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WWW 2017 Compilation Author Index

C, Soumya

Poster ~ A Generic Opinion-Fact Classifier with Application in Understanding Opinionatedness in Various News Section (Page 827)

Cable, Patrick

Paper ~ Transparent Web Service Auditing via Network Provenance Functions (Page 887)

Cadilhac, Anaïs

Poster ~ Post-edit Analysis of Collective Biography Generation (Page 791)

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Cai, Deng

Paper ~ User Personalized Satisfaction Prediction via Multiple Instance Deep Learning (Page 907)

Cai, Pengshan

Poster ~ Coarse to Fine: Diffusing Categories in Wikipedia (Page 763)

Callan, Jamie

Paper ~ Explicit Semantic Ranking for Academic Search via Knowledge Graph Embedding (Page 1271)

Campagna, Giovanni

Paper ~ Almond: The Architecture of an Open, Crowdsourced, Privacy-Preserving, Programmable Virtual Assistant (Page 341)

Candan, K. Selçuk

Paper ~ nTD: Noise-Profile Adaptive Tensor Decomposition (Page 243)

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Cao, Bokai

Paper ~ Cross View Link Prediction by Learning Noise-resilient Representation Consensus (Page 1611)

Cao, Jiannong

Poster ~ Embedding Identity and Interest for Social Networks (Page 859)

Poster ~ On Learning Mixed Community-specific Similarity Metrics for Cold-start Link Prediction (Page 861)

Cao, Qi

Poster ~ Predicting the Popularity of Online Content with Group-specific Models (Page 765)

Capadisli, Sarven

Workshop Summary ~ LDOW2017: 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (Page 1679)

Cappi, Juan

Cognitive Computing ~ eAssistant: Cognitive Assistance for Identification and Auto-Triage of Actionable Conversations (Page 89)

Carmel, David

Paper ~ Promoting Relevant Results in Time-Ranked Mail Search (Page 1551)

Paper ~ The Demographics of Mail Search and their Application to Query Suggestion (Page 1541)

Industry & Developers ~ Top-k Query Processing with Conditional Skips (Page 653)

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Cartright, Marc-Allen

Paper ~ Template Induction over Unstructured Email Corpora (Page 1521)

Castillo, Carlos

Paper ~ Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series (Page 755)

Castiñeira, Santiago

Paper ~ Legion: Enriching Internet Services with Peer-to-Peer Interactions (Page 283)

Castro, Ignacio

Paper ~ Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation In-The-Wild (Page 451)

Cavallaro, Lorenzo

CyberSafety'17 ~ Flipping 419 Cybercrime Scams: Targeting the Weak and the Vulnerable (Page 1301)

Cavallo, Ruggiero

Paper ~ GSP - The Cinderella of Mechanism Design (Page 25)

Paper ~ Sponsored Search Auctions with Rich Ads (Page 43)

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Cebrian, Manuel

Paper ~ Expecting to be HIP: Hawkes Intensity Processes for Social Media Popularity (Page 735)

Celis, L. Elisa

Paper ~ Back to the Source: An Online Approach for Sensor Placement and Source Localization (Page 1151)

Ceri, Stefano

Paper ~ Extracting Emerging Knowledge from Social Media (Page 795)

Ceri, Stefano

LocWeb'17 ~ Spatial Analysis of Social Media Response to Live Events: The Case of the Milano Fashion Week (Page 1457)

Cha, Meeyoung

GSIE ~ Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games (Page 445)

Cha, Meeyoung

SNOW'17 ~ Changing News Media Landscape in South Korea (Page 1521)

Chae, Dong-Kyu

Poster ~ A Single-Step Approach to Recommendation Diversification (Page 809)

Poster ~ On Detecting Frauds in Comparison-Shopping Services (Page 811)

Chaintreau, Augustin

WebScience ~ Improving the Transparency of the Sharing Economy (Page 1043)

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Chakraborty, Abhijnan

Paper ~ Optimizing the Recency-Relevancy Trade-off in Online News Recommendations (Page 837)

Chan, Hou Pong

Digital Learning ~ Leveraging Social Connections to Improve Peer Assessment in MOOCs (Page 341)

Chan, Jonathan H.

AMCH'17 ~ AMCH 2017 Workshop @ WWW 2017 Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization List (Page 1083)

AMCH'17 ~ Distillation of Knowledge from the Research Literature on Alzheimer's Dementia (Page 1137)

AMCH'17 ~ Evolution of Smart Homes for the Elderly (Page 1095)

AMCH'17 ~ Serious Games for Dementia (Page 1111)

Chan, Keith C. C.

IWSC'17 ~ Deep Graph Clustering in Social Network (Page 1425)

Chan, T.-H. Hubert

Paper ~ Large Scale Density-friendly Graph Decomposition via Convex Programming (Page 233)

Chanchaichujit, Janya

SST'17 ~ SST 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization: Sustainability and Smart Technologies (Page 1527)

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Chang, Kuiyu

Poster ~ Large-Scale Wi-Fi Hotspot Classification via Deep Learning (Page 857)

Chang, Li

Paper ~ Security Implications of Redirection Trail in Popular Websites Worldwide (Page 1491)

Chang, Shiyu

Paper ~ Streaming Recommender Systems (Page 381)

Chang, Yi

Paper ~ Exploring Query Auto-Completion and Click Logs for Contextual-Aware Web Search and Query Suggestion (Page 539)

Industry & Developers ~ Modeling the Influence of Popular Trending Events on User Search Behavior (Page 535)

Paper ~ Streaming Recommender Systems (Page 381)

Paper ~ Understanding and Discovering Deliberate Self-harm Content in Social Media (Page 93)

Chapelle, Olivier

Industry & Developers ~ Field-aware Factorization Machines in a Real-world Online Advertising System (Page 680)

Charleer, Sven

GSIE ~ How to Use Gamified Dashboards and Learning Analytics for Providing Immediate Student Feedback and Performance Tracking in Higher Education (Page 429)

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Charoenkitkarn, Vishuda

AMCH'17 ~ Journeys to Engagement: Ambient Activity Technologies for People Living with Dementia (Page 1103)

Chatzakou, Despoina

Poster ~ Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter (Page 767)

CyberSafety'17 ~ Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying (Page 1285)

Chau, Duen Horng

Poster ~ Carina: Interactive Million-Node Graph Visualization using Web Browser Technologies (Page 775)

Chavoshi, Nikan

Demonstration ~ On-Demand Bot Detection and Archival System (Page 183)

Chavoshi, Nikan

TempWeb'17 ~ Temporal Patterns in Bot Activities (Page 1601)

Chawla, Nitesh V.

Digital Learning ~ MOOC Dropout Prediction: Lessons Learned from Making Pipelines Interpretable (Page 351)

Cheema, Muhammad Aamir

IWSC'17 ~ IWSC 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1315)

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Chen, Albert C.

Industry & Developers ~ Data + Intuition: A Hybrid Approach to Developing Product North Star Metrics (Page 617)

Chen, Baoquan

Cognitive Computing ~ Multimodal Question Answering Over Structured Data with Ambiguous Entities (Page 79)

Chen, Bee-Chung

Industry & Developers ~ NEMO: Next Career Move Prediction with Contextual Embedding (Page 505)

Chen, Cen

Poster ~ Locally Connected Deep Learning Framework for Industrial-scale Recommender Systems (Page 769)

Chen, Chun

Paper ~ Learning Personalized Preference of Strong and Weak Ties for Social Recommendation (Page 1601)

Chen, Enhong

Digital Learning ~ Knowledge or Gaming? Cognitive Modelling Based on Multiple-Attempt Response (Page 321)

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Chen, Fang

WebScience ~ Online Engagement for a Healthier You: A Case Study of Web-based Supermarket Health Program (Page 1053)

Chen, Feng

Paper ~ An Efficient Approach to Event Detection and Forecasting in Dynamic Multivariate Social Media Networks (Page 1631)

Chen, Frank

WebScience ~ "We Make Choices We Think are Going to Save Us": Debate and Stance Identification for Online Breast Cancer CAM Discussions (Page 1073)

Chen, Fuxiang

SNOW'17 ~ Now You See It, Now You Don't! A Study of Content Modification Behavior in Facebook (Page 1515)

Chen, Hongxu

IWSC'17 ~ People Opinion Topic Model: Opinion based User Clustering in Social Networks (Page 1353)

Chen, Hsin-Hsi

Poster ~ Detection of False Online Advertisements with DCNN (Page 795)

Poster ~ Identification of Homographic Pun Location for Pun Understanding (Page 797)

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Chen, Huijun

Cognitive Computing ~ Sentiment Strength Prediction Using Auxiliary Features (Page 5)

Chen, Jiaoyan

Poster ~ DeepVGI: Deep Learning with Volunteered Geographic Information (Page 771)

Chen, Jun

Demonstration ~ ESearch: Incorporating Text Corpus and Structured Knowledge for Open Domain Entity Search (Page 253)

Chen, Kuan-Ta

GSIE ~ Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games (Page 445)

Chen, Kuan-Ting

Cognitive Computing ~ When Fashion Meets Big Data: Discriminative Mining of Best Selling Clothing Features (Page 15)

Chen, Lin

LD-DL'17 ~ DL-BAC: Distributed Ledger Based Access Control for Web Applications (Page 1445)

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Chen, Ling

Paper ~ Consistent Weighted Sampling Made More Practical (Page 1035)

IWSC'17 ~ IWSC 2017 Chairs' Welcome & Organization (Page 1315)

Chen, Long

Paper ~ A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics from Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams (Page 1201)

Chen, Lu

Demonstration ~ iTopic: Influential Topic Discovery from Information Networks via Keyword Query (Page 231)

Chen, Mei-Hua

Digital Learning ~ Towards a Better Learning of Near-Synonyms: Automatically Suggesting Example Sentences via Fill in the Blank (Page 293)

Chen, Peng-Yu

Demonstration ~ IExM: Information Extraction System for Movies (Page 189)

Chen, Renhai

Poster ~ Intelligent RDD Management for High Performance In-Memory Computing in Spark (Page 873)

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Chen, Ruichuan

BigScholar'17 ~ Building and Analyzing a Global Co-Authorship Network Using Google Scholar Data (Page 1219)

Chen, Shengling

MSM'17 ~ An Analysis on a YouTube-like UGC site with Enhanced Social Features (Page 1477)

Chen, Tianlang

Cognitive Computing ~ A Selfie Is Worth a Thousand Words: Mining Personal Patterns Behind User Selfie-posting Behaviours (Page 23)

Chen, Tong

IWSC'17 ~ People Opinion Topic Model: Opinion based User Clustering in Social Networks (Page 1353)

Chen, Wei

Paper ~ Assessing Percolation Threshold Based on High-Order Non-Backtracking Matrices (Page 223)

Tutorial ~ Distributed Machine Learning: Foundations, Trends, and Practices (Page 913)

BigScholar'17 ~ From Citation Network to Study Map: A Novel Model to Reorganize Academic Literatures (Page 1225)

Paper ~ Interplay between Social Influence and Network Centrality: A Comparative Study on Shapley Centrality and Single-Node-Influence Centrality (Page 967)

Chen, Weitong

IWSC'17 ~ People Opinion Topic Model: Opinion based User Clustering in Social Networks (Page 1353)

IWSC'17 ~ User Relation Prediction Based on Matrix Factorization and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 1335)

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Chen, Xiangqun

Paper ~ An Explorative Study of the Mobile App Ecosystem from App Developers' Perspective (Page 163)

Chen, Xunxun

Paper ~ An Efficient Approach to Event Detection and Forecasting in Dynamic Multivariate Social Media Networks (Page 1631)

Chen, Yang

BigScholar'17 ~ Building and Analyzing a Global Co-Authorship Network Using Google Scholar Data (Page 1219)

Chen, Yueguo

Demonstration ~ ESearch: Incorporating Text Corpus and Structured Knowledge for Open Domain Entity Search (Page 253)

Chen, Yuxiao

Cognitive Computing ~ A Selfie Is Worth a Thousand Words: Mining Personal Patterns Behind User Selfie-posting Behaviours (Page 23)

Chen, Zhengxing

Paper ~ EOMM: An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework (Page 1143)

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Chen, Zheqian

Paper ~ User Personalized Satisfaction Prediction via Multiple Instance Deep Learning (Page 907)

Cheng, Jun

Poster ~ MeDJ: Multidimensional Emotion-aware Music Delivery for Adolescent (Page 793)

Cheng, Justin

Paper ~ An Army of Me: Sockpuppets in Online Discussion Communities (Page 857)

Tutorial ~ Antisocial Behavior on the Web: Characterization and Detection (Page 947)

Industry & Developers ~ Predicting Intent Using Activity Logs: How Goal Specificity and Temporal Range Affect User Behavior (Page 593)

Industry & Developers ~ Understanding Online Collection Growth Over Time: A Case Study of Pinterest (Page 545)

Cheng, Peizhe

Paper ~ Learning to Recommend Accurate and Diverse Items (Page 183)

Cheng, Xueqi

Poster ~ Coarse to Fine: Diffusing Categories in Wikipedia (Page 763)

Poster ~ Predicting the Popularity of Online Content with Group-specific Models (Page 765)

Cheng, Yihang

Cognitive Computing ~ Inferring the Student Social Loafing State in Collaborative Learning with a Hidden Markov Model: A Case on Slack (Page 149)

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Cheng, Yong

Digital Learning ~ HiText: Text Reading with Dynamic Salience Marking (Page 311)

Cheng, Zhiyuan

Paper ~ Beyond Globally Optimal: Focused Learning for Improved Recommendations (Page 203)

Chi, Ed H.

Paper ~ Beyond Globally Optimal: Focused Learning for Improved Recommendations (Page 203)

Chignell, Mark

AMCH'17 ~ AMCH 2017 Workshop @ WWW 2017 Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization List (Page 1083)

AMCH'17 ~ Distillation of Knowledge from the Research Literature on Alzheimer's Dementia (Page 1137)

AMCH'17 ~ Journeys to Engagement: Ambient Activity Technologies for People Living with Dementia (Page 1103)

AMCH'17 ~ Serious Games for Dementia (Page 1111)

Chin, Alvin

MSM'17 ~ MSM'17 Workshop Chairs' Welcome Message & Organization: Chairs' Welcome Message (Page 1475)

Chisholm, Andrew

Poster ~ Post-edit Analysis of Collective Biography Generation (Page 791)

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Cho, Kyungeun

AMCH'17 ~ On Recognizing Abnormal Human Behaviours by Data Stream Mining with Misclassified Recalls (Page 1129)

Chowdary, C. Ravindranath

Demonstration ~ SANE: System for Fine Grained Named Entity Typing on Textual Data (Page 227)

Christensen, Helen

Cognitive Computing ~ Prediction of Population Health Indices from Social Media Using Kernel-based Textual and Temporal Features (Page 99)

Chu, Cuong Xuan

Paper ~ Distilling Task Knowledge from How-To Communities (Page 805)

Chua, Khee-Chin

Poster ~ Large-Scale Wi-Fi Hotspot Classification via Deep Learning (Page 857)

Chua, Tat-Seng

Paper ~ Neural Collaborative Filtering (Page 173)

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Chuang, Kun-Ta

Paper ~ Monetary Discount Strategies for Real-Time Promotion Campaign (Page 1123)

Chung, Choongho

SNOW'17 ~ Changing News Media Landscape in South Korea (Page 1521)

Chute, Mahlon

Industry & Developers ~ Friendly, Appealing or Both? Characterising User Experience in Sponsored Search Landing Pages (Page 699)

Cieliebak, Mark

Paper ~ Leveraging Large Amounts of Weakly Supervised Data for Multi-Language Sentiment Classification (Page 1045)

Clarke, Charles L. A.

Paper ~ Ten Blue Links on Mars (Page 273)

Cobb, Camille

Paper ~ How Public Is My Private Life? Privacy in Online Dating (Page 1231)

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Cohen, Stephen

AW4City'17 ~ Establishing Smart City Technical Standards and Guidance: A Way Forward (Page 1161)

Cohn, Trevor

Poster ~ Pairwise Webpage Coreference Classification Using Distant Supervision (Page 841)

Colbran, Stephen

GSIE ~ From Phoenix Wright to Atticus Finch: Legal Simulation Games as an Aid to Self-Represented Litigants (Page 425)

Colpaert, Pieter

LocWeb'17 ~ Predicting Train Occupancies based on Query Logs and External Data Sources (Page 1469)

Cong, Gao

Paper ~ A General Model for Out-of-town Region Recommendation (Page 401)

Cormack, Gordon V.

Paper ~ Ten Blue Links on Mars (Page 273)

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Coutinho, Flávio Roberto dos Santos

Cognitive Computing ~ Beyond the Stars: Towards a Novel Sentiment Rating to Evaluate Applications in Web Stores of Mobile Apps (Page 109)

Couturier, Russell

Paper ~ Tracking Phishing Attacks Over Time (Page 667)

Cox, Ingemar J.

Poster ~ A Concept Language Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval (Page 885)

Paper ~ Enhancing Feature Selection Using Word Embeddings: The Case of Flu Surveillance (Page 695)

Poster ~ Time-Series Adaptive Estimation of Vaccination Uptake Using Web Search Queries (Page 773)

Craswell, Nick

Paper ~ Characterizing Email Search using Large-scale Behavioral Logs and Surveys (Page 1511)

Paper ~ Learning to Match using Local and Distributed Representations of Text for Web Search (Page 1291)

Cresci, Stefano

IWSC'17 ~ Hybrid Crowdsensing: A Novel Paradigm to Combine the Strengths of Opportunistic and Participatory Crowdsensing (Page 1413)

WebScience ~ The Paradigm-Shift of Social Spambots: Evidence, Theories, and Tools for the Arms Race (Page 963)

Cristofaro, Emiliano De

WebScience ~ Kissing Cuisines: Exploring Worldwide Culinary Habits on the Web (Page 1013)

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Crowcroft, Jon

Poster ~ Do Bots impact Twitter activity? (Page 781)

Cuadrado, Felix

Paper ~ Exploring HTTP Header Manipulation In-The-Wild (Page 451)

Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

Paper ~ Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series (Page 755)

Cui, Peng

Poster ~ Quantifying Structural Patterns of Information Cascades (Page 867)

Cui, Qian

Paper ~ Tracking Phishing Attacks Over Time (Page 667)

Cui, Qing

Poster ~ PSMART: Parameter Server based Multiple Additive Regression Trees System (Page 879)

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Cui, Yin

Paper ~ Collaborative Metric Learning (Page 193)

Cui, Zixin

Poster ~ Is Scientific Collaboration Sustainability Predictable? (Page 853)

Cummings, Rick

WWW 2017 General Chairs' Welcome

Cunha, Tiago

WebScience ~ A Warm Welcome Matters! The Link Between Social Feedback and Weight Loss in /r/loseit (Page 1063)

Curé, Olivier

Tutorial ~ Semantic Data Management in Practice (Page 901)

Curino, Carlo

Industry & Developers ~ ERA: A Framework for Economic Resource Allocation for the Cloud (Page 634)