Accepted Demos

Set up and Removal Times

It will be held in the Padiglione Spadolini – ground floor, catering and exhibition area – on 20 May, 18.30-19.30 and 21 May, 10.00-11.00. There will be a designated position for each presenter with one table and poster panel.

Each Demo's number will be shown on the panel so that authors can easily find their own space. All presenters are required to preside at their poster panels during the session for discussion with participants.

Demo Session I Demo Session II
Date Wednesday, 20 May Thursday, 21 May
Set Up starting from 8.00 starting from 8.00
Presentation 18.30 – 19.30 10.00 – 11.00
Removal from 19.30 to 20.00 from 11.00 to 11.30

Wednesday, 20 May

Alessio Bellino. Two New Gestures to Zoom: Enhancing Online Maps Services
Liang Wang, Sotiris Tasoulis, Teemu Roos and Jussi Kangasharju Kvasir: Seamless Integration of Latent Semantic Analysis-Based Content Provision into Web Browsing
Stefano Bocconi, Alessandro Bozzon, Achilleas Psyllidis, Christiaan Titos Bolivar and Geert-Jan Houben. Social Glass: A Platform for Urban Analytics and Decision-making Through Heterogeneous Social Data
Ahmad Assaf, Aline Senart and Raphaël Troncy. Roomba - Automatic Validation, Correction and Generation of Dataset Metadata
Xiaotong Liu, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Han-Wei Shen and Yifan Hu GalaxyExplorer: Influence-Driven Visual Exploration of Context-Specific Social Media Interactions
Jaehoon Choi, Donghyeon Kim, Donghee Choi, Sangrak Lim, Seongsoon Kim, Youngjae Choi and Jaewoo Kang Smith Search: Opinion-Based Restaurant Search Engine
Zhong Zeng, Zhifeng Bao, Mong Li Lee and Tok Wang Ling. Towards An Interactive Keyword Search over Relational Databases
Zhe Chen, Michael Cafarella and Eytan Adar. DiagramFlyer: A Search Engine for Data-Driven Diagrams
Michael Krug and Martin Gaedke. SmartComposition: Enhanced Web Components for a Better Future of Web Development
Joel Scheuner, Jürgen Cito, Philipp Leitner and Harald Gall. Cloud WorkBench: Benchmarking IaaS Providers based on Infrastructure-as-Code
Xiang Li, Zhiyong Feng, Keman Huang and Shizhan Chen. Ajax API Self-adaptive Framework for End-to-end User
Julian Alarte, David Insa, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit. TeMex: The Web Template Extractor
Ziad Ismail, Danai Symeonidou and Fabian M. Suchanek. DIVINA: Discovering Vulnerabilites of Internet Accounts
Fei Wu, Zhenhui Li, Hongjian Wang and Wang-Chien Lee. SAS: A Semantic Anootation System for Mobility Data

Thursday, 21 May

Carlo Bernaschina, Ilio Catallo, Piero Fraternali, Davide Martinenghi and Marco Tagliasacchi. Champagne: a web tool for the execution of crowdsourcing campaigns
Arnab Sinha, Zhihong Shen, Yang Song, Hao Ma, Darrin Eide, Bo-June Hsu and Kuansan Wang. An Overview of Microsoft Academic Service (MAS) And Applications
Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Giseli Rabello Lopes and Chiara Renso. A serious game powered by Semantic Web technologies
Nam Khanh Tran, Andrea Ceroni, Nattiya Kanhabua and Claudia Niederée. Time-travel Translator: Automatically Contextualizing News Articles
Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Andrea G. Nuzzolese, Sergio Consoli, Valentina Presutti, Silvio Peroni and Misael Mongiovì. SHELDON: Semantic Holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data
Shobana Balakrishnan, Surajit Chaudhuri and Vivek Narasayya. AutoTag 'n Search My Photos: Leveraging the Social Graph for Photo Tagging
Arunav Mishra and Klaus Berberich. EXPOSE: EXploring Past news fOr Seminal Events
Bahar Ghadiri Bashardoost, Christina Christodoulakis, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Renee Miller and Kelly Lyons. VizCurator: a Visual Tool for Curating Open Data
Fabian Flöck and Maribel Acosta. whoVIS: Visualizing Editor Interactions and Dynamics in Collaborative Writing Over Time
Barak Pat, Yaron Kanza and Mor Naaman. Geosocial Search: Finding Places based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts
Michael Martin, Claus Stadler, Konrad Abicht and Sören Auer. CubeViz – Exploration and Visualization of Statistical Linked Data
Sarah Chasins, Shaon Barman, Rastislav Bodik and Sumit Gulwani. Browser Record and Replay as a Building Block for End-User Web Automation Tools
Mihajlo Grbovic, Nemanja Djuric, Vladan Radosavljevic, Narayan Bhamidipati, Jordan Hawker and Caleb Johnson. queryCategorizr: A Large Scale System for Categorization of Web Search Queries
Nitish Aggarwal, Kartik Asooja and Paul Buitelaar. Who are the American Vegans related to Brad Pitt? Exploring Related Entities?