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The World Wide Web has caused a revolution in the way we teach and learn. The technology enables us to provide interactive learning material in new ways, to support learning collaboration and learning communities, to provide personalized learning experience, and to incorporate diverse re-usable learning objects into the local learning experience. In the context of Semantic Web and ontologies we find new technologies to facilitate more intelligent access and management of the Web information and semantically richer modeling of the applications and their users. Furthermore, this all provides the possibility to create new learning designs to make learning more flexible, adaptable, attractive, and accessible to learners.

To make these and other experiences possible, many educational and training projects not only bring new learning materials or designs to the Web but also contribute to numerous Web-related methodologies or technologies. The WWW2005 Education Track is aimed at researchers who wish to share innovative experiences and research results that are (at least partially) domain independent and can thus benefit other teachers and learners who wish to get more out of the Web.

The Education track is now an official refereed track of the WWW Conference. The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Agents in Web-based teaching and learning
  • Architectures for web-based education delivery environments
  • Authoring of Web-based learning material and environments
  • Business models for the exchange of learning objects
  • Case studies in the implementation and use of educational applications in a Web-based environment
  • Collaboration and communities in web-based educational environments
  • Data protection and privacy in Web-based education and training
  • Distributed and P2P-based learning repositories
  • Empirical studies of web-based educational systems
  • Identification, reuse and granularity issues of learning objects
  • Integrating (Web-based) multimedia in educational applications
  • Integration of web-based learning with enterprise systems
  • Intellectual property issues arising from the use of learning objects
  • IR and text classification methods in open learning environments
  • Learning technology specifications & standards for interoperability
  • (On-line) adaptation to a learner's knowledge, goals, interests, or learning style
  • Semantic Web and ontologies in Web-based educational systems
  • Social, cultural and multilingual issues in Web-based learning
  • Student modeling in open learning environments
  • Web educational portals and learning management systems
  • Web log mining applied to student performance data
  • Web standards as a basis for educational metadata specification languages

Vice/Deputy Chairs and PC Members

Vice Chair: Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University)
Deputy Chair: Lora Aroyo (Eindhoven University of Technology)
PC Members:

  • Jacqueline Bourdeau (LICEF)
  • Peter Brusilovsky (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Tak-Wai Chan (National Central University)
  • Ricardo Conejo (University of Malaga)
  • Paul De Bra (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Darina Dicheva (Winston-Salem State University)
  • Vania Dimitrova (Univeristy of Leeds)
  • Erik Duval (University of Leuven)
  • Jim Greer (University of Saskatchewan)
  • Ulrich Hoppe (University of Duisburg)
  • Mitsuru Ikeda (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Akihiro Kashihara (The University of Electro-Communications)
  • Judy Kay (University of Sydney)
  • Alfred Kobsa (University of California at Irvine)
  • Chee Kit Looi (National University of Singapore)
  • Tanja Mitrovic (University of Canterbury)
  • Ambjorn Naeve (Royal Institute of Technology)
  • Wolfgang Nejdl (L3S and University of Hannover)
  • Hiroaki Ogata (Tokushima University)
  • Felisa Verdejo (UNED)