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WWW 2017 Compilation Author Index

Xia, Fan

Demonstration ~ TeamGen: An Interactive Team Formation System Based on Professional Social Network (Page 195)

Xia, Feng

BigScholar'17 ~ An Observation of Research Complexity in Top Universities Based on Research Publications (Page 1259)

BigScholar'17 ~ BigScholar'17 Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization (Page 1197)

BigScholar'17 ~ Evaluating the Impact of Articles with Geographical Distances between Institutions (Page 1243)

Poster ~ Is Scientific Collaboration Sustainability Predictable? (Page 853)

Demonstration ~ iTopic: Influential Topic Discovery from Information Networks via Keyword Query (Page 231)

Digital Learning ~ Shifu: Deep Learning Based Advisor-Advisee Relationship Mining in Scholarly Big Data (Page 303)

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Xiao, Han

Poster ~ Media Attention to Science (Page 779)

Xie, Haoran

Cognitive Computing ~ Sentiment Strength Prediction Using Auxiliary Features (Page 5)

Xie, Lexing

Paper ~ Expecting to be HIP: Hawkes Intensity Processes for Social Media Popularity (Page 735)

Xie, Xing

Poster ~ CCCFNet: A Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering Neural Network for Cross Domain Recommender Systems (Page 817)

WebScience ~ Restaurant Survival Analysis with Heterogeneous Information (Page 993)

Poster ~ Sequential Transfer Learning: Cross-domain Novelty Seeking Trait Mining for Recommendation (Page 881)

Xiong, Chenyan

Paper ~ Explicit Semantic Ranking for Academic Search via Knowledge Graph Embedding (Page 1271)

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Xiong, Hui

Paper ~ Learning to Recommend Accurate and Diverse Items (Page 183)

Xu, Chang

Poster ~ Large-Scale Wi-Fi Hotspot Classification via Deep Learning (Page 857)

Xu, Chumeng

Paper ~ The k-peak Decomposition: Mapping the Global Structure of Graphs (Page 1441)

Xu, Dongyan

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Xu, Fengli

Paper ~ Trajectory Recovery from Ash: User Privacy Is NOT Preserved in Aggregated Mobility Data (Page 1241)

Xu, Guandong

Poster ~ An Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network Model for Answer Selection (Page 789)

Digital Learning ~ Knowledge or Gaming? Cognitive Modelling Based on Multiple-Attempt Response (Page 321)

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Xu, Guoai

Paper ~ An Explorative Study of the Mobile App Ecosystem from App Developers' Perspective (Page 163)

Xu, Jie

WOW'17 ~ Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem (Page 1665)

Xu, Lei

LD-DL'17 ~ DL-BAC: Distributed Ledger Based Access Control for Web Applications (Page 1445)

Xu, Linchuan

Paper ~ Cross View Link Prediction by Learning Noise-resilient Representation Consensus (Page 1611)

Poster ~ Embedding Identity and Interest for Social Networks (Page 859)

Poster ~ On Learning Mixed Community-specific Similarity Metrics for Cold-start Link Prediction (Page 861)

Xu, Mengwei

Paper ~ AppHolmes: Detecting and Characterizing App Collusion among Third-Party Android Markets (Page 143)

Xu, Pingmei

Industry & Developers ~ Towards Measuring and Inferring User Interest from Gaze (Page 525)

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Xu, Quanqing

IWSC'17 ~ Understanding the User Display Names across Social Networks (Page 1319)

Xu, Silei

Paper ~ Almond: The Architecture of an Open, Crowdsourced, Privacy-Preserving, Programmable Virtual Assistant (Page 341)

Xu, Yinzhan

Paper ~ DeepMood: Forecasting Depressed Mood Based onSelf-Reported Histories via Recurrent Neural Networks (Page 715)

Xu, Zhenzhen

IWSC'17 ~ Random Walk-based Beneficial Collaborators Recommendation Exploiting Dynamic Research Interests and Academic Influence (Page 1371)

Xue, Su

GSIE ~ Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Maximized Engagement in Digital Games (Page 465)

Paper ~ EOMM: An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework (Page 1143)

Yadav, Deepika

Paper ~ Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India (Page 499)

PhD Symposium ~ Low-Cost Mobile Learning Solutions for Community Health Workers (Page 729)

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Yahya, Mohamed

Paper ~ Automated Template Generation for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs (Page 1191)

Yan, Jun

Poster ~ Can Machines Intelligently Propose Novel and Reasonable Scientific Hypotheses? (Page 851)

Yan, Zhenyu

Paper ~ GPOP: Scalable Group-level Popularity Prediction for Online Content in Social Networks (Page 725)

Yang, Carl

Industry & Developers ~ Bi-directional Joint Inference for User Links and Attributes on Large Social Graphs (Page 564)

Yang, Chenglei

GSIE ~ Enabling Participatory Design of 3D Virtual Scenes on Mobile Devices (Page 473)

Yang, Dingqi

Paper ~ Location Privacy-Preserving Task Allocation for Mobile Crowdsensing with Differential Geo-Obfuscation (Page 627)

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Yang, Jaewon

Industry & Developers ~ NEMO: Next Career Move Prediction with Contextual Embedding (Page 505)

Yang, Longqi

Paper ~ Collaborative Metric Learning (Page 193)

Industry & Developers ~ Personalizing Software and Web Services by Integrating Unstructured Application Usage Traces (Page 485)

Yang, Qian

Digital Learning ~ HiText: Text Reading with Dynamic Salience Marking (Page 311)

Yang, Sean T.

BigScholar'17 ~ Deep Mapping of the Visual Literature (Page 1273)

Yang, Xiao

Poster ~ Advertising Keyword Recommendation based on Supervised Link Prediction in Multi-Relational Network (Page 863)

Yang, Zhenglu

Poster ~ An Effective Framework for Question Answering over Freebase via Reconstructing Natural Sequences (Page 865)

Poster ~ An Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network Model for Answer Selection (Page 789)

Poster ~ Effective Strategies on Representing Information Networks (Page 813)

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Yao, Cheng

Poster ~ A Study of How List Format Influences the Visual Search Performance (Page 869)

Poster ~ Navigation Configuration and Placement Influences the Visual Search Efficiency and Preference (Page 871)

Yao, Shuochao

Paper ~ DeepSense: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Time-Series Mobile Sensing Data Processing (Page 351)

Yao, Yuanshun

Paper ~ Identifying Value in Crowdsourced Wireless Signal Measurements (Page 607)

Yap, Roland H. C.

BigScholar'17 ~ Analysing Trends in Computer Science Research: A Preliminary Study Using The Microsoft Academic Graph (Page 1245)

Yates, Andrew

Poster ~ Position-Aware Representations for Relevance Matching in Neural Information Retrieval (Page 799)

Ye, Yunming

Poster ~ Holistic Neural Network for CTR Prediction (Page 787)

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Yearwood, John

Cognitive Computing ~ Prediction of Population Health Indices from Social Media Using Kernel-based Textual and Temporal Features (Page 99)

Yeung, Dit-Yan

Paper ~ Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Knowledge Tracing (Page 765)

Yilmaz, Emine

Poster ~ A Concept Language Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval (Page 885)

Industry & Developers ~ Auditing Search Engines for Differential Satisfaction Across Demographics (Page 626)

Yin, Dawei

Paper ~ Streaming Recommender Systems (Page 381)

Yin, Hongzhi

IWSC'17 ~ IWSC 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1315)

IWSC'17 ~ People Opinion Topic Model: Opinion based User Clustering in Social Networks (Page 1353)

Tutorial ~ Recommendation in Context-Rich Environment: An Information Network Analysis Approach (Page 941)

IWSC'17 ~ Understanding the User Display Names across Social Networks (Page 1319)

Ying, Fangtian

Poster ~ A Study of How List Format Influences the Visual Search Performance (Page 869)

Poster ~ Navigation Configuration and Placement Influences the Visual Search Efficiency and Preference (Page 871)

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Yom-Tov, Elad

Paper ~ Inferring Individual Attributes from Search Engine Queries and Auxiliary Information (Page 293)

Industry & Developers ~ Predicting Counterfactuals from Large Historical Data and Small Randomized Trials (Page 602)

TempWeb'17 ~ The Werther Effect Revisited: Measuring the Effect of News Items on User Behavior (Page 1561)

Yoneki, Eiko

Paper ~ BOAT: Building Auto-Tuners with Structured Bayesian Optimization (Page 479)

Yoshida, Yuichi

Paper ~ Portfolio Optimization for Influence Spread (Page 977)

You, Shaodi

Poster ~ An Effective Framework for Question Answering over Freebase via Reconstructing Natural Sequences (Page 865)

Yu, Haitao

Paper ~ A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics from Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams (Page 1201)

Yu, Honglin

Paper ~ Expecting to be HIP: Hawkes Intensity Processes for Social Media Popularity (Page 735)

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Yu, Hwanjo

Paper ~ Do "Also-Viewed" Products Help User Rating Prediction? (Page 1113)

Yu, Philip S.

Paper ~ Cross View Link Prediction by Learning Noise-resilient Representation Consensus (Page 1611)

Poster ~ Embedding Identity and Interest for Social Networks (Page 859)

Poster ~ On Learning Mixed Community-specific Similarity Metrics for Cold-start Link Prediction (Page 861)

Yu, Ran

Digital Learning ~ Analysing and Improving Embedded Markup of Learning Resources on the Web (Page 283)

Yu, Shuo

Poster ~ Is Scientific Collaboration Sustainability Predictable? (Page 853)

Yu, Yong

WebScience ~ "We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us": Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions (Page 1073)

Paper ~ Cataloguing Treatments Discussed and Used in Online Autism Communities (Page 123)

Yuan, Fajie

Paper ~ A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics from Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams (Page 1201)

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Yuan, Quan

Paper ~ Regions, Periods, Activities: Uncovering Urban Dynamics via Cross-Modal Representation Learning (Page 361)

Yue, Bin

Poster ~ An Effective Framework for Question Answering over Freebase via Reconstructing Natural Sequences (Page 865)

Yue, Bin

Poster ~ An Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network Model for Answer Selection (Page 789)

Yue, Lihua

Cognitive Computing ~ News Feature Extraction for Events on Social Network Platforms (Page 69)

Yue, Lin

IWSC'17 ~ User Relation Prediction Based on Matrix Factorization and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 1335)

Yun, Min Hong

Paper ~ Reducing Latency by Eliminating Synchrony (Page 331)

Zadimoghaddam, Morteza

Paper ~ Submodular Optimization Over Sliding Windows (Page 421)

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Zafar, Muhammad Bilal

Paper ~ Fairness Beyond Disparate Treatment & Disparate Impact: Learning Classification without Disparate Mistreatment (Page 1171)

Zakhary, Victor

Tutorial ~ Caching at the Web Scale: [Tutorial] (Page 909)

Zaman, Kazi A.

GSIE ~ Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Maximized Engagement in Digital Games (Page 465)

Paper ~ EOMM: An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework (Page 1143)

Zamani, Hamed

Paper ~ Situational Context for Ranking in Personal Search (Page 1531)

Zamar, Ruben H.

Paper ~ Exploring Rated Datasets with Rating Maps (Page 1411)

Zang, Chengxi

Poster ~ Quantifying Structural Patterns of Information Cascades (Page 867)

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Zeitzer, Jamie

Paper ~ Harnessing the Web for Population-Scale Physiological Sensing: A Case Study of Sleep and Performance (Page 113)

Zha, Hongyuan

Paper ~ Exploring Query Auto-Completion and Click Logs for Contextual-Aware Web Search and Query Suggestion (Page 539)

Zhai, Andrew

Industry & Developers ~ Visual Discovery at Pinterest (Page 515)

Zhai, Chengxiang

Industry & Developers ~ Modeling the Influence of Popular Trending Events on User Search Behavior (Page 535)

Industry & Developers ~ Numerical Facet Range Partition: Evaluation Metric and Methods (Page 662)

Zhang, Aston

Paper ~ DeepSense: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Time-Series Mobile Sensing Data Processing (Page 351)

Industry & Developers ~ Email Category Prediction (Page 495)

Zhang, Chao

Paper ~ Regions, Periods, Activities: Uncovering Urban Dynamics via Cross-Modal Representation Learning (Page 361)

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Zhang, Chengqi

Paper ~ Consistent Weighted Sampling Made More Practical (Page 1035)

Zhang, Cun-Hui

Paper ~ Theory of the GMM Kernel (Page 1053)

Zhang, Da

BigScholar'17 ~ Top-K Entity Units Retrieval Over Big Data (Page 1269)

Zhang, Danjing Joy

Demonstration ~ Selected Advanced Data Visualizations: "The UX-Machine", Cultural Visualisation, Cognitive Big Data, and Communication of Health and Wellness Data (Page 247)

Zhang, Daqing

Paper ~ Location Privacy-Preserving Task Allocation for Mobile Crowdsensing with Differential Geo-Obfuscation (Page 627)

Zhang, Fan

Poster ~ A Study of How List Format Influences the Visual Search Performance (Page 869)

Poster ~ Navigation Configuration and Placement Influences the Visual Search Efficiency and Preference (Page 871)

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Zhang, Fuzheng

Poster ~ CCCFNet: A Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering Neural Network for Cross Domain Recommender Systems (Page 817)

WebScience ~ Restaurant Survival Analysis with Heterogeneous Information (Page 993)

Poster ~ Sequential Transfer Learning: Cross-domain Novelty Seeking Trait Mining for Recommendation (Page 881)

Zhang, Han

Digital Learning ~ Smart Jump: Automated Navigation Suggestion for Videos in MOOCs (Page 331)

BigNet'17 ~ Smart Jump: Automated Navigation Suggestion for Videos in MOOCs (Page 1183)

Zhang, Hanwang

Paper ~ Neural Collaborative Filtering (Page 173)

Zhang, Huimin

Paper ~ User Personalized Satisfaction Prediction via Multiple Instance Deep Learning (Page 907)

Zhang, Jian

Demonstration ~ TruthDiscover: Resolving Object Conflicts on Massive Linked Data (Page 243)

Zhang, Jiani

Paper ~ Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Knowledge Tracing (Page 765)

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Zhang, Kewei

IWSC'17 ~ Predicting Prevalence of Influenza-Like Illness From Geo-Tagged Tweets (Page 1327)

Zhang, Keyang

Paper ~ Regions, Periods, Activities: Uncovering Urban Dynamics via Cross-Modal Representation Learning (Page 361)

Zhang, Le

Paper ~ AttriInfer: Inferring User Attributes in Online Social Networks Using Markov Random Fields (Page 1561)

Zhang, Limeng

IWSC'17 ~ Item Group Recommendation: A Method Based on Game Theory (Page 1405)

Zhang, Lixue

BigScholar'17 ~ Integrating the Trend of Research Interest for Reviewer Assignment (Page 1233)

Zhang, Menghao

IWSC'17 ~ Local Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with Preference Selection of Anchor Points (Page 1395)

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Zhang, Miao

Paper ~ An Explorative Study of the Mobile App Ecosystem from App Developers' Perspective (Page 163)

Zhang, Min

Paper ~ Detecting Collusive Spamming Activities in Community Question Answering (Page 1073)

Zhang, Mingyang

Paper ~ Situational Context for Ranking in Personal Search (Page 1531)

Zhang, Mingyue

Poster ~ Intelligent RDD Management for High Performance In-Memory Computing in Spark (Page 873)

Zhang, Pengyu

Paper ~ Trajectory Recovery from Ash: User Privacy Is NOT Preserved in Aggregated Mobility Data (Page 1241)

Zhang, Qian

Paper ~ Forecasting Seasonal Influenza Fusing Digital Indicators and a Mechanistic Disease Model (Page 311)

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Zhang, Rongxin

WOW'17 ~ Alienated Digital Identities (Page 1677)

Zhang, Rui

IWSC'17 ~ IWSC 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1315)

Zhang, Shaodian

WebScience ~ "We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us": Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions (Page 1073)

Paper ~ Cataloguing Treatments Discussed and Used in Online Autism Communities (Page 123)

Zhang, Shuai

Paper ~ An Efficient Approach to Event Detection and Forecasting in Dynamic Multivariate Social Media Networks (Page 1631)

Zhang, Wei Emma

Paper ~ Detecting Duplicate Posts in Programming QA Communities via Latent Semantics and Association Rules (Page 1221)

Zhang, Weinan

WebScience ~ "We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us": Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions (Page 1073)

Paper ~ Cataloguing Treatments Discussed and Used in Online Autism Communities (Page 123)

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Zhang, Wen

PhD Symposium ~ Knowledge Graph Embedding with Diversity of Structures (Page 747)

Zhang, Xi

Cognitive Computing ~ Cognitive Computing Alternate Research Track Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1)

Cognitive Computing ~ Inferring the Student Social Loafing State in Collaborative Learning with a Hidden Markov Model: A Case on Slack (Page 149)

Zhang, Xiangliang

Demonstration ~ ESearch: Incorporating Text Corpus and Structured Knowledge for Open Domain Entity Search (Page 253)

Zhang, Xiangyu

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Zhang, Xiaowang

Poster ~ Intelligent RDD Management for High Performance In-Memory Computing in Spark (Page 873)

Poster ~ On the Primitivity of SPARQL 1.1 Operators (Page 875)

Poster ~ PRSP: A Plugin-based Framework for RDF Stream Processing (Page 815)

Zhang, Xinbo

Poster ~ Improving the Precision of RDF Question/Answering Systems - A Why Not Approach (Page 877)

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Zhang, Xinyi

Paper ~ Identifying Value in Crowdsourced Wireless Signal Measurements (Page 607)

Zhang, Yanchun

IWSC'17 ~ Item Group Recommendation: A Method Based on Game Theory (Page 1405)

Zhang, Yang

Paper ~ Streaming Recommender Systems (Page 381)

Zhang, Yating

WebScience ~ Is Tofu the Cheese of Asia? Searching for Corresponding Objects across Geographical Areas (Page 1033)

Zhang, Zhen

IWSC'17 ~ Understanding the User Display Names across Social Networks (Page 1319)

Zhang, Zhongzhi

Paper ~ Assessing Percolation Threshold Based on High-Order Non-Backtracking Matrices (Page 223)

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Zhao, Ben Y.

Paper ~ Identifying Value in Crowdsourced Wireless Signal Measurements (Page 607)

Zhao, Jie

Cognitive Computing ~ News Feature Extraction for Events on Social Network Platforms (Page 69)

Zhao, Lu

GSIE ~ Enabling Participatory Design of 3D Virtual Scenes on Mobile Devices (Page 473)

Zhao, Peilin

Poster ~ Locally Connected Deep Learning Framework for Industrial-scale Recommender Systems (Page 769)

Poster ~ PSMART: Parameter Server based Multiple Additive Regression Trees System (Page 879)

Zhao, Qian

Paper ~ GB-CENT: Gradient Boosted Categorical Embedding and Numerical Trees (Page 1311)

BigScholar'17 ~ Integrating the Trend of Research Interest for Reviewer Assignment (Page 1233)

Zhao, Shenglin

Cognitive Computing ~ Geo-Teaser: Geo-Temporal Sequential Embedding Rank for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 153)

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Zhao, Tong

Cognitive Computing ~ Geo-Teaser: Geo-Temporal Sequential Embedding Rank for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 153)

Zhao, Yiran

Paper ~ DeepSense: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Time-Series Mobile Sensing Data Processing (Page 351)

Zhao, Zhou

Paper ~ User Personalized Satisfaction Prediction via Multiple Instance Deep Learning (Page 907)

Zheng, Bolong

Paper ~ PaRE: A System for Personalized Route Guidance (Page 637)

Zheng, Haitao

Paper ~ Identifying Value in Crowdsourced Wireless Signal Measurements (Page 607)

Zheng, Lizhou

Cognitive Computing ~ News Feature Extraction for Events on Social Network Platforms (Page 69)

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Zheng, Yu

Paper ~ Regions, Periods, Activities: Uncovering Urban Dynamics via Cross-Modal Representation Learning (Page 361)

Zheng, Yudian

Paper ~ Semi-supervised Clustering in Attributed Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 1621)

Zheng, Yunhui

Paper ~ J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript (Page 897)

Zhong, Lin

Industry & Developers ~ Bi-directional Joint Inference for User Links and Attributes on Large Social Graphs (Page 564)

Paper ~ Reducing Latency by Eliminating Synchrony (Page 331)

Zhong, Zhigang

Industry & Developers ~ Related Pins at Pinterest: The Evolution of a Real-World Recommender System (Page 583)

Zhou, Aoying

Demonstration ~ TeamGen: An Interactive Team Formation System Based on Professional Social Network (Page 195)

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Zhou, Hucheng

Industry & Developers ~ Model Ensemble for Click Prediction in Bing Search Ads (Page 689)

Zhou, Jun

Poster ~ Locally Connected Deep Learning Framework for Industrial-scale Recommender Systems (Page 769)

Poster ~ PSMART: Parameter Server based Multiple Additive Regression Trees System (Page 879)

Zhou, Ke

Paper ~ Detecting Collusive Spamming Activities in Community Question Answering (Page 1073)

Zhou, Rui

IWSC'17 ~ Item Group Recommendation: A Method Based on Game Theory (Page 1405)

Zhou, Yingmin

Poster ~ Sequential Transfer Learning: Cross-domain Novelty Seeking Trait Mining for Recommendation (Page 881)

Zhu, Dengya

SST'17 ~ Knowledge Base Smarter Articulations for the Open Directory Project in a Sustainable Digital Ecosystem (Page 1537)

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Zhu, Wenwu

Poster ~ Quantifying Structural Patterns of Information Cascades (Page 867)

Zhu, Yanzi

Paper ~ Identifying Value in Crowdsourced Wireless Signal Measurements (Page 607)

Zhuang, Fuzhen

Poster ~ Sequential Transfer Learning: Cross-domain Novelty Seeking Trait Mining for Recommendation (Page 881)

Zhuang, Yan

AMCH'17 ~ Longitudinal Ambient Mobile Sensor Monitoring for TCM-oriented Healthcare Assessments: Framework, Challenges and Applications (Page 1087)

Zia, Leila

Paper ~ Why We Read Wikipedia (Page 1591)

Wiki Workshop ~ Wiki Workshop 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1607)

Zipf, Alexander

Poster ~ DeepVGI: Deep Learning with Volunteered Geographic Information (Page 771)

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Zitouni, Imez

Poster ~ Identifying User Sessions in Interactions with Intelligent Digital Assistants (Page 821)

Zong, Shi

Poster ~ Does Weather Matter? Causal Analysis of TV Logs (Page 883)

Zou, Bin

Poster ~ A Concept Language Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval (Page 885)

Paper ~ Enhancing Feature Selection Using Word Embeddings: The Case of Flu Surveillance (Page 695)

Zou, Lei

Poster ~ Improving the Precision of RDF Question/Answering Systems - A Why Not Approach (Page 877)

Züfle, Andreas

IWSC'17 ~ Query Processing in Location-Based Social Networks (Page 1379)

Zuo, Chaoshun

Paper ~ SMARTGEN: Exposing Server URLs of Mobile Apps with Selective Symbolic Execution (Page 867)

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Zuo, Wanli

IWSC'17 ~ User Relation Prediction Based on Matrix Factorization and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 1335)