on back w3c Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

Economics of Web Based Business (Contd.)

Prof. Diwan's Question:

"New technologies are always seductive. Their very newness is attractive. They respond to some perceived needs of the rich and beautiful. This lends respectability to the technology so that it spreads. As it spreads, it substitutes activities performed by the old technologies and in old fashioned way. In the beginning these technologies seem to have all the best properties. Web technology is in this state today. Its promise is unlimited. One can make claims about its positive impacts; such as that it will lead to perfect markets. However, reality is different. As the technology spreads, congestion itself changes its character. Those who benefit from it have their own interests and want to direct it towards a path where their gain will continue. This distorts the promise of technology so that instead of moving towards perfect markets it may be subverted towards monopolies. This has been the experience of most technologies. Can Web be different?"

Our Response:

Don't Know

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Conference Presentation (Somendra Pant)