Integrating Simulations and W3 Courseware

Calum Smeaton
Alan Slater
Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering
Heriot-Watt University


This paper describes a framework for the creation of educational simulations systems which integrate pedagogically neutral simulations of engineering phenomena within a hypermedia environment provided by W3 technology. The main component of this framework is an object-oriented simulation toolkit which integrates new, or existing , computational models with a flexible graphical interface. A particularly novel feature of this toolkit is its high level of integration with W3 technology.

This framework also includes a W3 version of the AnswerGarden tool (Akerman & Malone 1990) which allows students to ask questions regarding any element of the system. Questions are asked using a simple form based interface to a help system which directs email queries to the appropriate domain expert. Due to the facilities provided in the simulation toolkit, answers given by experts (on the W3) can also include commands to set up the simulation in a particular condition so that the simulation can be used to answer the question.


The Interact TLTP project is aimed at the development of computer-based simulations for use within education. The project aims to promote the use of simulations as important pedagogical tools and to provide facilities to overcome the problems traditionally associated with the use of simulations in education (i.e. cost effectiveness, high levels of teacher involvement and the need for supervised use) [Thomas, et al 1994].

To overcome these problems, the Interact project has developed a toolkit where by simulations can be encapsulated within a hypermedia shell, allowing this environment to provide the supplementary information normally supplied by a lecturer. In order to achieve this goal we have developed two primary software tools:

The Interact Simulation Environment

The Interact Simulation Environment (ISE) has been designed to maximise the use of simulations in education by ensuring all the components of the environment can be tailored to suit the teachers requirements. The central component of the design of the ISE is the explicit separation of the main components of a simulation, i.e. the core computational model and the user interface.

Many systems in engineering can actually be modelled using the same underlying set of equations and it this separation between the abstract computational component and the interface which grounds this model in a particular domain which lies at the heart of the ISE. The hypermedia environment providing an additional level of customisation.

Although a particular simulation may be used in several different courses, the role played by the simulation may be different in each case. By using Mosaic and the W3 , courseware can be easily distributed, with new courseware being integrated without having to reconfigure the underlying simulation.

The figure below shows the architecture of a complete system built using the ISE.

Figure 1 The Interact Simulation Environment

The diagram shows how a layered approach is used: the simulation model and user interface are normally in the same program, with the ICF in the background passing messages between the simulation and Mosaic.

The communication between Mosaic and the simulation is bi-directional, the simulation can send messages to Mosaic to view a particular document. The ICF allows messages to be stored as separate script files or directly embedded within an HTML document.

These messages can be used to implement a high-level interface to a simulation. Users need not read instructions from a document and then perform the actions described, this can be done from inside Mosaic, leaving students free to concentrate on their studies rather than struggling with the simulation's user interface.

One of the largest obstacles facing the production of reusable educational simulations is that members of the academic community seem to be particularly prone to the not invented here syndrome - since ISE simulations exist independently of their courseware it is easy to add additional elements to suit a particular course. One of the advantages of using Mosaic and the W3 is that, when adding new courseware, is that it is extremely easy to link it in with existing resources, regardless of where the resource is.

The Interact Simulation Environment allows simulations to be used in a number of different ways:-

The Presentation Manager

The Presentation Manager (PM) is a simulation toolkit which provides common simulation facilities such as help, snapshots, replay, etc. as well as a graphical toolkit. What makes this different from standard environments is the emphasis on object-orientation and the level of integration with W3 technology using the ICF.

The PM uses the ICF's own scripting language to achieve object persistence for all of its objects, this allows objects to be distributed across the Web, in the same way as any other resource. This provides universities with an easy way of sharing resources associated with a particular simulation.

The diagram below shows how a script containing ICL commands can be used by simulations running at a remote site.

Figure 2 - Controlling a simulation from W3 courseware

When a user follows a link to a .ish file it is transferred to the local machine and executed using the appropriate 'viewing' program. This results in a message being sent via the ICF to the appropriate program, where the built-in ICL interpreter converts the message to data and commands appropriate to the recipient. The PM provides a set of features that can be used across the Web.

Figure 3 - Example of a HTML document created by the PM

Link to actual document .


Using Mosaic to deliver courseware provides a consistent and familiar component of the user interface for complicated simulations. Authors can include a wide variety of controlling elements to their documents:


The AnswerWeb is a W3 version of Ackerman & Malone's Answer Garden systemix. The goal of the AnswerGarden [Ackerman & Malone 1990] is to allow a database of questions and answers to organically grow over time. Users navigate this database through a discriminating set of questions arranged in a tree, with the user either finding an Answer to her query or else resorting to consulting an expert via a email facility incorporated within the system. Upon receipt of a query, the expert has the choice to update the database to incorporate the new query and its answer.

The core of our prototype system is implemented as a pair of CGI scripts. One script writes a customised fill-out form, which is specific to the domain of the query, into which the user types her query which is then passed on to the second script for processing. This latter script extracts the query and emails it to the appropriate domain expert and returns a short report to the user giving details on how her query is being dealt with.

Answers in the AnswerWeb are, of course, free to exploit any of the features of the ISE. Experts can therefore include a textual description of the answer, but where appropriate, use snapshots or replays to use the simulation as a vehicle for answering the question. Also by using the W3 the questions and answers can be transparently distributed across a number of sites.


This paper has shown how W3 technology and Mosaic have been used to create a powerful environment for the delivery of educational simulations, it also has shown how this technology can be used to distribute any type any data object, including user-interfaces and simulation parameters.


All members of the Interact Project, in particular the Project manager, Ruth Thomas, for allowing us the freedom to experiment with these systems and for providing support for a 'tool-based' approach.


i Thomas R., The Interact Home Page (1993)

ii Thomas R, Neilson I, Slater A, Smeaton C. "The Interact Project - An Integrated Engineering Simulation Environment". Proceedings of the Conference on CAL in Engineering 1994.

iii Slater, A., The Interact Communication Facility. Proceedings of the first International WWW Conference, Geneva 1994.

iv Smeaton C. , Thomas R. , "The Presentation Manager". INTERACT project internal report 1993.

v Smeaton C., The Interact Simulation Environment Home Page 1994

vi NCSA Mosaic Project, WWW Home page

viii Berners-Lee T. HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

ix Ackerman, M. S. and T. W. Malone. "Answer Garden: A Tool for Growing Organisational Memory". Proceedings of ACM Conference on Office Information Systems, 1990, 31-39.

x NCSA Mosaic Project , Mosaic for X version 2.0 Fill-Out Forms Support 1994

The Authors

Calum Smeaton is a Computer Assistant at Heriot Watt University working on the TLTP Project Interact, he is responsible for the design and implementation of the project's software tool the Presentation Manager. After studying Electronics and then Software Engineering, the author spent two and half years at Marconi Simulation where he worked on systems and graphics software on their own proprietary hardware and compilers. He worked on several large projects for industrial simulators where he was responsible for all aspects of the graphical interfaces. Since working on the Interact project he has become very interested in the use of W3 technology in both academic and commercial areas.

He is currently working towards an MPhil on A Environment for Simulations in Education.

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WWW Home page :-

Alan Slater is a Research Associate in the Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering at Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University. He is currently employed on the SERC/DTI MOBIT project which is developing industrial Intelligent Training Systems in collaboration with a number of industrial partners. Alan has also worked on a number of large European projects, funded under the CEC's ESPRIT programme, investigating model-based diagnosis and ITSs. During work on the INTERACT TLTP project, which aimed to produce an environment for delivering educational simulations, he became interested in hypermedia tools and the W3. He is currently in the final stages of preparing a PhD thesis which is based on his work in the field of ITS systems. This thesis identifies a generic architecture for intelligent agents which is used to provide the basis for realising the two main modules of an ITS system: the domain expert and the tutor. As part of the MOBIT project he is examining the possibility of delivering computer-based training material via W3 tools, the training domains for MOBIT being control of a nuclear power plant (with Scottish Nuclear) and the manufacture of computer systems (with Digital Equipment Scotland Limited).