Call for Tutorials

We invite proposals for half- and full-day tutorials to be held at the International World Wide Web (WWW) conference in Florence on May 18-19, 2015. The WWW 2015 Tutorial Program is intended to offer a rich diversity of high quality information valuable to conference attendees and local participants seeking to pick up new skills and the latest developments in an area. Proposed tutorials can address the interests of a varied audience: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, users, lecturers and representatives of governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new technologies. We encourage submissions of tutorial proposals on all topics in the general areas of WWW 2015 and tutorials bridging these areas, or introducing new perspectives in these areas. Tutorials may provide an introduction to new Web technologies and trends, describing the application of the Web in specific domains or present techniques from other fields that are of relevance for the Web. Tutorials may be theoretical; however, we encourage the tutorial speakers to incorporate hands-on sessions and concrete examples when possible.

Submission guidelines

Tutorial proposal submissions should contain the following sections in the suggested order. Copy this list into your proposal document before editing it:

    A concise title.
    The names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio of the presenter(s).
    Proposed duration of the tutorial (3 or 6 hours), different sessions if applicable, together with justification that a high-quality presentation will be achieved within the chosen time period.
    A description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope.
    A description of the intended audience and the expected learning outcomes.
    Desired prerequisite knowledge of the audience.
    A statement addressing why the tutorial is important, why the tutorial is timely, how it is relevant to WWW, and why the presenters are qualified for a high-quality introduction of the topic.
    If the tutorial was given before, describe when and where it was given and how it will be modified for WWW 2015. If possible, provide a link to slides of the previous tutorial presentation.
    Indicate any additional equipment needed (if any). The standard equipment includes an LCD projector, a single projection screen and microphones.

Proposals must be in PDF and must be no longer than 4 pages, single column, 11pt.

Tutorial proposals should be submitted at:

Inquiries can be sent to

Tutorial presentations will be published electronically and made available to WWW participants.

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission deadline: December 8th, 2014
  • Acceptance notification: January 31st, 2015
  • Tutorial dates: May 18-19, 2015

Track Co-Chairs

  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo Labs, Sunnyvale, USA & Barcelona, Spain
  • Meeyoung Cha, KAIST, Republic of Korea