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Official Airline
« Refereed Papers Track »
| Abuse, Security, and Privacy |Behavioral Analysis and Personalization |
| Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data | Content Analysis |
| Relevance and Ranking | Search Systems and Applications |
Semantic Web |Social Systems and Graph Analysis
| User Interaction and Mobility | Monetization |
| Performance, Scalability, and Availability | Software Infrastructure |
| Web For Emerging Regions |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
| PhD Symposium |
Demos | W3C |



  • Web-scale data using cloud platforms
  • Novel cloud based web applications
  • Optimizing deployment of web applications and services on public clouds
  • Challenges in designing applications and services that utilize resources across multiple clouds (both public and private)
  • Testing web applications and services deployed on cloud
  • QoS and SLAs for web applications and services deployed on cloud
  • Security, privacy, and trust for web applications and services deployed on cloud
  • Evaluation of cloud platforms
  • Management, monitoring and control for cloud web applications and services deployed on cloud   
  • Case studies of using web-based crowd-sourcing
  • Design and evaluation of novel human computation frameworks and systems
  • Theories and techniques about usability and utility of human computation tasks
  • Tools and platforms to support human computation
  • Reputation and quality control for web-based crowd sourcing
  • Pervasive and Mobile Web Services
  • Semantic Web services
  • Conceptual modeling for Web services and Web applications   
  • Architectures and frameworks for Web services and web applications
  • Rich Web Applications
  • Web Mashups and composition
  • Security, Privacy, consistency, QoS, and Trust for Web services and Web applications
  • Testing for Web services and Web applications        

Track Chairs

  • Boualem Benatallah (UNSW, Australia)
  • Raghu Ramakrishnan (Yahoo! Research, USA)

Program Committee (accepted)

  • Daniela Florescu
  • Christian Jensen
  • Diaz Oscar
  • Daniel Schwabe
  • Fabio Casati
  • Francisco Curbera
  • Rob Ennals
  • Piero Fraternali
  • Rick Hull
  • Donald Kossman
  • Frank Leymann
  • Hamid Motahari
  • Beng-Chin Ooi
  • Radu Sion
  • Jianwen Su
  • Stefan Tai
  • Maja Vukovic

IIIT Bangalore
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