logo Conference Theme

Official Airline
« Refereed Papers Track »
| Abuse, Security, and Privacy |Behavioral Analysis and Personalization |
| Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data | Content Analysis |
| Relevance and Ranking | Search Systems and Applications |
Semantic Web | Social Systems and Graph Analysis
| User Interaction and Mobility | Monetization |
| Performance, Scalability, and Availability | Software Infrastructure |
| Web For Emerging Regions |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
| PhD Symposium |
Demos | W3C |

WWW2011 Call for Papers

The International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2) and the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India cordially invite you to participate in the 20th International World Wide Web Conference to be held in Hyderabad, India. 

The World Wide Web Conference is the global event that brings together key researchers, innovators, decision-makers, technologists, businesses, and standards bodies working to shape the Web. Organized by IW3C2 since 1994, the conference series is the premier venue for academics and industry to present, demonstrate, and discuss the latest ideas about the Web, its infrastructure, relevant algorithms and new innovative applications. It is most of all an annual opportunity for the international community to discuss and debate the state and the evolution of the Web.

The technical program for the five-day conference will include refereed paper presentations, plenary sessions, panels, poster, and demo sessions. The WWW2011 program will also include Panels, Tutorials, and Workshops, a W3C track, a Developers track, a PhD Symposium, and Exhibitions.

Important Dates
Deadlines (All deadlines are based on 6PM local time in San Francisco, CA; no exceptions)
Oct 22, 2010:    Abstracts for Refereed papers        Submission Closed
Oct 29, 2010:    Refereed papers due                        Submission Closed
Nov 5, 2010:      Demos and Workshop proposals Submission Closed
Nov 19, 2010:    Posters, Phd Symposium and Tutorial proposals due
Dec 10, 2010:    Panel proposals due

Dec 10, 2010:    Workshops Finalized list of Workshops
Jan 17, 2011:     Refereed papers and Phd Symposium
Jan 19, 2011:     Posters, Demos, Tutorials and Panels
Notification of papers have been made

Refereed Papers Track
Tracks and topics.  WWW2011 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Papers may be submitted to one of the following tracks:
■ Relevance and Ranking
■ Search Systems and Applications 
■ Content Analysis
■ Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data 
■ Behavioral Analysis and Personalization
■ Social Systems and Graph Mining 
■ Monetization
■ Abuse, Security, and Privacy 
■ User Interaction and Mobility 
■ Performance Scalability and Availability
■ Software Infrastructure
■ Semantic Web 
In addition, the conference solicits original research papers to the alternate track:
■ Web for Emerging Regions

The topics in the tracks are near-disjoint.  It is in your best interest to choose the track with a topic closest to the topic of the submission.  A submission can be moved to a different track at any point at the discretion of the program chairs.

Formatting guidelines.  Paper submissions should adhere to all Conference Policies
Detailed instructions for preparing the camera-ready version are available from: http://www.sheridanprinting.com/typedept/www.htm

Submissions must
■ be written in English;
■ contain the author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
■ use the ACM SIG Proceedings templates
■ be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform);
■ be formatted for US Letter paper (LaTeX: use \pdfpagewidth, \pdfpageheight or equivalent) and
■ occupy no more than ten pages, including the abstract, references, and appendices.

It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. In particular, the format cannot be modified with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines will be rejected without review.  Paper submissions should be uploaded here»

Please note that there is a separate deadline for abstracts. Important: abstracts that serve as mere placeholders will be deleted. Authors will not be able to submit a full paper if they do not have a valid abstract in the system by the Abstract deadline.

Accepted papers will appear in the conference online proceedings published by the ACM Digital Library and the conference's web site. Authors of accepted papers will retain proprietary rights to their work, but will be required to sign a copyright release form to IW3C2.
The Program Committee will select a small number of excellent papers for fast-track journal publication in the ACM Transactions on the Web (ACM TWEB).

Inquiries can be sent to papers@www2011india.com

Posters and Demos Track
WWW2011 invites submissions to the Posters and Demos track.   See the Call for Posters and the Call for Demos for further details.

Panels, Workshops, and Tutorials Track
WWW2011 invites proposals submissions for Panels, Workshops, and Tutorials.  See the Call for Panel Proposals, the Call for Workshop Proposals, and the Call for Tutorial Proposals for more information.

PhD Symposium
The PhD Symposium of WWW2011 provides an excellent platform for the new as well as senior PhD students for presenting their ideas and receiving feedback on their work by other PhD Students and experienced researchers working in areas related to World Wide Web. See the Call for PhD Symposium Papers for more information.


IIIT Bangalore
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