Using Mosaic for Remote Test System Control Supports Distributed Engineering

Ronald Scharf, Stefan Hartmann, Werner Wolz

Institute of Computer-Aided Circuit Design - Test and Testsystems Division
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Cauerstr. 6, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone +49-9131-85-8687
Fax +49-9131-85-8699


A new approach towards remote hardware control in Design and Test Environments will be described. Remote access to test hardware can reduce time-to-market and development costs.

While, to date, the design of integrated circuits (ICs) is based on powerful CAD tools which also support "workgroup computing" and "concurrent engineering", the test phase of ICs has been lacking comparably powerful tools. Because design and fabrication / test of an IC are often located in different countries, it has always been a costly and time-consuming task to bring the designer to the test site for silicon debug and failure analysis.

The availability of remote access to test equipment will, therefore, significantly reduce time-to-market. It was our goal to develop a gateway server that enables HTTP access to an electron beam testsystem which allows for chip-internal imaging and signal measurements. Based on XMosaic 2.x, the designer gets insight into the circuit's behavior and surface structure acquired at a very distant location. The system allows for remote control of imaging and measurement parameters, pan and zoom of the image itself, and investigations on the IC's behavior. Measured waveforms are displayed under Mosaic as well. A gateway to the design database allows the designer to view the circuit's layout in order to ease on-chip navigation. The application described in the paper is a new step towards distributed engineering: using the World-Wide Web not only for information retrieval, but also for the control of engineering tools and devices.

Introduction and Motivation

The current amount of computer assistance in Electronic Computer-Aided Design (ECAD) is rather high, whereas in Computer-Aided Testing (CAT) of ASICs it is still at a low level. This has been caused by the concentration on the development of design tools for many years, while the test phase has been neglected for a long while and has begun to receive comparable support only recently. However, the "over-the-wall approach" [1], where designers and test engineers work at different locations and communicate to each another, if ever, over the dividing "wall", is still existing. With current chip technologies offering complexities of several million transistors integrated onto a single chip, this approach cannot be accepted any longer, as it slows down prototype debug and failure analysis cycles and therefore increases time-to-market. It is absolutely necessary to close the gap between design and test, not only by means of Design for Testability approaches, but by pulling design and test engineers together.

Fig. 1: Principle of Remote Test System Control

Throughout this paper, we will focus onto the prototype debug and failure analysis phases during an ASIC development cycle. The prototype debug phase closely follows first silicon, which is the first time the ASIC can be "physically" investigated in order to check whether or not it meets the functional and electrical specifications. It must be noted that, at this stage, it is not sufficient to perform simple go/nogo investigations, as the design has not proven correctness yet and each detected fault has to be tracked down in order to exclude design errors. It is obvious that with current ASIC complexities in the multi-million transistor range, this task is related to the designer, who is familiar with all details of the design, and not to the test engineer. While the test engineer operates the test equipment, the designer has to conduct the failure analysis using his in-depth knowledge of the design. Unfortunately, design and test equipment is, in many cases, located at different locations. If it were possible that the designer performed key investigations on the device under test (DUT) remotely, debug and verification time could be shortened and thus costs could be kept low. To develop such a Remote Control Interface (RCI) to a commercially available Electron Beam Testsystem (EBT), we have chosen XMosaic 2.x, HTML and HTTP as a suitable basis. Their multimedia capabilities have already proven their usability for investigating internet-connected machines. While former applications only granted read-only access to internet resources, the developed CGI gateway also allows for the complete control of EBTs by a remote operator through the extensive use of the HTML form capabilities.

Fig. 2: ADVANCE System Overview

Distributed vs. Concurrent Engineering

Although the developed system enables concurrent investigations on a DUT (i.e. several users), the prime goal of our development has been to enable the utilization of engineering resources located in different places, may they be hardware or software. By concurrent engineering we mean computer-assisted collaboration of several engineers, whereas the key concept of distributed engineering is the use of distributed resources by one engineer. By means of telecommunication and data transportation, our world is becoming smaller and smaller, and we find design and test departments of big companies scattered across the globe. There are always resources which aren't available where they are needed. To overcome this problem, the resources should be made accessible from any remote location, preferably by the use of telecommunication and multimedia facilities. The latter we call distributed engineering: the use of the global datacommunication internetwork, better known as World-Wide Web. Our development uses these services not only for information exchange and retrieval, but also for the control of engineering resources, tools and devices.

Integrated Test System Structure

The developed CGI server is part of the ADVANCE Integrated Test System [2,3], which consists of both a VLSI and an Electron Beam Testsystem for chip-external and chip-internal investigations of the device under test. Several software modules are integrated for additional tasks like selection of nets under investigation, accurate positioning of the probing electron beam and rating of measurements (cf. fig. 2).

For the ADVANCE project, the testsystem hardware control software was extended by an interface in order to allow for the complete control through the Test Supervisor. This interface also enables the control of a testsystem by a remote user through a CGI server.

Fig. 3a: Electron-optical image of the device under test - Fig. 3b: chip-internal measurement

Basics of the Electron Beam Test Principle

An Electron Beam Testsystem (EBT) is, basically, a modified scanning electron microscope (SEM). A primary electron beam scans the device under test, causing low-energetic secondary electrons to be emitted from the circuit's surface. The kinetic energy of these secondary electrons depends on the DUT's topology (the angle between the chip surface and the probing electron beam), the DUT's material (through the material's specific work function) and the electric potential at the circuit's surface. The secondary electrons are collected by appropriate electromagnetic fields and analyzed by energy, resulting in an electron-optical microscopic "electric potential image" of the circuit, where negatively charged areas are displayed bright and positively charged ones dark (cf. fig. 3a). By pulsing the primary electron beam, time-resolved measurements of the circuit's potential, similar to a sampling oscilloscope, can be performed (cf. fig. 3b). Achievable resolutions are in the range of 0.1 um (spatial), 10mV (voltage) and 50ps (timing). While first-generation EBTs very closely resembled the SEMs they were derived from, modern EBT systems are completely controlled by workstations running graphical user interfaces, which display the electron-optical image as well as the measured waveforms. Links to the design database (i.e. schematic and layout data) support on-chip navigation [4-6], systems using a CAD-linked EBT for automatically tracing back detected faults to their origin are on the way [7-10].

Remote Electron Beam Test Control: Key Concepts

For the development of a Remote Control Interface for a commercially available EBT, several constraints and requirements had to be respected:

During the work using an EBT there are several tasks which require the presence of an engineer, like loading the DUT and supplying the appropriate input signals. For this reason, there has to be a test engineer present at the EBT site which prepares the EBT for remote use and fixes hardware problems, just like he would if the designer were there.

From these constrains and requirements, the key concept of the remote test control was derived:

There should always be an extra communications channel open between the operator and the remote user (voice or data, e.g. "talk"). The remote user conducts the investigations, while the operator ensures correct operation of the EBT equipment.

HTML Form and WWW Gateway Internals

The CGI gateway converts HTML form requests to actions of the EBTs hardware and the results to a new HTML document. The two operating modes of the remote EBT control are imaging and measurement mode. In the imaging mode, possible requests are pan and zoom of the electron-optical image as well as adjustment of the imaging parameters (brightness, contrast, focus). In the measurement mode, requests include adjustment of measurement parameters (time and voltage resolution, time and voltage offset, beam pulse width, trigger level, number of averages) and measurements at certain positions in the actually displayed area of the DUT. While a request in the imaging mode results in a new image of the DUT's surface, a measurement request results in a new measurement curve image.

The CGI server has been implemented to accept data from both GET and POST request methods. While GET is used for initialization and reload, the form itself is implemented as a POST request. To keep the server-generated documents as similar to "normal" HTML documents as possible, a document reload request not only reloads the current document, but also requests a new image from the EBT. The HTML BASE tag is used by the server to submit a query URL as the document base, which is used for reload and thus enables the server to keep internal data like the current lock state between reloads. Using the same query URL as POST request server (FORM ACTION tag) for the form avoids "hidden" input fields for internal data, as the query string is passed to the server in a POST request as well. The server, therefore, gets internal data via the QUERY_STRING environment variable in addition to the user-supplied input via its standard input stream. There are several buttons which require immediate action when activated, and therefore a single SUBMIT-type input field was not sufficient. As multiple submit buttons are not supported yet, these buttons were implemented as IMAGE-type inputs, where the mere presence of the button.x and button.y fields in the query data denote that the user has clicked on the named button. The GIF images for the image and the measurement curve are generated on the fly from the raw EBT data and stored as temporary files. It would have been possible to inline these images directly from another CGI program without temporary storage, but as (at least) XMosaic2.x ignores the HTTP Expires: directive, such images are cached and (without a prior flush of the image cache) never reloaded, which prevents getting up-to-date images.

When called, the server first checks its REQUEST_METHOD and QUERY_STRING environment variables to determine initalize, reload or query (normal) operating mode. During initialize (request method=GET, string=""), the server looks for the measurement curve retrieved latest, connects to the EBT, loads the current hardware settings and requests an up-to-date image from the DUT's surface. The generated HTML document contains links to the surface and measurement images as well as a number of input fields of various types for controlling the EBT's hardware, with the current hardware parameters as default values. For a reload request (request method=GET, string!=""), the server's actions are similar, but it doesn't have to look for the latest measurement curve as its name is taken from the query part of the URL and kept (as only an image reload is requested, there is no need to perform a new measurement). A query mode request is denoted by a POST request type. The server scans the submitted data in order to detect which button has been clicked by the user, and initiates the appropriate actions of the EBT.

The HTML page (or form) is divided into three main sections:

Pan, zoom and measurement requests are submitted mainly by clicking into the displayed EBT image. Three modes of operation (pan, zoom, measurement) can be selected which determine which action is performed after the user clicked into the image. The zoom factor can be selected separately. A button row at the bottom of the navigation panel is used for autofocus, lock, unlock, submit and help requests. While the imaging parameters are transferred only on a submit request, the measurement parameters are set every time a measurement is requested. All actions which result in a change of the DUT image (pan, zoom, image parameter submission) cause an image reload, a measurement request results in an updated measurement (curve) image. The actual hardware settings are transferred back from the EBT each time a request is made.

Security Aspects and Multi-User Access Coordination

For obvious reasons, we cannot grant public access to laboratory equipment worth millions of dollars. Unrestricted access to microscopic images and internal signals of an integrated circuit would be a major security risk for confidential and proprietary design data. It is, therefore, absolutely necessary to implement an access restriction mechanism to prevent unauthorized access and ensure work which is undisturbed by other networked users. While the former is sufficiently guaranteed by means of the generic HTTP authentification mechanism, the multi-user access coordination has to be implemented separately in the CGI server. The main aspect has not been the restriction of unauthorized users, as this is already done by the HTTP daemon, but the prevention of several users issuing different requests at the same time. As there is no real-time imaging, the user in control of the hardware has to rely on the fact that the position of the probing electron beam is kept constant between two requests. Therefore, while it is desirable to allow for "read" access to the EBT for several users concurrently, only one user at a time may issue requests which change the EBT's hardware settings or beam position. To achieve this, a locking mechanism has been implemented which enables only one user at a time to use the EBT completely - all other users may only issue read requests to get the latest hardware settings, image and waveforms. The initial locking state of the EBT remote control is "unlocked", and every authorized user may lock the hardware for exclusive use. Once the locking state has changed to "locked", the name and host of the user controlling the hardware is kept and displayed to every other user which connects to the server. To allow for another user to control the EBT, the user currently having full control has to free the lock first. In a concurrent engineering environment, this procedure should be accompanied by another open communications channel between all users for successful collaboration.

Results and Conclusion

The Remote Testsystem Control is a new tool for industrial applications. During the development and test phase, it has been found that the WWW approach is sufficient for convenient use, as the typical image sizes of about 50 kB result in moderate data transfer times even over slow lines. The average system response time to a navigation request (which results in a new DUT image) is about 30 seconds, the response time to a measurement request depends mainly on the number of measurement averages, but is in a similar range. The current bottleneck for the response times is not the data transfer over the network, but the image data transfer from the EBT's hardware to the CGI server via a GPIB connection. To overcome this problem, additional frame grabbing hardware for real-time image digitizing could be used. The system has been tested both locally over the Institute's LAN and over the German Science Internetwork (WIN - "Wissenschaftsnetz") with no significant performance differences. It can, therefore, be stated that the applied approach is suitable for laboratory telepresence, remote use of test and measurement systems and distributed engineering via the World-Wide Web. The use of the HTML standard and XMosaic2.x at the remote site enables access even for designers not familiar with the operational details of an EBT. Future developments will include real-time imaging using the multimedia capabilities available through information superhighways.

System properties

Electron-optical image:
GIF, 256*256 pixel, 8 bit/pixel (256 greyscales)
Measurement image:
GIF, 256*256 pixel, 2bit/pixel (4 colors)
Navigation control:
Zoom (Top View, 2/4/8 times in, 2/4/8 times out)
Pan by mouse,
Pan by button (up-left, up, up-right, left, right, down-left, down, down-right)
Imaging control:
Imaging mode (Static, Stroboscopic, LSM Line, LSM Area)
Beam scan frequency (15.6 kHz - 1 MHz)
Measurement control:
Position by mouse
Timing resolution (beam pulse width)
Curve points (125, 250, 500, 1000)
Trigger level
Signal offset
Timing offset (Predelay)
Number of Averages


  1. Wolz, W., et al.: "CAD Environment for Fast Fault Localization", Euroform Training Session "Contactless Testing of ICs", 1991, Duisburg (Germany)
  2. Scharf, R., et al.: "A Distributed Environment for Automated CAD Data based Fault Localization", 2nd European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), 1991, Bordeaux (France)
  3. Helmreich, K., J. Herre, and K.D. Müller-Glaser: "Fehlerlokalisierung durch entwurfsdatengesteuerte Signalverfolgung an einem Elektronenstrahltestsystem: Ein Beitrag zur Integration von Entwurf und Test", ITG/GI-Workshop "Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen: Herausforderung der 90er Jahre", 1989, Grassau (Germany)
  4. Goldbach, M.: "Aufgabenorientierte Verarbeitung und Verwaltung von Layoutdaten für die chipinterne Navigation mit einem Elektronenstrahl Testsystem", Internal Report, 1994, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Computer-Aided Circuit Design
  5. KLA Knights Excalibur: "Merlin's Workbench, Users Manual", 1988
  6. Scharf, R., et al.: "Reliable EBT Fine Positioning Using Correlation-Based Window Adjustment", 3rd European Conference on Electron and Optical Beam Testing of Electronic devices (EOBT), 1993, Zürich (Switzerland)
  7. Noble, A.C.: "IDA: A Tool for Computer-Aided Failure Analysis", International Test Conference (ITC), 1992, Baltimore/MD (USA)
  8. Scharf, R., et al.: "CAPT/IVE: Computer Aided Prototype Testing using an Integrated Verification Environment", Northcon/91, 1991, Portland/OR (USA)
  9. Melgara, M., et al.: "Automatic Location of IC Design Errors Using an E-beam System", International Test Conference (ITC), 1988, Washington/DC (USA)
  10. Marzouki, M., J. Laurent, and B. Courtois: "Coupling Electron-Beam Probing with Knowledge Based Fault Localization", International Test Conference (ITC), 1991, Nashville/TX (USA)

The Authors

Ronald Scharf
Born in 1966, he received his M. Sc. (EE) from Erlangen-Nürnberg University in 1990 and is currently finishing his Ph. D. on "Contributions to computer-aided characterization and fault localization through chip-internal contactless probing" at the Institute of Computer-Aided Circuit Design, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. His interests are focused on CAD-linked test and measurement systems (especially electron beam testsystems) and their integration into ASIC design environments. He is also working on distributed multimedia systems and is generally interested in all internet topics.

Stefan Hartmann
Born in 1961, he received his M. Sc. (EE) from Erlangen-Nürnberg University in 1988 and is currently working on CAD framework tool integration at the Institute of Computer-Aided Circuit Design, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. His main interests include UNIX system internals, heterogenous networks and network protocols.

Werner Wolz
Born in 1953, he received his M. Sc. (EE) in 1978 and his Ph. D. in 1986 from Erlangen-Nürnberg University. He is currently leading the Test and Testsystems Division at the Institute of Computer-Aided Circuit Design, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. His main interests are focused on ASIC test in general, with emphasis on design and test links, high-speed mixed signal testsystems and high-level test description languages. (Ronald Scharf)