WWWF'94: Papers Received

  1. Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund, John Nicol, Russel Sasnett, and Vincent Phuah
    WWWinda: An Orchestration Service for WWW Browsers and Accessories
  2. K. A. Oostendorp, W. F. Punch and R. W. Wiggins
    A Tool for Individualizing the Web
  3. Margaret L. McLaughlin
    Art Galleries and Exhibits on the World Wide Web
  4. Robert Godwin-Jones
    Language Learning and the World Wide Web
  5. Elizabeth Fischer
    Graffiti on the Web: A Cultural Interchange A Lighthearted Romp with an Artist in Webland that Stops Being Lighthearted at the End
  6. James Baggott and Sharon E. Dennis
  7. Henry S. Rzepa and Christopher Leach
    Chemistry in the Web: Hyperactive Molecules
  8. Peter Roden and Suzana Lisanti
    MIT's Campus-Wide Information System: Scaling up for World Wide Web Support
  9. Arnold Kling
    The Economic Consequences of the World Wide Web
  10. Richard Dratva
    WWW-based Home Banking Services in Switzerland: A Case Study
  11. David W. Filiatrault, Craig A. Lightle, James E. Simmons, and Jerrold M. Grochow
    AMS on the World-Wide-Web
  12. Margaret L. McLaughlin and Sheizaf Rafaeli
    The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
  13. Kurt Maly, J. French, A. Selman and E. Fox
    WATERS - The Wide Area Technical Report Server
  14. James L. Seidman
    An HTML Extension to Support Client-Side Image maps
  15. Bhavna Chhabra, Darren R. Hardy, Allan Hundhausen, David Merkel, John D. Noble, and Michael F. Schwartz
    Integrating Complex Data Access Methods into the Mosaic/WWW Environment
  16. Jodi Moline
    Inline Support for Vector Files: Engineering Drawings on the WWW
  17. Ronald F. Boisvert
    A Web Gateway to a Virtual Mathematical Software Repository
  18. Robert J. Kummerfeld and J. Kay
    An Individualised Course for the C Programming Language
  19. David R. Britton Jr. and Arthur A. Reyes
    Discovering Usability Improvements for Mosaic: Applications of the Contextual Inquiry Technique with an Expert User
  20. Michael Ridley
    Innovation and Implementation: Adopting and Managing World Wide Web Services in Academic Libraries
  21. Anthony J. Frisby, James Baggott, Sharon Dennis, and Rod Murray
    Medical Education and the World Wide Web
  22. Hans B. Sieburg, Stella Veretnik, Jay M. Otero, and Donald E. Mosier
    Cybermouse WWW Simulation Server
  23. Tom Munnecke
    World Wide Web and the Demise of the Clockwork Universe
  24. Paul Hoffman, Randy Adams, Dale Dougherty, Robert Frasca, Mark Ingalls
    Commercial Web Information Providers
  25. Leon Shklar, Satish Thatte, Howard Marcus, and Amit Sheth
    The InfoHarness Information Integration Platform
  26. Sue Gollifer
    'Imaging the future': Issues of Identity and Authenticity of a Work of Art
  27. Michael F. Schwartz, C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, and Udi Manber
    The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System
  28. Greg Bean
    Building Web Servers for Microcomputer Foundation
  29. Jakob Nielsen and Darrell Sano
    SunWeb: User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's Internal Web
  30. Dave Eichmann
    Ethical Web Agents
  31. Steven D. Whitehead
    Auto-FAQ: An Experiment in cyberspace leveraging
  32. Maria Roussos and Paul Brenner
    The File Room: An Interactive Archive of Cultural Censorship
  33. Jim Petruzzelli
    Critical Thinking with the Interactive Text: Decentering Textual Authority with Mosaic
  34. John J. Frett, Elizabeth O. Mackenzie, and Dewey Caron
    A Multimedia Presentation of Plants in the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens Utilizing Mosaic
  35. Daniel Egret and Andre' Heck
    The Web in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences
  36. Karen M. Strom
    Electronic Publication and Data Distribution for the Star Formation Group in the Five College Astronomy Department
  37. Alan Richmond and Nick White
    Implementation of an Astrophysics Information System on the World-Wide Web
  38. Robert E. Jackson
    AstroWeb Tools
  39. Susan Slavney and Thomas C. Stein
    Planetary Science Data Distribution on the Web: The Magellan Standard Products Catalog
  40. Eric Freese
    The Transformation of SGML Documents for Presentation on the WWW
  41. C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Robert F. Goldstein
    HTML to the Max: A Manifesto for Adding SGML Intelligence to the World-Wide Web
  42. Theresa Kasper
    Untangling the Web - The role of text retrieval in a hypertext environment
  43. Robert E. Kent and Christian Neuss
    Creating Web Analysis and Visualization Environment
  44. Steven F. Rung
    Electronic Imaging of a Macintosh Page
  45. Ronald Scharf, Stefan Hartmann, and Werner Wolz
    Using Mosaic for Remote Test System Control Supports Distributed Engineering
  46. Julia A. Collins
    Climate Research and the Web: Integrating World Wide Web and Mosaic Capabilities into the Climate Diagnostics Center
  47. Theodore Meyer, Ramachandran Suresh and Douglas Ilg, and Bruce Moxon
    Mosaic, HDF and EOSDIS: Providing Access to Earth Sciences Data
  48. N. N. Soreide, L. McCarty, and D. C. McClurg
    Mosaic Access to Realtime Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of Moored Buoys
  49. Frederick Zimmerman and Peter Young
    Information for a Changing World: CIESIN's Use of WWW To Facilitate Access to Data and Information Relevant to Human Interactions In The Environment
  50. Brandon S. Plewe
    The GeoWeb Project: Using WAIS and the World Wide Web to Aid Location of Distributed Data Sets
  51. Bradley Carl Beck and Antonio M. Baptista
    An Interactive Forum for Convection-Diffusion Problems
  52. Roger B. Blumberg
    MendelWeb: An Electronic Science/Math/History Resource for the WWW
  53. S. Hurley, A. D. Marshall, S. N. McIntosh-Smith and N. M. Stephens
    Courseware for Parallel Computing using Mosaic and the World Wide Web
  54. Per Einar Dybvik and Hakon W. Lie
    Combining WWW/Mosaic with Realtime Multimedia Conferencing in Distance Education
  55. Daniel Perron
    Learning on the WWW: A Case Study
  56. Pat Ward and Kristopher Davis
    Empowering Students in the Information Age Pat Ward and Kristopher Davis
  57. Michael L. Bayle, Burton H. Lee, A. Goto, Y. Sakamoto, J. Hong, V. Lam, T. Takada, M. Washisaka, A. Yamazaki, and K. Kada
    Japan Window: A US-Japan WWW Collaboration for Japan Information
  58. Gary Welz
    The Media Business on the WWW
  59. Ann Koopman and Sharon Hay
    Swim At Your Own Risk - No Librarian On Duty: Large-Scale Application of Mosaic in an Academic Library
  60. Bob Davis, Jack Fritts, and Phyllis Geren
  61. Pagogh Cho, James Gutierrez, Anne LeMaistre, M.D., Cameron Payne, Russell Pruitt, and Charlotte Wilcox
    IntelliTeaching - High Impact Learning
  62. Baltazar Espiritu, John A. McNulty, James R. Halama, Arcot J. Chandrasekhar, Ronald Price, Jr., and Brain Maggi
    The Loyola University Medical Education Network
  63. K. Srinivas, K. Gopinath, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, Matthew Fuchs, Y.V. Reddy, George Almasi, and Tad Davis
    Applications of Mosaic in Health Care Delivery
  64. Rand Bohrer
    Architecture of the Future: -- A Web Exhibition
  65. Tyson Macaulay
    WWW Clearinghouse for Government Information
  66. Paul Boyer
    Information Discovery and Distillation in Government: An Experience Report
  67. Mark R. Fernandez,Jim Miller, Jeffrey L. Becklehimer, and Bill Maloy
    The Use of Distributed Hypermedia at the Naval Research Laboratory
  68. Michael L. Nelson and David J. Bianco
    The World Wide Web and Technology Transfer at NASA Langley
  69. Nick Arnett
    The Internet and the Anti-net
  70. Stuart Weibel, Eric Miller and Jean Godby and Ralph LeVan
    An Architecture for Scholarly Publishing on the World Wide Web
  71. Jim Davis and Carl Lagoze
    Drop-in Publishing with the World Wide Web
  72. Gerard Martin
    Online Fair Use Of Copyrighted Material: Issues and Concerns
  73. Jong-Gyun Lim
    Using Coollists To Index HTML Documents in the Web
  74. James Casey, Alberto Aimar, Nikos Drakos, Ian Hannell, Arash Khodabandeh, Paolo Palazzi, Bertrand Rousseau, and Mario Ruggier
    WebLinker: A Tool for Managing Cross References Between WWW Documents
  75. David Crossley
    WAIS Through the Web - Discovering Environmental Information
  76. Howard Beck, Amir Mobini, Viswanath Kadambari
    A Word is Worth 1000 Pictures: Natural Language Access to Digital Libraries
  77. Darrell Woelk and Christine Tomlinson
    The MCC InfoSleuth Project: Intelligent Search Management via Semantic Agents
  78. Hsinchun Chen
    The Semantic Retrieval for NCSA Mosaic
  79. Ariel Poler
    Improving WWW Marketing Through User Information and Non-Intrusive Communications
  80. Steve Lewontin and Mary Ellen Zurko
    The DCE Web Project: Providing Authorization and Other Distributed Services to the World Wide Web
  81. David Barber
    The University of Michigan Data System
  82. Tom Meyer, David Blair, Suzanne Hader
    WAXweb: A MOO-based Collaborative Hypermedia System for WWW
  83. Joanna Mason, Marek Czernuszenko, Dana Plepys, and Thomas A. DeFanti
    CAVEview: Mosaic-based Virtual Reality
  84. Paul Campbell, Lawrence Fitzpatrick, David C. Macdonald, and Adrienne Griffith
    Information Access: A Cornerstone of Web Publishing
  85. Robert E. Wray, III, Ronald Chong, Joseph Phillips, Seth Rogers, William Walsh, and John Laird
    Organizing Information in Mosaic: A Classroom Experiment
  86. Jonathan Lieberman and Nadine O'Connor DiVito
    WILT: A WWW based Interactive Language Teaching Tool
  87. Bernd Mueller
    Using WWW as an Information System to Reduce the Average Period of Study by Better Information Providing and to Relieve Administration
  88. Martin Sjolin
    A WWW Front End to an OODBMS
  89. Donald Jennings, Peter Damon, Maia Good, and Ryszard Pisarski
    How to Present Lots of Volatile Information on the World Wide Web
  90. Antia Behram, Brett Stroozas, William Boyd, Carol Christian, Kuei Chen
    EUV Astrophysics and the World Wide Web
  91. James M. Jordan, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, and Jesse Allen
    Tailoring Information Presentation with Words and Pictures at the COSSC
  92. Kennie Jones
    TOPS On-Line - Automating the Construction and Maintenance of HTML pages
  93. Christine A. Quinn
    From Grass Roots to Corporate Image - The Maturation of the Web
  94. Kaitlin Duck Sherwood
    Technical and Sociological Aspects of Developing Campus-Wide Webs: UIUC College of Engineering
  95. Gottfried Mayer-Kress, William Bender, John Bazik
    Hyper-Media on the Internet as a Tool for Approaching Global Problems: A Tele-Conferencing Experiment
  96. Brian Smithson and Barbara Singer
    An Information Clearinghouse Server for Industry Consortia
  97. Ken Goldberg, Michael Mascha, Steven Gentner, Nick Rothenberg, Carl Sutter, and Jeff Wiegley
    Beyond the Web: Excavating the Real World Via Mosaic
  98. Thane J. Frivold, Ruth E. Lang, and Martin W. Fong
    Extending WWW for Synchronous Collaboration
  99. James R Halama and Anne Kreft, and Robert E. Henkin
    An Interactive Electronic Bulletin Board Implementation For Mosaic and HTTP Server
  100. David Glazer
    Lessons Learned Implementing a Navigation Server for the Web
  101. Stephan M. Spencer, Max L. Nibert, and Jean-Yves Sgro
    Communicating Information about Virus Structure and Biology Via the World Wide Web
  102. David W. Robertson, William E. Johnston, and Wing Nip
    Virtual Frog Dissection: Interactive 3D Graphics via the Web
  103. Bonnie Thurber and Bob Davis
    Designing a Server with a K - 8 School in Mind
  104. Samuel A. Rebelsky
    A Web of Resources for Introductory Computer Science
  105. Edwin Hastings and Dilip H. Kumar
    Providing Customers Information Using the WEB and CORBA
  106. Jeff Sedayao
    "Mosaic will kill my network!" Studying Network Traffic Patterns of Mosaic Use
  107. Marc D. VanHeyningen
    The Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index: Lessons in Indexing Diverse Resources
  108. Henrik Frystyk
    Towards a Uniform Library of Common Code: A Presentation of the World Wide Web Library
  109. Andre' DeHon, Jeremy Brown, Ian Eslick, Jake Harris, Lara Karbiner, and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.
    Global Cooperative Computing
  110. Stefan Gessler and Andreas Kotulla
    PDAs as mobile WWW browsers
  111. Jeffrey C. Mogul and Venkata N. Padmanabhan
    Improving WWW Latency
  112. Donald J. Fabozzi II
    The Use of Mosaic as a Documentation Tool For Large, Graphically-Based Simulation Software
  113. Keith Werkman and Jeff Poulin
    Software Reuse Libraries with Mosaic
  114. Mirjana Spasojevic, Mic Bowman, and Alfred Spector
    Using a Wide-Area File System Within the World Wide Web
  115. Dragomir R. Radev
    RENDEZVOUS: A WWW Synchronization System
  116. Kimberly C. Claffy and Hans-Werner Braun
    Web traffic characterization: an assessment of the impact of caching documents from NCSA's web server
  117. Glenn A. Crocker
    web2mush: Serving Interactive Resources to the Web
  118. Tom Pinckney, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Joshua A. Tauber
    Dynamic Documents: Extensibility and Adaptability in the WWW
  119. Jim Pitkow and Mimi Recker
    A Simple Yet Robust Caching Algorithm Based on Dynamic Access Patterns
  120. Jonathan Soo
    Live Multimedia over HTTP
  121. Stephen Uhler
    Incorporating real-time audio on the Web
  122. Jay Weber
    A Webmaster's Starter Kit
  123. Tony Boston and David Stockwell
    Interactive Species Distribution Reporting, Mapping, and Modelling Using the World Wide Web
  124. Paul De Bra and R. D. J. Post
    Searching for Arbitrary Information in the World Wide Web:the Fish-Search for Mosaic
  125. M. Donszelmann and K. Rodden
    Gateways for World-Wide Web in the 'Online' Data Acquisition System of the DELPHI Experiment at CERN
  126. Jaromir Likavec
    Mosaic Launches New Dimensions in the LAN Management
  127. Andreas Myka
    Putting Paper Documents in the World-Wide Web
  128. Brian Pinkerton
    Finding What People Want: Experiences with theWebCrawler
  129. Robert Keith Thralls Sr.
    Building HTML Application Systems: Converting Existing MS-Windows Applications to HTML
  130. Mark J. Cox and John E. F. Baruch
    Robotic Telescopes: An Interactive Exhibit on the World Wide Web
  131. Sandy Ressler
    Approaches Using Virtual Environments with Mosaic
  132. Vivian M. Benton, Dan Dwyer, Cordelia Baron Geiken, Greg McArthur, and Joshua Polterock
    MetaCenter Science Highlights Repository
  133. Philip Tsang James Henri and Sandy Tse
    Internet Growth in Austalia and Asia's Four Dragons
  134. Lynn Jacobsen, David Millman, and Walter Bourne
    Providing Access to a Data Library: SQL and Full-Text IR Methods of Automatically Generating Web Structure
  135. Brian Sullivan, Jonathan Ryan Day, Jeff Spitulnik, and Elliot Soloway
    HTML Made Easy: HTML Claris XTND Translator
  136. Hal Varian
    Some FAQs about Usage-Based Pricing
  137. Mark Ginsburg and Ajit Kambil
    The EDGAR Project: A Case Study in Disseminating Financial Data on the Internet
  138. M. G. Lavenant and John A. Kruper
    Phoenicia: A Model for World-Wide Web Based Campus Information Systems
  139. Jui-Chieh Hsu, William Johnston, John McCarthy
    Active Outlining for HTML Documents: An X-Mosaic Implementation
  140. Michael Rees and Tak Woo
    A Synchronous Collaboration Tool for WWW
  141. Minh Huynh, Laird Popkin, and Matthew Stecker
    Constructing a Corporate Memory Infrastructure from Internet Discovery Technologies
  142. William H. Holland
    AT&T; and the World Wide Web
  143. J.M. Ivler
    Developing In-house Applications for Northrop Grumman on the F/A-18 E/F Program Using Mosaic and HTTPD
  144. K. E. Willard, J. H. Hallgren, and D. P. Connelly
    W3 Based Medical Information Systems vs. Custom Client Server Applications
  145. Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, and Ari Luotonen
    SHEN Security Enhancements to HTTP
  146. David A. Gee and Mike Boulter
    MosaicForms Database Access ?: A Palaeobotanic case study
  147. John Schmitz, Marsha Woodbury, Mary Connors, Aaron Buckley, and Chip Aubry
    Discovery System
  148. Carlos A. Varela and Caroline C. Hayes
    Providing Data on the Web: From Examples to Programs
  149. Judith Donath, Niel Robertson
    The Sociable Web
  150. Dan Cantrall
    The Oregon State Archives on the World Wide Web: A Case Study in Building a New User Base for Government Services
  151. Robert Pearlstein and Peter C. FitzGerald
    The Web as a Computational Engine for Chemistry and Molecular Biology
  152. Steve Hankin and Jerry Davison
    Live Visualization and Extraction of Climate Data with Mosaic and FERRET
  153. Ellis S. Cohen
    Review-Based Information Services:Lessons Learned from The Boston Restaurant List
  154. Simon A. Rakov
    The Internet Sampler: A Mosaic-Based Museum Kiosk About the Internet
  155. Joel D. Register and John L. Gerone
    Interfaces for Public Information and Scientific Research
  156. Marc E. Salomon and David C. Martin
    An Electronic Journal Browser Implemented in the World Wide Web
  157. Katie S. Oliver, Christine Remenyik, Alexander Crosby, and Jim Kazmer
    Dynamic Hypertext Navigation and Display Management
  158. Chris Prah and Diane DiGiovanni
    Mosaic as Corporate Data Collector and Dispenser
  159. Peter Doemel
    WebMap - A Graphical Hypertext Navigation Tool
  160. Andrew Ford
    The Electronic Beowulf From Early Anglo-Saxon Text to Hypertext
  161. Terry E. Weymouth, Dan Atkins, Gary Olson, Bob Clauer, Atul Prakash, Thomas Finholt, and Craig E. Rasmussen
    The Upper Atmospheric Research Collaboratory: UARC
  162. Judy Rice, Rosina Bignall, Dalinda Bond, and Phillip J. Windley
    Uses of Mosaic in a University Setting
  163. Guy Singh and Roger Binns
    An API to Mosaic
  164. Jack Hong, George Toye, and Larry Lefier
    Using the WWW for a Team-Based Engineering Design Class
  165. Jean Clucas and Velvin (Val) Watson
    Interactive Visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics using Mosaic
  166. Alan Falconer Slater
    Extending W3 Clients
  167. William J. Proffer
    Taxing Times: WWW Access to Federal and State Tax Forms, Information and Assistance
  168. C. Bruce Baker and Danny E. Brinegar
    The Use of the Information Highway to Explore Climate Variability
  169. Ernest Daddio and William Turnbull
    NOAA on the Web - the experiences and future of one Nation-wide user
  170. John Vekar and Saul Schwartz
    The Canadian Virtual Policy and Administration Community
  171. Nancy B. Davis, Pagogh Cho, James Gutierrez, Cameron Payne, Russell Pruitt, Charlotte Wilcox, and Anne LeMaistre, M.D.
    Interactive Computer Based Programs Versus Traditional Methods For Self-Study
  172. E. Fox and N. Dwight Barnette
    Improving Education through a CS Digital Library with Three Types of WWW Servers
  173. Michael Fischer, Michael Meyer and Michael Witbrock
    User Extensibility in Amiga Mosaic
  174. Ehud Shapiro
    Virtual Places - A Foundation for Human Interaction
  175. Mary Rasmussen, Brad Blumenthal, Steve Borysewicz, and Paul Neumann
    The Global Interactive Museum using Mosaic
  176. Syed S. Towheed
    NASA's Use of the World Wide Web to Deliver Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision Data in Near-Real Time
  177. John Brien, Peggy Havukainen, Matthew Krenmayr, Antonio Artese, and Mark Silva
    Using Mosaic/WWW in a Business School: New Opportunities for Information Sharing and Teaching. Issues in Implementing Organizational-Wide Networked Multimedia
  178. Calum Smeaton and Alan Slater
    Integrating Simulations and W3 Courseware
  179. John R. Punin and Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
    A Simple HTML Editor
  180. Kathryn M. Humm
    Chesley Bonestell Art Gallery
  181. Jonathan A. Epstein, Jonathan A. Kans, and Gregory D. Schuler
    WWW Entrez: A Hypertext Retrieval Tool for Molecular Biology
  182. Will Hill, Mark Rosenstein, and Larry Stead
    Community and History-of-Use Navigation
  183. Rajeev Joshi and Hans Joseph
    Selective Presentation of Information on the Web
  184. Shelley G. Ford and Robert C. Stern
    OmniPort: Integrating Legacy Data into the WWW
  185. Roger B. Blumberg
    Museums, Public Lands, and Billboards: Toward a Philosophy of the World Wide Web
  186. Lauren A. Bednarcyk and Kevin D. Bond
    A Local Web for Information Delivery
  187. Laurie Gelb
    A Representational Data Model for Web Site Administrators
  188. Jeremy Brown, Jake Harris, Lara Karbiner, Massimiliano Poletto, Andre' DeHon, Ian Eslick, and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.
  189. Brian Kroeker, Hilde Colenbrander, Henry Fan, and George Phillips
    Interactive Database Communication Across the World Wide Web: Accessing Statistics Canada's CANSIM Database
  190. Hope A. Greenberg
    The Ovid Project: Metamorphosizing the Metamorphoses
  191. Rajiv Tewari
    Innovative Courseware Development with Mosaic and WWW
  192. Scott Spetka
    The TkWWW Robot: Beyond Browsing
  193. Michael J. Keeler
    The Earth System Science Community Curriculum Testbed
  194. Tamas E. Doszkocs, Seth B. Widoff, and Bruno M. Vasta
    Associative Concept Navigation in MEDLINE and other NLM Databases via a Mosaic - Forms - WWW Interface Combining Natural Language Processing, Expert Systems and (un)Conventional Information Retrieval Techniques
  195. Judy Cossel Rice
    Hypermedia for HyperKids
  196. Dean Savage
    Social Science Uses of Mosaic at the City University of New York
  197. Thomas Boutell
    Techniques for Server-Side Dynamic Document Generation
  198. Robert A. Duffy and Michael J. Palmer
    Taking the High Road to Institutional Self-Promotion: Substantive Corporate Communication on the Worldwide Web
  199. Andrew L. Fry
    Publishing in the New Mass Medium: Creating Content on the Internet
  200. Thomas Baker, Inke Bruning, Lothar Klein, and Michael Lenz
    Not Free, but Growing Fast: The Web in Germany
  201. Al Globus and Chris Beaumont
    Spinning a Useful Weblet
  202. Mike Pingleton and Thomas Fischer
    Utilizing Mosaic and the WWW in an Operations Environment

NCSA - Mosaic and the Web Conference - October 8, 1994