Web Science Track

Sala della Volta


Wednesday, 20 May

Session Chair: Lora Aroyo


11.20 – 11.45

Identity Management and Mental Health Discourse in Social Media

Umashanthi Pavalanatha (Georgia Institute of Technology), Munmun De Choudhury (Georgia Institute of Technology)


11.45 – 12.10

Investigating the Similarity Between Privacy Policies of Social Networking Sites as a Precursor for Standardization

Emma Cradock (University of Southampton), David Millard (University of Southampton), Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon (University of Southampton)


12.10 – 12.35

Crowdsourcing the Annotation of Rumourous Conversations in Social Media

Arkaitz Zubiaga (University of Warwick), Maria Liakata (University of Warwick), Rob Procter (University of Warwick), Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield), Peter Tolmie (University of Warwick)


12.35 – 13.00

Deep Feelings: A Massive Cross-Lingual Study on the Relation between Emotions and Virality

Marco Guerini (Trento-Rise), Jacopo Staiano (LIP6, UPMC – Sorbonne Universities)


Session Chair: Wendy Hall


14:30 – 14:55

Attention Please! A Hybrid Resource Recommender Mimicking Attention-Interpretation Dynamics

Paul Seitlinger (Graz University of Technology), Dominik Kowald (Know-Center), Simone Kopeinik (Graz University of Technology), Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi (Graz University of Technology), Tobias Ley (Tallinn University), Elisabeth Lex (Graz University of Technology)


14.55 – 15.20

TopChurn: Maximum Entropy Churn Prediction Using Topic Models Over Heterogeneous SignalsManirupa Das (The Ohio State University), Micha Elsner (The Ohio State University), Rajiv Ramnath (The Ohio State University), Arnab Nandi (The Ohio State University)


15:20 – 15:45

User Behavior Characterization of a Large-scale Mobile Live Streaming System

Zhenyu Li (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mohamed Ali Kaafar (NICTA), Kavé Salamatian (Université de Savoie), Gaogang  Xie (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


15:45 – 16:10

A study of Distinctiveness in Web Results of Two Search Engines

Rakesh Agrawal (Data Insights Laboratories), Behzad Golshan (BostonUniversity), Evangelos Papalexakis (CarnegieMellonUniversity)


Thursday, 21 May

Session Chair: Elena Simperl


11:00 – 11:25

Improving Productivity in Citizen Science through Controlled Intervention

Avi Segal (Ben Gurion University), Robert Simpson (Department of Physics, University of Oxford), Kobi Gal (Ben Gurion University), Mark Hartswood (University of Oxford), Kevin Page (Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford), Marina Jirotka (University of Oxford)



11:25 – 11:50

Correlation of Node Importance Measures: An Empirical Study through Graph Robustness

Mirza Basim Baig (Stony Brook University), Leman Akoglu (Stony Brook University)


11:50 – 12:15

“Roles for the boys?” Mining online cast lists for gender and role distributions over time

Will Radford (Xerox Research Centre Europe), Matthias Gallé (Xerox Research Centre Europe)





A Study of the Access Types Effect on Temporal Popularity Patterns of Internet Videos

Zhenyu Li (Institute of Computing Technology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences)

Gaogang Xie (Institute Of Computing Technology, CAS)

Xinyue Zhao (ICT-CAS)

Mohamed Ali  Kaafar (NICTA)


The Threshold of Counter-productivity and the Internet of Toilets    

Christopher Brewster (AstonBusinessSchool, AstonUniversity)

Dougald Hine  (dougald.co.uk)


Modelling Question Selection Behaviour in Online Communities        

Harith  Alani (KMi, The Open University)

Gregoire Burel (The Open University)

Yulan He (AstonUniversity)

Paul Mulholland (The Open University)


Social Networking by Proxy: Analysis of Dogster, Catster and Hamsterster

Daniel Dünker (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Jérôme Kunegis (University of Koblenz-Landau)


Where have all the users gone? Measuring the health of Wikipedia by analysing emergent sub-communities in WikiProjects         

Wendy Hall (University of Southampton)

Markus Luczak-Roesch (University of Southampton)

Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)

Ramine Tinati (University of Southampton)


Web as Corpus Supporting Natural Language Generation for Online River Information Communication

Xiwu Han (University of Aberdeen)

Antonio Ioris   (University of Edinburgh)

Chenghua Lin  (Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen)

Kit Macleod (The James Hutton Institute)

Somayajulu Sripada (Department of computing science, University of Aberdeen)

Rene van der Wal (University of Aberdeen)


Viral Misinformation: The Role of Homophily and Polarization

Aris Anagnostopoulos (SapienzaUniversity of Rome)

Alessandro Bessi (IUSS Institute for Advanced Study)

Guido  Caldarelli (Centre SMC CNR-INFM)

Michela Del Vicario (IMT LUCCA)

Fabio   Petroni (Sapienza University of Roma)

Walter Quattrociocchi (Labss ,Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies)

Antonio Scala  (Institute for Complex Systems / Italian National Research Council)

Fabiana Zollo  (Università degli Studi di Perugia)



Self Curation, Social Partitioning, Escaping from Prejudice and Harassment: the Many Dimensions of Lying Online

Amy Guy  (University of Edinburgh)

Dave Murray-Rust  (University of Edinburgh)

Daniel Smith   (University of Southampton)

Max Van Kleek (University of Southampton)


How much is Wikipedia Lagging Behind?

Abhijit Anand  (L3S ResearchCenter)

Avishek Anand (L3S ResearchCenter)

Besnik Fetahu (L3S ResearchCenter)


Linked Ethnographic Data: From Theory to Practice

Dominic Difranzo (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Marie Joan Kristine Gloria (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

James  Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)


Remix in 3D printing: What do your sources say about you?

Bin Liu  (RutgersUniversity)

Spiros  Papadimitriou (RutgersUniversity)

Hui Xiong  (RutgersUniversity)


Comparative Analysis of Teens and Adults in Instagram

Kyungsik Han (The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)

Jin Yea Jang     (The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)

Dongwon Lee  (The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)

Patrick C. Shih (The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)



Analyzing Video Upload Rates on a Large Video Sharing Site: A Predictive and Explanatory Model

Prasanta Bhattacharya (NUS)

Rishabh Mehrotra (UniversityCollegeLondon)