General Information


Each participant will receive a name badge upon check-in at the registration desk. The badge will be the official Congress pass and should be worn at all time in order to gain entry into the meeting room.

Certificate of attendance

Regularly registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Credit Cards

Major credit cards are accepted by hotels, shops and restaurants.


The official currency in Italy is the Euro €.


The Congress Organisers do not assume any liability for personal injuries sustained or loss of, or damage to, property belonging to Congress participants (or their accompanying persons), either during or as result of the Congress. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.

Letters of invitation and visa requirements

Non EU participants are invited to check if they need to apply for a visa to enter Italy. For more information please visit the Italian ministry of foreign affairs’ web page.

Invitation letters for VISA purposes can be requested early enough to the Organizing Secreteriat OIC at, and can be obtained only after confirmation and payment of the registration fee.

In case of rejection of the visa application, the registration fee will be refunded.

These documents cannot grant any financial support by the organisers.


The official language of the Congress is English and no simultaneous translation is foreseen during the scientific sessions.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not allowed within the Congress Centre.


The weather in Florence in May is pleasantly warm during the whole day, but for the outdoor events a light sweater will be useful. Rains may occur. We recommend not to forget a raincoat or umbrella for occasional rains. The average temperature is around 20-25 °C.