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« Refereed Papers Track »
| Abuse, Security, and Privacy |Behavioral Analysis and Personalization |
| Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data | Content Analysis |
| Relevance and Ranking | Search Systems and Applications |
Semantic Web |Social Systems and Graph Analysis
| User Interaction and Mobility | Monetization |
| Performance, Scalability, and Availability | Software Infrastructure |
| Web For Emerging Regions |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
| PhD Symposium |
Demos | W3C |



  • Community and social mechanisms for the definition of semantics of data, and metadata and ontology creation
  • Large-scale approaches for generating, handling, and interacting with Linked Open Data
  • Management of Semantic Web data
  • Blogs, wikis, browsers, crawlers, harvesters, search engines and other applications that produce and consume the Semantic/Data Web
  • Ontologies and knowledge representation languages, tools, algorithms
  • Provenance, trust and security using semantics and applying to semantics
  • Applications of Semantic Web formats for enterprises, learning and science
  • Re-purposing of data, information, and multimedia using semantics

Track Chairs

  • Abraham Bernstein, U Zurich, Switzerland
  • Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Spain

Program Committee
Will be announced shortly



IIIT Bangalore
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