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WWW 2017 Compilation Author Index

Ibanez, Luis-Daniel

LD-DL'17 ~ LD-DL 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1427)

Ilyas, Muhammad U.

Cognitive Computing ~ Post Summarization of Microblogs of Sporting Events (Page 59)

Ioannidis, Sotiris

Paper ~ The Long-Standing Privacy Debate: Mobile Websites Vs Mobile Apps (Page 153)

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Iosup, Alexandru

MSM'17 ~ An Analysis on a YouTube-like UGC site with Enhanced Social Features (Page 1477)

Irving, Leah

GSIE ~ How to Use Gamified Dashboards and Learning Analytics for Providing Immediate Student Feedback and Performance Tracking in Higher Education (Page 429)

Ishida, Toru

AW4City'17 ~ Digital City, Smart City and Beyond (Page 1151)

Ishihata, Masakazu

Paper ~ Exact Computation of Influence Spread by Binary Decision Diagrams (Page 947)

Issa, Theodora

SST'17 ~ SST 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization: Sustainability and Smart Technologies (Page 1527)

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Issa, Tomayess

SST'17 ~ SST 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization: Sustainability and Smart Technologies (Page 1527)

Jafarzadeh, Sina

WebScience ~ Kissing Cuisines: Exploring Worldwide Culinary Habits on the Web (Page 1013)

Jaggi, Martin

Paper ~ Leveraging Large Amounts of Weakly Supervised Data for Multi-Language Sentiment Classification (Page 1045)

Jain, Shweta

Paper ~ A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating Clique Counts Using Turán's Theorem (Page 441)

Janowicz, Krzysztof

Workshop Summary ~ LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1679)

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Janssen, Marijn

AW4City'17 ~ AW4City'17 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1149)

Janssens, Olivier

LocWeb'17 ~ Predicting Train Occupancies based on Query Logs and External Data Sources (Page 1469)

Jares, Joao Bosco

AW4City'17 ~ Sensor-based Linked Open Rules (S-LOR): An Automated Rule Discovery Approach for IoT Applications and its use in Smart Cities (Page 1153)

Jatowt, Adam

WebScience ~ Is Tofu the Cheese of Asia? Searching for Corresponding Objects across Geographical Areas (Page 1033)

Poster ~ Sketching Linguistic Borders: Mobility Analysis on Multilingual Microbloggers (Page 825)

Poster ~ Towards Understanding the Evolution of the WWW Conference (Page 835)

Jayathilaka, Hiranya

Paper ~ Performance Monitoring and Root Cause Analysis for Cloud-hosted Web Applications (Page 469)

Jeng, Wei

Paper ~ Security Implications of Redirection Trail in Popular Websites Worldwide (Page 1491)

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Jeong, Jiwan

TempWeb'17 ~ Interval Signature: Persistence and Distinctiveness of Inter-event Time Distributions in Online Human Behavior (Page 1585)

Jeong-ho, Park

IWSC'17 ~ Query Processing in Location-Based Social Networks (Page 1379)

Ji, Heng

Paper ~ CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases (Page 1015)

Ji, Lei

Poster ~ Can Machines Intelligently Propose Novel and Reasonable Scientific Hypotheses? (Page 851)

Ji, Yusheng

IWSC'17 ~ Efficient Content Distribution in DOOH Advertising Networks Exploiting Urban Geo-Social Connectivity (Page 1363)

Jia, Adele Lu

MSM'17 ~ An Analysis on a YouTube-like UGC site with Enhanced Social Features (Page 1477)

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Jia, Jinyuan

Paper ~ AttriInfer: Inferring User Attributes in Online Social Networks Using Markov Random Fields (Page 1561)

Jia, Limin

Paper ~ Some Recipes Can Do More Than Spoil Your Appetite: Analyzing the Security and Privacy Risks of IFTTT Recipes (Page 1501)

Jia, Yantao

Poster ~ Coarse to Fine: Diffusing Categories in Wikipedia (Page 763)

Jiang, Fang-Zhou

IWSC'17 ~ Efficient Content Distribution in DOOH Advertising Networks Exploiting Urban Geo-Social Connectivity (Page 1363)

Jiang, Haixin

IWSC'17 ~ Item Group Recommendation: A Method Based on Game Theory (Page 1405)

Jiang, Hao

Poster ~ A Study of How List Format Influences the Visual Search Performance (Page 869)

Poster ~ Navigation Configuration and Placement Influences the Visual Search Efficiency and Preference (Page 871)

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Jiang, Huizhen

IWSC'17 ~ Random Walk-based Beneficial Collaborators Recommendation Exploiting Dynamic Research Interests and Academic Influence (Page 1371)

Jiang, Meng

Tutorial ~ Constructing Structured Information Networks from Massive Text Corpora (Page 951)

Jiang, Shan

Cognitive Computing ~ Inferring the Student Social Loafing State in Collaborative Learning with a Hidden Markov Model: A Case on Slack (Page 149)

Jie, Luo

Industry & Developers ~ Bi-directional Joint Inference for User Links and Attributes on Large Social Graphs (Page 564)

Jin, Depeng

Paper ~ Trajectory Recovery from Ash: User Privacy Is NOT Preserved in Aggregated Mobility Data (Page 1241)

Jin, Hailin

Industry & Developers ~ Personalizing Software and Web Services by Integrating Unstructured Application Usage Traces (Page 485)

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Jin, Hongshan

PhD Symposium ~ Detection and Characterization of Influential Cross-lingual Information Diffusion on Social Networks (Page 741)

Jin, Jian

BigScholar'17 ~ Integrating the Trend of Research Interest for Reviewer Assignment (Page 1233)

Jin, Lianwen

Poster ~ Can Machines Intelligently Propose Novel and Reasonable Scientific Hypotheses? (Page 851)

Jin, Peiquan

Cognitive Computing ~ News Feature Extraction for Events on Social Network Platforms (Page 69)

Jin, Xiaolong

Poster ~ Coarse to Fine: Diffusing Categories in Wikipedia (Page 763)

Jing, How

Industry & Developers ~ NEMO: Next Career Move Prediction with Contextual Embedding (Page 505)

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Jing, Yushi

Industry & Developers ~ Related Pins at Pinterest: The Evolution of a Real-World Recommender System (Page 583)

Industry & Developers ~ Visual Discovery at Pinterest (Page 515)

Johnston-Hollitt, Melanie

Keynote Talk ~ Taming the Data Deluge to Unravel the Mysteries of the Universe (Page 1)

Joksimović, Srećko

Digital Learning ~ A Data-driven Method for the Detection of Close Submitters in Online Learning Environments (Page 361)

Jose, Joemon M.

Paper ~ A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics from Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams (Page 1201)

Jourdan, Guy-Vincent

Paper ~ Tracking Phishing Attacks Over Time (Page 667)

Juan, Yuchin

Industry & Developers ~ Field-aware Factorization Machines in a Real-world Online Advertising System (Page 680)

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Jurdak, Raja

IWSC'17 ~ Predicting Prevalence of Influenza-Like Illness From Geo-Tagged Tweets (Page 1327)

Kabuka, Mansur R.

BigScholar'17 ~ Top-K Entity Units Retrieval Over Big Data (Page 1269)

Kageura, Kyo

Poster ~ Twitter Content Eliciting User Engagement: A Case Study on Australian Organisations (Page 807)

Kagian, Amit

Industry & Developers ~ Adaptive Online Hyper-Parameters Tuning for Ad Event-Prediction Models (Page 672)

Kakudi, Habeebah A.

AMCH'17 ~ Risk Quantification of Metabolic Syndrome with Quantum Particle Swarm Optimisation (Page 1141)

Kamath, Krishna

Paper ~ Cascades: A View from Audience (Page 587)

WebScience ~ Detecting Strong Ties Using Network Motifs (Page 983)

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Kamble, Vijay

Paper ~ Collaborative Optimization for Collective Decision-making in Continuous Spaces (Page 617)

Kamdar, Maulik R.

Paper ~ PhLeGrA: Graph Analytics in Pharmacology over the Web of Life Sciences Linked Open Data (Page 321)

Kanagal, Bhargav

Paper ~ A Generic Coordinate Descent Framework for Learning from Implicit Feedback (Page 1341)

Kang, Ah Reum

GSIE ~ I Would Not Plant Apple Trees if the World Will Be Wiped: Analyzing Hundreds of Millions of Behavioral Records of Players During an MMORPG Beta Test (Page 435)

Kang, Jaewoo

Paper ~ Constructing and Evaluating a Novel Crowdsourcing-based Paraphrased Opinion Spam Dataset (Page 827)

Kang, Tian

Paper ~ Cataloguing Treatments Discussed and Used in Online Autism Communities (Page 123)

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Kanik, Marc

AMCH'17 ~ Journeys to Engagement: Ambient Activity Technologies for People Living with Dementia (Page 1103)

Kannan, Aadharsh

Paper ~ Usage Patterns and the Economics of the Public Cloud (Page 83)

Kanojia, Vibhor

Poster ~ Enhancing Knowledge Graph Embedding with Probabilistic Negative Sampling (Page 801)

Poster ~ Euclidean Image Embedding in view of Similarity Ranking in Auction Search by Image (Page 847)

Kao, Ben

Paper ~ Semi-supervised Clustering in Attributed Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 1621)

Karimi, Fariba

Paper ~ Sampling from Social Networks with Attributes (Page 1181)

Karlapalem, Kamalakar

Wiki Workshop ~ Notability Determination for Wikipedia (Page 1641)

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Karmaker Santu, Shubhra Kanti

Industry & Developers ~ Modeling the Influence of Popular Trending Events on User Search Behavior (Page 535)

Karoudis, Konstantinos

Digital Learning ~ Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Feedback to Foster ICT Information Processing Skills in Young Adults (Page 369)

Kaufmann, Tobias

Paper ~ Template Induction over Unstructured Email Corpora (Page 1521)

Kawai, Yukiko

Poster ~ Sketching Linguistic Borders: Mobility Analysis on Multilingual Microbloggers (Page 825)

Keezer, Matthew

Poster ~ Carina: Interactive Million-Node Graph Visualization using Web Browser Technologies (Page 775)

Kejriwal, Mayank

Paper ~ Information Extraction in Illicit Web Domains (Page 997)

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Khalili, Saina

BigNet'17 ~ Centrality-based Group Formation in Group Recommender Systems (Page 1187)

Kholy, Ahmed El

Poster ~ Identifying User Sessions in Interactions with Intelligent Digital Assistants (Page 821)

Kilcioglu, Cinar

Paper ~ Usage Patterns and the Economics of the Public Cloud (Page 83)

Kim, Anthony

Paper ~ Budget Management Strategies in Repeated Auctions (Page 15)

Kim, Chung Hwan

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Kim, Donghyun

Paper ~ Do "Also-Viewed" Products Help User Rating Prediction? (Page 1113)

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Kim, Huy Kang

GSIE ~ I Would Not Plant Apple Trees if the World Will Be Wiped: Analyzing Hundreds of Millions of Behavioral Records of Players During an MMORPG Beta Test (Page 435)

Kim, HyeongSik

Paper ~ Type-based Semantic Optimization for Scalable RDF Graph Pattern Matching (Page 785)

Kim, I Luk

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Kim, Jihee

SNOW'17 ~ Changing News Media Landscape in South Korea (Page 1521)

Kim, Juho

SNOW'17 ~ Changing News Media Landscape in South Korea (Page 1521)

Kim, Kang-Min

Demonstration ~ meCurate: Personalized Curation Service Using a Tiny Text Intelligence (Page 269)

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Kim, Kyungtae

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Kim, Myunghwan

PhD Symposium ~ PhD Symposium Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 709)

Kim, Sang-Wook

Poster ~ A Single-Step Approach to Recommendation Diversification (Page 809)

Poster ~ On Detecting Frauds in Comparison-Shopping Services (Page 811)

Kim, Seongsoon

Paper ~ Constructing and Evaluating a Novel Crowdsourcing-based Paraphrased Opinion Spam Dataset (Page 827)

Kim, Sungchul

Paper ~ Probabilistic Visitor Stitching on Cross-Device Web Logs (Page 1581)

Poster ~ WimNet: Vision Search for Web Logs (Page 803)

Kim, Sunghwan Mac

Poster ~ Distinguishing Individuals from Organisations on Twitter (Page 805)

Poster ~ Twitter Content Eliciting User Engagement: A Case Study on Australian Organisations (Page 807)

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Kim, Tiffany Hyun-Jin

Paper ~ Security Implications of Redirection Trail in Popular Websites Worldwide (Page 1491)

King, Irwin

BigScholar'17 ~ BigScholar'17 Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization (Page 1197)

King, Irwin

Digital Learning ~ Digital Learning Track Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 281)

Paper ~ Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Knowledge Tracing (Page 765)

Cognitive Computing ~ Geo-Teaser: Geo-Temporal Sequential Embedding Rank for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 153)

Digital Learning ~ Leveraging Social Connections to Improve Peer Assessment in MOOCs (Page 341)

Digital Learning ~ Shifu: Deep Learning Based Advisor-Advisee Relationship Mining in Scholarly Big Data (Page 303)

Kini, Nikhil

Paper ~ Probabilistic Visitor Stitching on Cross-Device Web Logs (Page 1581)

Kislyuk, Dmitry

Industry & Developers ~ Related Pins at Pinterest: The Evolution of a Real-World Recommender System (Page 583)

Industry & Developers ~ Visual Discovery at Pinterest (Page 515)

Kleinberg, Jon

Paper ~ Cascades: A View from Audience (Page 587)

Paper ~ Competition and Selection Among Conventions (Page 1361)

WebScience ~ Detecting Strong Ties Using Network Motifs (Page 983)

Kleisarchaki, Sofia

Paper ~ Exploring Rated Datasets with Rating Maps (Page 1411)

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Kobayashi, Ryota

Paper ~ Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series (Page 755)

Koh, Eunyee

Paper ~ Probabilistic Visitor Stitching on Cross-Device Web Logs (Page 1581)

Poster ~ WimNet: Vision Search for Web Logs (Page 803)

Kohno, Tadayoshi

Paper ~ How Public Is My Private Life? Privacy in Online Dating (Page 1231)

Koka, Thanas

Demonstration ~ Integrating Modeling Languages and Web Logs for Enhanced User Behavior Analytics (Page 171)

Kolen, John

GSIE ~ Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Maximized Engagement in Digital Games (Page 465)

Paper ~ EOMM: An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework (Page 1143)

Kollias, Kostas

Paper ~ Segmenting Two-Sided Markets (Page 63)

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Kolloju, Naresh Kumar

Paper ~ Exploring Rated Datasets with Rating Maps (Page 1411)

Kon, Bethany

AMCH'17 ~ Evolution of Smart Homes for the Elderly (Page 1095)

Koncar, Philipp

TempWeb'17 ~ Exploring the Impact of Trolls on Activity Dynamics in Real-World Collaboration Networks (Page 1573)

Kong, Xiangjie

BigScholar'17 ~ Evaluating the Impact of Articles with Geographical Distances between Institutions (Page 1243)

Poster ~ Is Scientific Collaboration Sustainability Predictable? (Page 853)

IWSC'17 ~ Random Walk-based Beneficial Collaborators Recommendation Exploiting Dynamic Research Interests and Academic Influence (Page 1371)

Kongburan, Wutthipong

AMCH'17 ~ Distillation of Knowledge from the Research Literature on Alzheimer's Dementia (Page 1137)

Konovalov, Alexander

Paper ~ Learning to Extract Events from Knowledge Base Revisions (Page 1007)

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Kooti, Farshad

Industry & Developers ~ Analyzing Uber's Ride-sharing Economy (Page 574)

Industry & Developers ~ Understanding Short-term Changes in Online Activity Sessions (Page 555)

Koprinska, Irena

WebScience ~ Online Engagement for a Healthier You: A Case Study of Web-based Supermarket Health Program (Page 1053)

Kostakos, Vassilis

WebScience ~ Task Routing and Assignment in Crowdsourcing based on Cognitive Abilities (Page 1023)

Kourtellis, Nicolas

Poster ~ Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter (Page 767)

CyberSafety'17 ~ Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying (Page 1285)

Kovanović, Vitomir

Digital Learning ~ A Data-driven Method for the Detection of Close Submitters in Online Learning Environments (Page 361)

Kowald, Dominik

Paper ~ Temporal Effects on Hashtag Reuse in Twitter: A Cognitive-Inspired Hashtag Recommendation Approach (Page 1401)

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Krestel, Ralf

Poster ~ What was Hillary Clinton doing in Katy, Texas? (Page 783)

Krintz, Chandra

Paper ~ Performance Monitoring and Root Cause Analysis for Cloud-hosted Web Applications (Page 469)

Krishnamurthy, Prabhakar

Paper ~ Sponsored Search Auctions with Rich Ads (Page 43)

Krishnan, Arun Sai

Poster ~ MeDJ: Multidimensional Emotion-aware Music Delivery for Adolescent (Page 793)

Krka, Ivo

Paper ~ Template Induction over Unstructured Email Corpora (Page 1521)

Ku, Lun-Wei

Digital Learning ~ Towards a Better Learning of Near-Synonyms: Automatically Suggesting Example Sentences via Fill in the Blank (Page 293)

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Kulkarni, Kshitij

Poster ~ Carina: Interactive Million-Node Graph Visualization using Web Browser Technologies (Page 775)

Kumar, Abhishek

Paper ~ Pinning Down Abuse on Google Maps (Page 1471)

Kumar, Chandan

Demonstration ~ Chromium Based Framework to Include Gaze Interaction in Web Browser (Page 219)

Kumar, Deepak

Paper ~ Security Challenges in an Increasingly Tangled Web (Page 677)

Kumar, Gowtham Ramani

Paper ~ Predicting Latent Structured Intents from Shopping Queries (Page 1133)

Kumar, Ravi

Industry & Developers ~ Caching with Dual Costs (Page 643)

Paper ~ Linear Additive Markov Processes (Page 411)

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Kumar, Srijan

Paper ~ An Army of Me: Sockpuppets in Online Discussion Communities (Page 857)

Tutorial ~ Antisocial Behavior on the Web: Characterization and Detection (Page 947)

Kumar, Vijay

Paper ~ Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India (Page 499)

Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.

Paper ~ Tools for Automated Analysis of Cybercriminal Markets (Page 657)

Kuo, Ting-Chang

Cognitive Computing ~ Behavioral Intention of Using Virtual Reality in Learning (Page 129)

Kurka, David Burth

MSM'17 ~ Using Retweet Information as a Feature to Classify Messages Contents (Page 1485)

Kuznetsova, Irina

Demonstration ~ Circularized Visualisation of Genetic Interactions (Page 225)

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Kveton, Branislav

Poster ~ Does Weather Matter? Causal Analysis of TV Logs (Page 883)

Kwak, Haewoon

GSIE ~ Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games (Page 445)

GSIE ~ I Would Not Plant Apple Trees if the World Will Be Wiped: Analyzing Hundreds of Millions of Behavioral Records of Players During an MMORPG Beta Test (Page 435)

SNOW'17 ~ SNOW 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1511)

Kwon, Jin-woo

Paper ~ Web Application Migration with Closure Reconstruction (Page 133)

Kwon, Yonghwi

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)