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Refereed Track: Search

The Web consists of billions of pages containing insights and information regarding all endeavors of humankind. This information is heterogeneous in language, style, focus, content, linking behavior, purpose, and format. Search engines are great tools to help users explore and access this complex and unstructured information on the Web, and they continue to improve their quality through substantive breakthroughs both within the keyword search paradigm and beyond it. The Search track welcomes contributions related to any area of web search, including the following:

  • Citation analysis
  • Distributed and peer-to-peer search
  • Domain-specific search
  • Indexing
  • Link-based search techniques
  • Metasearch
  • Natural language interfaces to search
  • Personalized search
  • Blog and online-community search
  • Multimedia search
  • Query processing
  • Ranking
  • Search engine design and architecture
  • Search interfaces
  • Search query modeling
  • Search-based characterization of the web
  • Summarization

Accepted Papers

Reiner Kraft
Chi Chao Chang
Farzin Maghoul
Ravi Kumar
Jian-Tao Sun
Xuanhui Wang
Dou Shen
Hua-Jun Zeng
Zheng Chen
Tamás Sarlsó
András A. Benczúr
Károly Csalogány
Dániel Fogaras
Balázs Rácz
Ziv Bar-Yossef
Maxim Gurevich
Winner of Best Paper Award
Alexandros Ntoulas
Marc Najork
Mark Manasse
Dennis Fetterly
Beverly Yang
Glen Jeh
Mehran Sahami
Timothy D. Heilman
André Luiz da Costa Carvalho
Paul - Alexandru Chirita
Edleno Silva de Moura
Pável Calado
Wolfgang Nejdl
Soumen Chakrabarti
Kriti Puniyani
Sujatha Das
Reid Andersen
Kevin J. Lang
Rosie Jones
Benjamin Rey
Omid Madani
Wiley Greiner
Matthew Richardson
Amit Prakash
Eric Brill
Baoning Wu
Vinay Goel
Brian D. Davison


PC Members

  • Andrei Broder (IBM Watson)
  • Andrew Tomkins (Yahoo Research)
  • Anna Karlin (University of Washington)
  • Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Brian Davison (Lehigh)
  • C. Lee Giles (Penn state university)
  • Christopher Olston (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Eric Brill (Microsoft Research)
  • Gary Flake (MSN)
  • Gerhard Weikum (Saarbruecken)
  • Justin Zobel (RMIT)
  • Kevin Chang (UIUC)
  • Marti Hearst (Berkeley)
  • Masaru Kitsuregawa (University of Tokyo)
  • Monika Henzinger (Google)
  • Narayanan Shivakumar (Google)
  • Nick Craswell (Microsoft Cambridge)
  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates (University of de Chile)
  • Ron Fagin (IBM Almaden)
  • Sebastiano Vigna (University of Milano)
  • Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Bombay)
  • Susan Dumais (Microsoft)
  • Sridhar Rajagopalan (IBM Almaden)
  • Thorsten Joachims (Cornell)
  • Ziv Bar-Yossef (Technion)
  • Frank McSherry (Microsoft)
  • Panagiotis Ipeirotis (New York University)
  • S. Ravi Kumar (IBM Almaden)
  • Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Reserach Asia)

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