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XML and Web Services


With expanding acceptance among software vendors and increasing adoption in the marketplace, XML technologies and Web services are poised to become the basis for many Web-based and database-centric applications. XML is being used to publish data from database systems to the Web by providing input to content generators for Web pages, and database systems are increasingly used to store and query XML data, often by handling queries issued over the Internet. Already moving beyond their SOAP, WSDL and UDDI origins, new specifications of Web Services have been proposed to incorporate security, transactions, orchestration and choreography, grid computing capabilities, business documents and processes, some of which are already undergoing standardization. At the same time new Web services solutions for enterprise application integration, business to business e-commerce and e-science are being deployed in production environments.

The WWW2004 XML and Web Services track is aimed at researchers, developers, architects, and users of XML and Web services who are interested in next-generation systems using these technologies. We invite them to share their experiences, results, and contributions, which may help better understand the promise and reality of XML and Web Service computing.

The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Convergence of XML and Database technology
  • Evolution and adoption of core Web services standards: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
  • Generation of XML data from legacy applications
  • Interchange and integration of XML data
  • Large scale XML data integration
  • Management of meta-data in the Internet
  • Orchestration, choreography, composition of services
  • Query processing over XML data
  • Security and privacy for XML and Web Services
  • Security, transactions, and manageability
  • Service intermediaries and routing
  • Storage, compression, indexing of XML data
  • Tools and technologies for Web services development
  • Web Service registries and discovery
  • Web services and their relationship to Grid computing
  • Web services impact on enterprise application integration
  • Web services performance issues
  • XML and Web services in B2B
  • XML query languages
  • XML server technology
  • XML-based middleware

Vice/Deputy Chairs and PC Members

Vice Chair: Dan Suciu (University of Washington)
Deputy Chair: Mark Little (Arjuna)
PC Members:

  • Sihem Amer-Yahia (AT&T Labs)
  • Graeme Dixon (IBM)
  • Zack Ives (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Bernd Kraemer (FernUniversitat&Hagen)
  • Makoto Murata (IBM Tokyo Research Lab)
  • Yossi Matias (Tel Aviv University)
  • Hamid Pirahesh (IBM Almaden)
  • Jerome Simeon (IBM Thomas Watson)
  • Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs)
  • Arnaud Sahuguet (Bell Labs)
  • S. Sudarshan (Microsoft and IIT Bombay)
  • Steve Vinoski (IONA)
  • Werner Vogels (Cornell University)
  • Masatoshi Yoshikawa (University of Nagoya)
  • Jim Webber (University of Sydney)
  • Stuart Wheater (Newcastle University)