Accepted Papers

Preeti Bhargava, Thomas Phan, Jiayu Zhou and Juhan Lee. Who, What, When, and Where: Multi-Dimensional Collaborative Recommendations using Tensor Factorization on Sparse User-Generated Data
Patrick Hummel and Preston McAfee. When Does Improved Targeting Increase Revenue?
Philipp Singer, Denis Helic, Andreas Hotho and Markus Strohmaier. HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses about Human Trails
Huan Gui, Ya Xu, Anmol Bhasin and Jiawei Han. Network A/B Testing: From Sampling to Estimation
Eytan Bakshy and Eitan Frachtenberg. Design and Analysis of Benchmarking Experiments for Distributed Internet Services
Alan Ritter, Evan Wright, William Casey and Tom Mitchell. Weakly Supervised Extraction of Computer Security Events from Twitter
Suranga Seneviratne, Aruna Seneviratne, Dali Kaafar, Anirban Mahanti and Prasant Mohapatra. Early Detection of Spam Mobile Apps
Yu-Ren Chen and Hsin-Hsi Chen. Opinion Spam Detection in Web Forum: A Real Case Study
Yongfeng Zhang, Min Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yiqun Liu and Shaoping Ma. Daily-Aware Personalized Recommendation based on Feature-Level Time Series Analysis
Sebastiano Vigna. A Weighted Correlation Index for Rankings with Ties
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud and Karthikeyan Bhargavan. Network-based Origin Confusion Attacks against HTTPS Virtual Hosting
Nick Nikiforakis, Wouter Joosen and Benjamin Livshits. PriVaricator: Deceiving fingerprinters with Little White Lies
Alex Beutel, Amr Ahmed and Alexander Smola. ACCAMS: Additive Co-Clustering to Approximate Matrices Succinctly
Yasuko Matsubara, Yasushi Sakurai and Christos Faloutsos. The Web as a Jungle: Non-Linear Dynamical Systems for Co-evolving Online Activities
Jian Tang, Meng Qu, Mingzhe Wang, Ming Zhang, Jun Yan and Qiaozhu Mei. LINE: Large-scale information network embedding
Gong Cheng, Danyun Xu and Yuzhong Qu. Summarizing Entity Descriptions for Effective and Efficient Human-centered Entity Linking
Fuzheng Zhang, Kai Zheng, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Xing Xie, Enhong Chen and Xiaofang Zhou. A Novelty-Seeking based Dining Recommender System
Da Yan, James Cheng, Yi Lu and Wilfred Ng. Effective Techniques for Message Reduction and Load Balancing in Distributed Graph Computation
Markus Rokicki, Sergej Zerr and Stefan Siersdorfer. Groupsourcing: Team Competition Designs for Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Crowdsourcing
Charalampos Tsourakakis. The k-clique Densest Subgraph Problem
Danai Koutra, Paul Bennett and Eric Horvitz. Events and Controversies: Influences of a Shocking News Event on Information Seeking
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Paolo Boldi and Flavio Chierichetti. Essential Web Pages Are Easy to Find
Madhav Jha, C. Seshadhri and Ali Pinar. Path Sampling: A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating 4-Vertex Subgraph Counts
Chien-Ju Ho, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Siddharth Suri and Jenn Wortman Vaughan. Incentivizing High Quality Crowdwork
Hiroshi Kajino, Akihiro Kishimoto, Adi Botea, Elizabeth Daly and Spyros Kotoulas. Active Learning for Multi-relational Data Construction
Aleksandr Vorobev, Gleb Gusev, Pavel Serdyukov and Damien Lefortier. Gathering Additional Feedback on Search Results by Multi-armed Bandits with respect to Production Ranking
Yury Ustinovskiy, Gleb Gusev and Pavel Serdyukov. An Optimization Framework for Weighting Implicit Relevance Labels for Personalized Web Search
Xiaosheng Liu, Jia Zeng, Xi Yang, Jianfeng Yan and Qiang Yang. Scalable Parallel EM Algorithms for Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Multi-Core Systems
Wei Song, Shiqi Zhao, Chao Zhang, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang, Lizhen Liu and Hanshi Wang. Exploiting Collective Hidden Structures in Webpage Titles for Open Domain Entity Extraction
Pao-Yu Chien and Pu-Jen Cheng. Semantic Tagging of Mathematical Expressions
Oren Somekh, Oren Anava, Shahar Golan, Nadav Golbandi, Zohar Karnin, Oleg Rokhlenko and Ronny Lempel. Budget-Constrained Item Cold-Start Handling in Collaborative Filtering Recommenders via Optimal Design
Zhi Yang and Wei Chen. A Game Theoretic Model for the Formation of Navigable Small-World Networks
Chris De Vries, Lance De Vine, Shlomo Geva and Richi Nayak. Parallel Streaming Signature EM-tree: A Clustering Algorithm for Web Scale Applications
Jianlong Fu, Tao Mei, Kuiyuan Yang, Hanqing Lu and Yong Rui. Tagging Personal Photos with Transfer Deep Learning
Yun Ma, Shuhui Zhang, Xuanzhe Liu, Ruirui Xiang, Yunxin Liu and Tao Xie. Measurement and Analysis of Mobile Web Cache Performance
Jinhui Yuan, Fei Gao, Qirong Ho, Wei Dai, Jinliang Wei, Xun Zheng, Eric Po Xing, Tie-Yan Liu and Wei-Ying Ma. LightLDA: Big Topic Models on Modest Compute Clusters
Alexey Drutsa, Gleb Gusev and Pavel Serdyukov. Future user engagement prediction and its application to improve the sensitivity of online experiments
Aaron Halfaker, Oliver Keyes, Dan Kluver, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Tien Nguyen, Kenneth Shores, Anuradha Uduwage and Morten Warncke-Wang. User Session Identification Based on Strong Regularities in Inter-activity Time
Pei Li, Luna Xin Dong, Songtao Guo, Andrea Maurino and Divesh Srivastava. Robust Group Linkage
Nikolaj Tatti and Aristides Gionis. Density-friendly graph decomposition
Tim Althoff and Jure Leskovec. Donor Retention in Online Crowdfunding Communities: A Case Study of
Minh-Duc Pham, Linnea Passing, Orri Erling and Peter Boncz. Deriving an Emergent Relational Schema from RDF Data
Liyue Fan and Hongxia Jin. A Practical Framework for Private-Preserving Data Analytics
Changping Meng, Reynold Cheng, Silviu Maniu, Pierre Senellart and Wangda Zhang. Discovering Meta-Paths in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks
Tehila Minkus, Kelvin Liu and Keith Ross. Children Seen But Not Heard: When Parents Compromise Children’s Online Privacy
Charalampos Mavroforakis, Richard Garcia-Lebron, Ioannis Koutis and Evimaria Terzi. Spanning edge centrality: large-scale computation and applications
Jian Wang and David Hardtke. User Latent Preference Model for Better Downside Management in Recommender Systems
Thibaut Horel and Yaron Singer. Scalable Methods for Adaptively Seeding a Social Network
Charalampos Tsourakakis. Provably Fast Inference of Latent Features from Networks
Xin Wang, Richard T.B. Ma and Yinlong Xu. The Role of Data Cap in Two-part Network Pricing
Farshad Kooti, Luca Maria Aiello, Mihajlo Grbovic, Kristina Lerman and Amin Mantrach. Evolution of Conversations in the Age of Email Overload
Jiahui Jin, Samamon Khemmarat, Lixin Gao and Junzhou Luo. Querying Web-Scale Information Networks Through Bounding Matching Scores
Liangyue Li, Hanghang Tong, Nan Cao, Kate Ehrlich, Yu-Ru Lin and Norbou Buchler. Replacing the Irreplaceable: Fast Algorithms for Team Member Recommendation
Mohamed Kafsi, Henriette Cramer, Bart Thomee and David A. Shamma. Describing and Understanding Neighborhood Characteristics through Online Social Media
Rui Zhao, Chuan Yue and Qing Yi. Automatic Detection of Information Leakage Vulnerabilities in Browser Extensions
Jie Tang, Zhanpeng Fang and Jimeng Sun. Incorporating Social Context and Domain Knowledge for Instance Recognition
Tian Tian, Jun Zhu, Fen Xia, Xin Zhuang and Tong Zhang. Crowd Fraud Detection in Internet Advertising
Benjamin Adams, Grant McKenzie and Mark Gahegan. Frankenplace: Interactive thematic mapping for ad hoc exploratory search
Vijay Gabale and Dilip Krishnaswamy. MobInsight: On Improving The Performance of Mobile Apps in Cellular Networks
Arnab Dutta, Christian Meilicke and Heiner Stuckenschmidt. Enriching Structured Knowledge with Open Information
Paolo Ferragina, Francesco Piccinno and Rossano Venturini. Compressed indexes for string-searching in labeled graphs
Dirk Hovy, Anders Johannsen and Anders Søgaard. User review sites as a resource for large-scale sociolinguistic studies
Wim Martens, Frank Neven and Stijn Vansummeren. SCULPT: A Schema Language for Tabular Data on the Web
Marcin Wylot, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux and Paul Groth. Executing Provenance-Enabled Queries over Web Data
Iris Miliaraki, Roi Blanco and Mounia Lalmas. From “Selena Gomez” to “Marlon Brando”: Understanding Explorative Entity Search
Anshumali Shrivastava and Ping Li. Asymmetric Minwise Hashing for Indexing Binary Inner Products and Set Containment
Ricardo Usbeck, Michael Röder, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ciro Baron, Andreas Both, Martin Brümmer, Diego Ceccarelli, Marco Cornolti, Didier Cherix, Bernd Eickmann, Paolo Ferragina, Christiane Lemke, Andrea Moro, Roberto Navigli, Francesco Piccinno, Giuseppe Rizzo, Harald Sack, René Speck, Raphaël Troncy, Jörg Waitelonis and Lars Wesemann. GERBIL – General Entity Annotator Benchmark
Vivek Kulkarni, Rami Al-Rfou, Bryan Perozzi and Steven Skiena. Statistically Significant Detection of Linguistic Change
Masumi Shirakawa, Takahiro Hara and Shojiro Nishio. N-gram IDF: A Global Term Weighting Scheme Based on Information Distance
Yael Anava, Noa Avigdor-Elgrabli and Iftah Gamzu. Improved Theoretical and Practical Guarantees for Chromatic Correlation Clustering
Xinyu Xing, Wei Meng, Udi Weinsberg, Anmol Sheth, Byoungyoung Lee, Wenke Lee and Roberto Perdisci. Unraveling the Relationship Between Ad-Injecting Browser Extensions and Malvertising
Daniele Quercia, Luca Maria Aiello, Rossano Schifanella and Adam Davies. The Digital Life of Walkable Streets
Adam Jatowt, Émilien Antoine, Yukiko Kawai and Toyokazu Akiyama.Mapping Temporal Horizons: Analysis of Collective Future and Past
related Attention in Microblogging
Younghoon Jung, Karl Stratos and Luca Carloni. LN-Annote: An Alternative Approach to Information Extraction from Emails using Locally-Customized Named-Entity Recognition
Yuhui Wang and Mohan Kankanhalli. Tweeting Cameras for Event Detection
Ana Nika, Yibo Zhu, Ning Ding, Abhilash Jindal, Y. Charlie Hu, Xia Zhou, Ben Zhao and Haitao Zheng. Energy and Performance of Smartphone Radio Bundling in Outdoor Environments
Shqiponja Ahmetaj, Wolfgang Fischl, Reinhard Pichler, Mantas Simkus and Sebastian Skritek. Towards Reconciling SPARQL and Certain Answers
Zhe Zhao, Paul Resnick and Qiaozhu Mei. Enquiring Minds: Early Detection of Rumors in Social Media from Enquiry Posts
Alessandro Epasto, Silvio Lattanzi and Mauro Sozio. Efficient Densest Subgraph Computation in Evolving Graphs
Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Elena Simperl, Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt. Improving Paid Microtasks through Gamification and Adaptive Furtherance Incentives
Ahmet Erdem Sarıyüce, C. Seshadhri, Ali Pinar and Umit V. Catalyurek. Finding the Hierarchy of Dense Subgraphs using Nucleus Decompositions
Gennady Pekhimenko, Dimitrios Lymberopolous, Oriana Riva, Karin Strauss and Doug Burger. PocketTrend: Timely Identification and Delivery of Trending Search Content to Mobile Users
Tommaso Soru, Edgard Marx and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. ROCKER – A Refinement Operator for Key Discovery
Nemanja Djuric, Hao Wu, Vladan Radosavljevic, Mihajlo Grbovic and Narayan Bhamidipati. Hierarchical Neural Language Models for Joint Representation of Streaming Documents and their Content
Chi Wang, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Yeye He, Kris Ganjam, Zhimin Chen and Philip A. Bernstein. Expansion of Tail Concepts Using Web Tables
Morgan Vigil, Matthew Rantanen and Elizabeth Belding. A First Look at Tribal Web Traffic
Milad Shokouhi, Marc Sloan, Paul Bennett, Kevyn Collins-Thompson and Siranush Sarkizova. Contextual Disambiguation for Query Suggestion and Blending
Zeinab Abbassi, Aditya Bhaskara and Vishal Misra. Optimizing Display Advertising in Online Social Networks
Yanxin Lu, Joe Warren, Chris Jermaine, Swarat Chaudhuri and Scott Rixner. Grading the Graders: Motivating Peer Graders in a MOOC
Haitao Xu, Daiping Liu, Haining Wang and Angelos Stavrou. E-commerce Reputation Manipulation: The Emergence of Reputation-Escalation-as-a-Service
Huan Sun, Hao Ma, Wen-Tau Yih, Chen-Tse Tsai, Jingjing Liu and Ming-Wei Chang. Open Domain Question Answering via Semantic Enrichment
Arpita Ghosh and Patrick Hummel. Cardinal Contests
Aidan Hogan. Skolemising Blank Nodes while Preserving Isomorphism
Anne Bowser and Janice Tsai. Supporting Ethical Web Research: A New Research Ethics Review
Amanda Minnich, Abdullah Mueen, Michalis Faloutsos, Nikan Chavoshi and Shuang Luan. TrueView: Harnessing the power of multiple review sites
Zhe Zhao, Zhiyuan Cheng, Lichan Hong and Ed Chi. Improving User Topic Interest Profiles by Behavior Factorization
Richard McPherson, Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov. No Escape From Reality: Security and Privacy of Augmented Reality Browsers
John Wadleigh, Jake Drew and Tyler Moore. The E-Commerce Market for “Lemons”: Identification and Analysis of Websites Selling Counterfeit Goods
Shanchan Wu, Jerry Liu and Jian Fan. Automatic Web Content Extraction by Combination of Learning and Grouping
Cagatay Goncu, Anuradha Madugalla, Kim Marriott and Simone Marinai. Accessible On-Line Floor Plans
Chenhao Tan and Lillian Lee. All Who Wander: On the Prevalence and Characteristics of Multi-community Engagement
Michael Paul, Ryen W. White and Eric Horvitz. Diagnoses, Decisions, and Outcomes: Web Search as Medical Decision Support for Cancer
Martin Georgiev, Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov. Rethinking Security of Web-Based System Applications
Nicole Immorlica, Greg Stoddard and Vasilis Syrgkanis. Social Status and Badge Design
Aniket Chakrabarti and Srinivasan Parthasarathy. Sequential Hypothesis Tests for Adaptive Locality Sensitive Hashing
Robert West, Ashwin Paranjape and Jure Leskovec. Mining Missing Hyperlinks from Human Navigation Traces: A Case Study of Wikipedia
Ali Mamdouh Elkahky, Yang Song and Xiaodong He. A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for User Modeling in Recommendation Systems
Joseph Pfeiffer, Jennifer Neville and Paul Bennett. Overcoming relational learning biases to accurately predict preferences in large scale networks
Jiepu Jiang, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Rosie Jones, Umut Ozertem, Imed Zitouni, Ranjitha Gurunath Kulkarni and Omar Zia Khan. Automatic Online Evaluation of Intelligent Personal Assistants
Fangbo Tao, Bo Zhao, Ariel Fuxman, Yang Li and Jiawei Han. Leveraging Pattern Semantics for Constructing Entity Taxonomies in Enterprises
Changtao Zhong, Dmytro Karamshuk and Nishanth Sastry. Predicting Pinterest: automating a distributed human computation
Ashton Anderson, Daniel Huttenlocher, Jon Kleinberg, Jure Leskovec and Mitul Tiwari. Global Diffusion via Cascading Invitations: Structure, Growth, and Homophily
Rui Yan. Tackling the Achilles Heel of Social Networks: Influence Propagation based Language Model Smoothing
Imrul Kayes, Nicolas Kourtellis, Daniele Quercia, Adriana Iamnitchi and Francesco Bonchi. The Social World of Content Abusers in Community Question Answering
Zhenhui Li, Fei Wu, Hongjian Wang and Wang-Chien Lee. Annotate Mobility Data using Social Media
Yixuan Li, Kun He, David Bindel and John E. Hopcroft. Uncovering the Small Community Structure in Large Networks: A Local Spectral Approach
Bruno Ribeiro, Minh Hoang and Ambuj Singh. Beyond Models: Forecasting Complex Network Processes Directly from Data
Konstantina Christakopoulou and Arindam Banerjee. Collaborative Ranking with a Push at the Top
Steven Englehardt, Dillon Reisman, Christian Eubank, Peter Zimmerman, Arvind Narayanan, Jonathan Mayer and Edward Felten. Cookies that give you away: Evaluating the surveillance implications of web tracking
Arda Antikacioglu, R Ravi and Srinath Sridhar. Recommendation Subgraphs for Web Discovery
Ari Kobren, Chun How Tan, Panos Ipeirotis and Evgeniy Gabrilovich. Getting More for Less: Optimized Crowdsourcing with Dynamic Tasks and Goals
Hsiang-Fu Yu, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Hyokun Yun, S.V.N Vishwanathan and Inderjit S. Dhillon. A Scalable Asynchronous Distributed Algorithm for Topic Modeling
Scott Ruoti, Kent Seamons and Brent Robers. Authentication Melee: A Usability Analysis of Seven Web Authentication Systems
Isabel Kloumann, Lada Adamic, Jon Kleinberg and Shaomei Wu. The Lifecycles of Apps in a Social Ecosystem
Djellel Eddine Difallah, Michele Catasta, Gianluca Demartini, Panos Ipeirotis and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. The Dynamics of Micro-Task Crowdsourcing — The Case of Amazon MTurk
Souvik Sen, Dongho Kim, Stephane Laroche, Kyu-Han Kim and Jeongkeun Lee. Bringing WiFi based Indoor Localization from Research to Practice with PASCAL
Philip Stutz, Bibek Paudel, Mihaela Verman and Abraham Bernstein. Random-Walk TripleRush: Asynchronous Graph Querying and Sampling
Vlad Niculae, Caroline Suen, Justine Zhang, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Jure Leskovec. QUOTUS: The Structure of Political Media Coverage as Revealed by Quoting Patterns
Edwin Simpson, Matteo Venanzi, Pushmeet Kohli, John Guiver, Steven Reece, Stephen Roberts and Nick Jennings. Crowdsourcing Language Understanding in the Wild
Matt Backus, Tom Blake, Dimitriy Masterov and Steve Tadelis. Is Sniping A Problem for Online Auction Markets?
Joseph Bonneau, Elie Bursztein, Rob Jackson and Mike Williamson. Secrets, lies, and account recovery: Lessons from the use of personal knowledge questions at Google