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WWW 2017 Compilation Author Index

Abbas, Farhat

Digital Learning ~ Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning Analytics (Page 415)

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Abbasi, Rabeeh Ayaz

Cognitive Computing ~ Finding Rising Stars in Co-author Networks via Weighted Mutual Influence (Page 33)

Digital Learning ~ Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning Analytics (Page 415)

Abdelzaher, Tarek F.

Paper ~ CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases (Page 1015)

Paper ~ DeepSense: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Time-Series Mobile Sensing Data Processing (Page 351)

Abebe, Ermyas

Paper ~ Detecting Duplicate Posts in Programming QA Communities via Latent Semantics and Association Rules (Page 1221)

Abeliuk, Andrés

Paper ~ Taming the Unpredictability of Cultural Markets with Social Influence (Page 745)

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Aberer, Karl

Paper ~ Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series (Page 755)

Abhishek, Vineet

Industry & Developers ~ A Nonparametric Sequential Test for Online Randomized Experiments (Page 610)

Abujabal, Abdalghani

Paper ~ Automated Template Generation for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs (Page 1191)

Acero Salazar, Felix Xavier

Paper ~ Extracting Emerging Knowledge from Social Media (Page 795)

Adamic, Lada

Paper ~ Detecting Large Reshare Cascades in Social Networks (Page 597)

Industry & Developers ~ Understanding Short-term Changes in Online Activity Sessions (Page 555)

Afroz, Sadia

Paper ~ Tools for Automated Analysis of Cybercriminal Markets (Page 657)

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Agarwal, Prabal

TempWeb'17 ~ Tiwiki: Searching Wikipedia with Temporal Constraints (Page 1595)

Aghdaie, Navid

GSIE ~ Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Maximized Engagement in Digital Games (Page 465)

Paper ~ EOMM: An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework (Page 1143)

Agichtein, Eugene

WWW 2017 Program Chairs' Welcome

Agrawal, Divyakant

Tutorial ~ Caching at the Web Scale: [Tutorial] (Page 909)

Agrawal, Parag

Poster ~ Mining Unusual Search Behavior Related to Physical Events (Page 831)

Agrawal, Puneet

Poster ~ Mining Unusual Search Behavior Related to Physical Events (Page 831)

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Ahamed, Nazeer

Poster ~ A Systematic Framework to Optimize Launch Times of Web Apps (Page 785)

Aharon, Michal

Industry & Developers ~ Adaptive Online Hyper-Parameters Tuning for Ad Event-Prediction Models (Page 672)

Ahlers, Dirk

LocWeb'17 ~ LocWeb 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1453)

Ahmad, Syed Sharique

Paper ~ What's in a Name? Understanding Profile Name Reuse on Twitter (Page 1161)

Ahmed, Amr

Paper ~ Predicting Latent Structured Intents from Shopping Queries (Page 1133)

Ai, Qingyao

Paper ~ Characterizing Email Search using Large-scale Behavioral Logs and Surveys (Page 1511)

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Aiello, Luca Maria

Industry & Developers ~ Analyzing Uber's Ride-sharing Economy (Page 574)

SNOW'17 ~ SNOW 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1511)

Akiyama, Toyokazu

Poster ~ Sketching Linguistic Borders: Mobility Analysis on Multilingual Microbloggers (Page 825)

Akoglu, Leman

WebScience ~ Ties That Bind - Characterizing Classes by Attributes and Social Ties (Page 973)

al Hammouri, Raggi

Paper ~ Is Saki #delicious? The Food Perception Gap on Instagram and Its Relation to Health (Page 509)

Ali, Muhammad Intizar

Demonstration ~ SWoTSuite: A Toolkit for Prototyping End-to-End Semantic Web of Things Applications (Page 263)

Tutorial ~ Semantic Web Meets Internet of Things and Web of Things: [2nd Edition] (Page 917)

AW4City'17 ~ Sensor-based Linked Open Rules (S-LOR): An Automated Rule Discovery Approach for IoT Applications and its use in Smart Cities (Page 1153)

Aljohani, Naif Radi

Cognitive Computing ~ Cognitive Computing Alternate Research Track Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1)

Cognitive Computing ~ Finding Rising Stars in Co-author Networks via Weighted Mutual Influence (Page 33)

Cognitive Computing ~ Post Summarization of Microblogs of Sporting Events (Page 59)

Digital Learning ~ Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning Analytics (Page 415)

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Aljuraidan, Jassim

Paper ~ Some Recipes Can Do More Than Spoil Your Appetite: Analyzing the Security and Privacy Risks of IFTTT Recipes (Page 1501)

Almasian, Satya

Demonstration ~ EVELIN: Exploration of Event and Entity Links in Implicit Networks (Page 273)

Al-Masri, Eyhab

Tutorial ~ WWW2017 Tutorial Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 899)

Alotaibi, Fahad S.

Cognitive Computing ~ Post Summarization of Microblogs of Sporting Events (Page 59)

Alowibdi, Jalal S.

Cognitive Computing ~ An Adaptive Method for Clustering by Fast Search-and-Find of Density Peaks [Adaptive-DP] (Page 119)

Cognitive Computing ~ Post Summarization of Microblogs of Sporting Events (Page 59)

Digital Learning ~ Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning Analytics (Page 415)

Althoff, Tim

Paper ~ Harnessing the Web for Population-Scale Physiological Sensing: A Case Study of Sleep and Performance (Page 113)

GSIE ~ How Gamification Affects Physical Activity: Large-scale Analysis of Walking Challenges in a Mobile Application (Page 455)

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Alvarez, Victor

GSIE ~ How to Use Gamified Dashboards and Learning Analytics for Providing Immediate Student Feedback and Performance Tracking in Higher Education (Page 429)

PhD Symposium ~ PhD Symposium Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 709)

Alyoubi, Khaled H.

Cognitive Computing ~ Finding Rising Stars in Co-author Networks via Weighted Mutual Influence (Page 33)

Ambite, José Luis

BigScholar'17 ~ BD2K ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science (Page 1203)

Amer-Yahia, Sihem

Paper ~ Exploring Rated Datasets with Rating Maps (Page 1411)

Amjad, Tehmina

Cognitive Computing ~ Finding Rising Stars in Co-author Networks via Weighted Mutual Influence (Page 33)

An, Chuankai

Wiki Workshop ~ Wikipedia Verification Check: A Chrome Browser Extension (Page 1619)

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Anderson, Ashton

Industry & Developers ~ Auditing Search Engines for Differential Satisfaction Across Demographics (Page 626)

Anderson, John

Paper ~ Beyond Globally Optimal: Focused Learning for Improved Recommendations (Page 203)

Andrade, Rosita

Poster ~ All Dates Lead to Rome: Extracting and Explaining Temporal References in Street Names (Page 757)

Anelli, Vito Walter

Wiki Workshop ~ Etytree: A Graphical and Interactive Etymology Dictionary based on Wiktionary (Page 1635)

Anthopoulos, Leonidas G.

AW4City'17 ~ AW4City'17 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1149)

AW4City'17 ~ CityDNA: Smart City Dimensions' Correlations for Identifying Urban Profile (Page 1167)

Anyanwu, Kemafor

Paper ~ Type-based Semantic Optimization for Scalable RDF Graph Pattern Matching (Page 785)

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Ao, Xiang

Poster ~ Sequential Transfer Learning: Cross-domain Novelty Seeking Trait Mining for Recommendation (Page 881)

Arablouei, Reza

IWSC'17 ~ Predicting Prevalence of Influenza-Like Illness From Geo-Tagged Tweets (Page 1327)

Archer, Aaron

Paper ~ Indexing Public-Private Graphs (Page 1461)

Arnold, Thomas

Wiki Workshop ~ Is Interaction More Important than Individual Performance? A Study of Motifs in Wikia (Page 1609)

Aryani, Amir

BigScholar'17 ~ Providing Research Graph Data in JSON-LD Using (Page 1213)

Asharov, Gilad

Paper ~ Secure Centrality Computation Over Multiple Networks (Page 957)

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Ashkan, Azin

Poster ~ Does Weather Matter? Causal Analysis of TV Logs (Page 883)

Atif, Yacine

Digital Learning ~ A Cyberphysical Learning Approach for Digital Smart Citizenship Competence Development (Page 397)

Atzmueller, Martin

MSM'17 ~ MSM'17 Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization: Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 1475)

Auer, Sören

Workshop Summary ~ LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1679)

Paper ~ Neural Network-based Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs on Word and Character Level (Page 1211)

Avvenuti, Marco

IWSC'17 ~ Hybrid Crowdsensing: A Novel Paradigm to Combine the Strengths of Opportunistic and Participatory Crowdsensing (Page 1413)

Awekar, Amit

Poster ~ On Low Overlap among Search Results of Academic Search Engines (Page 823)

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Aytar, Yusuf

Paper ~ Is Saki #delicious? The Food Perception Gap on Instagram and Its Relation to Health (Page 509)

Babaioff, Moshe

Industry & Developers ~ ERA: A Framework for Economic Resource Allocation for the Cloud (Page 634)

Backes, Michael

Paper ~ Who Controls the Internet? Analyzing Global Threats using Property Graph Traversals (Page 647)

Badjatiya, Pinkesh

Poster ~ Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection in Tweets (Page 759)

Baeza-Yates, Ricardo

Paper ~ Exploring Query Auto-Completion and Click Logs for Contextual-Aware Web Search and Query Suggestion (Page 539)

TempWeb'17 ~ TempWeb 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1557)

Bai, Kun

Poster ~ MeDJ: Multidimensional Emotion-aware Music Delivery for Adolescent (Page 793)

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Bai, Xiaomei

BigScholar'17 ~ Evaluating the Impact of Articles with Geographical Distances between Institutions (Page 1243)

Bailey, Michael

Paper ~ Security Challenges in an Increasingly Tangled Web (Page 677)

Balaam, Madeline

Paper ~ Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India (Page 499)

Baldwin, Timothy

Poster ~ Pairwise Webpage Coreference Classification Using Distant Supervision (Page 841)

Balseiro, Santiago

Paper ~ Budget Management Strategies in Repeated Auctions (Page 15)

Balzarotti, Davide

Paper ~ The Onions Have Eyes: A Comprehensive Structure and Privacy Analysis of Tor Hidden Services (Page 1251)

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Banerjee, Siddhartha

Paper ~ Segmenting Two-Sided Markets (Page 63)

Barbosa, Glívia Angélica Rodigues

Cognitive Computing ~ Beyond the Stars: Towards a Novel Sentiment Rating to Evaluate Applications in Web Stores of Mobile Apps (Page 109)

Barker, Phil

Digital Learning ~ Analysing and Improving Embedded Markup of Learning Resources on the Web (Page 283)

Barrett, Rick

WWW 2017 General Chairs' Welcome

Bartindale, Tom

Paper ~ Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India (Page 499)

Bates, Adam

Paper ~ Transparent Web Service Auditing via Network Provenance Functions (Page 887)

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Bauer, Lujo

Paper ~ Some Recipes Can Do More Than Spoil Your Appetite: Analyzing the Security and Privacy Risks of IFTTT Recipes (Page 1501)

Bayer, Immanuel

Paper ~ A Generic Coordinate Descent Framework for Learning from Implicit Feedback (Page 1341)

Bean, Nigel

MSM'17 ~ The Nature and Origin of Heavy Tails in Retweet Activity (Page 1493)

Beattie, Scott

GSIE ~ From Phoenix Wright to Atticus Finch: Legal Simulation Games as an Aid to Self-Represented Litigants (Page 425)

Beheshti, Seyed-Mehdi-Reza

Demonstration ~ On Automating Basic Data Curation Tasks (Page 165)

Bekele, Teshome Megersa

IWSC'17 ~ Random Walk-based Beneficial Collaborators Recommendation Exploiting Dynamic Research Interests and Academic Influence (Page 1371)

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Bellomo, Salvatore

IWSC'17 ~ Hybrid Crowdsensing: A Novel Paradigm to Combine the Strengths of Opportunistic and Participatory Crowdsensing (Page 1413)

Belongie, Serge

Paper ~ Collaborative Metric Learning (Page 193)

Benatallah, Boualem

Demonstration ~ On Automating Basic Data Curation Tasks (Page 165)

Bendersky, Michael

Paper ~ Situational Context for Ranking in Personal Search (Page 1531)

Berbeglia, Gerardo

Paper ~ Taming the Unpredictability of Cultural Markets with Social Influence (Page 745)

Berberich, Klaus

Poster ~ Position-Aware Representations for Relevance Matching in Neural Information Retrieval (Page 799)

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Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor

Paper ~ Tools for Automated Analysis of Cybercriminal Markets (Page 657)

Berkovsky, Shlomo

Poster ~ Does Weather Matter? Causal Analysis of TV Logs (Page 883)

MSM'17 ~ MSM'17 Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization: Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 1475)

WebScience ~ Online Engagement for a Healthier You: A Case Study of Web-based Supermarket Health Program (Page 1053)

Bernaschina, Carlo

Demonstration ~ Integrating Modeling Languages and Web Logs for Enhanced User Behavior Analytics (Page 171)

Berners-Lee, Tim

Workshop Summary ~ LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1679)

Bernstein, Abraham

WebScience ~ Task Routing and Assignment in Crowdsourcing based on Cognitive Abilities (Page 1023)

Berry, George

Paper ~ Discussion Quality Diffuses in the Digital Public Square (Page 1371)

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Beutel, Alex

Paper ~ Beyond Globally Optimal: Focused Learning for Improved Recommendations (Page 203)

Bhargava, Preeti

Wiki Workshop ~ DAWT: Densely Annotated Wikipedia Texts Across Multiple Languages (Page 1655)

Bhattacharya, Arnab

Paper ~ Neighbor-Aware Search for Approximate Labeled Graph Matching using the Chi-Square Statistics (Page 1281)

Bhattacharyya, Prantik

Poster ~ Global Entity Ranking Across Multiple Languages (Page 761)

Bhowmik, Avradeep

Paper ~ LETOR Methods for Unsupervised Rank Aggregation (Page 1331)

Bian, Yulong

GSIE ~ Enabling Participatory Design of 3D Virtual Scenes on Mobile Devices (Page 473)

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Bielova, Nataliia

Paper ~ On the Content Security Policy Violations due to the Same-Origin Policy (Page 877)

Bieniusa, Annette

Paper ~ Legion: Enriching Internet Services with Peer-to-Peer Interactions (Page 283)

Bifet, Albert

Cognitive Computing ~ Inferring Demographics and Social Networks of Mobile Device Users on Campus from AP-Trajectories (Page 139)

Billings, Marilyn

WOW'17 ~ Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem (Page 1665)

Birkin, Mark

WOW'17 ~ Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem (Page 1665)

Bizer, Christian

Workshop Summary ~ LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1679)

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Blackburn, Jeremy

CyberSafety'17 ~ CyberSafety 2017 Chairs' Welcome (Page 1283)

Poster ~ Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter (Page 767)

GSIE ~ I Would Not Plant Apple Trees if the World Will Be Wiped: Analyzing Hundreds of Millions of Behavioral Records of Players During an MMORPG Beta Test (Page 435)

CyberSafety'17 ~ Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying (Page 1285)

Boateng, Richard

WOW'17 ~ Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem (Page 1665)

Bochmann, Gregor V.

Paper ~ Tracking Phishing Attacks Over Time (Page 667)

Boldyrev, Natalia

Demonstration ~ SESAME: European Statistics Explored via Semantic Alignment onto Wikipedia (Page 177)

Bonchi, Francesco

Paper ~ Secure Centrality Computation Over Multiple Networks (Page 957)

Boo, Ivan

GSIE ~ WWW 2017 Games, Simulations and Immersive Environments Track Chairs' Welcome (Page 423)

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Bortnikov, Edward

Industry & Developers ~ Top-k Query Processing with Conditional Skips (Page 653)

Bose, Joy

Poster ~ A Systematic Framework to Optimize Launch Times of Web Apps (Page 785)

Bourdeau, Jacqueline

Digital Learning ~ Digital Learning Track Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 281)

Brambilla, Marco

Paper ~ Extracting Emerging Knowledge from Social Media (Page 795)

Demonstration ~ Integrating Modeling Languages and Web Logs for Enhanced User Behavior Analytics (Page 171)

LocWeb'17 ~ Spatial Analysis of Social Media Response to Live Events: The Case of the Milano Fashion Week (Page 1457)

Broder, Andrei

Industry & Developers ~ Email Category Prediction (Page 495)

Bron, Marc

TempWeb'17 ~ Describing Patterns and Disruptions in Large Scale Mobile App Usage Data (Page 1579)

Industry & Developers ~ Friendly, Appealing or Both? Characterising User Experience in Sponsored Search Landing Pages (Page 699)

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Brooke, Julian

Poster ~ Pairwise Webpage Coreference Classification Using Distant Supervision (Page 841)

Bu, Jiajun

Paper ~ Learning Personalized Preference of Strong and Weak Ties for Social Recommendation (Page 1601)

Burns, Gully APC

BigScholar'17 ~ BD2K ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science (Page 1203)

Bursztein, Elie

Paper ~ Pinning Down Abuse on Google Maps (Page 1471)

Butler, Kevin

Paper ~ Transparent Web Service Auditing via Network Provenance Functions (Page 887)