WWWF'94: List of Papers being Presented
In alphabetical order by Author
This list is also available in alphabetical order by paper title.
- Nick Arnett
The Internet and the Anti-net
- James Baggott and Sharon E. Dennis
- Thomas Baker, Inke Bruning, Lothar Klein, and Michael Lenz
Not Free, but Growing Fast: The Web in Germany
- David Barber
The University of Michigan Data System
- Michael L. Bayle, Burton H. Lee, A. Goto, Y. Sakamoto, J. Hong, V. Lam, T. Takada, M. Washisaka, A. Yamazaki, and K. Kada
Japan Window: A US-Japan WWW Collaboration for Japan Information
- Greg Bean
Building Web Servers for Microcomputer Foundation
- Howard Beck, Amir Mobini, Viswanath Kadambari
A Word is Worth 1000 Pictures: Natural Language Access to Digital Libraries
- Lauren A. Bednarcyk and Kevin D. Bond
A Local Web for Information Delivery
- Antia Behram, Brett Stroozas, William Boyd, Carol Christian, Kuei Chen
EUV Astrophysics and the World Wide Web
- Vivian M. Benton, Dan Dwyer, Cordelia Baron Geiken, Greg McArthur, and Joshua Polterock
MetaCenter Science Highlights Repository
- Roger B. Blumberg
Museums, Public Lands, and Billboards: Toward a Philosophy of the World Wide Web
- Roger B. Blumberg
MendelWeb: An Electronic Science/Math/History Resource for the WWW
- Rand Bohrer
Architecture of the Future: -- A Web Exhibition
- Ronald F. Boisvert
A Web Gateway to a Virtual Mathematical Software Repository
- Tony Boston and David Stockwell
Interactive Species Distribution Reporting, Mapping, and Modelling Using the World Wide Web
- Thomas Boutell
Techniques for Server-Side Dynamic Document Generation
- Paul Boyer
Information Discovery and Distillation in Government: An Experience Report
- John Brien, Peggy Havukainen, Matthew Krenmayr, Antonio Artese, and Mark Silva
Using Mosaic/WWW in a Business School: New Opportunities for Information Sharing and Teaching. Issues in Implementing Organizational-Wide Networked Multimedia
- David R. Britton Jr. and Arthur A. Reyes
Discovering Usability Improvements for Mosaic: Applications of the Contextual Inquiry Technique with an Expert User
- Jeremy Brown, Jake Harris, Lara Karbiner, Massimiliano Poletto, Andre' DeHon, Ian Eslick, and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.
- C. Bruce Baker and Danny E. Brinegar
The Use of the Information Highway to Explore Climate Variability
- Paul Campbell, Lawrence Fitzpatrick, David C. Macdonald, and Adrienne Griffith
Information Access: A Cornerstone of Web Publishing
- Dan Cantrall
The Oregon State Archives on the World Wide Web: A Case Study in Building a New User Base for Government Services
- Bradley Carl Beck and Antonio M. Baptista
An Interactive Forum for Convection-Diffusion Problems
- James Casey, Alberto Aimar, Nikos Drakos, Ian Hannell, Arash Khodabandeh, Paolo Palazzi, Bertrand Rousseau, and Mario Ruggier
WebLinker: A Tool for Managing Cross References Between WWW Documents
- Hsinchun Chen
The Semantic Retrieval for NCSA Mosaic
- Bhavna Chhabra, Darren R. Hardy, Allan Hundhausen, David Merkel, John D. Noble, and Michael F. Schwartz
Integrating Complex Data Access Methods into the Mosaic/WWW Environment
- Pagogh Cho, James Gutierrez, Anne LeMaistre, M.D., Cameron Payne, Russell Pruitt, and Charlotte Wilcox
IntelliTeaching - High Impact Learning
- Kimberly C. Claffy and Hans-Werner Braun
Web traffic characterization: an assessment of the impact of caching documents from NCSA's web server
- Jean Clucas and Velvin (Val) Watson
Interactive Visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics using Mosaic
- Ellis S. Cohen
Review-Based Information Services:Lessons Learned from The Boston Restaurant List
- Julia A. Collins
Climate Research and the Web: Integrating World Wide Web and Mosaic Capabilities into the Climate Diagnostics Center
- Judy Cossel Rice
Hypermedia for HyperKids
- Mark J. Cox and John E. F. Baruch
Robotic Telescopes: An Interactive Exhibit on the World Wide Web
- Glenn A. Crocker
web2mush: Serving Interactive Resources to the Web
- David Crossley
WAIS Through the Web - Discovering Environmental Information
- Ernest Daddio and William Turnbull
NOAA on the Web - the experiences and future of one Nation-wide user
- Jim Davis and Carl Lagoze
Drop-in Publishing with the World Wide Web
- Nancy B. Davis, Pagogh Cho, James Gutierrez, Cameron Payne, Russell Pruitt, Charlotte Wilcox, and Anne LeMaistre, M.D.
Interactive Computer Based Programs Versus Traditional Methods For Self-Study
- Nancy B. Davis, Pagogh Cho, James Gutierrez, Cameron Payne, Russell Pruitt, Charlotte Wilcox, and Anne LeMaistre, M.D.
Interactive Computer Based Programs Versus Traditional Methods For Self-Study
- Paul De Bra and R. D. J. Post
Searching for Arbitrary Information in the World Wide Web:the Fish-Search for Mosaic
- Andre' DeHon, Jeremy Brown, Ian Eslick, Jake Harris, Lara Karbiner, and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.
Global Cooperative Computing
- Peter Doemel
WebMap - A Graphical Hypertext Navigation Tool
- Judith Donath, Niel Robertson
The Sociable Web
- M. Donszelmann and K. Rodden
Gateways for World-Wide Web in the 'Online' Data Acquisition System of the DELPHI Experiment at CERN
- Tamas E. Doszkocs, Seth B. Widoff, and Bruno M. Vasta
Associative Concept Navigation in MEDLINE and other NLM Databases via a Mosaic - Forms - WWW Interface Combining Natural Language Processing, Expert Systems and (un)Conventional Information Retrieval Techniques
- Richard Dratva
WWW-based Home Banking Services in Switzerland: A Case Study
- Kaitlin Duck Sherwood
Technical and Sociological Aspects of Developing Campus-Wide Webs: UIUC College of Engineering
- Robert A. Duffy and Michael J. Palmer
Taking the High Road to Institutional Self-Promotion: Substantive Corporate Communication on the Worldwide Web
- Daniel Egret and Andre' Heck
The Web in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences
- Dave Eichmann
Ethical Web Agents
- Per Einar Dybvik and Hakon W. Lie
Combining WWW/Mosaic with Realtime Multimedia Conferencing in Distance Education
- Jonathan A. Epstein, Jonathan A. Kans, and Gregory D. Schuler
WWW Entrez: A Hypertext Retrieval Tool for Molecular Biology
- Baltazar Espiritu, John A. McNulty, James R. Halama, Arcot J. Chandrasekhar, Ronald Price, Jr., and Brain Maggi
The Loyola University Medical Education Network
- Donald J. Fabozzi II
The Use of Mosaic as a Documentation Tool For Large, Graphically-Based Simulation Software
- Alan Falconer Slater
Extending W3 Clients
- Mark R. Fernandez,Jim Miller, Jeffrey L. Becklehimer, and Bill Maloy
The Use of Distributed Hypermedia at the Naval Research Laboratory
- David W. Filiatrault, Craig A. Lightle, James E. Simmons, and Jerrold M. Grochow
AMS on the World-Wide-Web
- Elizabeth Fischer
Graffiti on the Web: A Cultural Interchange A Lighthearted Romp with an Artist in Webland that Stops Being Lighthearted at the End
- Michael Fischer, Michael Meyer and Michael Witbrock
User Extensibility in Amiga Mosaic
- Thomas Fischer and Mike Pingleton
Utilizing Mosaic and the WWW in an Operations Environment
- Shelley G. Ford and Robert C. Stern
OmniPort: Integrating Legacy Data into the WWW
- E. Fox and N. Dwight Barnette
Improving Education through a CS Digital Library with Three Types of WWW Servers
- Eric Freese
The Transformation of SGML Documents for Presentation on the WWW
- John J. Frett, Elizabeth O. Mackenzie, and Dewey Caron
A Multimedia Presentation of Plants in the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens Utilizing Mosaic
- Anthony J. Frisby, James Baggott, Sharon Dennis, and Rod Murray
Medical Education and the World Wide Web
- Thane J. Frivold, Ruth E. Lang, and Martin W. Fong
Extending WWW for Synchronous Collaboration
- Andrew L. Fry
Publishing in the New Mass Medium: Creating Content on the Internet
- Henrik Frystyk
Towards a Uniform Library of Common Code: A Presentation of the World Wide Web Library
- David A. Gee and Mike Boulter
MosaicForms Database Access ?: A Palaeobotanic case study
- Laurie Gelb
A Representational Data Model for Web Site Administrators
- Stefan Gessler and Andreas Kotulla
PDAs as mobile WWW browsers
- Mark Ginsburg and Ajit Kambil
The EDGAR Project: A Case Study in Disseminating Financial Data on the Internet
- David Glazer
Lessons Learned Implementing a Navigation Server for the Web
- Al Globus and Chris Beaumont
Spinning a Useful Weblet
- Robert Godwin-Jones
Language Learning and the World Wide Web
- Ken Goldberg, Michael Mascha, Steven Gentner, Nick Rothenberg, Carl Sutter, and Jeff Wiegley
Beyond the Web: Excavating the Real World Via Mosaic
- Sue Gollifer
'Imaging the future': Issues of Identity and Authenticity of a Work of Art
- Hope A. Greenberg
The Ovid Project: Metamorphosizing the Metamorphoses
- Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund, John Nicol, Russel Sasnett, and Vincent Phuah
WWWinda: An Orchestration Service for WWW Browsers and Accessories
- Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, and Ari Luotonen
SHEN Security Enhancements to HTTP
- Steve Hankin and Jerry Davison
Live Visualization and Extraction of Climate Data with Mosaic and FERRET
- Edwin Hastings and Dilip H. Kumar
Providing Customers Information Using the WEB and CORBA
- Will Hill, Mark Rosenstein, and Larry Stead
Community and History-of-Use Navigation
- Paul Hoffman, Randy Adams, Dale Dougherty, Robert Frasca, Mark Ingalls
Commercial Web Information Providers
- William H. Holland
AT&T and the World Wide Web
- Jack Hong, George Toye, and Larry Lefier
Using the WWW for a Team-Based Engineering Design Class
- Jui-Chieh Hsu, William Johnston, John McCarthy
Active Outlining for HTML Documents: An X-Mosaic Implementation
- Kathryn M. Humm
Chesley Bonestell Art Gallery
- S. Hurley, A. D. Marshall, S. N. McIntosh-Smith and N. M. Stephens
Courseware for Parallel Computing using Mosaic and the World Wide Web
- Minh Huynh, Laird Popkin, and Matthew Stecker
Constructing a Corporate Memory Infrastructure from Internet Discovery Technologies
- J.M. Ivler
Developing In-house Applications for Northrop Grumman on the F/A-18 E/F Program Using Mosaic and HTTPD
- Robert E. Jackson
AstroWeb Tools
- Lynn Jacobsen, David Millman, and Walter Bourne
Providing Access to a Data Library: SQL and Full-Text IR Methods of Automatically Generating Web Structure
- Donald Jennings, Peter Damon, Maia Good, and Ryszard Pisarski
How to Present Lots of Volatile Information on the World Wide Web
- Kennie Jones
TOPS On-Line - Automating the Construction and Maintenance of HTML pages
- James M. Jordan, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, and Jesse Allen
Tailoring Information Presentation with Words and Pictures at the COSSC
- Rajeev Joshi and Hans Joseph
Selective Presentation of Information on the Web
- Theresa Kasper
Untangling the Web - The role of text retrieval in a hypertext environment
- Michael J. Keeler
The Earth System Science Community Curriculum Testbed
- Robert Keith Thralls Sr.
Building HTML Application Systems: Converting Existing MS-Windows Applications to HTML
- Robert E. Kent and Christian Neuss
Creating Web Analysis and Visualization Environment
- Arnold Kling
The Economic Consequences of the World Wide Web
- Ann Koopman and Sharon Hay
Swim At Your Own Risk - No Librarian On Duty: Large-Scale Application of Mosaic in an Academic Library
- Brian Kroeker, Hilde Colenbrander, Henry Fan, and George Phillips
Interactive Database Communication Across the World Wide Web: Accessing Statistics Canada's CANSIM Database
- Robert J. Kummerfeld and J. Kay
An Individualised Course for the C Programming Language
- M. G. Lavenant and John A. Kruper
Phoenicia: A Model for World-Wide Web Based Campus Information Systems
- Steve Lewontin and Mary Ellen Zurko
The DCE Web Project: Providing Authorization and Other Distributed Services to the World Wide Web
- Jonathan Lieberman and Nadine O'Connor DiVito
WILT: A WWW based Interactive Language Teaching Tool
- Jaromir Likavec
Mosaic Launches New Dimensions in the LAN Management
- Jong-Gyun Lim
Using Coollists To Index HTML Documents in the Web
- Tyson Macaulay
WWW Clearinghouse for Government Information
- Kurt Maly, J. French, A. Selman and E. Fox
WATERS - The Wide Area Technical Report Server
- Gerard Martin
Online Fair Use Of Copyrighted Material: Issues and Concerns
- Joanna Mason, Marek Czernuszenko, Dana Plepys, and Thomas A. DeFanti
CAVEview: Mosaic-based Virtual Reality
- Gottfried Mayer-Kress, William Bender, John Bazik
Hyper-Media on the Internet as a Tool for Approaching Global Problems: A Tele-Conferencing Experiment
- Margaret L. McLaughlin and Sheizaf Rafaeli
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Tom Meyer, David Blair, Suzanne Hader
WAXweb: A MOO-based Collaborative Hypermedia System for WWW
- Jeffrey C. Mogul and Venkata N. Padmanabhan
Improving WWW Latency
- Jodi Moline
Inline Support for Vector Files: Engineering Drawings on the WWW
- Bernd Mueller
Using WWW as an Information System to Reduce the Average Period of Study by Better Information Providing and to Relieve Administration
- Tom Munnecke
World Wide Web and the Demise of the Clockwork Universe
- Andreas Myka
Putting Paper Documents in the World-Wide Web
- Anna-Lena Neches, Cesar Pina, Paul Postel, and Craig Milo Rogers
Online Procurement at ISI: Transitioning to the Web
- Michael L. Nelson and David J. Bianco
The World Wide Web and Technology Transfer at NASA Langley
- Jakob Nielsen and Darrell Sano
SunWeb: User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's Internal Web
- Katie S. Oliver, Christine Remenyik, Alexander Crosby, and Jim Kazmer
Dynamic Hypertext Navigation and Display Management
- K. A. Oostendorp, W. F. Punch and R. W. Wiggins
A Tool for Individualizing the Web
- Robert Pearlstein and Peter C. FitzGerald
The Web as a Computational Engine for Chemistry and Molecular Biology
- Daniel Perron
Learning on the WWW: A Case Study
- Jim Petruzzelli
Critical Thinking with the Interactive Text: Decentering Textual Authority with Mosaic
- Tom Pinckney, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Joshua A. Tauber
Dynamic Documents: Extensibility and Adaptability in the WWW
- Brian Pinkerton
Finding What People Want: Experiences with theWebCrawler
- Jim Pitkow and Mimi Recker
A Simple Yet Robust Caching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Access Patterns
- Brandon S. Plewe
The GeoWeb Project: Using WAIS and the World Wide Web to Aid Location of Distributed Data Sets
- Ariel Poler
Improving WWW Marketing Through User Information and Non-Intrusive Communications
- Chris Prah and Diane DiGiovanni
Mosaic as Corporate Data Collector and Dispenser
- William J. Proffer
Taxing Times: WWW Access to Federal and State Tax Forms, Information and Assistance
- John R. Punin and Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
A Simple HTML Editor
- Christine A. Quinn
From Grass Roots to Corporate Image - The Maturation of the Web
- James R Halama and Anne Kreft, and Robert E. Henkin
An Interactive Electronic Bulletin Board Implementation For Mosaic and HTTP Server
- Dragomir R. Radev
RENDEZVOUS: A WWW Synchronization System
- Simon A. Rakov
The Internet Sampler: A Mosaic-Based Museum Kiosk About the Internet
- Mary Rasmussen, Brad Blumenthal, Steve Borysewicz, and Paul Neumann
The Global Interactive Museum using Mosaic
- Samuel A. Rebelsky
A Web of Resources for Introductory Computer Science
- Michael Rees and Tak Woo
A Synchronous Collaboration Tool for WWW
- Joel D. Register and John L. Gerone
Interfaces for Public Information and Scientific Research
- Sandy Ressler
Approaches Using Virtual Environments with Mosaic
- Judy Rice, Rosina Bignall, Dalinda Bond, and Phillip J. Windley
Uses of Mosaic in a University Setting
- Alan Richmond and Nick White
Implementation of an Astrophysics Information System on the World-Wide Web
- Michael Ridley
Innovation and Implementation: Adopting and Managing World Wide Web Services in Academic Libraries
- David W. Robertson, William E. Johnston, and Wing Nip
Virtual Frog Dissection: Interactive 3D Graphics via the Web
- Peter Roden and Suzana Lisanti
MIT's Campus-Wide Information System: Scaling up for World Wide Web Support
- Maria Roussos and Paul Brenner
The File Room: An Interactive Archive of Cultural Censorship
- Steven F. Rung
Electronic Imaging of a Macintosh Page
- Henry S. Rzepa and Christopher Leach
Chemistry in the Web: Hyperactive Molecules
- Marc E. Salomon and David C. Martin
An Electronic Journal Browser Implemented in the World Wide Web
- Dean Savage
Social Science Uses of Mosaic at the City University of New York
- Ronald Scharf, Stefan Hartmann, and Werner Wolz
Using Mosaic for Remote Test System Control Supports Distributed Engineering
- John Schmitz, Marsha Woodbury, Mary Connors, Aaron Buckley, and Chip Aubry
Discovery System
- Michael F. Schwartz, C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, and Udi Manber
The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System
- Jeff Sedayao
"Mosaic will kill my network!" Studying Network Traffic Patterns of Mosaic Use
- James L. Seidman
An HTML Extension to Support Client-Side Image maps
- Ehud Shapiro
Virtual Places - A Foundation for Human Interaction
- Leon Shklar, Satish Thatte, Howard Marcus, and Amit Sheth
The InfoHarness Information Integration Platform
- Hans B. Sieburg, Stella Veretnik, Jay M. Otero, and Donald E. Mosier
Cybermouse WWW Simulation Server
- Guy Singh and Roger Binns
An API to Mosaic
- Martin Sjolin
A WWW Front End to an OODBMS
- Susan Slavney and Thomas C. Stein
Planetary Science Data Distribution on the Web: The Magellan Standard Products Catalog
- Calum Smeaton and Alan Slater
Integrating Simulations and W3 Courseware
- Brian Smithson and Barbara Singer
An Information Clearinghouse Server for Industry Consortia
- Jonathan Soo
Live Multimedia over HTTP
- N. N. Soreide, L. McCarty, and D. C. McClurg
Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of Moored Buoys
- Mirjana Spasojevic, Mic Bowman, and Alfred Spector
Using a Wide-Area File System Within the World Wide Web
- Stephan M. Spencer, Max L. Nibert, and Jean-Yves Sgro
Communicating Information about Virus Structure and Biology Via the World Wide Web
- C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Robert F. Goldstein
HTML to the Max: A Manifesto for Adding SGML Intelligence to the World-Wide Web
- Scott Spetka
The TkWWW Robot: Beyond Browsing
- K. Srinivas, K. Gopinath, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, Matthew Fuchs, Y.V. Reddy, George Almasi, and Tad Davis
Applications of Mosaic in Health Care Delivery
- Karen M. Strom
Electronic Publication and Data Distribution for the Star Formation Group in the Five College Astronomy Department
- Brian Sullivan, Jonathan Ryan Day, Jeff Spitulnik, and Elliot Soloway
HTML Made Easy: HTML Claris XTND Translator
- Rajiv Tewari
Innovative Courseware Development with Mosaic and WWW
- Bonnie Thurber and Bob Davis
Designing a Server with a K - 8 School in Mind
- Syed S. Towheed
NASA's Use of the World Wide Web to Deliver Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision Data in Near-Real Time
- Philip Tsang James Henri and Sandy Tse
Internet Growth in Austalia and Asia's Four Dragons
- Stephen Uhler
Incorporating real-time audio on the Web
- Marc D. VanHeyningen
The Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index: Lessons in Indexing Diverse Resources
- Carlos A. Varela and Caroline C. Hayes
Providing Data on the Web: From Examples to Programs
- Hal Varian
Some FAQs about Usage-Based Pricing
- John Vekar and Saul Schwartz
The Canadian Virtual Policy and Administration Community
- Pat Ward and Kristopher Davis
Empowering Students in the Information Age Pat Ward and Kristopher Davis
- Jay Weber
A Webmaster's Starter Kit
- Stuart Weibel, Eric Miller and Jean Godby and Ralph LeVan
An Architecture for Scholarly Publishing on the World Wide Web
- Gary Welz
The Media Business on the WWW
- Keith Werkman and Jeff Poulin
Software Reuse Libraries with Mosaic
- Terry E. Weymouth, Dan Atkins, Gary Olson, Bob Clauer, Atul Prakash, Thomas Finholt, and Craig E. Rasmussen
The Upper Atmospheric Research Collaboratory: UARC
- Steven D. Whitehead
Auto-FAQ: An Experiment in cyberspace leveraging
- K. E. Willard, J. H. Hallgren, and D. P. Connelly
W3 Based Medical Information Systems vs. Custom Client Server Applications
- Darrell Woelk and Christine Tomlinson
The MCC InfoSleuth Project: Intelligent Search Management via Semantic Agents
- Robert E. Wray, III, Ronald Chong, Joseph Phillips, Seth Rogers, William Walsh, and John Laird
Organizing Information in Mosaic: A Classroom Experiment
- Frederick Zimmerman and Peter Young
Information for a Changing World: CIESIN's Use of WWW To Facilitate Access to Data and Information Relevant to Human Interactions In The Environment
Mosaic and the Web Conference -
October 17, 1994