24thd International WWW Conference
Date − May 18-23, 2015
Location − Florence, Italy
Conference Chair − Aldo Gangemi, Stefani Leonardi and Alessandro Panconesi
Program Chairs − Krishna Gummadi and Chengxiang Zhai
23rd International WWW Conference
Date − April 7-11, 2014
Location − Seoul, Korea
Conference Chair − Chin-Wan Chung
Program Chairs − Andrei Broder, Kyuseok Shim, and Torsten Suel
22nd International WWW Conference
Date − May 13-17, 2013
Location − Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference Chair − Virgílio Almeida, Daniel Schwabe, and Hartmut Glaser
Program Chairs − Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Sue Moon
21st International WWW Conference
Date − April 16-20, 2012
Location − Lyon, France
Conference Chair − Virgílio Almeida, Daniel Schwabe, and Hartmut Glaser
Program Chairs − Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Sue Moon