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Impact of the Web on Education and Science

Top-notch leaders and experts will debate the new wave of web capability and its impact on the global issues on the third day of WWW2006, Thursday 25th May. They will examine techniques such as web services and grid based computing and their potential to address universal dilemmas in education and science.


TH Tony Hey, Microsoft's Corporate VP for Technical Computing, will deliver the day's keynote address. He will tackle some of the alternate approaches to providing global computing capabilities and weighs up the pluses and minuses of these methods.

Speaker session - Education

Delegates will hear speeches on how the Internet is revolutionising people's learning and its potential to address universal dilemmas in teaching and learning.

TP RM is the leading provider of ICT software, services and infrastructure to UK schools, colleges and universities. Their CEO Tim Pearson will explore the changing face of education and the role of web-based learning in schools, higher education, the home and the workplace.

GT Gordon Thomson is the director of Scotland & Ireland for Cisco Systems, the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. He is passionate about showing companies how technology can win them competitive advantage and boost business productivity. In Thursday's speaker session he will show how the Internet can be used to drive education forward.

Speaker session - Science

Increasingly, today's complex scientific problems are being addressed through collaborative enterprise enabled by the web. Strategies such as grid based computing promise the potential to unleash the power of the machines and information across the world.

Professor Malcolm Atkinson, UK e-science envoy, will address the need to encourage computer scientists to tackle the research challenges posed by e-science and show how such enormous computing power for massive calculations, large databases, and collaborative work on a global scale can boost scientific research.

Mark Linesh is chair of the Global Grid Forum and as vice president for Hewlett Packard's adaptive enterprise programme, has worked extensively on grid and next generation distributed computing architectures and solutions.

GK Gary Kendall, founder of CD02, has developed financial technology that allows users to harness the power of grid computing to price and risk manage.

Paper tracks

Thursday's refereed paper tracks will cover web-based systems for distance learning, e-learning online communities, e-assessment systems, web services and web applications in life sciences.


Various ticketing options are available, including a One Day ticket should you wish to attend just this theme day. For more information, please see How To Register.

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