Top  Papers  Submission Information

Paper Submission

 Refreed Paper  Special Interest  Industrial and Practical Experience

The refereed track is now closed for submissions.
Submission site is now open for Posters.
Industrial and Practical Experience Track Papers must be sent to

Refereed Paper Tracks

Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), will be contained on the Conference CD, and will also be accessible to the general public via . Authors are required to transfer copyright. Authors of accepted papers must sign and return a copyright release form. The official language of the conference is English.

The following style files must be used for submissions:

These are modified versions of the ACM proceedings style files. More information on the style files can be found at:

Notes for LaTeX users:

We encourage authors to submit concise papers with up to 8 pages; however, papers with up to 10 pages may be submitted. Over-length or incorrectly formatted submissions may be rejected without reviews.

Authors must also include a short 30-word statement with their submission which emphasizes the contribution of their paper. The statement will be seen by reviewers. For accepted papers, the final statement will appear in the Table of Contents of the conference proceedings and will be edited for clarity and accuracy by the program committee.

Inquiries can be sent to

Copyright Information

Authors must assign to the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) the copyright of the accepted papers for the full period of copyright and all renewals, extensions, revisions and revivals together with all accrued rights of action throughout the world in any form, including as part of IW3C2 and the Conference Web site, on CD-ROM and in translation, or on videocassette, broadcast, cablecast, laserdisc, multimedia or any other media format now or hereafter known.

Authors also need to accept that IW3C2 will allow the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to distribute or sell the papers as part of WWW2005 Refereed Paper Track Proceedings in print and in the ACM Digital Library.

Authors retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent and trademark rights, as well as the rights to publish the work on authors' personal or corporate Web site.

For details, please refer the copyright release form all authors need to sign.

 Refreed Paper  Special Interest  Industrial and Practical Experience

Special Interest Tracks

Special Interest tracks include short peer-reviewed papers. Accepted papers in the Special Interest Tracks will appear in a separate printed proceedings to the main refereed track proceedings. All accepted papers will be contained on the Conference CD, and will also be accessible to the general public via Authors are required to transfer copyright. Authors of accepted papers must sign and return a copyright release form. The official language of the conference is English.

The following style files must be used for submissions:

These are modified versions of the ACM proceedings style files. More information on the style files can be found at:

Notes for LaTeX users:

We encourage authors to submit concise papers with up to 8 pages; however, papers with up to 10 pages may be submitted. Over-length or incorrectly formatted submissions may be rejected without reviews.

Authors must also include a short 30-word statement with their submission which emphasizes the contribution of their paper. The statement will be seen by reviewers. For accepted papers, the final statement will appear in the Table of Contents of the conference proceedings and will be edited for clarity and accuracy by the program committee.

Inquiries can be sent to

Copyright Information

Authors must assign to the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) the copyright of the accepted papers for the full period of copyright and all renewals, extensions, revisions and revivals together with all accrued rights of action throughout the world in any form, including as part of IW3C2 and the Conference Web site, on CD-ROM and in translation, or on videocassette, broadcast, cablecast, laserdisc, multimedia or any other media format now or hereafter known.

Authors also need to accept that IW3C2 will allow the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to distribute or sell the papers as part of WWW2005 Special Interest Track Proceedings in print and in the ACM Digital Library.

Authors retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent and trademark rights, as well as the rights to publish the work on authors' personal or corporate Web site.

For details, please refer the copyright release form all authors need to sign.

 Refreed Paper  Special Interest  Industrial and Practical Experience

Industrial and Practical Experience Track

Industrial and Practical Experience track includes peer-reviewed papers. Accepted papers in the Industrial and Practical Experience track will appear in a separate printed proceedings to the main refereed track proceedings. All accepted papers will be contained on the Conference CD, and will also be accessible to the general public via Authors are required to transfer copyright. Authors of accepted papers must sign and return a copyright release form. The official language of the conference is English.

The following style files must be used for submissions:

These are modified versions of the ACM proceedings style files. More information on the style files can be found at:

Notes for LaTeX users:

We encourage authors to submit concise papers with up to 8 pages; however, papers with up to 10 pages may be submitted. Over-length or incorrectly formatted submissions may be rejected without reviews.

Authors must also include an abstract with their submission which emphasizes the contribution of their paper. The statement will be seen by reviewers. For accepted papers, the final statement will appear in the Table of Contents of the conference proceedings and will be edited for clarity and accuracy by the program committee.

Submission must be sent by e-mail to You mush specify the followings:

  • Paper title
  • Name, affiliation, and email of all authors
  • Keywords (max 5)
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words)

Copyright Information

Authors must assign to the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) the copyright of the accepted papers for the full period of copyright and all renewals, extensions, revisions and revivals together with all accrued rights of action throughout the world in any form, including as part of IW3C2 and the Conference Web site, on CD-ROM and in translation, or on videocassette, broadcast, cablecast, laserdisc, multimedia or any other media format now or hereafter known.

Authors also need to accept that IW3C2 will allow the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to distribute or sell the papers as part of WWW2005 Special Interest Track Proceedings in print and in the ACM Digital Library.

Authors retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent and trademark rights, as well as the rights to publish the work on authors' personal or corporate Web site.

For details, please refer the copyright release form all authors need to sign.