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« Refereed Papers Track »
| Abuse, Security, and Privacy |Behavioral Analysis and Personalization |
| Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data | Content Analysis |
| Relevance and Ranking | Search Systems and Applications |
Semantic Web |Social Systems and Graph Analysis
| User Interaction and Mobility | Monetization |
| Performance, Scalability, and Availability | Software Infrastructure |
| Web For Emerging Regions |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
| PhD Symposium |
Demos | W3C |


Half- and full-day tutorials from leading researchers and system builders form a core part of the WWW program, valuable to researchers and developers seeking to pick up new skills or the latest developments in an area.

Submission guidelines:
Tutorial proposal submissions should contain the following:

■ A concise title.
■ The names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio of the presenter(s).
■ Proposed duration of the tutorial (1.5, 3, or 6 hours) together with justification that a high-quality presentation will be achieved within the chosen time period.
■ A description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope.
■ A description of the intended audience, assumed background, and the main learning outcomes.
■ A statement detailing: Why is the tutorial important?  Why is the tutorial timely?  How is it relevant to WWW?
■ If the tutorial was given before, when and where was it given and how will it be modified for WWW 2011?  If possible, provide a link to slides from the previous tutorial presentation.

Proposals should be no more than five pages in length (10pt with reasonable margins) and must be in PDF. 

For Tutorial proporals submission please CLICK HERE»

Inquiries can be sent to tutorials@www2011india.com

Tutorial presentations will be published electronically and made available to WWW participants.

Vanja Josifovski (Yahoo! Research, USA)
Sunita Sarawagi (IIT Bombay, India)
Kian-Lee Tan (NUS, Singapore)

Important dates:
Proposal submission deadline: Nov 19, 2010
Acceptance notification: Jan 19, 20



IIIT Bangalore
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