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« Refereed Papers Track »
| Abuse, Security, and Privacy |Behavioral Analysis and Personalization |
| Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data | Content Analysis |
| Relevance and Ranking | Search Systems and Applications |
Semantic Web |Social Systems and Graph Analysis
| User Interaction and Mobility | Monetization |
| Performance, Scalability, and Availability | Software Infrastructure |
| Web For Emerging Regions |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
| PhD Symposium |
Demos | W3C |


The poster track will continue the established tradition of providing an interaction opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their new and innovative work-in-progress and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting.  It gives conference attendees a forum where they can learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting.  It also provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity to receive invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources.

Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the Posters Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Poster authors are not required to transfer copyright. Accepted poster papers will be allocated two pages in the conference proceedings (no extra pages can be purchased). In addition to the two-page submission, accepted poster authors will be asked to generate a poster and possible demonstration to be displayed in a dedicated poster area and presented during a poster session at the conference.  To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented to the Best Poster and the Best Student Poster.

Submission guidelines:

Poster submissions must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template and are limited to two pages. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. In particular, the format cannot be modified with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review. Submissions must be in PDF. 

Simultaneous submission of a paper and poster is forbidden. At least one of the authors of an accepted poster is required to attend the conference and present the poster.  For more details, please read Conference Policies. 

For Poster Submissions please CLICK HERE»

Poster submissions do not need an abstract. 

Inquiries can be sent to posters@www2011india.com

Co-chairs :
Murat Kantarcioglu (UT Dallas, USA)
Marc Najork (Microsoft Research, USA)

Important dates :
Poster submission deadline: Nov 19, 2010
Acceptance notification: Jan 19, 2011
Camera-ready deadline: Jan 31, 2011


IIIT Bangalore
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