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Refereed Track: XML & Web Services

XML technologies and Web services are poised to become the basis for many Web-based and database-centric applications. XML is being used to publish data from database systems to the Web by providing input to content generators for Web pages, and database systems are increasingly used to store and query XML data, often by handling queries issued over the Internet. Already moving beyond their SOAP, WSDL and UDDI origins, new specifications of Web Services have been proposed to incorporate security, transactions, orchestration and choreography, grid computing capabilities, business documents and processes, some of which are already undergoing standardization. At the same time new Web services solutions for enterprise application integration, business to business e-commerce and e-science are being deployed in production environments.

The WWW2006 XML and Web Services track is aimed at researchers, developers, architects, and users of XML and Web services who are interested in next-generation systems using these technologies. We invite them to share their experiences, results, and contributions, which may help better understand the promise and reality of XML and Web Service computing.

The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Convergence of XML and Database technology
  • Large scale XML data integration
  • Management of meta-data in the Internet
  • Orchestration, choreography, composition of services
  • Query processing over XML data and fault-tolerance
  • Security and privacy
  • Middleware for Web services
  • Service intermediaries and routing
  • Storage, compression, indexing of XML data
  • Tools and technologies for Web services development
  • Web services impact on enterprise application integration
  • Web services performance issues

Accepted Papers

Monika Solanki
Antonio Cau
Hussein Zedan
Margaret G. Kostoulas
Morris Matsa
Noah Mendelsohn
Eric Perkins
Abraham Heifets
Martha Mercaldi
Nominated for Best Paper Award
Nicole Oldham
Kunal Verma
Amit Sheth
Farshad Hakimpour
Nominated for Best Student Paper Award
Raman Kazhamiakin
Marco Pistore
Luca Santuari
Jorge Salas
Francisco Pérez-Sorrosal
Marta Patiño-Martínez
Ricardo Jiménez-Peris
Harry Halpin
Henry S. Thompson
Massimo Mecella
Mourad Ouzzani
Federica Paci
Elisa Bertino
Shuohao Zhang
Curtis Dyreson
Nominated for Best Student Paper Award


PC Members

  • Mark Baker (Coactus)
  • Boualem Benatallah (University of New South Wales)
  • Doug Bunting (Sun)
  • David Chadwick (Kent University)
  • Sanjay Chaudhary (DA-IICT)
  • Graeme Dixon (IBM Research)
  • Michi Henning (ZeroC)
  • Roger King (Colorado University)
  • Dean Kuo (University of Manchester)
  • Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart)
  • Eric Newcomer (IONA Technologies)
  • Mark Nottingham (BEA Systems)
  • Savas Parastatidis (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
  • Cesare Pautasso (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
  • Greg Pavlik (Oracle Corporation)
  • Hamid Pirahesh (IBM Research)
  • Steve Ross-Talbot (Pi4Tech)
  • Amit Sheth (University of Georgia)
  • Jorgen Thelin (Microsoft)
  • William Vambenepe (Hewlett-Packard)
  • Steve Vinoski (IONA Technologies)
  • Jim Webber (ThoughtWorks)
  • Stuart Wheater (Arjuna Technologies)
  • Michael Zaremba (Digital Enterprise Research Institute)

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