Demo track

 Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: January 24th, 2015 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)
  • Notification date: February 22nd, 2015
  • Camera-ready deadline: March 8th, 2015

The Demo Track allows researchers and practitioners to demonstrate new systems in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference. Topics of  interest for this year’s conference include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Behavioral Analysis and Personalization
  • Crowdsourcing Systems and Social Media
  • Content Analysis
  • Internet Economics and Monetization
  • Pervasive Web and Mobility
  • Security and Privacy
  • Semantic Web
  • Social Networks and Graph Analysis
  • Web Infrastructure: Datacenters, Content Delivery Networks, and Cloud Computing
  • Web Mining
  • Web Science
  • Web Search Systems and Applications

Demos are encouraged from academic researchers, from industrial practitioners with prototypes or in-production deployments, as well as from any W3C-related activities. Software (including games or learning platforms) and hardware demos will be considered equally, as long as they show innovative use of Web-based techniques. Each demo submission must make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how. They should strive to state the significance of the contribution to Web technology or applications. Demos will be peer-reviewed by members of the Demo Track Program Committee, who will judge the originality, significance, quality, and clarity of each submission.

At least one author of each accepted demo paper must register for and attend the conference, and demonstrate the system during the demo sessions (please see the Conference Policies). Each accepted demo paper will be allocated no more than four pages in the conference proceedings. Demo authors are not required to transfer copyright.

For any information regarding the Poster Track, please contact

Submission guidelines

Demo submissions must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template and are limited to four pages. Submissions must be in PDF and must be done through the EasyChair system:

To better identify the value of demos, as well as to reach out to external audiences, we also encourage authors to submit a pointer to a screencast, using web-accessible platforms such as Vimeo or Youtube. The maximum duration of screencasts is 10 minutes.

Demo Track Chairs

  • Wagner Meira Jr. (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
  • Nishanth Sastry (King’s College London)

Program Committee

  • Patrick Loiseau, EURECOM
  • Jussara Almeida, UFMG
  • Bebo White, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • Mohamed Ahmed, University College London
  • Elizabeth M. Daly, IBM Research
  • Kuan-Ta Chen, Academia Sinica
  • Massimo Melucci, University of Padua
  • Jisun An, Qatar Computing Research Institute
  • Ángel Cuevas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo Labs
  • Oscar Pastor Lopez, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
  • Luca Maria Aiello, Yahoo Labs
  • Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S and University of Hannover
  • Pável Calado, IST/INESC-ID
  • Adriano C. M. Pereira, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Simon Harper, University of Manchester
  • Leandro Balby Marinho, Federal University of Campina Grande
  • Gisele Pappa, UFMG
  • David Nichols, University of Waikato
  • Mohamed Ali Kaafar, INRIA
  • Pablo de La Fuente, Universidad de Valladolid
  • Salvatore Scellato, Google
  • Sebastian Hellmann, University of Leipzig
  • Casey Dugan, IBM T.J. Watson Research
  • Reza Rejaie, University of Oregon
  • Anwitaman Datta, NTU Singapore
  • Gianluca Stringhini, University College London
  • Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens
  • My Thai, University of Florida
  • Thorsten Strufe, TU Dresden
  • Mitul Tiwari, LinkedIn
  • Przemysław Kazienko, Wroclaw Institute of Technology
  • Max Ott, NICTA, Australia
  • Mehdi Kaytoue, LIRIS – INSA de Lyon
  • Diego Saez-Trumper, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Bruno Ribeiro, Carnegie Mellon University