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Platinum Sponsors

Infosys Logo
Yahoo Logo

Sponsor of The CIO Dinner

Siemens Logo

Gold Sponsors


VeriSign Inc (NASDAQ: VRSN) operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable people and businesses to find, connect, secure, and execute transactions across today's complex, global networks. Every day, we enable over 14 billion Internet interactions, 3 billion telephone interactions, and $100M of e-commerce. We also provide the services that help over 3,000 businesses and 400,000 Web sites to operate securely, reliably, and efficiently. As next-generation networks emerge, VeriSign is there, deploying the intelligent infrastructures necessary for everything from RFID supply chains to VoIP to mobile content. Whether you're a carrier looking for rapid deployment of new services, a Fortune 500 company needing comprehensive, proactive security services, or an e-commerce leader wanting to process payments securely and reduce fraud, we can help. We're VeriSign. Where it all comes together.™

VeriSign Managed Security Services: As companies continue to enlist the Internet to expedite business processes, the incurred security risk grows in accordance. Today, many organisations provide network access to partners, suppliers, customers and mobile employees, which fosters opportunities for people with ill intent. Although these organisations may have established strong perimeter security, it is only a first line of defence. For an organisation to effectively safeguard critical information, it takes more than integrating the latest security hardware and software. A complete security program that includes around-the-clock management and monitoring, real-time security intelligence, global infrastructure as well as a staff of 24x7 security experts are key elements to keeping pace with today's increasingly complex network security threats.

VeriSign Unified Authentication provides a single, integrated platform for provisioning and managing all types of two-factor authentication credentials. The solution allows organisations to access their networks and applications through Windows® logon, remote and wi-fi access. Strong, two-factor authentication provides a higher level of security than solutions based on static passwords alone. It helps prevent identity theft; allows organisation to open their networks to partners, suppliers, and customers; and protects user devices and Web services.

Silver Sponsors

Ask Jeeves

One of the top search engines on the Web, Ask.com combines world-class search technology with one-of-a-kind search tools to help searches get what they are looking for faster. Ask.com's ExpertRank ranking algorithm gives relevant search results by identifying the most authoritative sites on the Web: With ExpertRank, it's not just about which sites are the biggest: it's about which ones are the best. Ask.com sites include Ask.com US (Ask.com), Ask Deutschland (de.Ask.com) Ask España (es.Ask.com), Ask Japan (Ask.jp) and Ask UK (uk.Ask.com).

Ask.com syndicates its search technology and advertising units to a network of affiliate partners. Ask.com is a web property of IAC Search & Media, one of the top ten Web properties in the world. IAC Search & Media delivers world-class information retrieval products through a diverse portfolio of Web sites, portals and downloadable applications.

IAC Search and Media's search and search-based portal brands include Ask.com, AskforKids.com, Bloglines.com, Evite.com, Excite.com, FunWebProducts.com, IWon.com, and MyWay.com. IAC Search & Media is a wholly-owned business of IAC/InterActiveCorp (NASDAQ: IACI). Its headquarters are located in Oakland, California, with offices throughout the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia.

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Finnegan Henderson is dedicated to protecting the ideas and innovations that drive businesses around the world. With 300 lawyers, eight offices, and four decades of experience specializing in intellectual property law, we offer full-service IP coverage in virtually every technology and product category.

Our practice includes all aspects of patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret law, including counseling, prosecution, licensing, and litigation. We also represent clients on IP issues related to international trade, portfolio management, the Internet, e-commerce, government contracts, antitrust, and unfair competition.

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Finnegan Henderson has offices in research and technology centers such as Atlanta, Georgia; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Palo Alto, California; and Reston, Virginia. And as more markets emerge on every continent and as the protection of IP grows increasingly complex, we have expanded our global presence through our Brussels, Taipei, and Tokyo offices and our network of international affiliates.


Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the way people connect with information. Google's innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet destination and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. Google maintains the world's largest online index of websites and other content, and Google makes this information freely available to anyone with an Internet connection. Google's automated search technology helps people obtain nearly instant access to relevant information from it vast online index.

European Patent Office

The European Patent Office is an international authority set up on the basis of the European Patent Convention (EPC). Its task is to grant European patents for inventions on the basis of a centralised procedure. By filing a single patent application in one of the three official languages (English, French or German), it is possible to obtain patent protection in some or all of the EPC contracting states.


Vodafone Group Plc provides an extensive range of mobile telecommunications services, including voice and data communications. Vodafone is the world's largest mobile telecommunications community with over 171 million proportionate customers worldwide and a presence in 54 countries, across five continents, through the Company's subsidiaries, alliances and Partner Networks.

Vodafone broke new ground in mobile browsing in 2002 with the launch of its award-winning Vodafone live! mobile portal across its operating units. Vodafone Group Technology, through its Industry Initiatives and Standardization function, has been working in a number of areas to improve browsing capabilities on the mobile platform, most notably as a founder-sponsor of the W3C's Mobile Web Initiative, and also through work in other W3C and OMA working groups.

Micro Focus

Micro Focus is a leading provider of legacy development and deployment software for enterprise platforms. Micro Focus enables organizations to reduce costs and increase agility with minimal risk by reusing their legacy applications with contemporary architectures and Web services. Founded in 1976, Micro Focus is a global company with principal offices in the United Kingdom, United States and Japan.

France Telecom

France Telecom, one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, serves 130 million clients on five continents (220 countries or territories) as of September 30, 2005 and had consolidated sales of 47.16 billion Euros in 2004 by French accounting standards (46.16 billion Euros by IFRS standards). For the 3rd quarter 2005, consolidated sales were 12.26 billion Euros by IFRS standards. Introduced in June 2005, the transformative NExT program (New Experience in Telecommunications) will permit the Group to pursue its transformation as an integrated operator and to establish it as the operator of reference for new telecommunications services in Europe. By 2008, its customers will have access to a universe of enhanced and simplified communications services notably through the Orange brand. Number two mobile operator and provider of internet services in Europe and amongst the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multi-national companies, France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on the Paris and New York stock exchanges.


JISC supports UK further & higher education and research by providing leadership in the use of Information and Communications Technology in support of learning, teaching, research and administration. JISC receives funding from all the UK post 16 and higher education funding councils.

JISC's work is carried out through the funding of innovative development programmes, which are carried out by members of the community through action research. In order to support institutions in using Information and Communications Technology to its best advantage, JISC funds three types of service:

  • Advisory services to help institutions select the best approach or product where choice and independent advice tailored to the community is important.
  • Production services, where a standard infrastructure is required or clear economies of scale can be maximised through the provision of national services.
  • Development services to test the validity of novel approaches and applications, especially where this avoids costly repetition.

Bronze Sponsors

Amazon Development Centre

Segala is a Global independent certification authority for Web accessibility and mobile content, providing a trustmark that demonstrates compliance with industry guidelines and standards.

Segala is the first company worldwide to provide governed 'self-regulated' certification programmes for web and mobile content.

Segala's trustmark is embedded with a semantic content label that enables search engines, browsers and other tools, to make direct use of metadata, thereby enabling personalised search for Web sites and mobile content that's known to be trusted.

Quatro, a major part of the EU Safer Internet Programme, is using Segala's governed 'self-certify' model as its primary case study to help internet users find what they want, trust what they find and avoid material that, for whatever reason, they choose not to see.

Segala is the first testing and conformance specialists worldwide to become an Associate Member of the GSM Association. It is a Member of W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and is a founding sponsor of the W3C Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) - holding a seat on the Steering Council.

Sopra Newell & Budge
Dotmobi Logo

mobile Top Level Domain Ltd (mTLD) is the global registry for the .mobi (dotMobi) top level domain. Appointed by ICANN, mTLD is backed by leading mobile operators, network device manufacturers, and Internet content providers.

Our investors include Ericsson, Google, GSM Association, Hutchison, Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefónica Móviles, TIM and Vodafone. mTLD is a sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative.

Worldwide, there are more digital mobile phones than televisions and PCs combined. DotMobi is the first top level domain dedicated to delivering the Internet to mobile devices. Launching in May 2006, dotMobi will revolutionise the use of the Internet on mobile devices.

DotMobi provides the critical link between the mobile operator, Internet services and the users to make their mobile devices the Internet and communication tool of choice.

DotMobi. Internet Made Mobile.

Drutt Logo

Drutt Corporation is the world's leading Mobile Service Delivery Platform (MSDP) provider to mobile operators. Drutt MSDP products help operators mobilize and charge for any content to any device, over any mobile network and delivery channel. Drutt is a global software company - with offices in Sweden, UK, USA and China - growing and profitable. Drutt products are commercially deployed in more than 50 operators in 30 countries, managing millions of transactions and available to hundreds of millions end users every day.

For more details about Drutt Corporation, please visit: http://www.drutt.com

Media Sponsors

Computer Weekly Logo
Builder UK

Additional Exhibitors

Envisional logo
Taylor & Francis
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Net Resources Logo
Bima logo
TopQuadrant logo
Bunnyfoot logo
IBM India Research Lab logo
John Wiley & Sons logo

Supporting Organisations

Kendra Initiatives

Kendra Initiative is a media and technology, academic and industry alliance of over 500 participants in 40 plus countries. It has been established to develop and promote an open marketplace for digital media (films, music, images, games, text, etc) and is currently building and trialing models. Its goals are:

  • To simplify and streamline buying and selling digital content by driving industry adoption of open protocols.
  • To enable interoperability between service providers, media applications and devices - every link in the content value chain.
  • To build a system where consumers can use any device or application to browse, search and purchase from the globally distributed collection of content catalogues.
  • To create a more pleasurable buying experience for consumers and increase reach and revenue for content owners.

IBM Research
IOS Press
Scotlandis Logo
National E-Science Centre Logo
The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences Logo
Advanced Knowledge Technologies Logo
Knowledge Web Logo


Sponsoring WWW2006 is a fantastic opportunity to put your company at the forefront of this continually evolving and world-wide community of researchers, developers and business leaders who drive the World Wide Web forward.

WWW2006 will be a key conference in shaping and developing its potential for new areas of communication, industry, commerce and public administration. It is an excellent platform to generate sales leads and exposure for your company, your products, technology and services. Sponsorship will give you the opportunity to reach a global audience, network and meet with key players in the World Wide Web, and play an integral part in the world's most important forum on it's future development.


WWW2006 will be heavily marketed online, through key international business and IT press, associations, business organisations, direct mail, email marketing and advertising. The six month marketing and media (PR campaign) will generate extensive exposure to a global target audience of over 200k for the event.

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