Award Papers

Best Paper Award 
HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses about Human Trails
Philipp Singer (Lebnitz Institute for Social Sciences GESIS), Denis Helic (TU-Graz), Andreas Hotho (University of Wuerzburg), Markus Strohmaier (Lebnitz Institute for Social Sciences GESIS) 

Best Student Paper Award 
Secrets, lies, and account recovery: Lessons from the use of personal knowledge questions at Google
Joseph Bonneau (Princeton University), Elie Bursztein (Google), Rob Jackson (Google), Mike Williamson (Google) 

Honorable Mentions (Best Paper Award Nominees) 

  • Skolemising Blank Nodes while Preserving Isomorphism
    Aidan Hogan (DCC, Universidad de Chile)
  • E-commerce Reputation Manipulation: The Emergence of Reputation-Escalation-as-a-Service
    Haitao Xu (The College of William and Mary), Daiping Liu (University of Delaware), Haining Wang (University of Delaware), Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University)
  • Incentivizing High Quality Crowdwork
    Chien-Ju Ho (University of California, Los Angeles), Aleksandrs Slivkins (Microsoft Research), Siddharth Suri (Microsoft Research), Jenn Wortman Vaughan (Microsoft Research)
  • Finding the Hierarchy of Dense Subgraphs using Nucleus Decompositions
    Ahmet Erdem Sarıyüce (The Ohio State University), C. Seshadhri (Sandia National Laboratories), Ali Pinar (Sandia National Laboratories), Umit V. Catalyurek (The Ohio State University)
  • Essential Web Pages Are Easy to Find
    Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs Barcelona), Paolo Boldi (Università degli Studi di Milano), Flavio Chierichetti (Sapienza University)
  • Gathering Additional Feedback on Search Results by Multi-armed Bandits with respect to Production Ranking
    Aleksandr Vorobev (Yandex LLC), Gleb Gusev (Yandex LLC), Pavel Serdyukov (Yandex LLC), Damien Lefortier (Yandex LLC)