Top  Papers  Paper Tracks  Web Engineering

Web Engineering


The World Wide Web and its associated technologies have become a major implementation and delivery platform for a large variety of applications, ranging from simple institutional information websites to sophisticated supply-chain management systems, financial applications, e-government, distance learning, and entertainment, among others. Such applications, in addition to their intrinsic functionality, also exhibit the more complex behavior of distributed applications.

Recently, there have been some advances towards re-framing the development - both design and implementation - of Web applications as a disciplined and systematic endeavor. However, the vast majority of existing applications have been developed in an ad-hoc way, leading to problems of maintainability, quality and reliability. Web applications are software artifacts, and as such can benefit by making use of established practices stemming from several related disciplines such as Software Engineering, Hypermedia, Information Systems and HCI, enabling creation, management and reuse of structures of the information space as well as enhancing the end user experience. In addition, it has its own characteristics which must be addressed, such as a varied user population, very short development turnaround times, diverse runtime environments, accessibility through multiple devices, etc.

Web Engineering addresses these issues and focuses on systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards the cost-effective development and evolution of high-quality, ubiquitously usable Web-based systems and applications.

The Web Engineering area of the Refereed Papers Track covers processes, methodologies, system design, architectures, lifecycle and management of large Web-based systems, as well as education and research issues. In addition, illustrative case studies and best practices showing successful employment of Web Engineering techniques and principles are also welcome.

The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Web application development processes and methodologies
  • Collaborative Web application development
  • Design models and methods
  • Hypertext models and their application on the Web
  • OO technology and component-based Web engineering
  • Federated and cross-organizational Web applications
  • Service-oriented Web application approaches
  • Web application frameworks and architectures
  • Peer-to-Peer approaches for Web application architectures
  • Reuse and integration
  • Systematic reuse of Web services
  • Use and integration of meta-data in Web applications
  • Web design patterns and pattern mining
  • Managing Web application design, evolution and maintenance
  • Web personalization
  • Adaptive Web applications
  • Web metrics, quality measures and evaluation
  • Web application usability
  • Testing automation, methods and tools for Web applications
  • Web application deployment
  • Performance modeling, monitoring and evaluation
  • Development teams and Web project management
  • Legal obligations
  • Case studies

Papers discussing relationships and interactions relating Web development with other disciplines are also invited.

Vice/Deputy Chairs and PC Members

Vice Chair: Geert-Jan Houben (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Deputy Chair: Piero Fraternali (Politecnico di Milano)
PC Members:

  • Kenneth M. Anderson (University of Colorado)
  • Greg Badros (University of Washington)
  • Fabio Casati (HP Labs)
  • Vassilis Christophides (FORTH)
  • Paul Dantzig (IBM Research - Hawthorne)
  • Martin Gaedke (University of Karlsruhe)
  • Jaime Gomez (Universidad de Alicante)
  • Nora Koch (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
  • David Lowe (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Ioana Manolescu (Inria Futurs)
  • Atif Memon (University of Maryland)
  • Moira C. Norrie (ETH Zurich)
  • Oscar Pastor (Valencia University of Technology)
  • Maria da Graca Pimentel (USP Sao Carlos)
  • Simos Retalis (University of Crete)
  • Gustavo Rossi (Universidad Nacional La Plata)
  • Klaus Dieter Schewe (Massey University)
  • Daniel Schwabe (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Angela Goh Eck Soong (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics)
  • Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University)
  • Bernhard Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University Kiel)
  • Takehiro Tokuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Olga De Troyer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • Jean Vanderdonckt (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
  • Fabio Vitali (University of Bologna)
  • Bebo White (SLAC)
  • Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA)