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Browsers and User Interfaces


For many, the Web browser is a stable part of everyday life.  As existing applications become Web-enabled and new applications emerge, Web browsers and user interfaces must address new requirements and challenges.  Systems that facilitate interpersonal contact---communities, social networking sites, Web logs---are increasingly mainstream.  The wide availability of large displays have created new opportunities for group interaction through the Web, ranging from shared browsing sessions in meeting rooms to ambient information sharing between distant locations.  The spread of pervasive and ubiquitous computing has resulted in new types of interactions, such as those with embedded devices and location-aware services.  Is radical change needed in Web user interfaces?  Or can familiar paradigms evolve to support the many new devices, applications and types of use?

The Browsers and User Interfaces area of WWW2005 focuses on promoting novel research directions and providing a forum where researchers, theoreticians, and practitioners can share their knowledge and opinions about problems and solutions related to accessing and interacting with data , services, and other humans over the Web. We invite original papers describing both theoretical and experimental research including (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Automated methods Web page usability testing
  • Browsers on mobile devices
  • Information visualization on the Web
  • Interfaces for social applications
  • Methods and systems for evaluating usability and user experience
  • Multi-modal interfaces and applications
  • New approaches for improving usability and user experience
  • Novel browsing paradigms
  • Research advances in browser interoperability
  • Tools and techniques for Web personalization
  • Voice interfaces
  • Web accessibility
  • Web applications and ambient/peripheral displays
  • Web-based collaboration and collaborative Web use

Vice/Deputy Chairs and PC Members

Vice Chair: Juliana Freire (University of Utah and OHSU)
Deputy Chair: Paul Aoki (PARC)
PC Members:

  • Chieko Asakawa (IBM Japan)
  • Bay-wei Chang (Google)
  • Ed H. Chi (Palo Alto Research Center (PARC))
  • Anind K. Dey (Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Susan Dumais (Microsoft Research)
  • Minoru Etoh (DoCoMo USA Labs)
  • Marti Hearst (UC Berkeley)
  • Alison Lee (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)
  • Daniel Lieuwen (Bell Labs, Lucent)
  • Michael R. Lyu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Yoelle Maarek (IBM Research Haifa)
  • Paul P. Maglio (IBM Almaden Research Center)
  • Stephen North (AT&T Research)
  • Andreas Paepcke (Stanford University)
  • David Raggett (W3C/Canon)
  • Don Turnbull (University of Texas at Austin - School of Information)
  • Terry Winograd (Stanford)
  • Allison Woodruff (Intel Research Berkeley)
  • Polle T. Zellweger (MacZell Consulting)