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The role of the workshop track in WWW2006 is to further research, development and professional practice in new and emerging fields of Web activity, providing a more focused and in-depth environment than is possible in a traditional conference session. The goal for a workshop is to bring designers, developers, information architects, practitioners and researchers together to exchange ideas and experiences, establishing common ground in research areas or practical problems and resulting in new contacts, new opportunities for collaboration and new directions for future activity.

Monday 22nd MayTuesday 23rd May

BCSWomen and Women@CL Career Development Workshop 2006
The goal of this workshop is to bring together professional women in Computing from research students and academic researchers, to women working in commerce, public organisations and industry to celebrate their success and to enhance and develop their careers. There will be a 'Famous WWWomen' session where well known WWW Women recount their careers and give expert advice. There will also be a poster session for PhD research students with a prize for the best poster. The workshop will be followed in the evening with a reception/party organised jointly with Kendra: http://www.kendra.org.uk/ including a Ceilidh. This is a satellite meeting. Registration is handled on the external workshop information page.

JISC Digital Repositories and the Information Environment meeting
Digital repositories, working within an integrated information environment, offer the potential to underpin a step-change in education and research. Repositories enable universities and colleges to share and manage their intellectual outputs, making existing work easier, more effective and efficient, and supporting innovative teaching, learning and research practice. This workshop will present the work JISC is funding to make this happen, and offer an opportunity for those working within universities to discuss how they might best exploit this work in their own context. The aim of the workshop is deepen the shared understanding within the higher education community about the role of repositories. The target audience is researchers, teachers, managers and administrators who have an interest in sharing or managing the intellectual output of universities. This is a satellite meeting. Registration is handled on the external workshop information page.

3rd W4A International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility
Is designing for accessibility and small screened devices really the same thing requiring the same solutions and can we work together to solve these problems? What can the Mobile Web learn from the Accessible Web and what resources created to support the Accessible Web can be used by designers in their support of the Mobile Web? This workshop is particularly relevant to the MobEA IV Mobile Web workshop on Tuesday 23rd.

Separate registrations are being collected for a practical Accessibility session on Tuesday afternoon. For more details see the workshop web site.

2nd Workshop on Innovations in Web Infrastructure (IWI2)
Underlying the infrastructure of the web is a communications infrastructure, which is responsible for implementing much of the structure and functionality of the document repository. Recently, there has been increasing interest in innovative network topologies and communication paradigms, such as peer-to-peer networks, content-based networking, and publish/subscribe which produce decentralization of control, decoupling of producers and consumers of information and asynchronous as well as synchronous information delivery. Yet there is little focus on how this research can benefit the web.

The 3rd IIWeb Interdisciplinary Workshop for Information Integration on the Web
in recent years, the Web has been rapidly deepened with the prevalence of databases and enriched with structured (or semi-structured) data online. While there are Web sources relevant to virtually any user's query, the morass of sources presents a formidable hurdle to effectively finding such sources, querying them, and aggregating across sources. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers in a variety of areas that are all related to the larger problem of information integration on the Web. We aim to promote the awareness of large scale integration on the Web, discuss research directions and agenda, share experience and insights, and build a joint community across disciplines for data and application benchmarks.

Reasoning on the Web (RoW06)
This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners concerned with reasoning technology for the Semantic Web, in order to stimulate the exchange of ideas and results on Web reasoning.

Evaluating Ontologies for the Web (EON2006)
The aim of this workshop is to ground Ontology Evaluation firmly on the needs of the Semantic Web, especially regarding its web-like characteristics like high interconnectivity, constant change and incompleteness. The workshop will encourage and stimulate discussion about the current state of the art in Ontology Evaluation and its future direction.

Collaborative Web Tagging
Collaborative tagging seems to address a real need on the Web as demonstrated by the growing popularity of tagging and annotation sites (see del.icio.us, flickr, technorati, RawSugar, Shadows, etc.). The most popular sites already have a combined user base of several millions. The philosophy of what is called Web 2.0, the social Web or also the two-way Web is that users can and should be content creators as well as consumers and it suggests that there is a great deal of untapped potential for tagging to improve how web content is organized, navigated and experienced. Yet it is not yet clear how it will evolve and how it will scale, when, if at all, its usage base will go beyond early adopters. The goal of this workshop is to bring researchers and practitioners together in order to explore both the social and technical issues and challenges involved in Web tagging. We plan to address not only the current state of collaborative tagging, and understand its attractiveness to early adopters but also discuss its future.

Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM)
The multimedia community has a long tradition in annotating multimedia assets, a tradition that predates the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web community, on the other hand, has more experience in developing generic languages and tools based on an explicit and formally defined semantics. This workshop invites contributions on all topics related to annotating multimedia assets using Semantic Web languages and tools.

Models of Trust for the Web (MTW)
As it gets easier to add information to the web via html pages, wikis, blogs, and other documents, it gets tougher to distinguish accurate information from inaccurate or untrustworthy information. Apart from inaccurate or outdated information, we also need to anticipate Semantic Web Spam (SWAM) -- where spammers publish false facts and scams to deliberately mislead users. This workshop will bring together researchers and experts from different communities (e.g., Information Systems, Database, Semantic Web, Web Services) interested in topics like trust, provenance, privacy, security, reputation and spam, in order to address current challenges of their application to distributed environments like the Web.

Identity, Reference, and the Web
How should the nature of the intended referent or a URI be known in an interoperable and preferably automatic manner? This workshop will explore the nature of identification and reference on the Web, building on current work in Web Architecture, the Semantic Web and informal community-based tagging (folksonomy), as well as current practice in XML and theory in philosophy and linguistics. This workshop should bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of backgrounds in order to discuss and clarify these issues.

IPTV services over World Wide Web
IPTV services over WWW face many technology challenges and scalability/quality problems. In the past few years, many new technologies have been proposed (e.g. P2P, caching, QoS, multi-layer encoding, etc.) and implemented to address the challenges. This workshop intends to bring together researchers and developers from industry and academy to discuss the technological advances and challenges in providing IPTV services over WWW.

MobEA IV - Empowering the Mobile Web
We are in the midst of a mobile revolution. Services have to be adapted to the users wants and needs. To do this, we need to go beyond technology, and understand the human-centric aspects of mobile computing. This workshop is particularly relevant to the Web Accessibility workshop on Monday 22nd.

Internet Crime
This workshop has been rescheduled as a "Security" session in the developer track. For more information, please contact the workshop chairs. Internet crime is no longer just a bunch of teenage script kiddies looking for kicks. Internet crime has turned professional and it is money that the criminals want. This workshop will provide a forum for exchange of information on Internet crime and ways to stop it. The workshop will include presentations by invited speakers, panel discussions and round table discussion on the three key questions of Internet crime: The crimes themselves, the techniques used to perpetrate them and most importantly how to reduce or stop them.

The E-Government: Barriers and Opportunities
The Web is changing the way that government activities are organized in order to serve the citizens better. The trendy term "e-government" should go beyond providing official information and various application forms on websites; it should describe how governments deliver better and more efficient services through computer technologies. Barriers to e-government applications are often a combination of both policy and technology issues. Opportunities are when policy makers and technologists work together to develop a holistic understanding so that major progress can be made.

Open Source Software - A Collaboration Platform for Web Applications
This workshop on the role of Open Source Development in Web-based applications, will provide a forum for investigating the close interaction between Open Source methodologies, tools, and platforms and the construction of modern Web applications and services. Open source concepts, methods and projects reinforce interoperability and open standards in the practical implementation of all future Web protocols, data formats, and applications. The workshop will cover architectural and methodological relationships as well as the best-practice tools and applications that are positioned to shape the future of Web application development.

IntraWebs 2006
Being on a private network of the company, intrawebs can include a whole family of applications that are not made available on the public web. Within a company the existence of communities and their shared professional interests makes the intraweb a selected place to develop and experiment new web-based solutions. The microcosm of intrawebs has also been used as labs and seeds for new web applications that then spread on the open web. The goal of this workshop is to bring designers, researchers and practitioners together and exchange ideas and experiences concerning intrawebs.

Third Annual Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynaics
The weblogging community continues to evolve: weblogs are gaining more and more exposure, the number of bloggers continues to grow and the contribution of individual bloggers is becoming significant and compelling. The dynamics of the blogosphere, found in trackbacks, citation links, blog-rolls, comments, tags, shared topics and interests provides a facinating domain of study for researchers from all academic and commercial fields including text mining, social network analysis, computational linguistics, business and marketing intelligence, libarary sciences, taxonometrics, graph theory and data visualization. In addition to a regular track of research presentations, this year's workshop features a weblog data collection release. Researchers are encouraged to use this data set in the presentation of their research results at the workshop.

Logging Traces of Web Activity: The Mechanics of Data Collection
Many WWW researchers require logs of user behaviour on the Web. Researchers study the interactions of web users, both with respect to general behaviour and in order to develop and evaluate new tools and techniques. Traces of web activity are used for a wide variety of research and commercial purposes including user interface usability and evaluations of user behaviour and patterns on the web. Currently, there is a lack of available logging tools to assist researchers with data collection and it can be difficult to choose an appropriate technique. This one day workshop will examine the trade-offs and challenges inherent to the different logging approaches and provide workshop attendees the opportunity to discuss both previous data collection experiences and upcoming challenges.

Tutorials & Workshops Chairs

  • Robin Chen (AT&T Labs, USA)
  • Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Irwin King (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)

Tutorials & Workshops Committee Members

  • Bernardo Cuenca Grau, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
  • Hsiao-Wuen Hon, Microsoft Research, China
  • Yunhao Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
  • Jeff Z. Pan, University of Manchester, UK
  • Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA

Additional questions about the WWW2006 Workshops can be emailed to www2006-workshops@www2006.org.

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