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WWW 2017 Compilation Author Index

O'Connor, Brendan

Paper ~ Learning to Extract Events from Knowledge Base Revisions (Page 1007)

O'Dea, Bridianne

Cognitive Computing ~ Prediction of Population Health Indices from Social Media Using Kernel-based Textual and Temporal Features (Page 99)

O'Neill, Judy

AMCH'17 ~ Journeys to Engagement: Ambient Activity Technologies for People Living with Dementia (Page 1103)

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Odagaki, Masato

Poster ~ Effective Strategies on Representing Information Networks (Page 813)

Ofli, Ferda

Paper ~ Is Saki #delicious? The Food Perception Gap on Instagram and Its Relation to Health (Page 509)

Oh, Jinoh

Paper ~ Do "Also-Viewed" Products Help User Rating Prediction? (Page 1113)

O'Hare, Neil

Paper ~ Understanding and Discovering Deliberate Self-harm Content in Social Media (Page 93)

Ohsaka, Naoto

Paper ~ Portfolio Optimization for Influence Spread (Page 977)

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Olivier, Patrick

Paper ~ Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India (Page 499)

Onaolapo, Jeremiah

CyberSafety'17 ~ Flipping 419 Cybercrime Scams: Targeting the Weak and the Vulnerable (Page 1301)

Paper ~ What's in a Name? Understanding Profile Name Reuse on Twitter (Page 1161)

Ongenae, Femke

LocWeb'17 ~ Predicting Train Occupancies based on Query Logs and External Data Sources (Page 1469)

Onut, Iosif-Viorel

Paper ~ Tracking Phishing Attacks Over Time (Page 667)

Osborne, Francesco

Workshop Summary ~ SAVE-SD 2017: Third Workshop on Semantics, Analytics and Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (Page 1681)

Osseiran, Adam

Tutorial ~ WWW2017 Tutorial Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 899)

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Ossia, Seyed Ali

WebScience ~ Kissing Cuisines: Exploring Worldwide Culinary Habits on the Web (Page 1013)

Ou, Wenwu

Poster ~ Predicting Online Shopping Search Satisfaction and User Behaviors with Electrodermal Activity (Page 855)

Pachocki, Jakub

Paper ~ Scalable Motif-aware Graph Clustering (Page 1451)

Pacuk, Andrzej

Paper ~ Why Do Cascade Sizes Follow a Power-Law? (Page 569)

Pal, Debajyoti

AMCH'17 ~ A Video Quality Prediction Model for the Elderly (Page 1121)

Pantaleo, Ester

Wiki Workshop ~ Etytree: A Graphical and Interactive Etymology Dictionary based on Wiktionary (Page 1635)

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Paolotti, Daniela

Paper ~ Forecasting Seasonal Influenza Fusing Digital Indicators and a Mechanistic Disease Model (Page 311)

Paper ~ Using Participatory Web-based Surveillance Data to Improve Seasonal Influenza Forecasting in Italy (Page 303)

Papadopoulos, Elias P.

Paper ~ The Long-Standing Privacy Debate: Mobile Websites Vs Mobile Apps (Page 153)

Papadopoulos, Panagiotis

Paper ~ The Long-Standing Privacy Debate: Mobile Websites Vs Mobile Apps (Page 153)

Papadopoulos, Symeon

SNOW'17 ~ SNOW 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1511)

Pappa, Gisele

WebScience ~ A Warm Welcome Matters! The Link Between Social Feedback and Weight Loss in /r/loseit (Page 1063)

Paris, Cécile

Poster ~ Distinguishing Individuals from Organisations on Twitter (Page 805)

Poster ~ Twitter Content Eliciting User Engagement: A Case Study on Australian Organisations (Page 807)

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Park, Chanyoung

Paper ~ Do "Also-Viewed" Products Help User Rating Prediction? (Page 1113)

Park, Dae Hoon

Industry & Developers ~ Modeling the Influence of Popular Trending Events on User Search Behavior (Page 535)

Park, Donghyeon

Paper ~ Constructing and Evaluating a Novel Crowdsourcing-based Paraphrased Opinion Spam Dataset (Page 827)

Park, Kunwoo

GSIE ~ Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games (Page 445)

Park, Sunju

Poster ~ A Single-Step Approach to Recommendation Diversification (Page 809)

Pasupa, Kitsuchart

AMCH'17 ~ Risk Quantification of Metabolic Syndrome with Quantum Particle Swarm Optimisation (Page 1141)

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Patel, Pankesh

Tutorial ~ Semantic Web Meets Internet of Things and Web of Things: [2nd Edition] (Page 917)

Demonstration ~ SWoTSuite: A Toolkit for Prototyping End-to-End Semantic Web of Things Applications (Page 263)

Pathak, Sayan

Tutorial ~ Scalable Deep Document / Sequence Reasoning with Cognitive Toolkit (Page 931)

Paxson, Vern

Paper ~ Tools for Automated Analysis of Cybercriminal Markets (Page 657)

Pedersen, Torben Bach

Demonstration ~ GeoSemOLAP: Geospatial OLAP on the Semantic Web Made Easy (Page 213)

Peersman, Claudia

CyberSafety'17 ~ Ethical and Social Challenges with Developing Automated Methods to Detect and Warn Potential Victims of Mass-Marketing Fraud (MMF) (Page 1311)

CyberSafety'17 ~ Scamming the Scammers: Towards Automatic Detection of Persuasion in Advance Fee Frauds (Page 1291)

Pellegrino, Giancarlo

Paper ~ Who Controls the Internet? Analyzing Global Threats using Property Graph Traversals (Page 647)

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Peng, Haoruo

Paper ~ Regions, Periods, Activities: Uncovering Urban Dynamics via Cross-Modal Representation Learning (Page 361)

Peng, Jun

Digital Learning ~ Combining Smart Web-based Learning Environments with Teaching and Learning Analytics to Support Reflection on Project-based Programming Education (Page 379)

Peng, You

IWSC'17 ~ Understanding the User Display Names across Social Networks (Page 1319)

Pentland, Alex 'Sandy'

Paper ~ DeepMood: Forecasting Depressed Mood Based onSelf-Reported Histories via Recurrent Neural Networks (Page 715)

Peroni, Silvio

Workshop Summary ~ SAVE-SD 2017: Third Workshop on Semantics, Analytics and Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (Page 1681)

Perozzi, Bryan

WebScience ~ Ties That Bind - Characterizing Classes by Attributes and Social Ties (Page 973)

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Perra, Nicola

Paper ~ Forecasting Seasonal Influenza Fusing Digital Indicators and a Mechanistic Disease Model (Page 311)

Perrotta, Daniela

Paper ~ Forecasting Seasonal Influenza Fusing Digital Indicators and a Mechanistic Disease Model (Page 311)

Paper ~ Using Participatory Web-based Surveillance Data to Improve Seasonal Influenza Forecasting in Italy (Page 303)

Perta, Vasile C.

Paper ~ Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation In-The-Wild (Page 451)

Pesce, Mark

Keynote Talk ~ The Web-Wide World (Page 3)

Petrocchi, Marinella

WebScience ~ The Paradigm-Shift of Social Spambots: Evidence, Theories, and Tools for the Arms Race (Page 963)

Petsas, Thanasis

Paper ~ The Long-Standing Privacy Debate: Mobile Websites Vs Mobile Apps (Page 153)

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Pfeffer, Jürgen

Paper ~ Sampling from Social Networks with Attributes (Page 1181)

Pham, Hubert

Paper ~ Beyond Globally Optimal: Focused Learning for Improved Recommendations (Page 203)

Pham, Tuan-Anh Nguyen

Paper ~ A General Model for Out-of-town Region Recommendation (Page 401)

Phung, Dinh

Cognitive Computing ~ Prediction of Population Health Indices from Social Media Using Kernel-based Textual and Temporal Features (Page 99)

Pienta, Robert

Poster ~ Carina: Interactive Million-Node Graph Visualization using Web Browser Technologies (Page 775)

Pinar, Ali

Paper ~ ESCAPE: Efficiently Counting All 5-Vertex Subgraphs (Page 1431)

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Pinto, Marta

Digital Learning ~ Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Feedback to Foster ICT Information Processing Skills in Young Adults (Page 369)

Pitoura, Evaggelia

Paper ~ Fairness in Package-to-Group Recommendations (Page 371)

Pochampally, Yashaswi

Wiki Workshop ~ Notability Determination for Wikipedia (Page 1641)

Podkorytov, Maksim

Demonstration ~ CognitiveDB: An Intelligent Navigator for Large-Scale Dark Structured Data (Page 207)

Popat, Kashyap

PhD Symposium ~ Assessing the Credibility of Claims on the Web (Page 735)

WebScience ~ Where the Truth Lies: Explaining the Credibility of Emerging Claims on the Web and Social Media (Page 1003)

Portenoy, Jason

BigScholar'17 ~ Visualizing Scholarly Publications and Citations to Enhance Author Profiles (Page 1279)

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Portnoff, Rebecca S.

Paper ~ Tools for Automated Analysis of Cybercriminal Markets (Page 657)

Poulovassilis, Alexandra

Digital Learning ~ Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Feedback to Foster ICT Information Processing Skills in Young Adults (Page 369)

Power, Robert

Poster ~ Distinguishing Individuals from Organisations on Twitter (Page 805)

Power, Russell

Paper ~ Explicit Semantic Ranking for Academic Search via Knowledge Graph Embedding (Page 1271)

Prakash, Aaditya

Paper ~ Adverse Drug Event Detection in Tweets with Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks (Page 705)

Prakash, Abhay

Poster ~ Mining Unusual Search Behavior Related to Physical Events (Page 831)

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Prakash, B. Aditya

Paper ~ Detecting Large Reshare Cascades in Social Networks (Page 597)

Preguiça, Nuno

Paper ~ Blotter: Low Latency Transactions for Geo-Replicated Storage (Page 263)

Paper ~ Legion: Enriching Internet Services with Peer-to-Peer Interactions (Page 283)

Price, Simon

WOW'17 ~ Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem (Page 1665)

Priya, Manju

Demonstration ~ CognitiveDB: An Intelligent Navigator for Large-Scale Dark Structured Data (Page 207)

Proskurnia, Julia

Paper ~ Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series (Page 755)

Paper ~ Template Induction over Unstructured Email Corpora (Page 1521)

Pujara, Jay

Paper ~ Probabilistic Visitor Stitching on Cross-Device Web Logs (Page 1581)

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Pujari, Subhash Chandra

Paper ~ Temporal Effects on Hashtag Reuse in Twitter: A Cognitive-Inspired Hashtag Recommendation Approach (Page 1401)

Pulice, Chiara

IWSC'17 ~ Efficient Maximum Flow Maintenance on Dynamic Networks (Page 1383)

Qadir, Ashequl

Paper ~ Adverse Drug Event Detection in Tweets with Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks (Page 705)

Qi, Shuyao

Paper ~ Fairness in Package-to-Group Recommendations (Page 371)

Qian, Feng

Paper ~ Push or Request: An Investigation of HTTP/2 Server Push for Improving Mobile Performance (Page 459)

Qian, Weining

Demonstration ~ TeamGen: An Interactive Team Formation System Based on Professional Social Network (Page 195)

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Qiu, Lin

WebScience ~ "We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us": Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions (Page 1073)

Paper ~ Cataloguing Treatments Discussed and Used in Online Autism Communities (Page 123)

Qiu, Minghui

Poster ~ Locally Connected Deep Learning Framework for Industrial-scale Recommender Systems (Page 769)

Qu, Meng

Paper ~ CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases (Page 1015)

Qu, Shenquan

Poster ~ PSMART: Parameter Server based Multiple Additive Regression Trees System (Page 879)

Quintana, Ximena

IWSC'17 ~ Efficient Maximum Flow Maintenance on Dynamic Networks (Page 1383)

Rabiee, Hamid R.

WebScience ~ Kissing Cuisines: Exploring Worldwide Culinary Habits on the Web (Page 1013)

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Rachuri, Kiran K.

Paper ~ Mobile Sensing at the Service of Mental Well-being: a Large-scale Longitudinal Study (Page 103)

Rackham, Oliver

Demonstration ~ Circularized Visualisation of Genetic Interactions (Page 225)

Radford, Will

Poster ~ Post-edit Analysis of Collective Biography Generation (Page 791)

Radosavljevic, Vladan

Industry & Developers ~ Analyzing Uber's Ride-sharing Economy (Page 574)

Rafique, Zahid

Cognitive Computing ~ Finding Rising Stars in Co-author Networks via Weighted Mutual Influence (Page 33)

Raghu, Maithra

Paper ~ Linear Additive Markov Processes (Page 411)

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Raiber, Fiana

Paper ~ Extracting and Ranking Travel Tips from User-Generated Reviews (Page 987)

Raja, Mamoon

Paper ~ Measuring and Improving the Reliability of Wide-Area Cloud Paths (Page 253)

Ramesh, Rakesh

Paper ~ Almond: The Architecture of an Open, Crowdsourced, Privacy-Preserving, Programmable Virtual Assistant (Page 341)

Ranganath, Suhas

Paper ~ What Your Images Reveal: Exploiting Visual Contents for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 391)

Rao, Guozheng

Poster ~ Intelligent RDD Management for High Performance In-Memory Computing in Spark (Page 873)

Rao, Justin M.

Paper ~ Modeling Consumer Preferences and Price Sensitivities from Large-Scale Grocery Shopping Transaction Logs (Page 1103)

Paper ~ Usage Patterns and the Economics of the Public Cloud (Page 83)

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Rao, Yanghui

Cognitive Computing ~ Sentiment Strength Prediction Using Auxiliary Features (Page 5)

Rasa, Marko

Demonstration ~ AncestryAI: A Tool for Exploring Computationally Inferred Family Trees (Page 257)

Rashid, Awais

CyberSafety'17 ~ Ethical and Social Challenges with Developing Automated Methods to Detect and Warn Potential Victims of Mass-Marketing Fraud (MMF) (Page 1311)

CyberSafety'17 ~ Scamming the Scammers: Towards Automatic Detection of Persuasion in Advance Fee Frauds (Page 1291)

Ravindra, Padmashree

Paper ~ Type-based Semantic Optimization for Scalable RDF Graph Pattern Matching (Page 785)

Raviv, Ariel

Paper ~ Promoting Relevant Results in Time-Ranked Mail Search (Page 1551)

Paper ~ The Demographics of Mail Search and their Application to Query Suggestion (Page 1541)

Reaves, Bradley

Paper ~ Transparent Web Service Auditing via Network Provenance Functions (Page 887)

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Redi, Miriam

Industry & Developers ~ Friendly, Appealing or Both? Characterising User Experience in Sponsored Search Landing Pages (Page 699)

Reingold, Omer

Industry & Developers ~ ERA: A Framework for Economic Resource Allocation for the Cloud (Page 634)

Ren, Xiang

Tutorial ~ Constructing Structured Information Networks from Massive Text Corpora (Page 951)

Paper ~ CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases (Page 1015)

Tutorial ~ Recommendation in Context-Rich Environment: An Information Network Analysis Approach (Page 941)

Ren, Zhaochun

Poster ~ A Concept Language Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval (Page 885)

Rendle, Steffen

Paper ~ A Generic Coordinate Descent Framework for Learning from Implicit Feedback (Page 1341)

Rentfrow, Peter J.

Paper ~ Mobile Sensing at the Service of Mental Well-being: a Large-scale Longitudinal Study (Page 103)

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Reynolds, Mark

IWSC'17 ~ IWSC 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1315)

Rezaei, Aria

WebScience ~ Ties That Bind - Characterizing Classes by Attributes and Social Ties (Page 973)

Rezk, Tamara

Paper ~ On the Content Security Policy Violations due to the Same-Origin Policy (Page 877)

Riedewald, Mirek

Paper ~ Automated Template Generation for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs (Page 1191)

Ritter, Alan

Paper ~ Learning to Extract Events from Knowledge Base Revisions (Page 1007)

Rizoiu, Marian-Andrei

Paper ~ Expecting to be HIP: Hawkes Intensity Processes for Social Media Popularity (Page 735)

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Robinson, Bella

Poster ~ Twitter Content Eliciting User Engagement: A Case Study on Australian Organisations (Page 807)

Rockmore, Daniel

Wiki Workshop ~ Wikipedia Verification Check: A Chrome Browser Extension (Page 1619)

Rodrigues, Phillipe

Cognitive Computing ~ Beyond the Stars: Towards a Novel Sentiment Rating to Evaluate Applications in Web Stores of Mobile Apps (Page 109)

Rodrigues, Rodrigo

Paper ~ Blotter: Low Latency Transactions for Geo-Replicated Storage (Page 263)

Roegiest, Adam

Paper ~ Ten Blue Links on Mars (Page 273)

Rogers, Stephanie

Industry & Developers ~ Related Pins at Pinterest: The Evolution of a Real-World Recommender System (Page 583)

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Roos, Göran

BigScholar'17 ~ An Observation of Research Complexity in Top Universities Based on Research Publications (Page 1259)

Rosen, Sanae

Paper ~ Push or Request: An Investigation of HTTP/2 Server Push for Improving Mobile Performance (Page 459)

Rosenfeld, Nir

Industry & Developers ~ Predicting Counterfactuals from Large Historical Data and Small Randomized Trials (Page 602)

Rossow, Christian

Paper ~ Who Controls the Internet? Analyzing Global Threats using Property Graph Traversals (Page 647)

Rotabi, Rahmtin

Paper ~ Cascades: A View from Audience (Page 587)

Paper ~ Competition and Selection Among Conventions (Page 1361)

WebScience ~ Detecting Strong Ties Using Network Motifs (Page 983)

Ru, Chengsen

Poster ~ Syntactic Representation Learning for Open Information Extraction on Web (Page 833)

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Ruan, Shanshan

Cognitive Computing ~ An Adaptive Method for Clustering by Fast Search-and-Find of Density Peaks [Adaptive-DP] (Page 119)

Rudra, Amit

SST'17 ~ Knowledge Base Smarter Articulations for the Open Directory Project in a Sustainable Digital Ecosystem (Page 1537)

Ruipérez-Valiente, José A.

Digital Learning ~ A Data-driven Method for the Detection of Close Submitters in Online Learning Environments (Page 361)

Ryu, Woo-Jong

Demonstration ~ meCurate: Personalized Curation Service Using a Tiny Text Intelligence (Page 269)