Plenary Sessions

Plenary Room

Wednesday, May 20



Opening Ceremony



Keynote speech: Dilemma of Digitization

Jeanette Hofmann (Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Director)



Panel: Ethics, Privacy and Web regulation



Joint WWW/Entrepreneurs Track Session

Keynote speech: A darkening Web?

Bill Coughran (Sequoia, Founder’s Coach and Partner)


Panel: Angels and VCs

Bill Coughran (Sequoia),

David Rose (GUST),

Talia Rafaeli (StageOne Ventures),

Luigi Capello (LVenture Group)



Plenary Room

Thursday, May 21



Keynote speech: What could we do with access to our small data

Deborah Estrin (Cornell Tech)



Joint Session MobiSys / WWW

Chairs: Jason Hong (CarnegieMellonUniversity), Krishna Gummadi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems – MPI-SWS)


Visual fingerprinting and applications

He Wang (University of Illinois – UIUC), Xuan Bao (Samsung Research), Romit Roy Choudhury  (University of Illinois – UIUC), Srihari Nelakuditi (University of South Carolina)


PocketTrend: timely identification and delivery of trending search content to mobile users

Gennady Pekhimenko (Carnegie Mellon University), Dimitrios Lymberopolous (MSR), Oriana Riva (MSR), Karin Strauss (MSR), Doug Burger (MSR)


Analyzing the use of quick response codes in the wild

Adam Lerner (University of Washington), Alisha Saxena (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kirk Ouimet (Scan, Inc.), Ben Turley (Scan, Inc.), Anthony Vance (Brigham Young University), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington), Franziska Roesner (University of Washington)


Bringing WiFi based indoor localization from research to practice with PASCAL

Souvik Sen (HP Labs), Dongho Kim (HP Labs), Stephane Laroche (HP Networking), Kyu-Han Kim (HP Labs), Jeongkeun Lee (HP Labs)



Plenary Room

Friday, May 22



Keynote speech: How good was the crystal ball? A personal perspective and retrospective on favorite web research topics

Andrei Broder (Google Distinguished Scientist)



WWW Test of Time Award



Closing Ceremony