Session: Semantic Web Applications
Chair: Amit Sheth, University of Georgia

Building a Companion Website in the Semantic Web (page 365)
T. Miles-Board, C. Bailey, W. Hall, L. Carr, University of Southampton

A Hybrid Approach for Searching in the Semantic Web (page 374)
C. Rocha, D. Schwabe, M. P. de Aragão, PUC-Rio

CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web (page 384)
m.c. schraefel, N. R. Shadbolt, N. Gibbins, H. Glaser, S. Harris, University of Southampton

Session: Reputation Networks
Chair: David Pennock, Yahoo! Research Labs

Shilling Recommender Systems for Fun and Profit (page 393)
S. K. Lam, J. Riedl, University of Minnesota

Propagation of Trust and Distrust (page 403)
R. Guha, R. Kumar, IBM Almaden Research Center
P. Raghavan, Verity, Inc.
A. Tomkins, IBM Almaden Research Center

A Community-Aware Search Engine (page 413)
R. B. Almeida, V. A. F. Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Session: Versioning and Fragmentation
Chair: Corey Anderson, Google Inc.

Managing Versions of Web Documents in a Transaction-time Web Server (page 422)
C. Dyreson, H.-L. Lin, Y. Wang, Washington State University

Fine-grained, Structured Configuration Management for Web Projects (page 433)
T. N. Nguyen, E. V. Munson, C. Thao, University of Wisconsin

Automatic Detection of Fragments in Dynamically Generated Web Pages (page 443)
L. Ramaswamy, Georgia Institute of Technology, IBM Research
A. Iyengar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
L. Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
F. Douglis, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Session: Semantic Annotation and Integration
Chair: Carole Goble, University of Manchester

Incremental Formalization of Document Annotations through Ontology-Based Paraphrasing (page 455)
J. Blythe, Y. Gil, USC Information Sciences Institute

Towards the Self-Annotating Web (page 462)
P. Cimiano, S. Handschuh, University of Karlsruhe
S. Staab, University of Karlsruhe, Ontoprise GmbH

Web Taxonomy Integration using Support Vector Machines (page 472)
D. Zhang, W. S. Lee, National University of Sinapore, Singapore-MIT Alliance

Session: Mining New Media
Chair: Krishna Bharat, Google Inc.

Newsjunkie: Providing Personalized Newsfeeds via Analysis of Information Novelty (page 482)
E. Gabrilovich, Technion, Microsoft Research
S. Dumais, E. Horvitz, Microsoft Research

Information Diffusion Through Blogspace (page 491)
D. Gruhl, R. Guha, IBM Research, Almaden
D. Liben-Nowell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A. Tomkins, IBM Research, Almaden

Automatic Web News Extraction Using Tree Edit Distance (page 502)
D. de Castro Reis, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Akwan Information Technologies
P. B. Golgher, Akwan Information Technologies
A. S. da Silva, Federal University of Amazonas
A. H. F. Laender, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Session: Workload Analysis
Chair: Alec Wolman, Microsoft Research

Accurate, Scalable In-Network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures (page 512)
S. Sen, O. Spatscheck, D. Wang, AT&T; Labs-Research

Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery (page 522)
L. Bent, University of California at San Diego, AT&T; Labs-Research
M. Rabinovich, AT&T; Labs-Research
G. M. Voelker, University of California at San Diego
Z. Xiao, AT&T; Labs-Research

Analyzing Client Interactivity in Streaming Media (page 534)
C. Costa, I. Cunha, A. Borges, C. Ramos, M. Rocha, J. Almeida, Federal University of Minas Gerais
B. Ribeiro-Neto, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Akwan Information Technologies

Session: Semantic Web Services
Chair: Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe

Augmenting Semantic Web Service Description With Compositional Specification (page 544)
M. Solanki, A. Cau, H. Zedan, The Gateway

METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework (page 553)
A. Patil, S. Oundhakar, A. Sheth, K. Verma, University of Georgia

Foundations for Service Ontologies: Aligning OWL-S to DOLCE (page 563)
P. Mika, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
D. Oberle, University of Karlsruhe
A. Gangemi, National Research Council
M. Sabou, Vrije Universiteit Amersterdam

Session: Search Engineering 2
Chair: Nick Koudas, AT&T; Labs – Research

Mining Models of Human Activities from the Web (page 573)
M. Perkowitz, M. Philipose, K. Fishkin, Intel Research Seattle
D. J. Patterson, University of Washington

TeXQuery: A Full-Text Search Extension to XQuery (page 583)
S. Amer-Yahia, AT&T; Labs-Research
C. Botev, J. Shanmugasundaram, Cornell University

The WebGraph Framework I: Compression Techniques (page 595)
P. Boldi, S. Vigna, Università degli Studi di Milano

Session: Infrastructure for Implementation
Chair: Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe

XQuery at Your Web Service (page 603)
N. Onose, Ensimag
J. Siméon, IBM Watson Research Center, Bell Laboratories

Adapting Databases and WebDAV Protocol (page 612)
B. Shadgar, Chamran University of Ahvaz
I. Holyer, University of Bristol

Analysis of Interacting BPEL Web Services (page 621)
X. Fu, T. Bultan, J. Su, University of California

Session: Distributed Semantic Query
Chair: Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Index Structures and Algorithms for Querying Distributed RDF Repositories (page 631)
H. Stuckenschmidt, Vrije Universiteit Amersterdam
R. Vdovjak, G.-J. Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology
J. Broekstra, Aduna B. V. Amerfoort

REMINDIN': Semantic Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks Based on Social Metaphors (page 640)
C. Tempich, S. Staab, University of Karlsruhe
A. Wranik, University of Karlsruhe, AIFB

RDFPeers: A Scalable Distributed RDF Repository based on A Structured Peer-to-Peer Network (page 650)
M. Cai, M. Frank, USC Information Sciences Institute

Session: Query Result Processing
Chair: Andrei Broder, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

A Hierarchical Monothetic Document Clustering Algorithm for Summarization and Browsing Search Results (page 658)
K. Kummamuru, R. Lotlikar, S. Roy, IBM India Research Lab
K. Singal, IIT-Guwahati
R. Krishnapuram, IBM India Research Lab

Mining Anchor Text for Query Refinement (page 666)
R. Kraft, J. Zien, IBM Almaden Research Center

Adaptive Web Search Based on User Profile Constructed without Any Effort from Users (page 675)
K. Sugiyama, K. Hatano, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
M. Yoshikawa, Nagoya University

Session: Web Site Analysis and Customization
Chair: Daniel Schwabe, PUC Rio

Practical Semantic Analysis of Web Sites and Documents (page 685)
T. Despeyroux, I.N.R.I.A.-Rocquencourt

Web Customization Using Behavior-Based Remote Executing Agents (page 694)
E. Hung, J. Pasquale, University of California at San Diego

A Possible Simplification of the Semantic Web Architecture (page 704)
B. C. Grau, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.

A Combined Approach to Checking Web Ontologies (page 714)
J. S. Dong, National University of Singapore
C. H. Lee, H. B. Lee, Defense Science Organization
Y. F. Li, National University of Singapore
H. Wang, University of Manchester

A Proposal for an OWL Rules Language (page 723)
I. Horrocks, University of Manchester
P. F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research


Conference Co-Chair's Message  
Stuart Feldman, Vice President, Internet Technology, IBM
Michael Uretsky, Director, NYU Center for Advanced Technology

Program Co-Chair's Message
Marc Najork, Microsoft Research
Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Chairs, Committees & Reviewers

Sponsors, Suppoters & Organizers

Session: Sharing Educational Resources
Chair: Vincent Wade, Trinity College

Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An E-Learning Application (page 1)
J. Tane, C. Schmitz, G. Stumme, Institute Lab Lower Saxony, University of Karlsruhe

EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel (page 11)
J. Quemada, G. Huecas, T. de Miguel, J. Salvachúa, B. Fernandez, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
B. Simon, Wirtshaftsuniversität Wien
K. Maillet, Institut National de Telecom
E. L.-C. Law, ETH

The Interoperability of Learning Object Repositories and Services: Standards, Implementations and Lessons Learned (page 19)
M. Hatala, G. Richards, T. Eap, J. Willms, Simon Fraser University

Session: Web of Communities
Chair: Liddy Neville, La Trobe University

An Outsider's View on "Topic-oriented" Blogging (page 28)
J. Bar-Ilan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bar-IIan University

The Role of Standards in Creating Community (page 35)
K. Martin, Drexel University

Network Arts: Exposing Cultural Reality (page 41)
D. A. Shamma, S. Owsley, K. J. Hammond, Northwestern University
S. Bradshaw, The University of Iowa
J. Budzik, Northwestern University

Session: Quality of Service
Chair: Francisco Curbera, IBM Research,

A Quality Model for Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems (page 48)
C. Marchetti, Università di Roma
B. Pernici, P. Plebani, Politecnico di Milano

Towards Context-Aware Adaptable Web Services (page 55)
M. Keidl, A. Kemper, Universität Passau

QoS Computation and Policing in Dynamic Web Service Selection (page 66)
Y. Liu, A. H. H. Ngu, Texas State University
L. Zeng, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Session: Industrial Practice I
Chair: Raymie Stata, University of California at Santa Cruz

Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations (page 74)
J. J. Carroll, I. Dickinson, C. Dollin, D. Reynolds, A. Seaborne, K. Wilkinson, Hewlett Packard Labs.

Internet Delivery of Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in Wide Area Naval Usage Environments (page 84)
U. Katikaneni, R. Ladner, F. Petry, Stennis Space Center

Can Web-Based Recommendation Systems Afford Deep Models: a context-based approach for efficient model-based reasoning (page 89)
L. Gong, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Session: Adaptive E-Learning Systems
Chair: Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover

Model Based Engineering of Learning Situations for Adaptive Web Based Educational Systems (page 94)
T. Nodenot, C. Marquesuzaa, LIUPPA—IUT Bayonne
P. Laforcade, LIUPPA—faculté des sciences
C. Sallaberry, LIUPPA—IAE

KnowledgeTree: A Distributed Architecture for Adaptive E-Learning (page 104)
P. Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh

Authoring of Learning Styles in Adaptive Hypermedia: Problems and Solutions (page 114)
N. Stash, A. Cristea, P. De Bra, Eindhoven University of Technology

Session: Business Processes and Conversations
Chair: Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research

A Framework for the Server-Side Management of Conversations with Web Services (page 124)
L. Ardissono, D. Cardinio, G. Petrone, M. Segnan, Università di Torino

Decentralized Orchestration of Composite Web Services (page 134)
G. Chafle, S. Chandra, V. Mann, M. G. Nanda, IBM, India Research Laboratory

CTR-S: A Logic for Specifying Contracts in Semantic Web Services (page 144)
H. Davulcu, Arizona State University
M. Kifer, I. V. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University

Session: Student Tracking and Personalization
Chair: Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh

Visualising Student Tracking Data to Support Instructors in Web-Based Distance Education (page 154)
R. Mazza, University of Lugano
V. Dimitrova, University of Leeds

Dynamic Assembly of Learning Objects (page 162)
R. Farrell, IBM Research
S. D. Liburd, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
J. C. Thomas, IBM Research

Personalization in Distributed e-Learning Environments (page 170)
P. Dolog, N. Henze, W. Nejdl, University of Hannover
M. Sintek, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH

Session: Industrial Practice 2
Chair: Mark Manase, Microsoft Research

EdgeComputing: Extending Enterprise Applications to the Edge of the Internet (page 180)
A. Davis, J. Parikh, W. E. Weihl, Akamai Technologies

B2B Integration over the Internet with XML – RosettaNet Successes and Challenges (page 188)
S. Damodaran, RosettaNet

Session: Semantics and Discovery
Chair: Andrew Tomkins, IBM Research

Through Different Eyes—Assessing Multiple Conceptual Views for Querying Web Services (page 196)
W. T. Balke, University of California at Berkeley
M. Wagner, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe

Cooperative Middleware Specialization for Service Oriented Architectures (page 206)
N. K. Mukhi, R. Konuru, F. Curbera, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center


Web Engineering with the Visual Software Circuit Board (page 216)
H. Avoyan, American University of Armenia
B. Levine, San Francisco State University

An Efficient and Systematic Method to Generate XSLT Stylesheets for Different Wireless Pervasive Devices (page 218)
T. Kwok, T. Nguyen, L. Lam, K. Roy, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

An Application Server for the Semantic Web (page 220)
D. Oberle, S. Staab, R. Volz, University of Karlsruhe

ProThes: Thesaurus-based Meta-Search Engine for a Specific Application Domain (page 222)
P. Braslavski, Institute of Engineering Sciences
G. Alshanski, Institute of Metal Physics
A. Shishkin, Institute of Engineering Sciences

PipeCF: A Scalable DHT-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (page 224)
B. Xie, P. Han, F. Yang, R. Shen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Event Synchronization for Interactive Cyberdrama Generation on the Web: A Distributed Approach (page 226)
S. Ferretti, M. Roccetti, University of Bologna

Using Context- and Content-Based Trust Policies on the Semantic Web (page 228)
C. Bizer, R. Oldakowski, Freie Universität Berlin

EIOP— An E-Commerce Interoperability Platform (page 230)
Y. Tambag, Kara Harp Okulu

Reactive Rules Inference from Dynamic Dependency Models (page 232)
A. Adi, O. Etzion, D. Gilat, R. Ronen, G. Sharon, I. Skarbovsky, IBM, Haifa Research Laboratory

SPT-Based Topology Algorithm for Constructing Power Efficient Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (page 234)
S.-C. Wang, National Taiwan University
D. S. L. Wei, Fordham University
S.-Y. Kuo, National Taiwan University

Business Objective Based Resource Management (page 236)
S. Aiber, D. Gilat, A. Landau, N. Razinkov, A. Sela, S. Wasserkrug, Haifa University

Enhancing the SCORM Metadata Model (page 238)
D. Simões, R. Luís, N. Horta, IST/IT

Continuous Web: A New Image-Based Hypermedia and Scape-Oriented Browsing (page 240)
H. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, Kyoto University

HPG: A Tool for Presentation Generation in WIS (page 242)
B. Rutten, P. Barna, F. Frasincar, G.-J. Houben, R. Vdovjak, Eindhoven University of Technology

Automatically Generating Metadata for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates (page 244)
M. Naaman, Y. J. Song, A. Paepcke, H. Garcia-Molina, Stanford University

Active E-Course for Constructivist Learning (page 246)
H. Zhuge, Y. Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Are Web Pages Characterized by Color? (page 248)
N. Murayama, S. Saito, M. Okumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Gossip Based Streaming (page 250)
X. Zhang, J. Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

A3: Framework for User Adaptation using XSLT (page 252)
D. Kanjo, Y. Kawai, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
K. Tanaka, Kyoto University

The PowerRank Web Link Analysis Algorithm (page 254)
Y. Lu, Peking University
B. Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia
W. Xi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Z. Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
Y. Liu, M. R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia

Implementing a Proxy Agent based Writable Web for a Dynamic Information Sharing System (page 256)
N. Tashiro, H. Hattori, T. Ito, T. Shintani, Nagoya Institute of Technology

A Query Algebra for XML P2P Databases (page 258)
C. Sartiani, Università di Pisa

Next Generation Web Technologies in Content Management (page 260)
N. Fernández-García, L. Sánchez-Fernández, J. Villamor-Lugo, Carlos III University of Madrid

Web Page Categorization without the Web Page (page 262)
M.-Y. Kan, National University of Singapore

E-learning Personalization based on Itineraries and Long-term Navigational Behavior (page 264)
E. Mor, J. Minguillón, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Post-processing InkML for Random-Access Navigation of Voluminous Handwritten Ink Documents (page 266)
K. A. Mohamed, L. Belenkaia, Th. Ottmann, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Type Based Service Composition (page 268)
I. Constantinescu, B. Faltings, W. Binder, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Interpreting Distributed Ontologies (page 270)
Y. Qu, Z. Gao, Southeast University

A Multimodal Interaction Manager for Device Independent Mobile Applications (page 272)
F. Wegscheider, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna
T. Dangl, Siemens Österreich AG
M. Jank, Kapsch CarrierCom AG
R. Simon, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna

Modeling the Growth of Future Web (page 274)
H. Zhuge, X. Chen, X. Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Semi-Automatic Annotation of Contested Knowledge on the World Wide Web (page 276)
B. Sereno, S. B. Shum, E. Motta, The Open University

An Automatic Semantic Relationships Discovery Approach (page 278)
H. Zhuge, L. Zheng, N. Zhang, X. Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scheduling Web Requests in Broadcast Environments (page 280)
J. Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University
W.-C. Lee, Pennsylvania State University
J. Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Architecture of a P2P Distributed Adaptive Directory (page 282)
G. Cordasco, V. Scarano, C. Vitolo, Università di Salerno

Semantic Web Applications to E-Science in silico Experiments (page 284)
J. Zhao, C. Goble, R. Stevens, University of Manchester

Matching Web Site Structure and Content (page 286)
V. Gedov, University of Würzburg
C. Stolz, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
R. Neuneier, M. Skubacz, Siemens AG
D. Seipel, University of Würzburg

A Web Personalization System based on Web Usage Mining Techniques (page 288)
M. Albanese, A. Picariello, C. Sansone, L. Sansone, Università di Napoli Federico II

Semantic Information Portals (page 290)
D. Reynolds, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
P. Shabajee, University of Bristol
S. Cayzer, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

Design of a Crawler with Bounded Bandwidth (page 292)
M. Diligenti, M. Maggini, F. M. Pucci, F. Scarselli, Università di Siena

A Logic-Based Semantic Web HTML Generator — A Poor Man's Publishing Approach (page 294)
E. Hyvönen, A. Valo, K. Viljanen, M. Holi, University of Helsinki

A Method for Modeling Uncertainty in Semantic Web Taxonomies (page 296)
M. Holi, E. Hyvönen, University of Helsinki

Keyword-based Fragment Detection for Dynamic Web Content Delivery (page 298)
D. Brodie, A. Gupta, W. Shi, Wayne State University

Accurate Web Recommendations Based on Profile-Specific URL-Predictor Neural Networks (page 300)
O. Nasraoui, M. Pavuluri, The University of Memphis

Choosing the Best Knowledge Base System for Large Semantic Web Applications (page 302)
Y. Guo, Z. Pan, J. Heflin, Lehigh University

FADA:Find All Distinct Answers (page 304)
H. Yang, T.-S. Chua, National University of Singapore

Meaning and the Semantic Web (page 306)
B. Parsia, University of Maryland
P. F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research

A Semantic Approach for Designing Business Protocols (page 308)
A. U. Mallya, M. P. Singh, North Carolina State University

Constraint SVG (page 310)
C. McCormack, K. Marriott, B. Meyer, Monash University

A Survey of Public Web Services (page 312)
S. M. Kim, KAIST
M.-C. Rosu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Providing Ranked Relevant Results for Web Database Queries (page 314)
U. Nambiar, S. Kambhampati, Arizona State University

On a Web Browsing Support System with 3D Visualization (page 316)
T. Yamaguchi, H. Hattori, T. Ito, T. Shintani, Nagoya Institute of Technology

The Web Around the Corner: Augmenting the Browser with GPS (page 318)
D. Carboni, Parco Scientifico Polaris
S. Giroux, University of Sherbrooke
A. Piras, S. Sanna, Parco Scientifico Polaris

Automatically Collecting, Monitoring, and Mining Japanese Weblogs (page 320)
T. Nanno, T. Fujiki, Y. Suzuki, M. Okumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology

A Scheme of Service Discovery and Control on Ubiquitous Devices (page 322)
M. Watanabe, K.-I. Takaya, A. Seo, Nihon Unisys, Ltd.
M. Hashimoto, T. Izumida, A. Mori, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

OREL: An Ontology-based Rights Expression Language (page 324)
Y. Qu, X. Zhang, H. Li, Southeast University

A Semantic Matchmaker Service on the Grid (page 326)
A. Harth, USC Information Sciences Institute, National University of Ireland
Y. He, H. Tangmunarunkit, USC Information Sciences Institute
S. Decker, USC Information Sciences Institute, National University of Ireland
C. Kesselman, USC Information Sciences Institute

Web Page Ranking using Link Attributes (page 328)
R. Baeza-Yates, E. Davis, Universidad de Chile

CC-Buddy: An Adaptive Framework for Maintaining Cache Coherency Using Peers (page 330)
S. Gao, W. S. Ng, National University of Singapore
W. Qian, A. Zhou, Fudan University

Dynamic Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 332)
H. Wang, T. Lin, C. H. Chen, Y. Shen, National Taiwan University

A Novel Heterogeneous Data Integration Approach for P2P Semantic Link Network (page 334)
H. Zhuge, J. Liu, Institute of Computing Technology

ResEval: A Web-based Evaluation System for Internal Medicine House Staff (page 336)
H. Feldman, M. Triola, New York University School of Medicine

Affinity Rank: A New Scheme for Efficient Web Search (page 338)
Y. Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B. Zhang, Z. Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
M. R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia

XJ: Integration of XML Processing into Java (page 340)
M. Harren, University of California at Berkeley
M. Raghavachari, IBM Research
O. Shmueli, Technion
M. Burke, V. Sarkar, R. Bordawekar, IBM Research

Exploiting Conceptual Modeling for Web Application Quality Evaluation (page 342)
P. Fraternali, P. L. Lanzi, M. Matera, A. Maurino, DEI-Politecnico di Milano

Web Page Summarization Using Dynamic Content (page 344)
A. Jatowt, M. Ishizuka, University of Tokyo

Testbed for Information Extraction from Deep Web (page 346)
Y. Yamada, Kyushu University
N. Craswell, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
T. Nakatoh, S. Hirokawa, Kyushu University

Ontological Representation of Learning Objects: Building Interoperable Vocabulary and Structures (page 348)
J. Qin, N. Hernández, Syracuse University

Query and Content Suggestion Based on Latent Interest and Topic Class (page 350)
N. Kawamae, H. Suzuki, O. Mizuno, NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories

Random Surfer with Back Step (page 352)
M. Sydow, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology

Copyright Protection on the Web: A Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking Scheme (page 354)
P. P. W. Chan, M. R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
R. T. Chin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Distributed Ranking over Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 356)
T.-P. Lau, D. Siu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Spam Attacks: P2P to the Rescue (page 358)
E. Damiani, S. De Capitani di Vimercati, Università di Milano
S. Paraboschi, Università di Bergamo
P. Samarati, A. Tironi, L. Zaniboni, Università di Milano

Site-To-Site (S2S) Searching Using the P2P Framework with CGI (page 360)
W. Y. Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Distributed Community Crawling (page 362)
F. Costa, P. Frasconi, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Web Data Integration Using Approximate String Join (page 364)
Y. Huang, G. Madey, University of Notre Dame

Filtering Spam E-mail on a Global Scale (page 366)
G. Hulten, J. Goodman, R. Rounthwaite, Microsoft

The Effects of Different Types of Site Maps on User's Performance in an Information-Searching Task (page 368)
A. Yip, University of Toronto

The Effect of the Back Button in a Random Walk: Application for PageRank (page 370)
F. Mathieu, INRIA, LIRMM
M. Bouklit, LIRMM

Distribution of Relevant Documents in Domain-level Aggregates for Topic Distillation (page 372)
V. Plachouras, I. Ounis, University of Glasgow

A Diagrammatic Inference System for the Web (page 374)
M. Wollowski, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
P. Nei, Beckman Coultier
C. Barrell, Logikos, Inc.

Digital Repository Interoperability: Design, Implementation and Deployment of the ECL Protocol and Connecting Middleware (page 376)
T. Eap, M. Hatala, Simon Fraser University
G. Richards, BCIT Technology Centre & SFU Surrey

MetaCrystal: Visualizing the Degree of Overlap between Different Search Engines (page 378)
A. Spoerri, Rutgers University

HuskySim: A Simulation Toolkit for Application Scheduling in Computational Grids (page 380)
M. Kerasha, I. Greenshields, University of Connecticut

Computing Personalized PageRanks (page 382)
F. Scarselli, University of Siena
A. C. Tsoi, M. Hagenbuchner, University of Wollongong

Rank Aggregation for Meta-search Engines (page 384)
L. Ka Wai, L. Chi Ho Lam, K. W., Leung, C. H., The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Using Semantic Web Approach in Augmented Audio Reality System for Museum Visitors (page 386)
L. Kalantari, J. Willms, M. Hatala, Simon Fraser University

A Storage and Indexing Framework for P2P Systems (page 388)
A. Crainiceanu, P. Linga, A. Machanavajjhala, J. Gehrke, J. Shanmugasundaram, Cornell University

P-Tree: A P2P Index for Resource Discovery Applications (page 390)
A. Crainiceanu, P. Linga, J. Gehrke, J. Shanmugasundaram, Cornell University

Updating PageRank with Iterative Aggregation (page 392)
A. N. Langville, C. D. Meyer, North Carolina State University

Visual Web Mining (page 394)
A. H. Youssefi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
D. J. Duke, University of Leeds
M. J. Zaki, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Small World Peer Networks in Distributed Web Search (page 396)
R. Akavipat, L.-S. Wu, F. Menczer, Indiana University

TV2Web: Generating and Browsing Web with Multiple LOD from Video Streams and Their Metadata (page 398)
K. Sumiya, M. Munisamy, K. Tanaka, Kyoto University

Self-Learning Web Question Answering System (page 400)
D. Roussinov, J. Robles, Arizona State University

Integrating Elliptic Curve Cryptography into the Web's Security Infrastructure (page 402)
V. Gupta, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
D. Stebila, University of Oxford
S. C. Shantz, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

On Mining Webclick Streams for Path Traversal Patterns (page 404)
H.-F. Li, S.-Y. Lee, M.-K. Shan, National Cheng-Chi University

Web Image Learning for Searching Semantic Concepts in Image Databases (page 406)
C.-H. Hoi, M. R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

An XPath-based Discourse Analysis Module for Spoken Dialogue Systems (page 408)
G. Di Fabbrizio, C. Lewis, AT&T; Labs - Research

Metadata Co-Development: A Process Resulting in Metadata about Technical Assistance to Educators (page 410)
M. Knapp, Green River Data Analysis
S. Dexter, University of Nevada
R. McLaughlin, International Graduate Center

Automatic Extraction of Web Search Interfaces for Interface Schema Integration (page 414)
H. He, W. Meng, State University of New York at Binghamton
C. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Z. Wu, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 416)
Q. Peng, W. Meng, H. He, State University of New York at Binghamton
C. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago

Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)
E. Hyvönen, M. Junnila, S. Kettula, E. Mäkelä, S. Saarela, M. Salminen, A. Syreeni, A. Valo, K. Viljanen, University of Helsinki

Ontalk: Ontology-Based Personal Document Management System (page 420)
H.-L. Kim, H.-G. Kim, Dankook University
K.-M. Park, KyungHee University

Best Bets: Thousands of Queries in Search of a Client (page 422)
G. Attardi, A. Esuli, M. Simi, Università di Pisa

XML Data Mediator Integrated Solution for XML Roundtrip from XML to Relational (page 424)
N. Zhou, G. Mihaila, D. Meliksetian, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Browser-Based Applications: Positive Transference or Interference? (page 426)
M. S. Silver, Fordham University
S. G. Ward, University of Missouri

SEMPL: A Semantic Portal (page 428)
M. Perry, E. Stiles, The University of Georgia

Can I Find What I'm Looking For? (page 430)
P. Andronico, M. Buzzi, B. Leporini, National Research Council

Online Feedback by Tests and Reporting for eLearning and Certification Programs with TCmanager (page 432)
D. Bade, G. Nüssel, G. Wilts, SoftDeCC Software GmbH

A Generic UIML Vocabulary for Device- and Modality Independent User Interfaces (page 434)
R. Simon, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna
M. Jank, Kapsch CarrierCom AG
F. Wegscheider, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna

Semantic API Matching for Automatic Service Composition (page 436)
D. Caragea, Iowa State University
T. Syeda-Mahmood, IBM Almaden Research Center

Delivering Web Service Coordination Capability to Users (page 438)
T. Oinn, EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute
M. Addis, J. Ferris, D. Marvin, IT Innovation Centre
M. Greenwood, C. Goble, University of Manchester
A. Wipat, P. Li, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
T. Carver, MRC Rosalind Franklin Centre for Genomics Research

Dealing with Different Distributions in Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Web Data (page 440)
X. Li, National University of Singapore
B. Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago

TCOZ Approach to Semantic Web Services Design (page 442)
J. S. Dong, Y. F. Li, National University of Singapore
H. Wang, University of Manchester

C3W: Clipping, Connecting and Cloning for the Web (page 444)
J. Fujima, Hokkaido University
A. Lunzer, K. Hornbæk, University of Copenhagen
Y. Tanaka, Hokkaido University

A Web Services Architecture for Learning Object Discovery and Assembly (page 446)
C. Pahl, R. Barrett, Dublin City University

On the Temporal Dimension of Search (page 448)
P. S. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
X. Li, B. Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago

Integrating Learning Objects into an Open Learning Environment— Evaluation of Learning Processes in an Informatics Learning Lab (page 450)
J. Magenheim, O. Scheel, University of Paderborn

Combining Link and Content Analysis to Estimate Semantic Similarity (page 452)
F. Menczer, Indiana University

Graph-based Text Database for Knowledge Discovery (page 454)
J. Tomita, H. Nakawatase, M. Ishii, NTT Corporation

Combining Individual Tutoring with Automatic Course Sequencing in WBT Systems (page 456)
D. Helic, H. Maurer, N. Scerbakov, IICM, TU Graz

Time-based Contextualized-News Browser (T-CNB) (page 458)
A. Nadamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
K. Tanaka, Kyoto University

Similarity Spreading: A Unified Framework for Similarity Calculation of Interrelated Objects (page 460)
G.-R. Xue, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University
H.-J. Zeng, Z. Chen, W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
Y. Yu, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University

SLA Based Profit Optimization in Web Systems (page 462)
L. Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
D. Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano

openMVC: A Non-proprietary Component-based Framework for Web Applications (page 464)
R. Barrett, Dublin City University
S. J. Delany, Dublin Institute of Technology

Structuring and Presenting Annotated Media Repositories (page 466)
L. Rutledge, J. van Ossenbruggen, L. Hardman, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica

Distributed Location Aware Web Crawling (page 468)
O. Papapetrou, G. Samaras, University of Cyprus

BizCQ: Using Continual Queries to Cope with Changes in Business Information Exchange (page 470)
W. Tang, NCR Teradata Division
K. Jones, nuBridges, LLC
L. Liu, C. Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology

Towards a Flash Search Engine Based on Expressive Semantics (page 472)
D. Ding, City University of Hong Kong
J. Yang, Carnegie Mellon University
Q. Li, L. Wang, L. Wenyin, City University of Hong Kong

VersaTutor — Architecture for a Constraint-Based Intelligent Tutor Generator (page 474)
V. Kodaganallur, R. R. Weitz, D. Rosenthal, Seton Hall University

Efficient Web Change Monitoring with Page Digest (page 476)
D. Buttler, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
D. Rocco, L. Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology

Experiments with Persian Text Compression for Web (page 478)
F. Oroumchian, University of Wollongong
E. Darrudi, F. Taghiyareh, University of Tehran
N. Angoshtari, University of Southern California

PRIDE: Peer-to-Peer Reputation Infrastructure for Decentralized Environments (page 480)
P. Dewan, P. Dasgupta, Arizona State University

Answering Similarity Queries in Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 482)
P. Kalnis, W. S. Ng, B. C. Ooi, K.-L. Tan, National University of Singapore

Efficient PageRank Approximation via Graph Aggregation (page 484)
A. Z. Broder, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
R. Lempel, IBM Haifa Research Labs

Outlink Estimation for PageRank Computation Under Missing Data (page 486)
S. Acharyya, J. Ghosh, University of Texas at Austin

Converting UML to OWL Ontologies (page 488)
D. Gaševi?, D. Djuri?, V. Devedži?, University of Belgrade
V. Damjanovi?, Postal Savings Bank

DANTE: Annotation and Transformation of Web Pages for Visually Impaired Users (page 490)
Y. Yesilada, S. Harper, C. Goble, R. Stevens, University of Manchester

An Agent System Reasoning about the Web and the User (page 492)
G. Ianni, F. Ricca, F. Calimeri, V. Lio, S. Galizia, Università della Calabria

Associative Sources and Agents for Zero-input Publishing (page 494)
D. Wolber, C. H. Brooks, University of San Francisco

Surfing the Web by Site (page 496)
D. Gibson, IBM Almaden Research Center

Compositional Knowledge Management for Medical Services on Semantic Web (page 498)
Y. Lee, C. Patel, University of Missouri at Kansas City
S. A. Chun, Seton Hall University
J. Geller, New Jersey Institute of Technology

OntoMiner: Bootstrapping Ontologies From Overlapping Domain Specific Web Sites (page 500)
H. Davulcu, S. Vadrevu, S. Nagarajan, Arizona State University

Lessons from a Gnutella-Web Gateway (page 502)
B. D. Davison, W. Zhang, B. Wu, Lehigh University

Hybrid Multicasting in Large-Scale Service Networks (page 504)
J. Jin, K. Nahrstedt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Author Index