
For information about registrations and hotel accommodations please contact:

International Congress Management

OIC s.r.l. Organizzazione Internazionale Congressi

Viale G. Matteotti, 7 – 50121 Florence, Italy

Phone   +39 055 5035 1

Fax + 39 055 5035 230

How to register

All conference participants must register online at the official Website. Participants who complete the pre-registration process will be assured of being given the entire conference material package upon their arrival. Advance registrations are preferred in order to facilitate planning of the scientific sessions and social events of the congress. On site registration is strongly discouraged and availability for social events could not be guaranteed.

On-line registration

General guidelines for registration:

Access Keys are UNIQUE to each individual delegate, therefore DO NOT share your access key with anyone else. Please note that the same email address cannot be used for multiple delegates. If you are a new user, please log-in using your own personal email address and creating a personal password to start a new registration.


If you are already registered, please select ”I am a registered user” and use your existing data enter (e-mail and password ) to view automatically the pre-filled personal profile information and proceed with new reservations.


Each registration requires an individual e-mail address.
The following credit cards are accepted :
cc-visa cc_mastercard cc_aexpress

Companies wishing to register more than 5 participants should contact the registration office:

Important Dates

WWW Registration Fees

  • Early Registration postponed to 6 March, 2015
  • Regular Registration from March 7 to April 26, 2015
  • Late and on-site Registration from April 27, 2015 and on-site

Co-located events Registration Fees

  • Early Registration postponed to 8 April, 2015
  • Regular Registration from April 9 to April 26, 2015
  • Late and on-site Registration from April 27, 2015 and on-site

Registration Fees

Rates are in Euro and include VAT 22%

Please note that on site registrations for amounts more than Euro 999,99 can only be paid by Credit card.




Registration fee includes

Full pass Early

€ 850,00

€ 510,00

Admission to All sessions, WWW Gala Dinner,Co-located Events (Excl. BIG, W4A and ACM Digital Health Dinners), Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 1.050,00

€ 640,00

Late/On site

€ 1.250,00

€ 750,00

5-Day pass Early

€ 720,00

€ 430,00

Admission to WWW main conference (including co-located events) and Workshops & Tutorials, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 870,00

€ 540,00

Late/On site

€ 1.100,00

€ 650,00

3-Day pass (WWW only) Early

€ 580,00

€ 360,00

Admission to WWW main conference (including co-located events), Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 690,00

€ 420,00

Late/On site

€ 830,00

€ 500,00

Workshops & Tutorials Early

€ 410,00

€ 250,00

Admission to Workshops & Tutorials on May 18-19, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 510,00

€ 320,00

Late/On site

€ 620,00

€ 380,00

1-day pass (any single day, WWW only) Early

€ 260,00

€ 160,00

Admission to sessions of the chosen day (including co-located events), Lunch and coffee breaks on the chosen day, excluding WWW Gala Dinner and co-located events’ dinners

€ 300,00

€ 190,00

Late/On site

€ 360,00

€ 220,00

WWW Gala Dinner Early

€ 90,00

(additional purchase) Regular

€ 100,00

Late/On site

€ 110,00

Co-located events



 Registration fee includes
BIG 2015 (18-19 May 2015) Early

€ 400,00

€ 250,00

Admission to BIG 2015, BIG 2015 Dinner, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 500,00

€ 310,00

On site

€ 600,00

€ 370,00

W4A 2015 (18-20 May 2015) Early

€ 300,00

€ 220,00

Admission to W4A 2015, W4A 2015 Dinner, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 360,00

€ 250,00

On site

€ 480,00

€ 370,00

Entrepreneurs Track (19-20 May 2015) Early

€ 250,00

€ 150,00

Admission to ET 2015, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 300,00

€ 180,00

On site

€ 350,00

€ 210,00

DDD3 (21-22 May 2015) The conference has reached maximum capacity and open registration has closed. Please register in order to be placed on a waiting list. Admission to DDD3, Lunches and Coffee Breaks
Digital Market (19 May 2015) Early

€ 150,00

€ 80,00

Admission to DM 2015, Lunches and Coffee Breaks

€ 180,00

€ 110,00

On site

€ 210,00

€ 130,00

ACM Digital Health (18-20 May 2015) Early

€ 450,00

€ 270,00

Admission to ACM Digital Health 2015, Lunches and Coffee Breaks, Reception on May 18 afternoon, Dinner on 19 evening. Student Registration also applies to Public Health and Medical Operators.

€ 520,00

€ 320,00

On site

€ 580,00

€ 360,00

* Student: application for students fee should be certified by a letter from the head of department


Group registration is possible for companies or travel agencies wishing to register more than 5 delegates.

Registrations will not be accepted without e-mail address of each delegate. The e-mail address of the sponsoring company will not be accepted.

How to make a Group Registration

In order to facilitate your group registration please download the “Group Registration Forms” and return all the documents duly filled in and signed, together with the proof of payment to: E-mail   – Fax: 0039 055 50 35 230

To benefit from the early registration fees, please submit the signed group form together with the payment before March 1, 2015.

Group registrations will be accepted without the name list until April 20, 2015 if paid in full, according to the published registration deadlines.

After the set indicated deadline the complete name list is required.

The name list must be sent as an attachment by e-mail only (name list received by fax will be not accepted).

Collective pick-up (by a representative of your company/travel agency)

The opportunity of picking up your delegates’ congress documents prior the official opening will be offered in order to facilitate the pre-registration procedure. We strongly suggest you to contact the OIC srl Registration Department 3-4 weeks before the congress and schedule an appointment accordingly.

If no appointment has been made only individual pick-up (by the delegate) will be possible at the pre-registration desk after the official opening of the congress.

However the group pick-up will be allowed only to companies/agencies who have sent the complete mandatory data for each participant.

Visa application

Non EU participants are invited to check if they need to apply for a visa to enter Italy. For more information please visit the Italian ministry of foreign affairs’ web page.

Invitation letters for VISA purposes can be requested early enough to the Organizing Secreteriat OIC at, and can be obtained only after confirmation and payment of the registration fee.

In case of rejection of the visa application, the registration fee will be refunded.

These documents cannot grant any financial support by the organisers.


Please note that your registration and/or hotel reservation cannot be processed without payment. Please follow the online registration procedure including your credit card details.

The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, VISA, MasterCard

Bank payments are not allowed through the on-line registration platform.


After completing the registration on line and payment by credit card you will receive an immediate receipt and confirmation of the ordered services.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

For cancellations of your registration, a written request must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat OIC Please note that refund will be made after the conference and penalties will be deducted from the refund amount. The registration and hotel fees are refundable as specified below.

Cancellation / Refund Request

Penalty charge

Before January 15, 2015


Between January 15 and March 30, 2015


From April 1, 2015

No Refund