We invite original research submissions addressing all the aspects of user behavior and personalization. Relevant topics include but are not restricted to the ones below.
- User modeling and personalization
- Behavioral targeting and predictive behavioral models
- Analysis of log data
- Efficient algorithms for large-scale analysis of log data
- Spatio-temporal analysis of user behavior
- Privacy-preserving behavioral analysis
- Live experiments and bucket testing
- Metrics of user behavior
- Recommendations and recommender systems
- Recommender systems and social media
- Evaluation of recommender systems with real users
For questions related to this call, please email: research-personalization@www2015.it
Area Chairs
- David Carmel, Yahoo Labs Haifa
- Ryen White, Microsoft Research Redmond
Program Committee
- Mikhail Ageev, Moscow State University, Russia
- Eugene Agichtein, Emory University, USA
- Amr Ahmed, Google, USA
- Omar Alonso, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Jaime Arguello, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
- Peter Bailey, Microsoft Bing, Australia
- Linas Baltrunas, Telefonica Research, Spain
- Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers University, USA
- Ralf Bierig, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Pablo Castells, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
- Ed Chi, Google, USA
- Wei Chu, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Michael Cole, Rutgers University, USA
- Nick Craswell, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Paolo Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Alex Deng, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Chabane Djeraba, LIFL, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France
- Debora Donato, StumbleUpon, USA
- Doug Downey, Northwestern University, USA
- Georges Dupret, Yahoo!, USA
- Andy Edmonds, Ebay, USA
- Carsten Eickhoff, ETHZ, Switzerland
- Hui Fang, Nayang Technological University, Singapore
- Henry Feild, Endicott College, USA
- Qi Guo, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Ido Guy, Yahoo!, Israel
- Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
- Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Microsoft Research, USA
- Victor Hu, Microsoft Bing, USA
- Jeff Huang, Brown University, USA
- Pan Hui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
- Alejandro Jaimes, Yahoo!, Spain
- Dieter Jannach, TU Dortmund, Germany
- Robert Jäschke, L3S Research Center, Germany
- Jiepu Jiang, University of Massachusetts, USA
- Rosie Jones, Microsoft, USA
- Joemon Jose, University of Glasgow, UK
- Bhargav Kanagal, Google, USA
- Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
- Youngho Kim, University of Massachusetts, USA
- Alex Kotov, Wayne State University, USA
- Dmitry Lagun, Emory University, USA
- Mounia Lalmas, Yahoo!, Spain
- Kristen Lefevre, Google, USA
- Jingjing Liu, University of South Carolina, USA
- Weike Pan, Shenzhen University, China
- Dan Pelleg, Yahoo!, Israel
- Kira Radinsky, SalesPredict, Israel
- Karthik Raman, Cornell University, USA
- Oleg Rokhenko, Yahoo!, Israel
- Pavel Serdyukov, Yandex, Russia
- Milad Shokouhi, Microsoft Bing, UK
- Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo!, Spain
- Mark Smucker, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Oren Somekh, Yahoo!, Israel
- Markus Strohmaier, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- Idan Szpektor, Yahoo!, Israel
- Paul Thomas, CSIRO, Australia
- Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Hanghang Tong, CUNY, USA
- Robert Villa, University of Sheffield, UK
- Jian Wang, LinkedIn, USA
- Jun Wang, University College London, UK
- Robert West, Stanford University, USA
- Emine Yilmaz, University College London, UK
- Lanbo Zhang, Twitter, USA
- Mi Zhang, Fudan University, China