
Title: " The Use of Mosaic as a Documentation Tool For Large, Graphically-Based Simulation Software"

Author: Donald J. Fabozzi II
Rome Laboratory, Advanced Radar Systems Branch

Large software tools, such as Rome Laboratory's "Space-Time Adaptive Processing Algorithm Development Tool" (RLSTAP/ADT) require Interface Control Documents (ICDs) to define and control the underlying code and the user interfaces. The RLSTAP/ADT is typical of many large software simulation tools in that it contains a large library of routines, was developed at more than one site, and is highly graphical. Subsequently, the ICD for programs such as these becomes very lengthy, difficult to peruse, and requires special tools to edit and display the code parameters with the graphical information. Editors which can display both textual and graphical information are both expensive and host specific. As a result, the ICD, which serves as the tool's structural backbone, can become out of sync with tool development versions or with ICD versions at other sites. Public domain tools like Mosaic solve these problems through advanced editors and interfaces. Along with providing remote access, Mosaic displays and manages the ICD more effectively and more closely binds the development tool with the ICD. This paper discusses how public domain tools like Mosaic improve the representation and management of large software simulation tools like the RLSTAP/ADT through an advanced display tool. This paper will also discuss derived advantages of this approach such as improved simulation development, flexibility, and publicity. In hopes of promoting a standarized documentation environment, this paper will also measure the effectiveness of the Mosaic environment against the migration cost.

I. Introduction

Declining Government spending has prompted software simulations as valuable design tools now more than ever before. Rome Laboratory(RL) leads the development of simulations in the Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) programs as well as numerous radar simulations. The Surveillance Directorate of RL recently converted one of its very large radar simulation tools into a graphical, user-friendly environment. This tool, the Rome Laboratory Space-Time Adaptive Processing/ Algorithm Development Tool (RLSTAP/ADT), like many simulations, has an Interface Control Document (ICD) which describes the module interfaces.

The ICD is the backbone for a simulation in that it defines the structure and module interfaces of the tool. One of its major functions is to serves as a guide for the software development team by providing module descriptions, i/o parameters, and pseudocode. During the development of the RLSTAP/ADT, however, the ICD became difficult to manage and update through available editors when the simulation became very large and graphical. The simulation team surveyed commercial products to manage this documentation at a reasonable price and found nothing. The team discovered World Wide Web (WWW) tools and Mosaic to be the best match for editing, browsing, and managing the simulation's documentation.
This paper describes how converging the ICD to a World Wide Web resource significantly improves the representation of the RLSTAP/ADT. This paper also looks at the conversion cost and process and stresses that this is an excellent documentation tool for all simulations of this type.

II. Background

The RLSTAP/ADT is a total radar simulation environment, consisting of radar data, signal processing routines, and a flexible graphical interface. The routines, which fall within ten major categories and about twenty or so sub-categories, are organized in the ICD in a hierarchical fashion through "dotted" numerals. Below displays a section from the ICD table of contents:

3.1 Physical Model
3.1.1 PMEnv - Physical Model Environment Setup
3.1.2 RCVR_SET - Receiver Setup RcvPlat - Receive Platform Setup RcvAnt - Receive Antenna Pattern
3.1.3 XMTR - Transmitter XmtPlat - Transmit Platform Location and Orientation XmtAnt - Transmit Antenna Pattern XmtWave - Transmit Waveform

The ICD is very hierarchical but too lengthy to include in
this report.   However, the following graphic illustrates the
hierarchical depth and breadth of the ICD through one instance, the
Physical Model-Receiver module.

The ICD contains six sections of description for each module at the lowest level of this hierarchy. These consist of a text description, control parameters, input parameters, output parameters, error checking, and pseudocode. Because the number of modules grew to over 200, management of 1200 destinct sections of a document through a generic text editor became difficult. The problem was compounded when trying to match the graphical interface with the routine.

In addition, software reviews were awkward because hard copies of the ICD resulted in numerous pages of text description, followed by several pages of hand-drawn graphics.

III. The Conversion

Mosaic and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) met the project`s needs in cost and functionality. Site license fee was an issue to the RLSTAP/ADT team because the tool was developed at three geographically separated locations with more participants expected to contribute to the tool. HTML handles hierarchical structure very effectively through hyperlinks so the user can easily browse through the depths of this document.

Having the simulation's graphic interfaces displayed alongside the corresponding module descriptions enhances the module description considerably. Below is a page in the ICD which describes the main section the Physical Model and displays its corresponding pull-down menu from the graphical interface:

PM - Physical Model

The PM functional group contains modules that allow the user to specify an operational environment for the scenario. The physical model consists of ten items, each represented by one or more icons labeled with an abbreviated name. The items in this functional group are: Setup, Environment, Receive, Transmit, Atmospheric, Clutter, Target, Jammer and Summer and Antenna Pattern. The pull-down window from the main RLSTAP/ADT workspace is shown below:

In addition, Mosaic allows the placing of the module graphical interface alongside the text description. As shown, one can quickly and easily review both the module information and graphical interface: - Receive Platform Setup

Contents: Description Control Parameters Inputs Outputs Error Checking Algorithm

In comparison with the benefits derived from the conversion to HTML, the conversion cost was minimal. Since Mosaic and the editors are freely distributed, the cost equated the time spent in the conversion. Contrary to popular opinion of public domain software, the time spent on the conversion was minimal. Minus the time used in acquiring the public domain tools and understanding the HyperText Markup Language, the conversion took only about three days. This is due to the fact that the ICD was already sectioned numerically and the conversion could be automated through a unix shell script.

This process proved far more cost advantageous than using commercial software or building a custom product. Both were expensive in that commercial graphical packages sell for $500 to $2000 per license, and custom software would have easily cost $10,000. It is also important to note that learning costs would have been incurred in addition to these prices regardless of the quality of the commercial or custom product.

IV. Conclusions

This paper discusses and displays the advantages of converting a simulation tool's Interface Control Document into HyperText Markup Language for viewing through WWW browsers such as Mosaic. HTML and Mosaic dramatically improved this project's documentation by handling the hierarchical and graphical nature of the document. In addition, since the RLSTAP/ADT will soon be publicly distributed, Mosaic will facilitate promotion, background information and tutorials.
This paper was motivated by this project's accomplishments and also to promote this documentation process to the simulation community.

Author information

Donald J. Fabozzi II (D.J.) works in the Advanced Radar Systems Branch of Rome Laboratory. D.J. is the chief software engineer behind the Radar simulation tool "Rome Laboratory Space Time Adaptive Processing /Algorithm Development Tool". He earned a B.A. degree in Mathematics '87 and a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering '89 at Potsdam College and Clarkson University, respectively. D.J. went on to receive his M.S. in Computer Engineering '93 from Syracuse University. While at Rome Laboratory, he performs a variety of tasks, including radar analysis coding, system design, and system administration. D.J.'s expertize includes Unix, C, Khoros and networking.

D.J. can be reached at fabozzid@lonexb.rl.af.mil